Disney, the gay agenda....a regular guy speaks out....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
John Nolte writes this column in reponse to the never ending push for gays to be in every single t.v. show and movie....and the attempt to make transgenderism accepted as normal, instead of a mental health issue......

BACKLASH: Gay and Transgender TV Die In the Ratings

Many times over the years I have publicly expressed my gratitude to Hollywood for the fine work the film and television industry did in changing attitudes towards homosexuals, especially in recognizing our shared humanity. That was a righteous and, yes, Christian act. But now I'm going to express an opinion I'm not supposed to express…

Man alive, I'm sick of gay.

Hey, live and let live. What consenting adults do is the least of my concerns. Godspeed. I wish you nothing but happiness. But I'm tired of being preached to, tired of identity-politics being jammed down my throat, tired of being sucker-punched, hectored, lectured, and told that unless I accept this as "normal" there is something morally wrong with me.

Sorry, but like a massive swath of the population, I am a heterosexual, and no matter how hard you try, the sight of two men being intimate will always make me uncomfortable (in my defense, two woman is kinda hot).

Is it okay if I don't want to be made uncomfortable at a Disney movie, or while watching network television? Does it make me homophobic that I am never-ever going to watch "Moonlight," specifically because I don't want to watch two guys kiss, or to be told that what I believe to be a sin is something beautiful?

Moreover, because I am a compassionate and decent American who wishes only the best for everyone, what I truly resent is this horrific attempt by the mercenary Left to normalize transgenderism.

These are individuals desperately in need of intense psychological help. Normalizing mental illness, celebrating it as some kind of "cool identity," is nothing less than using the psychologically vulnerable as cannon fodder in a political war.

On top of that, there is the relentless, Orwellian oppressiveness of all of the entertainment and media culture demanding I give in to a lie, the lie that transgenderism in not a mental illness.

Making transgenderism a "lifestyle choice" is like making schizophrenia, depression, addiction, bulimia, or a bipolar disorder, a "lifestyle choice." How evil do you have to be to do such a thing, to exploit the mentally ill as a means to score political points?

Finally, caring parents do not want to exit a Disney movie or turn off the TV, only to find themselves having to explain human sexuality to their child long before they ever intended.

Hollywood's demonic push to come between parent and child, to strip our children of their innocence long before it is healthy, is one of many reasons millions are turning elsewhere for entertainment.
Why the colors? Red white and blue, kinda gay don't you think. lol And this guy is a regular guy, a real regular guy, you know, kinda macho, uneducated, dumb, but he loves his flag and his beer. But this regular guy knows mental health and knows what he likes and he likes other regular guys and I guess girls? Regular girls? Sex and life sure confuse these regular guys, they appear insecure that some aspect of life may be revealed too soon. Oh well he's just a regular guy you can't expect any tolerance of complexity or compassion for another or even an understanding of the other, for regular guys are just regular. Forgive them for they're so regular and life isn't.

know what really causes homosexuality....

Maybe this regular is hiding something, hm.... Could it be that those obsessed with gays are secretly gay? That could explain why they see something everywhere, you only see what you want to, you only see where your mind leads you. "Jesse Bering has written a thought provoking article for the magazine, January 30, 2009 issue of the magazine, Scientific American Mind. In it he cites two pieces of empirical research that support the notion of homophobic young men harbor secret homosexual impulses. Both research studies were published in the distinguished publication, Journal of Abnormal Psychology. The first study was done in 2006 by Henry Adams and his team at the University of Georgia. Complete descriptions of the works can be found on Scientific American Mind but you may have to pay for the article or buy the magazine."

Clinical Depression, Separation Anxiety: Allan Schwartz, Ph.D.

Fags are out and no more need for the Scarlet Letter

We will just go about our business and continue to shun them

It's inappropriate to laugh at the mentally ill, re: Queers

Why the colors? Red white and blue, kinda gay don't you think. lol And this guy is a regular guy, a real regular guy, you know, kinda macho, uneducated, dumb, but he loves his flag and his beer. But this regular guy knows mental health and knows what he likes and he likes other regular guys and I guess girls? Regular girls? Sex and life sure confuse these regular guys, they appear insecure that some aspect of life may be revealed too soon. Oh well he's just a regular guy you can't expect any tolerance of complexity or compassion for another or even an understanding of the other, for regular guys are just regular. Forgive them for they're so regular and life isn't.

know what really causes homosexuality....

Maybe this regular is hiding something, hm.... Could it be that those obsessed with gays are secretly gay? That could explain why they see something everywhere, you only see what you want to, you only see where your mind leads you. "Jesse Bering has written a thought provoking article for the magazine, January 30, 2009 issue of the magazine, Scientific American Mind. In it he cites two pieces of empirical research that support the notion of homophobic young men harbor secret homosexual impulses. Both research studies were published in the distinguished publication, Journal of Abnormal Psychology. The first study was done in 2006 by Henry Adams and his team at the University of Georgia. Complete descriptions of the works can be found on Scientific American Mind but you may have to pay for the article or buy the magazine."

