Disney Has Lost $50 Billion So Far

You guys are really after the Mouse. I'd take my kids there again if they were small. They ain't the great Satan, though your cancel culture is doing an excellent marketing job.

Yeah, I'm sure you'd want young kids just eating this shit up.

I am not a lefty or a right and I don't like the law because it is unconstitutional.
It tramples free speech.
And I bet you that it will be struck down once it reaches the SCOTUS.

"You are not . . ." Gosh, maybe that's why I wasn't talking to you, Brain Trust. Contemplate the possibility that everything in the world is not about you.

And if you can find something in the Constitution stating that Florida can't pass this law, then you're either a Hell of a lot smarter than you have currently convinced me you are, or you're hallucinating. "Look, I found a headline on the Internet that tells me so!" doesn't impress me.
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Because the law is so broad, that as pointed out, if you talk about why Billy has two mommies, it's in violation of the law.

Why would you be talking about that to someone else's kid? If someone else's kid asked ME that, I'd tell them to go ask their parents. At no point in time would I think it was my place to explain it to them. Why do YOU feel like you should?

You can also call this the child abuser protection act.

If a school has evidence that a student is being physically or sexually abused, they by law have to turn that evidence over to the parent who is abusing the child.

Wow, you know nothing about life with children, do you?

For your information, dumb shit, Florida has other laws besides this one. They also have THIS law, which requires schools to report evidence of child abuse TO THE COPS, which is what any intelligent adult - read: NOT YOU - would do, anyway.

Do us all a favor and TRY to pull your head out of your ass. How does anyone not know that people who work with children are required to report child abuse to the authorities?
Yeah, I'm sure you'd want young kids just eating this shit up.

Took my kids to Disney World many years ago. Had a great time except for standing in the lines. It sure would be nice if you didn't have to be careful what they saw on TV, but hey, just not that way anymore, and not sure it ever was. Same thing for cell phones and internet. Good luck with your little boycott, cancel gig, or whatever you guys call it. I'll sit it out. Coffee still tastes great out of my Mouse mug, I got there back in the 90s. I pulled it out and used it, with enjoyment, just a few days ago. Good luck to DeSantos, unilaterally dissolving government agreements that let Disney sell bonds based on that ongoing agreement. Too bad Florida constitution nor US Constitution will allow government to enter into those kind of agreements, then get pissed and try to unilaterally resind and transfer governance of Reedy to the surrounding county and towns, with transferring the bond obligation along with it. A Billion dollar bond commitment and all the new fire, police and ambulance requirement, surely won't bother those townships, any. Maybe Florida will pick up the tab.
Americans should take note of who their enemies are and avoid doing business with them whenever possible. This will create a new demand for traditional values content.
I'm not here in america to support ANY businesses. If they struggle that's entirely THEIR fault.
Yeah, I'm sure you'd want young kids just eating this shit up.

Youngest granddaughter is in the 3rd grade, but heck we and her mother (our daughter) control what she gets to watch. We're just old-fashioned as heck. Sure it would be easier (lazy is how I view it) to let the TV and Internet do the babysitting, be we figure that is for dumbasses that think their time, better spent trying to control a multibillion dollar supranational corporation than controlling their kid. Go on TikToc and see if you can get Elone to buy it and solve your problem, without you actually have to supervise your kid. Your kid must be a real terror if it is easier to control Disney.
Wow. Another lie. The bill does require that the schools not teach children about homosexuality and transgenderism. But if no one was doing it anyway, why are you and the other homosexuals and cross dressers so bent out of shape over the bill?
That's easy to answer. Because not teaching homosexuality to children limits their supply of sexual partners.
In Incel Joe's world, having any kind of sense of right and wrong, any moral standards, makes one an “intolerant bigot”, who has been “taught to hate”. And the remedy is to give dangerous predatory sex offenders access to children, to sexually groom and exploit them for their own sick fetishes.

Tell us why it’s so important to you to talk to other peoples 5 year olds about deviant sex practices?
So they don't grow up to be intolerant bigots like you are.

No one starts out hating...Hate has to be taught.
Bald faced lying groomer! No such thing as same sex parents.
It takes more than genetics to make a parent, as many adopted children can tell you.

No human child has ever come into existence, except by the joint action of a man and a woman—a mother and a father—and none ever will.

That is how God designed us, and that is how God established the basis of a family and of society.

Attempting to defy God on this matter will never produce anything but very bad results; and God will hold accountable those who have any willing part in any such attempted defiance.
Took my kids to Disney World many years ago. Had a great time except for standing in the lines. It sure would be nice if you didn't have to be careful what they saw on TV, but hey, just not that way anymore, and not sure it ever was. Same thing for cell phones and internet. Good luck with your little boycott, cancel gig, or whatever you guys call it. I'll sit it out. Coffee still tastes great out of my Mouse mug, I got there back in the 90s. I pulled it out and used it, with enjoyment, just a few days ago. Good luck to DeSantos, unilaterally dissolving government agreements that let Disney sell bonds based on that ongoing agreement. Too bad Florida constitution nor US Constitution will allow government to enter into those kind of agreements, then get pissed and try to unilaterally resind and transfer governance of Reedy to the surrounding county and towns, with transferring the bond obligation along with it. A Billion dollar bond commitment and all the new fire, police and ambulance requirement, surely won't bother those townships, any. Maybe Florida will pick up the tab.

To my knowledge I've never spent a penny with Disney directly. Would be hard to boycott someone you've never patronized. Also SCOTUS says no legislature can be bound by the actions of a previous legislature, so I would conclude Disney is on the hook for their own debts. Just like GM or any other company that sells corporate bonds.

I am not a lefty or a right and I don't like the law because it is unconstitutional.
It tramples free speech.

“Free speech” is not a license to sexually groom and brainwash young children in public schools, against the will of their parents.

It takes a rather seriously fucked-up sense of ethics and logic to even think of trying to make that argument.
Youngest granddaughter is in the 3rd grade, but heck we and her mother (our daughter) control what she gets to watch. We're just old-fashioned as heck. Sure it would be easier (lazy is how I view it) to let the TV and Internet do the babysitting, be we figure that is for dumbasses that think their time, better spent trying to control a multibillion dollar supranational corporation than controlling their kid. Go on TikToc and see if you can get Elone to buy it and solve your problem, without you actually have to supervise your kid. Your kid must be a real terror if it is easier to control Disney.

Since I neve had children to worry about, I guess your little rant is moot. Also this site is as close as I get to social media, the only time I see any of it is here.

I assume that the “their” refers not to the children, but to those restrained from grooming or on whose behalf the grooming would be done.
Correct. Homosexuals need to go groom in order to have a fresh supply of sexual partners because homosexuality goes against nature. Homosexuals were never meant to successfully breed because they are an aberration in human development.
Correct. Homosexuals need to go groom in order to have a fresh supply of sexual partners because homosexuality goes against nature. Homosexuals were never meant to successfully breed because they are an aberration in human development.

And angry denials whenever you confront them on the subject, there seems to be an abundance of evidence that many homosexuals prefer their “sexual partners” to be quite young. It's no coincidence that NAMBLA was closely tied with the early homosexual-rights movements, until the latter realized how damaging it was to their cause to be openly associated with the former.

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