Disney Has Lost $50 Billion So Far


And they would've paid the exact same price had DeSantis not make it appear as though he'll target any company that disagrees with him.

A friend of mine owns a large entertainment company in Nashville, and has been investigating opening an office in Florida. I spoke to him last night and, with his tongue only partially buried in his cheek, he asked "What if I say something your Governor doesn't like?"

And, given how DeSantis has handled the whole Disney affair, that's a very valid question. Here's a successful businessman, who's considering bringing some of that successful business to Florida, and he feels he has to be concerned about how far-reaching the Governor's fist will be if he or his company takes a stance on an issue which is different than the Governor's.

That's not exactly the kind of impression a Governor, who wants to say that his state his business-friendly, should be giving...
Remember that DeathSantis did the same to the cruise industry. This is a pattern.
And how dare a rich white man own a huge social media company!
He's not punishing them; he's taking away a sweetheart deal Walt negotiated with the Florida and County governments to bring in tourism dollars.

Tourism is the largest industry in the state of Florida. If that sweetheart deal helps to bring in tourism dollars, it stands to reason that the influx of tourism dollars will suffer if that sweetheart deal goes away.

Disney World's Orlando theme parks bring in, rough, $19.7 million a day. That's not all going into Disney's pockets, though. Much of it goes to pay the 77,000 people employed by Disney in the Orlando area (it's the largest single-site employer in the country). If those people take a hit, then the merchants where those 77,000 employees spend their money will be hit, as well. With fewer people vacationing here, area restaurants and hotels will suffer. Their employees will see layoffs, and will no longer have as much money to spend with area merchants.

This isn't something that could hurt only Disney. If Disney suffers a big financial hit over this, the entire Orlando area will suffer.

I think DeSantis was so focused on hurting Disney that he may not have fully considered how badly it could hurt those who have no connection to Disney...

Liberals should take notice, what a powerful government can give, it can also take away. That's why conservatives are in favor of small. weak governments that make decisions as close to taxpayers as possible.

Of course, the glaring irony in your comment is that it's a conservative government which is doing the taking...
You dont agree, that makes you wrong and pretty much no different than a person such as Hitler.

Comments such as that are pretty much the point which renders anything else you might have to say moot.

Such an ignorant comment...
You want to teach children that homosexuality and gender reassignment is perfectly normal and acceptable. Period.

You know, if you tried just a little harder, I bet you wouldn't come across as being so devastatingly stupid.

I don't want to teach them that, at all. If you've read my posts here, and if you possessed a higher level of reading comprehension than a cheeseburger, you'd know that. I've been quite vocal in my support for the intent of the law. Accusing me of that tells me that you're stupid.

I've yet to see a single example; a video, a link to an article... anything in which someone says they want to teach children that gender reassignment and homosexuality are perfectly normal and acceptable. If you have some, I'd love to see them...
Remember that DeathSantis did the same to the cruise industry. This is a pattern.

Yeah, that may not have been the best thing to do.

I've had five friends go on cruises after that whole debacle. Four of them got Covid following their cruise...
You know, if you tried just a little harder, I bet you wouldn't come across as being so devastatingly stupid.

I don't want to teach them that, at all. If you've read my posts here, and if you possessed a higher level of reading comprehension than a cheeseburger, you'd know that. I've been quite vocal in my support for the intent of the law. Accusing me of that tells me that you're stupid.

I've yet to see a single example; a video, a link to an article... anything in which someone says they want to teach children that gender reassignment and homosexuality are perfectly normal and acceptable. If you have some, I'd love to see them...
Your signature.
Your signature.

My God, what a fucking retard you are.

Here's my signature, dipshit:

I want to go on record as being a big supporter of the LGBTQ crowd:


Now, butt-nugget, re-read the part in red.

How in the fuck does that tell you that I want to teach little kids anything??

Seriously, dude, you must've been repeatedly smacked in the head with a phone book while you were a child, because you're a fucking idiot...
Then why fight a law that prevents exactly that

I already explained that, but you uber-right wing fanatics refuse to view anything else but wanting to "groom children" as a possibility.

I've accepted that about you and have moved on, engaging in every conversation armed with that knowledge about you...
Tourism is the largest industry in the state of Florida. If that sweetheart deal helps to bring in tourism dollars, it stands to reason that the influx of tourism dollars will suffer if that sweetheart deal goes away.

Disney World's Orlando theme parks bring in, rough, $19.7 million a day. That's not all going into Disney's pockets, though. Much of it goes to pay the 77,000 people employed by Disney in the Orlando area (it's the largest single-site employer in the country). If those people take a hit, then the merchants where those 77,000 employees spend their money will be hit, as well. With fewer people vacationing here, area restaurants and hotels will suffer. Their employees will see layoffs, and will no longer have as much money to spend with area merchants.

This isn't something that could hurt only Disney. If Disney suffers a big financial hit over this, the entire Orlando area will suffer.

I think DeSantis was so focused on hurting Disney that he may not have fully considered how badly it could hurt those who have no connection to Disney...

Of course, the glaring irony in your comment is that it's a conservative government which is doing the taking...
Not too far away is a Lockheed Martin aerospace facility. It is mostly a weapons production facilty.

It is downsized now but a couple decades or so ago it had about 5K employees. At that time Disney had close to 50K.

LM's payroll was actually larger than Disney's.

Disney has a lot of very low paying jobs.

I know quite a few people that are either working there or had worked there. It is a shitty place to work. Very high turnover of employees even in the professional ranks.

Disney brings in more problems than it brings in good things. Congestion, pollution, crime and having a lot of despicable people flood in.

Before Disney the main industry of Florida was Agriculture with Aerospace being second. We Floridians liked it like that. Piss on the tourist industry. It has destroyed a great state.
Yeah, "cancel culture". Riiiiiight. They alienated their own customer base, but "cancel culture" is to blame. We'll get right on feeling guilty because the party of "lose your job for using the wrong pronouns" demands that we do so. Any minute now, it's sure to happen.
It looks like they are being cancelled to me. I took part in the cancel culture of the NFL over the kneeling during the American Anthem crap. Look. They are back, but I am told, without the kneeling. Cancel was short-lived. Right and left have been canceling people and groups at least since the mid 90s. Donny has cancelled people, groups, government organizations, news media, injured soldiers and I couldn't possibly count the politician for his brand of political correctness. Now across America, elected school boards, books. You ever personally see an anti-white math book or is it like the unicorn or Sasquatch, everyone has heard of but friends you believe in have seen them and it pisses everybody on that side of the political fence, clean off, as an outrage, beyond their ability to control if they don't cancel and destroy. I have heard there have even been book burnings, like in the NAZI days (though we don't want to think of anybody or group on the right ever acting like NAZIS cause this is different), but haven't actually seen on, so I can't say. Of course, they don't call it cancel culture. That is just the negative brand they use if the left-wingers do it, but pretty much works the same.

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