Disney Has Lost $50 Billion So Far

Not too far away is a Lockheed Martin aerospace facility. It is mostly a weapons production facilty.

It is downsized now but a couple decades or so ago it had about 5K employees. At that time Disney had close to 50K.

LM's payroll was actually larger than Disney's.

I'd have to see the numbers to believe that.

When Florida's minimum wage goes to $15 an hour, Disney will spend $1.55 million dollars every hour to pay their employees...

Disney has a lot of very low paying jobs.

Of course...

I know quite a few people that are either working there or had worked there. It is a shitty place to work. Very high turnover of employees even in the professional ranks.

I have a friend who works at one of the hotels in the resort. She has a daughter who works in the Magic Kingdom. The daughter, Michelle, has been obsessed with Disney since she was little. Seven years ago she slipped in the shower, hit her head, and suffered retrograde amnesia. Literally the only thing she remembered from her early childhood was Disney. She didn't even recognize her Mom. She only knew who her Mom was from watching videos of the two of them during their vacations to Disney. Her Mom, who I've known since I was a kid, is one of the most conservative people I've ever met, and she loves working there,m and she's definitely not the type of person to remain at a "shitty" workplace...

Disney brings in more problems than it brings in good things. Congestion, pollution, crime and having a lot of despicable people flood in.

If Disney went away tomorrow all of those things would still exist. Those things existed before Disney got there.

I'm curious, though, what despicable people are you talking about?

Before Disney the main industry of Florida was Agriculture with Aerospace being second. We Floridians liked it like that. Piss on the tourist industry. It has destroyed a great state.

Well, as a Floridian myself, I'm acutely aware that agriculture is no longer our main industry, and I'm acutely aware that if tourism suffers too hefty a hit here that the state will suffer to the point where it might be unrecoverable. Florida is still a great state, and it's a great state because of tourism. Take tourism away and this state is nothing...
I'd have to see the numbers to believe that.

When Florida's minimum wage goes to $15 an hour, Disney will spend $1.55 million dollars every hour to pay their employees...

Of course...

I have a friend who works at one of the hotels in the resort. She has a daughter who works in the Magic Kingdom. The daughter, Michelle, has been obsessed with Disney since she was little. Seven years ago she slipped in the shower, hit her head, and suffered retrograde amnesia. Literally the only thing she remembered from her early childhood was Disney. She didn't even recognize her Mom. She only knew who her Mom was from watching videos of the two of them during their vacations to Disney. Her Mom, who I've known since I was a kid, is one of the most conservative people I've ever met, and she loves working there,m and she's definitely not the type of person to remain at a "shitty" workplace...

If Disney went away tomorrow all of those things would still exist. Those things existed before Disney got there.

I'm curious, though, what despicable people are you talking about?

Well, as a Floridian myself, I'm acutely aware that agriculture is no longer our main industry, and I'm acutely aware that if tourism suffers too hefty a hit here that the state will suffer to the point where it might be unrecoverable. Florida is still a great state, and it's a great state because of tourism. Take tourism away and this state is nothing...
You still have rich NY jews moving to South Florida. I used to call it whine country.
My God, what a fucking retard you are.

Here's my signature, dipshit:

I want to go on record as being a big supporter of the LGBTQ crowd:


Now, butt-nugget, re-read the part in red.

How in the fuck does that tell you that I want to teach little kids anything??

Seriously, dude, you must've been repeatedly smacked in the head with a phone book while you were a child, because you're a fucking idiot...
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding you, asswipe. So what exactly is your position on the LGBTQ agenda in public schools?
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding you, asswipe. So what exactly is your position on the LGBTQ agenda in public schools?

Are you seriously so fucking stupid that you don't see how "LGBTQ" in my signature stands for "Let's Get Biden To Quit"??

I wouldn't say you're misunderstanding it as much as you're just a fucking retard.

My position on the alleged "LGBTQ" agenda has been clear from the very beginning. It has no place in our schools.

Now, I fully expect you to twist that into, somehow, meaning that I support it but, as we've established, you're retarded...
Are you seriously so fucking stupid that you don't see how "LGBTQ" in my signature stands for "Let's Get Biden To Quit"??

I wouldn't say you're misunderstanding it as much as you're just a fucking retard.

My position on the alleged "LGBTQ" agenda has been clear from the very beginning. It has no place in our schools.

