Disney Has Lost $50 Billion So Far

Writing a law as political propaganda is pretty transparent. Are you fooled?
I posted articles where schools lied to parents about gender crap and said parents had no right to know the schools counciling.

Keep playing stupid games get stupid prizes. Enjoy the Karma Moonbat
I posted articles where schools lied to parents about gender crap and said parents had no right to know the schools counciling.

Keep playing stupid games get stupid prizes. Enjoy the Karma Moonbat
What were your sources? Gateway Pundit and others haven't got a shred of ethics.
Ok. Now I get it, dick head. Now be nice, you fucking nitwit.


Prior to this Disney paid for everything in the town in which they have their business. From road maintenance to public works. Now the city will have to pay for it. And if the city can't the state will have to pay for it.

I apologize to WinterBorn. I was totally out of line when I called him a "damn fool." That was a stupid and uncalled for remark in this case. No beating around the bush: to my chagrin, it was a dumbass thing to say.

Nevertheless, the reason this is a loser for Disney is that it will lose its favored corporatist statis and the tax and autonomy privileges that go with that because it stupidly aligned itself with a corrupt and fallacious narrative against parental rights. It stupidly caved to the wave of corporative wokeness that cowardly aligns itself with ideologically driven agendas that assail the rights of the people, which an increasingly pissed off public is not going to stand for. Statists in government and media thought they could gaslight the people with this shit. Well, they have lost the narrative, and Florida is just one of a growing number of states that is going to make these statist bastards in business and the media pay a political and economic price.
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Really? DIsney's relationship to Florida is like the Army's relationship to Florida? Does Congress get to vote to close Disney like they might a military base? Maybe you're right and Congress should do that.
There are no Army bases in Florida just FYI.

Florida cannot close a US military base or tax it. I know because my county has an Army post, as does the one where my son and daughter live in Tennessee.
I apologize to WinterBorn. I was totally out of line when I called him a "damn fool." That was a stupid and uncalled for remark in this case. No beating around the bush: to my chagrin, it was a dumbass thing to say.

Nevertheless, the reason this is a loser for Disney is that it will lose its favored corporatist statis and the tax and autonomy privileges that go with that because it stupidly aligned itself with a corrupt and fallacious narrative against parental rights. It stupidly caved to the wave of corporative wokeness that cowardly aligns itself with ideologically driven agendas that assail the rights of the people, which an increasingly pissed off public is not going to stand for. Statists in government and media thought they could gaslight the people with this shit. Well, they have lost the narrative, and Florida is just one of a growing number of states that is going to make these statist bastards in business and the media pay a political and economic price.
So assuming a $1 billion dollar bond debt will not hourt those counties where Disney is located? It sounds to me like they lost too!
No, your portfolio wouldn't impress me a bit. Your posts already show you don't know a thing about how to find good investments. Your portfolio, no doubt, consists of exactly what Vanguard spends your employers donations on.

And then there's another lie. Wow. You're batting 1000 on the lies in this thread. It was NOT mentioned that investors can sue if they lose money.

It was mentioned that the board and management have a fiduciary obligation to the shareholders and not to homosexual employees. If the management does things that harms the value of the shareholders investment in the company, clearly ignoring the interests of the shareholders, then they can, and should, be sued.
You are so full of shit!
I apologize to WinterBorn. I was totally out of line when I called him a "damn fool." That was a stupid and uncalled for remark in this case. No beating around the bush: to my chagrin, it was a dumbass thing to say.

Nevertheless, the reason this is a loser for Disney is that it will lose its favored corporatist statis and the tax and autonomy privileges that go with that because it stupidly aligned itself with a corrupt and fallacious narrative against parental rights. It stupidly caved to the wave of corporative wokeness that cowardly aligns itself with ideologically driven agendas that assail the rights of the people, which an increasingly pissed off public is not going to stand for. Statists in government and media thought they could gaslight the people with this shit. Well, they have lost the narrative, and Florida is just one of a growing number of states that is going to make these statist bastards in business and the media pay a political and economic price.
So assuming a $1 billion dollar bond debt will not hurt those counties where Disney is located? It sounds to me like they lost too!
Perhaps in the short term. Disney is now going to be responsible for a considerable property tax bill.

Disney already pays property tax. They will not be paying anymore if this happens, which it looks like it will not
So assuming a $1 billion dollar bond debt will not hurt those counties where Disney is located? It sounds to me like they lost too!

They cannot assume it. The Reedy Creek cannot be dissolved as long as the bonds are not paid back in full.

In authorizing Reedy Creek to issue bonds, the Florida legislature included a remarkable statement—included in Reedy Creek’s bond offerings—regarding its own promise to bondholders: “The State of Florida pledges to the holders of any bonds issued under this Act that it will not limit or alter the rights of the District to own, acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve, maintain, operate or furnish the projects or to levy and collect the taxes, assessments, rentals, rates, fees, tolls, fares and other charges provided for herein … until all such bonds together with interest thereon, and all costs and expenses in connection with any action or proceeding by or on behalf of such holders, are fully met and discharged.”
You really don't see the removing of the self governing status as a retaliation because Disney dare criticize the law as a chilling moment? That the State would use it's power to silence critics?

The state of Florida isn't "silencing" Disney. They are, quite properly, saying that they are going to stop subsidizing someone who's trying to bully them into going against the people of the state. They quite frankly shouldn't have been subsidizing them in the first place, and Disney was dumb enough to draw their attention to it.
Disney already pays property tax. They will not be paying anymore if this happens, which it looks like it will not
I know it's paying property tax. Why would it pay no property tax if this goes through and why wouldn't it pay less if it does?

I know it's paying property tax. Why would it pay no property tax if this goes through and why wouldn't it pay less if it does?


if this goes through their property tax would be unaffected.

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