Clinical Depression, Separation Anxiety: Allan Schwartz, Ph.D.

Oh...I get it....you didn't read the quote or the article.......try doing that before you post....thanks for trying though....
Why the colors? Red white and blue, kinda gay don't you think. lol And this guy is a regular guy, a real regular guy, you know, kinda macho, uneducated, dumb, but he loves his flag and his beer. But this regular guy knows mental health and knows what he likes and he likes other regular guys and I guess girls? Regular girls? Sex and life sure confuse these regular guys, they appear insecure that some aspect of life may be revealed too soon. Oh well he's just a regular guy you can't expect any tolerance of complexity or compassion for another or even an understanding of the other, for regular guys are just regular. Forgive them for they're so regular and life isn't.

know what really causes homosexuality....

Maybe this regular is hiding something, hm.... Could it be that those obsessed with gays are secretly gay? That could explain why they see something everywhere, you only see what you want to, you only see where your mind leads you. "Jesse Bering has written a thought provoking article for the magazine, January 30, 2009 issue of the magazine, Scientific American Mind. In it he cites two pieces of empirical research that support the notion of homophobic young men harbor secret homosexual impulses. Both research studies were published in the distinguished publication, Journal of Abnormal Psychology. The first study was done in 2006 by Henry Adams and his team at the University of Georgia. Complete descriptions of the works can be found on Scientific American Mind but you may have to pay for the article or buy the magazine."

Clinical Depression, Separation Anxiety: Allan Schwartz, Ph.D.

Here...try actually reading the quote and then you can post more intelligently on this thread...

Many times over the years I have publicly expressed my gratitude to Hollywood for the fine work the film and television industry did in changing attitudes towards homosexuals, especially in recognizing our shared humanity. That was a righteous and, yes, Christian act. But now I'm going to express an opinion I'm not supposed to express…

Man alive, I'm sick of gay.

Hey, live and let live. What consenting adults do is the least of my concerns. Godspeed. I wish you nothing but happiness. But I'm tired of being preached to, tired of identity-politics being jammed down my throat, tired of being sucker-punched, hectored, lectured, and told that unless I accept this as "normal" there is something morally wrong with me.

Sorry, but like a massive swath of the population, I am a heterosexual, and no matter how hard you try, the sight of two men being intimate will always make me uncomfortable (in my defense, two woman is kinda hot).

Is it okay if I don't want to be made uncomfortable at a Disney movie, or while watching network television? Does it make me homophobic that I am never-ever going to watch "Moonlight," specifically because I don't want to watch two guys kiss, or to be told that what I believe to be a sin is something beautiful?

Moreover, because I am a compassionate and decent American who wishes only the best for everyone, what I truly resent is this horrific attempt by the mercenary Left to normalize transgenderism.

These are individuals desperately in need of intense psychological help. Normalizing mental illness, celebrating it as some kind of "cool identity," is nothing less than using the psychologically vulnerable as cannon fodder in a political war.

On top of that, there is the relentless, Orwellian oppressiveness of all of the entertainment and media culture demanding I give in to a lie, the lie that transgenderism in not a mental illness.

Making transgenderism a "lifestyle choice" is like making schizophrenia, depression, addiction, bulimia, or a bipolar disorder, a "lifestyle choice." How evil do you have to be to do such a thing, to exploit the mentally ill as a means to score political points?

Finally, caring parents do not want to exit a Disney movie or turn off the TV, only to find themselves having to explain human sexuality to their child long before they ever intended.

Hollywood's demonic push to come between parent and child, to strip our children of their innocence long before it is healthy, is one of many reasons millions are turning elsewhere for entertainment.
LGBT is a part of our culture, which means it is part of media and entertainment.

That is not going to change.
LGBT is a part of our culture, which means it is part of media and entertainment.

That is not going to change.

Who said it was.......Anorexia and Bulimia are also a part of our culture...but we don't tell those suffering from it that they are simply lifestyle choices....
John Nolte writes this column in reponse to the never ending push for gays to be in every single t.v. show and movie....and the attempt to make transgenderism accepted as normal, instead of a mental health issue......

John Nolte would have been upset that they cast black people as something other than maids and comic relief butlers after the 1960's.

Sorry, but like a massive swath of the population, I am a heterosexual, and no matter how hard you try, the sight of two men being intimate will always make me uncomfortable (in my defense, two woman is kinda hot).