Now, I fully expect you to twist that into, somehow, meaning that I support it but, as we've established, you're retarded...
Ok. Now I get it, dick head. Now be nice, you fucking nitwit.
You didn't start off anything. There were 80 posts made before your first one, and that didn't include links to anything. It took you eight posts before you provided a link to anything, so fuck off with your self-aggrandizing bullshit...
And as I said I believed they didnt do rhis without reason
You seem to have some odd preoccupation with nerf balls.


Anyway, which videos were you referring to?

Well, sure, you can tuck your tails between your legs and scurry off. I'm sure you've experience with that...


As I've said, I have zero problem with the intent of the law. I have a problem with the way DeSantis presented it. He should've said it was due to the fact that Disney enjoyed concessions which other corporations did not. That would send the message that every corporation doing business in Florida will do so on a level playing field. Instead, he said it was being done because Disney came out in opposition to the law. That sends the message that, if the government doesn't like your opinion on an issue, they will come after you in an effort to harm you financially. That's not the position a state government should take. Sooner or later, it could easily be a democrat governor going after a conservative company, and conservatives would have no right to complain, especially considering they're the ones who've set the precedent...

Disney's worth $148 billion dollars. They're not going anywhere.

Here's a graphic showing what Disney owns. It's pretty mind-boggling:


It also makes you wonder if all of Disney's keyboard critics are going to now boycott all of these companies. Doing that would prove pretty difficult. It also makes it pretty clear that Disney could lose Reedy Creek altogether and not really feel the loss too much...
Disney will take losses over this. And they arent moving. Sarcasm escapes you.

You are playing soft whole they are hitting us with badeball bats. Thus you use a nerf ball to fight back with.

And they would've paid the exact same price had DeSantis not make it appear as though he'll target any company that disagrees with him.

A friend of mine owns a large entertainment company in Nashville, and has been investigating opening an office in Florida. I spoke to him last night and, with his tongue only partially buried in his cheek, he asked "What if I say something your Governor doesn't like?"

And, given how DeSantis has handled the whole Disney affair, that's a very valid question. Here's a successful businessman, who's considering bringing some of that successful business to Florida, and he feels he has to be concerned about how far-reaching the Governor's fist will be if he or his company takes a stance on an issue which is different than the Governor's.

That's not exactly the kind of impression a Governor, who wants to say that his state his business-friendly, should be giving...
Is your friend getting special tax breaks for coming? Is he sponsoring groups that sue to allow crt in schools? Or a gay guide that tells the school to Lie to their parents and give them new names at school?

If he does then stay in Tenn. If not he has nothing to worry about.

I showed this stuff after you requested it.and you ignored it.

Screw Disney
Disney World didn't open until the fall of 1971 and 1972 was the first Summer for Disney World.

Disney pays some of the lowest wages.

There was a case of an employee in his late 60's, that worked at Disney World since it opened and he was 18.

One night, before the end of work at Disney World, a security guard found the employee's car door ajar in the parking lot.

The security saw a gun on the car's floor.

Somebody had broken into the car and found the gun, but didn't take it.

The employee was contacted and admitted it was his gun that he had kept it under the seat, because he, "had to drive through a bad neighborhood on the way home" at night.

He was fired for bringing a gun on Disney property and he lost his Disney pension, after working there for nearly 39 years.

He got a lawyer and had no chance in civil court, but his lawyer made his case well known and that made Disney employees nervous about the security of their jobs and pensions over one violation of company policy.

The Disney employees made such a fuss, that Disney agreed to restore the former employee's pension.

Disney employees are not allowed to wear "I support the troops" or American flag lapel pin or anything to do with being an American on their clothing. You can get fired for that.

Don't be one minute late coming back from your lunch break. Don't leave work one minute earlier. Don't bitch about your low wages.

If you are a Negro you will probably be hired to be Santa Claus. Whites need not apply.
Yawn. Guess you just skipped over the videis where schools lied to parents over genders.

Up yours on this one. Florida has every right ti pass these laws. Disney just got their eyes dotted.

Go play with your nerf ball
Maybe Desantis can destroy Disney.
Stock back on the rise… I can’t wait to see what you write and about and even more excited to see you defend it without using any right wing jabs. This is going to be great!
Actually it’s down from 118.00 to 115.00.

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