Disney Has Lost $50 Billion So Far

It looks like they are being cancelled to me. I took part in the cancel culture of the NFL over the kneeling during the American Anthem crap. Look. They are back, but I am told, without the kneeling. Cancel was short-lived. Right and left have been canceling people and groups at least since the mid 90s. Donny has cancelled people, groups, government organizations, news media, injured soldiers and I couldn't possibly count the politician for his brand of political correctness. Now across America, elected school boards, books. You ever personally see an anti-white math book or is it like the unicorn or Sasquatch, everyone has heard of but friends you believe in have seen them and it pisses everybody on that side of the political fence, clean off, as an outrage, beyond their ability to control if they don't cancel and destroy. I have heard there have even been book burnings, like in the NAZI days (though we don't want to think of anybody or group on the right ever acting like NAZIS cause this is different), but haven't actually seen on, so I can't say. Of course, they don't call it cancel culture. That is just the negative brand they use if the left-wingers do it, but pretty much works the same.

Oh, I'm sure that's what it looks like to you . . . because that's what you want to see.

Learn the difference between "cancel culture" and "declining to interact with".

Disney is still doing business. They are still able to say whatever they want, do whatever legal business they want to do. The state of Florida is declining to participate in that business by giving them special treatment, and you're whining about how "mean and unfair" it is that Florida isn't giving them special treatment. Yeah, that's JUST like some person losing his job and his ability to support his family because he "misgendered" someone.

The truth is, you are outraged at the idea that your agenda isn't the accepted right way of thinking that is free of all consequences. Call me when you show any of this outrage on behalf of someone who disagrees with you.
Oh, I'm sure that's what it looks like to you . . . because that's what you want to see.

Learn the difference between "cancel culture" and "declining to interact with".

Disney is still doing business. They are still able to say whatever they want, do whatever legal business they want to do. The state of Florida is declining to participate in that business by giving them special treatment, and you're whining about how "mean and unfair" it is that Florida isn't giving them special treatment. Yeah, that's JUST like some person losing his job and his ability to support his family because he "misgendered" someone.

The truth is, you are outraged at the idea that your agenda isn't the accepted right way of thinking that is free of all consequences. Call me when you show any of this outrage on behalf of someone who disagrees with you.
I don't have an agenda, certainly not of they type you might imply. It looks like a coordinated attack on them, focussed, repeated, mass marketed, and appears directed at the mouse people for standing up for their employees. Well that is what the NFL did, and what they supported their employees to do was a repeated every game insult in my face. Maybe I don't watch enough disney programming to have seen your message in action. I participated in the cancel culture against the NFL and don't miss them. They are now very popular again, but I am out of the habit. You say it isn't cancel culture, but looks just like it to me. We used to call it boycott movements back in the day. Not much of a joiner, I didn't boycott much. Now it is broader than just boycott, it is backing government attack in Florida on that business entity that has done a lot for that state and entertained millions from around the world, and they do the same rides, same entertainment, same costumes and kids have always been safe there with their parents just like always. I just can't see it.
You say it isn't cancel culture, yet it uses national social media and multi-prong attacks in protest to damage or force change whether they like it or not, involving plans to effect revenue, and even tax benefits. It is true they will operate and survive your attacks and entreaties to bring more into your protest, but you come off looking like the left-wing cause freaks you despise and I am, due to the tactic, I am failing to see the difference, so yall go ahead on. While you are at it, be sure to go after the mathbook people to keep you safe from blacks, ban or burn some books out of not only school libraries, but public libraries. Just have a good ole time with your culture war, but leave me out of it, as I won't be supporting or helping rally support. If any left-wing cause freaks read this, yall can kiss my ass too. Like I said, I'm just not much of a joiner, but don't mind taking a minute to make a dig at either side as all you cause freaks are just that, freaks to be notice, shake my head at the antics and similarities to each other and then go grab a smoke, a beer and go on about my life.
I’ll bet you by the end of next Friday it will be higher than it is now. If I’m right then you have to start a thread complimenting Joe Biden and must defend him throughout the thread without saying one negative thing about him. Do we have a deal?
It’s tragic that such people were allowed to take over the once great company that was established to entertain children.

I don’t know whether it was Trump or what, but some catalyst occurred to make all of these sexual deviants come out of the closet and expose themselves. And Americans are taking names.

Disney’s stock has lost nearly $50 billion in value since the start of March, when it took a political gamble to oppose Florida’s controversial new education law.

Disney’s stock was down more than 2% on Friday and by more than 8.5% over the past few days as Florida lawmakers work to punish the company for wading into the state’s politics. The stock’s market cap has declined by about $46.6 billion since March 1, just days before the company came out against the legislation.

I always found it way too expensive to visit or buy anything with the Disney logo on it.
Kind of like NOT being politically correct. Bad manners are preferable.
I agree.

Political correctness is a FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE.

As long as both people know what's being said, you're communicating.

If someone has to decipher your political correctness, you're not communicating. Then they have to GUESS at what's being said.

Political correctness is just censorship in another form.

Fuck political correctness. I'll say what I want, when I want, and fuck you if you don't like it. :p
What do you want me to write my dissertation about?
The inverse of what your bet was to me. Surely you can think of one thing Joes not doing well at.
If you want to state Joes not arresting all the Trump voters like he should, that’s fine. I’ve learned we live in a great time, you Lefties are self exposing how crazy you are and as a result we get things like Virginia flipping to conservatives. So it’s open mic time.
I’ll bet you by the end of next Friday it will be higher than it is now. If I’m right then you have to start a thread complimenting Joe Biden and must defend him throughout the thread without saying one negative thing about him. Do we have a deal?
If Liberals really don't want to teach the kids Gay Sex, why don't they come up with actual legislation to prohibit it?

Address the problem the people have identified, and I bet the bill would pass in a bipartisan vote.
Lol @ We need a law prohibiting teachers from teaching kids gay sex or else kids will be taught gay sex

I swear to God you reactionary right-wing morons are pathetic...

All you folks do is manufacture bullshit grievances, and then push bullshit solutions to solve a problem you yourselves made up...

Because when it comes to solving REAL SOCIO-ECONOMIC problems; their policies consistently suck

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