Disorder Breaks Out as Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Up Sexually Explicit Photos of Hunter Biden During IRS Whistleblower Hearing (VIDEO)

What a whore. We don't even allow the members here to post sexually explicit photos on this internet discussion board, and she's dragging them into Congress, the people's house. I could understand (not support) on TV if the broadcasters let it go unedited, but in Congress, that is just some low class trailer trash crap.

Should similar images be in our middle school libraries?
Youre asking why people on the right would embarrass the Bidens with the pictures that were found in his laptop? Seriously? :laugh:

No, I am asking why you on the right are so obsessed with Hunter's dick.

She completely tarnished the Biden's today on national and international TV. MTG brought the receipts and democrats had a complete meltdown. It shows how far democrats will go to protect them and their degeneracy. One comment stands out in the comments section.

{Why in the world did the dems get upset with those pics??? They're fighting tooth-and-nail to make sure America's public school kids can view stuff like this in their school libraries. Now they're upset to have the same sort of stuff shown to adults in Congress???}

Click for the democrat meltdown.

Similar scenes acted out in pride parades coast to coast, but Leftists' religion says that's okay, so of course, it's okay.
She's turned Congress into a joke. It's supposed to govern, not go after private citizens. She's a disgrace and anyone that supports her is a disgrace. She is the poster child of a low end white. Whites like me laugh at her.
Yeah, but she really fucked over the Bidens by breaking out giant pics in Congress of Hunter doing with a prostitute. Mission accomplished on her part. :dunno:
He claimed the prostitute in the pictures was an assistant when he filed his returns. He also expensed the hotel room they used and her flight, which was across state lines, which is another crime in itself. Its directly connected to his tax case.
Great, So you think that fucking someone and paying them as a business expense should be a crime...

Could you please tell us what the penalty should be?
Great, So you think that fucking someone and paying them as a business expense should be a crime...

Could you please tell us what the penalty should be?
No, i dont "THINK" anything. Its literally a crime. As for the penalty, how the fuck should i know? Im not a tax lawyer. :cuckoo:
All it proves is that MTG is trash.

If this was Hunter with a trans lover and one of them was dressed like a dog you all would be like, "oh let them be, PRIDE"

I don't condone what she did, but then, I'm consistent. It's YOUR Puritan routine that is selective and thus, unintentionally hilarious.
If this was Hunter with a trans lover and one of them was dressed like a dog you all would be like, "oh let them be, PRIDE"

I don't condone what she did, but then, I'm consistent. It's YOUR Puritan routine that is selective and thus, unintentionally hilarious.
Is that your fantasy?
What a whore. We don't even allow the members here to post sexually explicit photos on this internet discussion board, and she's dragging them into Congress, the people's house. I could understand (not support) on TV if the broadcasters let it go unedited, but in Congress, that is just some low class trailer trash crap.
Yet you loons put that kind of pornography in elementary school libraries. Screw you and your outrage.
He is the one that took them. You're an idiot.

But disseminating them publicly after illegally obtaining them is a crime.

What Is “Nonconsensual Pornography”?​

“Nonconsensual pornography” is when a sexually graphic image of you is shared without your consent. It’s also commonly called “revenge porn.” These images can include:

  • Images taken during the course of an intimate relationship (including images you took of yourself and shared with the intent to keep them private);
  • Hidden recordings;
  • Images stolen from electronic devices (phones, computers, tablets, etc.);

Is It Illegal?​

Yes. Sharing or publicizing intimate images without your consent is against both civil and criminal law.

Washington law states that it is a crime for a person age 18 or older to knowingly disclose an intimate image of you when:

    1. The image was obtained under circumstances in which a reasonable person would know or understand that the image was to remain private;
    2. The person knows or should have known that you did not consent to the disclosure; and
    3. The person knows or reasonably should know that disclosure would harm you.

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