Disney Has Lost $50 Billion So Far

The first thing commie regimes do is try to destroy the nuclear family. What do you think all this bullshit is about??

I don't think that is just communist regimes, as all totalitarian regimes would find that useful, so that does not work as part of a new definition for the word.
I don't think that is just communist regimes, as all totalitarian regimes would find that useful, so that does not work as part of a new definition for the word.

Yeah, that's another thing commies do, redefine the vernacular, so proper terms never ever applies to them. GOT IT!!!!!

Yeah, that's another thing commies do, redefine the vernacular, so proper terms never ever applies to them. GOT IT!!!!!

You obviously haven't got it. You've been had.
Yes, that was the goal of the unethical, corrupt Governor who is punishing them for political free speech.
The "Republican" governor, answers to the voters and the majority of the voters in Florida are pro-Republican. "It's a red state." The majority of those pro-Republican voters were upset over Disney's changes, all because of a loud vocal minority. So, the governor did what he "LEGALLY" could in an attempt to stop this nonsense.
You leftists are always bitching about "big business" and how they don't pay enough in taxes. Well, guess what, Disneyworld was basically its own government. They had been given their own tax exempt status. If you want businesses to pay more in taxes, start with them, even paying taxes.
Wow, you're stupid.

I don't have an employer, dumbfuck. I am the employer...

Yeah, let's talk about li es, shithead. Post #256 in this thread, your words:

"When shareholders lose money, they often sue because it is the legal duty of the board to do their best to benefit shareholders."

You're a lying fuck...

You didn't say they can, and should be sued. You said they are often sued. If investors "often sue", then they can sue.

The loss of money is an inherent risk when investing. An investment can lose money even if the person, or people, managing that investment do so in good faith. WHen that happens you'd be spinning your wheels if you tried to sue them yet.

Perhaps when you move out of your parent's basement you'll get a bit more experience...


Geez you're a lying fucking idiot. Like all socialists, you just keep lying and making shit up. You're not an employer. No one as stupid as you could possibly run a business.
You really don't see the removing of the self governing status as a retaliation because Disney dare criticize the law as a chilling moment? That the State would use it's power to silence critics?
The State didn't use it's power to silence Disney; Disney can still say or do anything they want within the law.
It takes years to reach the Supreme Court.

It's the flaw / strength of our legal system, that it works slowly but meticulously.
The courts will move up important cases so that the SCOTUS rules on it quickly.
Considering this law is affecting millions of of people - I can almost guarantee you that it will appear before the SCOTUS long before 'years'.
Besides, if a lower court puts an injunction on the law - that is that until it hits the SCOTUS.
Talk to your dad is the correct answer.

Oh, let's review that... You tell little Billy to go ask his dad. And his Dad is an intolerant religious bigot like Mormon Bob, And he comes back the next day and says, "Sally's two moms are deviant perverts who will burn in hell for all eternity, and so will she unless she finds JESUS!!!"

Then what does the teacher do?

In @Incel Joe's world, having any kind of sense of right and wrong, any moral standards, makes one an “intolerant bigot”, who has been “taught to hate”. And the remedy is to give dangerous predatory sex offenders access to children, to sexually groom and exploit them for their own sick fetishes.

Wow.... Funny, you belong to a cult started by a sex offender named Joseph Smith, who married multiple teenage girls and was lynched by an angry mob in Carthage, IL.


Some factions of your cult STILL do this.

No human child has ever come into existence, except by the joint action of a man and a woman—a mother and a father—and none ever will.

That is how God designed us, and that is how God established the basis of a family and of society.

Attempting to defy God on this matter will never produce anything but very bad results; and God will hold accountable those who have any willing part in any such attempted defiance.

Donating sperm doesn't make one a "father", anymore than giving birth makes one a 'mother". If that were the case, we certainly wouldn't have Child Services organizations who spend most of their time protecting children from their biological donors, or courts chasing down deadbeats trying to get them to pay.

Your God seems to have no problem with THIS kind of shit...


So I think we can kind of not worry about his view on Sally having two mommies who take care of her and raise her, just because a turkey baster and some donated sperm was involved.
Oh, let's review that... You tell little Billy to go ask his dad. And his Dad is an intolerant religious bigot like Mormon Bob, And he comes back the next day and says, "Sally's two moms are deviant perverts who will burn in hell for all eternity, and so will she unless she finds JESUS!!!"

Then what does the teacher do?

Wow.... Funny, you belong to a cult started by a sex offender named Joseph Smith, who married multiple teenage girls and was lynched by an angry mob in Carthage, IL.

View attachment 638893

Some factions of your cult STILL do this.

Donating sperm doesn't make one a "father", anymore than giving birth makes one a 'mother". If that were the case, we certainly wouldn't have Child Services organizations who spend most of their time protecting children from their biological donors, or courts chasing down deadbeats trying to get them to pay.

Your God seems to have no problem with THIS kind of shit...

View attachment 638896

So I think we can kind of not worry about his view on Sally having two mommies who take care of her and raise her, just because a turkey baster and some donated sperm was involved.
Oh, so want teachers to judge parents beliefs and step into change a child in a fashion that suits your beliefs.


So when a child of atheist parents asks who Jesus was, you’ll applaud the teacher for telling the child all about Jesus.
Oh, so want teachers to judge parents beliefs and step into change a child in a fashion that suits your beliefs.


So when a child of atheist parents asks who Jesus was, you’ll applaud the teacher for telling the child all about Jesus.

Yes, the teacher should give a short, historical account of who Jesus was
Oh, so want teachers to judge parents beliefs and step into change a child in a fashion that suits your beliefs.


So when a child of atheist parents asks who Jesus was, you’ll applaud the teacher for telling the child all about Jesus.

You think there's an atheist kid who doesn't know who Zombie Jesus is? Easter and Christmas are kind of a dead giveaway.

Yes, I would want a teacher to step in if they find a kid is learning homophobia at home just as much as I'd want them to step in if they are learning racism at home.

Yep. Go into the historical records and go over the 4 Gospels.

Funny, that's exactly what I got when I went to Catholic School. They gave us all our little personal copy of the New Testament. (They didn't give us the old testament where all the fun stories of rape, genocide, trechery and human sacrifice are! )

And then little Joey noticed that Luke and Matthew gave completely contradictory genealogies for Jesus, both of whom traced his link to King David through Joseph, who wasn't his sperm donor to start with.

(Yes, only my patron saint would have bought THAT story!)

Well, the nun responded by whacking me over the knuckles with a ruler, because that's how you roll...
So this is your argument, Desantis isn't a homophobe because you're one and he never comes to the meetings?

He passed this awful law to demonize gay people.

And it is also staggeringly hypocritical via being against free speech.

I despise both parties.
But the right screams about the Constitution and free speech (which I agree with).
However, they then toss that ideal right out the window anytime anyone does something they don't like (kneel for the NA, burn a flag, talk about homosexuals too much, dare to insult the military, berate certain statues, etc.).

Thank goodness this law will almost certainly be killed in the courts.

Geez you're a lying fucking idiot. Like all socialists, you just keep lying and making shit up. You're not an employer. No one as stupid as you could possibly run a business.

What a shit stain you are.

Yes, it's the responsibility of the board to do their best for shareholders. But guess what, dickless? Sometimes a loss is the result nonetheless. Sometimes things don't go as planned. Sure, a person can sue if that happens, but that person would be laughed out of court.

As for my two companies, you obviously think a bit too much of yourself to believe that I could give a flying fuck whether or not you believe me. You're nothing. You're navel lint.

Is it true that you sit when you pee?

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