Disney Has Lost $50 Billion So Far

To my knowledge I've never spent a penny with Disney directly. Would be hard to boycott someone you've never patronized. Also SCOTUS says no legislature can be bound by the actions of a previous legislature, so I would conclude Disney is on the hook for their own debts. Just like GM or any other company that sells corporate bonds.

Then what to do you care? No control over your kids? I know you don't live down there.
That will indeed be the rub, as the claim Disney acted in reliance upon the government's action and brought to harm 2 years or more prior to expiration of the agreement Disney honored by the bond supported investment. SCOTUS did not agree to tha kind of crap, as it would make government enticements to build and invest worthless into the future.
Since I neve had children to worry about, I guess your little rant is moot. Also this site is as close as I get to social media, the only time I see any of it is here.

So, you've never had a dog of any kind in the race, yet you waste our time.
And angry denials whenever you confront them on the subject, there seems to be an abundance of evidence that many homosexuals prefer their “sexual partners” to be quite young. It's no coincidence that NAMBLA was closely tied with the early homosexual-rights movements, until the latter realized how damaging it was to their cause to be openly associated with the former.
Yes, when confronted with reality (there are only 2 genders, male and female) they run around with their hair on fire, sputtering and spewing 'homophobic' ,,, 'prejudice' ... even 'racist' epithets in an attempt to avoid the truth that homosexuality is a procreational dead end for its participants.
Took my kids to Disney World many years ago. Had a great time except for standing in the lines. It sure would be nice if you didn't have to be careful what they saw on TV, but hey, just not that way anymore, and not sure it ever was. Same thing for cell phones and internet. Good luck with your little boycott, cancel gig, or whatever you guys call it. I'll sit it out. Coffee still tastes great out of my Mouse mug, I got there back in the 90s. I pulled it out and used it, with enjoyment, just a few days ago. Good luck to DeSantos, unilaterally dissolving government agreements that let Disney sell bonds based on that ongoing agreement. Too bad Florida constitution nor US Constitution will allow government to enter into those kind of agreements, then get pissed and try to unilaterally resind and transfer governance of Reedy to the surrounding county and towns, with transferring the bond obligation along with it. A Billion dollar bond commitment and all the new fire, police and ambulance requirement, surely won't bother those townships, any. Maybe Florida will pick up the tab.

I just heard, "My kids are already grown, so I don't give a shit if life is hard for people with children now."

You could probably be a self-absorbed asswipe without telling us about it. I'm just sayin' . . .
Then what to do you care? No control over your kids? I know you don't live down there.
That will indeed be the rub, as the claim Disney acted in reliance upon the government's action and brought to harm 2 years or more prior to expiration of the agreement Disney honored by the bond supported investment. SCOTUS did not agree to tha kind of crap, as it would make government enticements to build and invest worthless into the future.

Disney is the only taxpayer in that district, so they have always been on the hook for paying them off.

It’s tragic that such people were allowed to take over the once great company that was established to entertain children.

I don’t know whether it was Trump or what, but some catalyst occurred to make all of these sexual deviants come out of the closet and expose themselves. And Americans are taking names.

Disney’s stock has lost nearly $50 billion in value since the start of March, when it took a political gamble to oppose Florida’s controversial new education law.

Disney’s stock was down more than 2% on Friday and by more than 8.5% over the past few days as Florida lawmakers work to punish the company for wading into the state’s politics. The stock’s market cap has declined by about $46.6 billion since March 1, just days before the company came out against the legislation.

Good. Disney will next try to make Mickey Mouse a Fag.
“Free speech” is not a license to sexually groom and brainwash young children in public schools, against the will of their parents.

It takes a rather seriously fucked-up sense of ethics and logic to even think of trying to make that argument.

There has NEVER been "free speech" in classrooms. Teachers have ALWAYS been subject to curriculum and standards of behavior dictated by the school district, which in turn is subject to the voters who elect the school board and the taxpayers who fund the schools. This is the first time in the history of ever that teachers have had the wackadoodle notion that classrooms are their private preserve to do whatever they please in and "exercise their free speech" in.

I am frankly amazed that it's news to leftists that EVERYONE surrenders their right to free speech to a certain extent while they're at work and on someone else's property and dime. I would expect my employer to fire me if I started proselytizing about my personal sexual habits to my co-workers while at work, and my co-workers are all ADULTS, for God's sake. How does anyone think they have a "right" to talk about that stuff to other people's children?
So, you've never had a dog of any kind in the race, yet you waste our time.

See? More self-absorption. You can't imagine ever caring about anything that didn't personally affect you, so you can't work out how other people can care about things that don't personally affect them.

It's called "morals". Look into it. Also, stop trying to tell people what they are and aren't allowed to talk about on a public message board. No one cares if they have your permission.
I just heard, "My kids are already grown, so I don't give a shit if life is hard for people with children now."

You could probably be a self-absorbed asswipe without telling us about it. I'm just sayin' . . .
Some truth to what you say, but like I have said, I've never been much of a cause joiner.
Disney is the only taxpayer in that district, so they have always been on the hook for paying them off.

If DeSantos dissolves the Reedy creek agreement they are not the only tax payer now.
You don't need a dog in the race to care what the commies are doing to the country.

You guys scream about commies, but I don't see commies. You've cheapened the word until it is meaningless in American culture, kind of like "fake news", so stick it in your ear. :9:
See? More self-absorption. You can't imagine ever caring about anything that didn't personally affect you, so you can't work out how other people can care about things that don't personally affect them.

It's called "morals". Look into it. Also, stop trying to tell people what they are and aren't allowed to talk about on a public message board. No one cares if they have your permission.
Go ahead crusader. Tell me about the morals. You supported Donny and his morals or total lack of them. You don't have much of a moral position, do you? I don't think so.
Either party even bringing up morals is so hypocritical it's beyond reason. So if you support one or the other you have no ground to stand on. But keep defending your cult.
I personally abhor gays but this isn't about me.

What did Desantis do to "demonize" gays?

Trump/DeSantis 2024 "Make America Hate Again"
You guys scream about commies, but I don't see commies. You've cheapened the word until it is meaningless in American culture, kind of like "fake news", so stick it in your ear. :9:

The first thing commie regimes do is try to destroy the nuclear family. What do you think all this bullshit is about??


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