Disorder Breaks Out as Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Up Sexually Explicit Photos of Hunter Biden During IRS Whistleblower Hearing (VIDEO)

What a whore. We don't even allow the members here to post sexually explicit photos on this internet discussion board, and she's dragging them into Congress, the people's house. I could understand (not support) on TV if the broadcasters let it go unedited, but in Congress, that is just some low class trailer trash crap.

Dems are screaming about MTG and Hunter pics on the floors of Congress.

Yet they also fight to keep porn in school libraries.

She completely tarnished the Biden's today on national and international TV. MTG brought the receipts and democrats had a complete meltdown. It shows how far democrats will go to protect them and their degeneracy. One comment stands out in the comments section.

{Why in the world did the dems get upset with those pics??? They're fighting tooth-and-nail to make sure America's public school kids can view stuff like this in their school libraries. Now they're upset to have the same sort of stuff shown to adults in Congress???}

Click for the democrat meltdown.
She further tarnished herself and that committee in Congress.
The fact that having failed to prove any crime on Hunter's part, you are reduced to trying to embarrass him by showing intimate photos, shows how badly you failed.
He may have used company money to obtain those favors. Something they won't hang Trump for.
Spoken like a true imbecile. Congratulations you will never know.View attachment 806225
Here is what I know. Every year about 4 million Americans turn 18 and become eligible to vote. Also every year about 2 and a half million older Americans die. So that means that between 2016 and 2024 Gen Z has gained about 52 million over older voters. And Gen Z votes. Do the math. Figure it out. And keep your remaining fingers outa your nose.
You're a fuzzy thinker. Most likely on of them Jesus huffers at clutter up political chat sites
There’s nothing fuzzy about the disdain for a woman who has committed murder of her own child. What worse form could a human being take? It’s not like there’s a sliver of decency in you to defend.
I do?

I'm an independent who could give two shits either way, and find the Bidens utterly disgusting, but I'm just speaking to/from reality.

Nothing's going to come of this.
It'll get rid of Biden and democrats will have to find a candidate.
It'll get rid of Biden and democrats will have to find a candidate.
Biden may or may not run, but this circus will have nothing to do with it.

Regardless, the Democrats will take back the House & keep the White House.

The Republicans will likely take back the Senate.
There’s nothing fuzzy about the disdain for a woman who has committed murder of her own child. What worse form could a human being take? It’s not like there’s a sliver of decency in you to defend.
Keep on huffing and puffing. I had a perfectly legal medical procedure like millions of other women. I'm not ashamed of it. If that were the case I could have simply kept my mouth shut and you wouldn't be any wiser. So take that sanctimonious drivel of yours and blow it right outa your ass. It ain't working. Especially coming from someone who most likely don't even believes in evolution and thinks the earth is some six thousand years old. I mean I respect you because you're a living human being but intellectually - no. I just don't.

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