Disney Has Lost $50 Billion So Far

I'll ask one more time what did Desantis do to demonize gays?

It seems that those on the left wrong have a very difficult time making the distinction between homosexuals/transsexuals and child molesters. Propose a policy to protect children from the latter, and LIbtARdS go ballistic, calling it an attack on the former.

Could it be that the reason that they have so much difficulty telling the difference is that there is not nearly so much difference as they want to claim that there is?
It seems that those on the left wrong have a very difficult time making the distinction between homosexuals/transsexuals and child molesters. Propose a policy to protect children from the latter, and LIbtARdS go ballistic, calling it an attack on the former.

Could it be that the reason that they have so much difficulty telling the difference is that there is not nearly so much difference as they want to claim that there is?

Who's confused...?





Child Molester:

The courts will move up important cases so that the SCOTUS rules on it quickly.
Considering this law is affecting millions of of people - I can almost guarantee you that it will appear before the SCOTUS long before 'years'.
Besides, if a lower court puts an injunction on the law - that is that until it hits the SCOTUS.

It would be fascinating to find out what judge in Florida is stupid enough to throw himself in front of this freight train.

And it is also staggeringly hypocritical via being against free speech.

I despise both parties.
But the right screams about the Constitution and free speech (which I agree with).
However, they then toss that ideal right out the window anytime anyone does something they don't like (kneel for the NA, burn a flag, talk about homosexuals too much, dare to insult the military, berate certain statues, etc.).

Thank goodness this law will almost certainly be killed in the courts.

Whose free speech did we interfere with in regards to kneeling for the national anthem? Or insulting the military? Or "berating statues", whatever the fuck THAT means? Or, for that matter, for "talking about homosexuals too much"? We object to you talking about sexual topics WITH CHILDREN. The quantity of talk isn't the problem; it's the targets of the talk we have a problem with.
Who's confused...?





Child Molester:

View attachment 639588

The point is, if homosexuals and transsexuals are really that much different than child molesters, then why are we now seeing homosexual and transsexuals openly going after children?

Why are homosexuals and transsexuals and their allies so upset over laws and proposed laws to protect children from being sexually groomed and abused?
It seems that those on the left wrong have a very difficult time making the distinction between homosexuals/transsexuals and child molesters. Propose a policy to protect children from the latter, and LIbtARdS go ballistic, calling it an attack on the former.

Could it be that the reason that they have so much difficulty telling the difference is that there is not nearly so much difference as they want to claim that there is?

How does censoring any mention of sexuality protect kids from child abusers?

It would seem to me that would be the opposite. If you can't have those kinds of discussions, how are you going to tell the kids about "Bad touching"...

Or, why your Mormon Fundamentalist Cult leader wants to Groom you to be his fourth Sister Wife.
The point is, if homosexuals and transsexuals are really that much different than child molesters, then why are we now seeing homosexual and transsexuals openly going after children?

Why are homosexuals and transsexuals and their allies so upset over laws and proposed laws to protect children from being sexually groomed and abused?

Except no one is doing any grooming, and teaching kids not to be bigots is a good thing.
The point is, if homosexuals and transsexuals are really that much different than child molesters, then why are we now seeing homosexual and transsexuals openly going after children?

If I were to guess, for the same reason some heterosexual people also go after children.

Why are homosexuals and transsexuals and their allies so upset over laws and proposed laws to protect children from being sexually groomed and abused?

Because that community is being targeted over something that almost never occurs.
If I were to guess, for the same reason some heterosexual people also go after children.

Because that community is being targeted over something that almost never occurs.

Circular logic.

If you faggots don't want to go after children, then why are you so upset over laws against your kind going after children?

We all know the answer, even if you will not admit it, and no matter what lies you try to use to cover it.
Circular logic.

If you faggots don't want to go after children, then why are you so upset over laws against your kind going after children?

We all know the answer, even if you will not admit it, and no matter what lies you try to use to cover it.

Again, it's something that almost never occurs. All that bill is intended to do is to toss red meat to the brain-dead right. And look at how eagerly you swallow it up.
Again, it's something that almost never occurs. All that bill is intended to do is to toss red meat to the brain-dead right. And look at how eagerly you swallow it up.

Your kind are not even trying any more to hide it. In public schools, you're openly grooming children into your depraved sexual perversions, for everyone to see.

Lying about it is pointless, when it it is happening so much in the open.
Your kind are not even trying any more to hide it. In public schools, you're openly grooming children into your depraved sexual perversions, for everyone to see.

Lying about it is pointless, when it it is happening so much in the open.

Link to all these teachers telling 5-8 year olds about gay sex and transgenderism...
Link to all these teachers telling 5-8 year olds about gay sex and transgenderism...

I have to go to work, soon, and don't have time to hunt them down, but it's been well enough documented to put the lie to any claim on your part not to have seen them or been made aware of them.

It's happening, out in the open, for everyone to see.
I have to go to work, soon, and don't have time to hunt them down, but it's been well enough documented to put the lie to any claim on your part not to have seen them or been made aware of them.

It's happening, out in the open, for everyone to see.


I knew it.


Thanks for making my point.

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