Actually, I'm not really good with anyone, straight or gay, kissing in public. Get a room. Seriously. But I think that the "regular guy" being upset with two dudes and okay with two chicks just kind of shows his own insecurity.

Moreover, because I am a compassionate and decent American who wishes only the best for everyone, what I truly resent is this horrific attempt by the mercenary Left to normalize transgenderism.

These are individuals desperately in need of intense psychological help. Normalizing mental illness, celebrating it as some kind of "cool identity," is nothing less than using the psychologically vulnerable as cannon fodder in a political war.

Again, 50 years ago, homosexuality was classified as a mental illness by bigots. 100 years ago, the term "Hysteria" (from the Greek husterikós, "of the womb") was used to describe any woman who got out of hand, and wanted to do things like vote.

Frankly, I'd be just as happy when they don't think that a dude in a dress is the best way to get a cheap laugh.

Now, frankly, I think guys who stockpile weapons that they don't need because they are compensating are mentally ill. And unlike transgender folks, these people often manage to hurt others.

John Nolte writes this column in reponse to the never ending push for gays to be in every single t.v. show and movie....and the attempt to make transgenderism accepted as normal, instead of a mental health issue......

John Nolte would have been upset that they cast black people as something other than maids and comic relief butlers after the 1960's.

Sorry, but like a massive swath of the population, I am a heterosexual, and no matter how hard you try, the sight of two men being intimate will always make me uncomfortable (in my defense, two woman is kinda hot).

Actually, I'm not really good with anyone, straight or gay, kissing in public. Get a room. Seriously. But I think that the "regular guy" being upset with two dudes and okay with two chicks just kind of shows his own insecurity.

Moreover, because I am a compassionate and decent American who wishes only the best for everyone, what I truly resent is this horrific attempt by the mercenary Left to normalize transgenderism.

These are individuals desperately in need of intense psychological help. Normalizing mental illness, celebrating it as some kind of "cool identity," is nothing less than using the psychologically vulnerable as cannon fodder in a political war.

Again, 50 years ago, homosexuality was classified as a mental illness by bigots. 100 years ago, the term "Hysteria" (from the Greek husterikós, "of the womb") was used to describe any woman who got out of hand, and wanted to do things like vote.

Frankly, I'd be just as happy when they don't think that a dude in a dress is the best way to get a cheap laugh.

Now, frankly, I think guys who stockpile weapons that they don't need because they are compensating are mentally ill. And unlike transgender folks, these people often manage to hurt others.


I think it's natural for heterosexuals to not like gay actions.
I think it's natural for heterosexuals to not like gay actions.

actually, quite the contrary, it's been found that most men who are violently homophobic have latent homosexual tendencies.

Are Homophobic People Really Gay and Not Accepting It?

A series of studies recently published in the prestigious Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found higher levels of homophobia in individuals with unacknowledged attractions to the same sex, particularly when they grew up with authoritarian parents who also held homophobic attitudes. In the university press release, Netta Weinstein, the study's lead author said, "Individuals who identify as straight but in psychological tests show a strong attraction to the same sex may be threatened by gays and lesbians because homosexuals remind them of similar tendencies within themselves." In the same release, study co-author Richard Ryan added, "In many cases these are people who are at war with themselves and they are turning this internal conflict outward."

We should really get these people the help they need!
Joey likes watching dudes make out with tongues. :D

Nah, not really. But I do find it interesting that you spend a lot of time hating on the gays, and ignoring the people who are really making your life miserable.
John Nolte writes this column in reponse to the never ending push for gays to be in every single t.v. show and movie....and the attempt to make transgenderism accepted as normal, instead of a mental health issue......

John Nolte would have been upset that they cast black people as something other than maids and comic relief butlers after the 1960's.

Sorry, but like a massive swath of the population, I am a heterosexual, and no matter how hard you try, the sight of two men being intimate will always make me uncomfortable (in my defense, two woman is kinda hot).

Actually, I'm not really good with anyone, straight or gay, kissing in public. Get a room. Seriously. But I think that the "regular guy" being upset with two dudes and okay with two chicks just kind of shows his own insecurity.

Moreover, because I am a compassionate and decent American who wishes only the best for everyone, what I truly resent is this horrific attempt by the mercenary Left to normalize transgenderism.

These are individuals desperately in need of intense psychological help. Normalizing mental illness, celebrating it as some kind of "cool identity," is nothing less than using the psychologically vulnerable as cannon fodder in a political war.

Again, 50 years ago, homosexuality was classified as a mental illness by bigots. 100 years ago, the term "Hysteria" (from the Greek husterikós, "of the womb") was used to describe any woman who got out of hand, and wanted to do things like vote.

Frankly, I'd be just as happy when they don't think that a dude in a dress is the best way to get a cheap laugh.

