Disney Has Lost $50 Billion So Far

No one is PUSHING actual sex ed details to 5-8 yr old kids.

What you take issue with is acknowledging that LGBT people exist...which by the way is pretty self evident with same sex parents etc.
So you want to talk to 5 year olds about perverted sex because you think 5 year old grasp it or you want them to know why men do things to them?

Only a measly $50 billion?
Wow, thats not even considered pocket change worth looking for.

For a public company that is not affected by shortages at a time when people are flocking to outdoor entertainment, this is horrific news for Disney. Investors hate risk, and pissing off the Governor is a huge risk, and considering he’s the potential POTUS in 2 years is an enormous risk.
All for a topic they needlessly jumped into the middle of.
The inverse of what your bet was to me. Surely you can think of one thing Joes not doing well at.
If you want to state Joes not arresting all the Trump voters like he should, that’s fine. I’ve learned we live in a great time, you Lefties are self exposing how crazy you are and as a result we get things like Virginia flipping to conservatives. So it’s open mic time.
I was either going to do a critical thread on Biden or a supportive thread on a GOP initiative. You can choose the subject or leave it to me. You’re call. You beat me fair and square… unless you rigged the stock market, a theory in which I am certainly not ruling out.
I was either going to do a critical thread on Biden or a supportive thread on a GOP initiative. You can choose the subject or leave it to me. You’re call. You beat me fair and square… unless you rigged the stock market, a theory in which I am certainly not ruling out.
Open forum, you’re free to choose.
And I’ll eventually get over selling and buying stocks last week to win, so make it good.
Schools reinforced parental teaching. What is your problem? Lots of parents are lazy.
More bullshit.

Schools did not and do not "reinforce parental teaching".

I never taught my 5 year old ANYTHING about anal sex or how to put a condom on a banana.

You are citing the exact reason why this leftist crap is going to stop now.


These fucking leftists are like little cockroaches, they scurry for cover when the light turns on. They can't and won't do a goddamn thing as long as the light stays on.

Well, the light is on now.

And we are witnessing, in real time, lefties scurrying for cover.
Except no one is talking to them about sex practices...

You're a liar

Your bullshit has been called out FIFTY times already, in this very forum.

Yet you persist.

No one can be that retarded.

You must be a liar.
I never taught my 5 year old ANYTHING about anal sex or how to put a condom on a banana.
And teachers aren't teaching 5 year olds that either.

Grow a brain. You're confusing what's taught in middle/high school with what's taught in pre-school.
Then why are you leftists so incensed about a law telling you you can't teach something you claim you aren't teaching anyway?
I am not a lefty or a right and I don't like the law because it is unconstitutional.
It tramples free speech.
And I bet you that it will be struck down once it reaches the SCOTUS.
Then why are you leftists so incensed about a law telling you you can't teach something you claim you aren't teaching anyway?
Because the law is so broad, that as pointed out, if you talk about why Billy has two mommies, it's in violation of the law.
I am not a lefty or a right and I don't like the law because it is unconstitutional.
It tramples free speech.
And I guarantee you that it will be struck down once it reaches the SCOTUS.
It takes years to reach the Supreme Court.

It's the flaw / strength of our legal system, that it works slowly but meticulously.

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