Disorder Breaks Out as Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Up Sexually Explicit Photos of Hunter Biden During IRS Whistleblower Hearing (VIDEO)

Hunter Biden wasn't elected to office, stupid.

That's the predictable canned response someone gives when they want to divert attention away from the Biden family corruption. Hunter Biden is only a symptom of that corruption, it's Joe Biden himself who is the disease.

Do you understand how blackmail works?

Do you understand what a “bag man” is?

Are you aware that numerous Biden family members were receiving payments from CCP companies, laundered through the Biden’s shell companies?

Are you aware that Hunter claimed in emails with his daughter, that his dad (Joe) keeps a healthy percentage of everything he makes?

Are you aware that Hunter received millions of dollars from Burisma, starting while Joe was still in office?

Are you aware that in emails, a Burisma executive plainly told Hunter that one of the primary reasons he was being paid was to have investigations into Burisma shut down?

Are you aware that Joe Biden leveraged $1 billion dollars in USAID to Ukraine to have the man investigating Burisma fired?
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That's your opinion. Fine. And you are stuck with Hunter as a political strategy now anyway
My opinion is widely held. Independent voters decide elections. The registered party voters are the choir.

She completely tarnished the Biden's today on national and international TV. MTG brought the receipts and democrats had a complete meltdown. It shows how far democrats will go to protect them and their degeneracy. One comment stands out in the comments section.

{Why in the world did the dems get upset with those pics??? They're fighting tooth-and-nail to make sure America's public school kids can view stuff like this in their school libraries. Now they're upset to have the same sort of stuff shown to adults in Congress???}

Click for the democrat meltdown.
Wow, that dude green really loves dick pics.

She completely tarnished the Biden's today on national and international TV. MTG brought the receipts and democrats had a complete meltdown. It shows how far democrats will go to protect them and their degeneracy. One comment stands out in the comments section.

{Why in the world did the dems get upset with those pics??? They're fighting tooth-and-nail to make sure America's public school kids can view stuff like this in their school libraries. Now they're upset to have the same sort of stuff shown to adults in Congress???}

Click for the democrat meltdown.
None of this is going anywhere, so why not make it a bigger circus?
My opinion is widely held. Independent voters decide elections. The registered party voters are the choir.
I agree that independent voters decide elections. I don't agree that independent voters are most concerned about alleged bribery from China. Or anything about Hunter Biden. If you had the goods, something concrete to pin on Joe Biden then sure. This is such a long shot but it's your strategy
I agree that independent voters decide elections. I don't agree that independent voters are most concerned about alleged bribery from China. Or anything about Hunter Biden. If you had the goods, something concrete to pin on Joe Biden then sure. This is such a long shot but it's your strategy
It's a good strategy. Why do you think the Bidens had 20 companies? What's their business?

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