Now, frankly, I think guys who stockpile weapons that they don't need because they are compensating are mentally ill. And unlike transgender folks, these people often manage to hurt others.

Joey likes watching dudes make out with tongues. :D

Nah, not really. But I do find it interesting that you spend a lot of time hating on the gays, and ignoring the people who are really making your life miserable.

Just because you don't enjoy watching gay sex (like you do), doesn't mean you hate gays.
I think it's natural for heterosexuals to not like gay actions.

actually, quite the contrary, it's been found that most men who are violently homophobic have latent homosexual tendencies.

Are Homophobic People Really Gay and Not Accepting It?

A series of studies recently published in the prestigious Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found higher levels of homophobia in individuals with unacknowledged attractions to the same sex, particularly when they grew up with authoritarian parents who also held homophobic attitudes. In the university press release, Netta Weinstein, the study's lead author said, "Individuals who identify as straight but in psychological tests show a strong attraction to the same sex may be threatened by gays and lesbians because homosexuals remind them of similar tendencies within themselves." In the same release, study co-author Richard Ryan added, "In many cases these are people who are at war with themselves and they are turning this internal conflict outward."

We should really get these people the help they need!

Nah, its normal for straight men to be totally turned off and maybe even a little bit shocked by gay sex. For them, it goes against nature.
Just because you don't enjoy watching gay sex (like you do), doesn't mean you hate gays.

Hey, nothing wrong with a little girl on girl action, but that wasn't the point.

You see, the thing that you wingnuts who aren't rich (that would be you and 2TinyGuy) is that you keep getting distracted by these dumb issues that have no effect on your life.

Now, on a personal level, other than the PURE ENJOYMENT I get out of watching the Christian assholes sputter when they see the gay, this has no effect on my life.

But the One Percenters get dumb people like you to use the gays and the guns and the God stuff to get you to keep voting against your own economic interests, and then you sit there with a dumb look on your face when your job get sent to Mexico and they cancel your health insurance.
Just because you don't enjoy watching gay sex (like you do), doesn't mean you hate gays.

Hey, nothing wrong with a little girl on girl action, but that wasn't the point.

You see, the thing that you wingnuts who aren't rich (that would be you and 2TinyGuy) is that you keep getting distracted by these dumb issues that have no effect on your life.

Now, on a personal level, other than the PURE ENJOYMENT I get out of watching the Christian assholes sputter when they see the gay, this has no effect on my life.

But the One Percenters get dumb people like you to use the gays and the guns and the God stuff to get you to keep voting against your own economic interests, and then you sit there with a dumb look on your face when your job get sent to Mexico and they cancel your health insurance.

Shut up. You're gay and everyone knows it. :D
Joey likes watching dudes make out with tongues. :D

Actually, if you read joe...whenever you discuss the 2nd Amendment he starts talking about having sex with guns.....his wiring is really messed up...
Just because you don't enjoy watching gay sex (like you do), doesn't mean you hate gays.

Hey, nothing wrong with a little girl on girl action, but that wasn't the point.

You see, the thing that you wingnuts who aren't rich (that would be you and 2TinyGuy) is that you keep getting distracted by these dumb issues that have no effect on your life.

Now, on a personal level, other than the PURE ENJOYMENT I get out of watching the Christian assholes sputter when they see the gay, this has no effect on my life.

But the One Percenters get dumb people like you to use the gays and the guns and the God stuff to get you to keep voting against your own economic interests, and then you sit there with a dumb look on your face when your job get sent to Mexico and they cancel your health insurance.

I'm an agnostic and I don't own any guns. I'm just intelligent enough to realize that ALL of our rights are precious. I'm also pro gay marriage. Just because I don't want to watch them doing it doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to in the privacy of their own homes.
Shut up. You're gay and everyone knows it.

Not sure who "everyone" is. Have you been sneaking around my bushes again? The neighbors have been complaining.

Actually, if you read joe...whenever you discuss the 2nd Amendment he starts talking about having sex with guns.....his wiring is really messed up...

Well, no, I just keep pointing out that you must have some real "manhood" problems if you think a gun compensates for your "shortcomings".

I mean, it would be funny if the punchline wasn't 32,000 dead people every year, including kids.
Shut up. You're gay and everyone knows it.

Not sure who "everyone" is. Have you been sneaking around my bushes again? The neighbors have been complaining.

Actually, if you read joe...whenever you discuss the 2nd Amendment he starts talking about having sex with guns.....his wiring is really messed up...

Well, no, I just keep pointing out that you must have some real "manhood" problems if you think a gun compensates for your "shortcomings".

I mean, it would be funny if the punchline wasn't 32,000 dead people every year, including kids.

Boy did the neighbors have some stories about you! :D

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