Disney's New Live-Action Movie "The Little Mermaid" Has A Black Girl Playing The Lead Character.

Yet even i know you never use "isnt" and "isnt" together in English. How is my third world immigrant ass better at English than you?
What country were you born in?
Sorry....but I'm not gonna pay for this constant woke nonsense.

She's wearing Dreadlocks for Christ's sake.

It's a more subtle form of Blaxploitation. Woke Whitey's think that by changing traditional racial roles, they'll draw in more Black folks and separate them from their money.
Being alert to injustice and racism is a GOOD thing, is it not?

Being obsessed with things that happened over a hundred years ago is not a good thing. Unhealthy fixations on past injustices are in no ways "progressive", as you folks like to call yourselves.

Besides, it was you Democrats who committed all those injustices of the past, not us. So go punch yourself in the face. You'll feel better.
You're being subjective, so you're not using the very definition you gave to describe what "woke" means.

That's Repbulikkan logiks for ya.

Well....since you see racism in everything....and since you're a black-supremacist.....I can see why you feel that.....but basically....you're full of human fecal matter.
It's a more subtle form of Blaxploitation. Woke Whitey's think that by changing traditional racial roles, they'll draw in more Black folks and separate them from their money.
Yeah.....now I see the silver-lining.
Instead of spending their extra cash on Malt Liquor and Bitches....they can spend it on lousy fucking movies from Disney.
With everything that is wrong in this country, this is bothers you enough to complain about it online?

Guess what? Mermaids aren't real, so who fucking cares what Disney decides to do when casting the role? You don't like it? Don't go!

Jesus, I can't imagine the wad you must have gotten your panties in when they appointed the first Black or female astronauts. Those are real and had previously been all white makes...
Sorry....but I'm not gonna pay for this constant woke nonsense.

She's wearing Dreadlocks for Christ's sake.

This bothers me zero. Not at all.

Gay stuff in Disney bothers me a lot more. Or if Ariel could not sing, now THAT I would take personally. Not an issue here--she has a glorious voice.
Dosen't that water down the " Cultural appropriation is bad" thing?
Like all progressive leftist ideology, cultural appropriation only works one way. The smokie-wokies get to appropriate anything they want to appropriate.
With everything that is wrong in this country, this is bothers you enough to complain about it online?

Guess what? Mermaids aren't real, so who fucking cares what Disney decides to do when casting the role? You don't like it? Don't go!

Jesus, I can't imagine the wad you must have gotten your panties in when they appointed the first Black or female astronauts. Those are real and had previously been all white makes...
No. I have no problem with blacks.
I married one over 43 years ago...and she still sleeps in the same bed as I do.
I do have issues with Disney changing the race and sexes of characters just to fit a woke agenda.

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