Disorder Breaks Out as Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Up Sexually Explicit Photos of Hunter Biden During IRS Whistleblower Hearing (VIDEO)

What a whore. We don't even allow the members here to post sexually explicit photos on this internet discussion board, and she's dragging them into Congress, the people's house. I could understand (not support) on TV if the broadcasters let it go unedited, but in Congress, that is just some low class trailer trash crap.
Yet your side supports explicit content in middle school libraries depicting grown men grabbing little boys’ cocks.
Nope. It's absolutely none of your beeswax. Do you want to tell me all about yours?
So you're scared. Me...I really don't know but I'd like to believe there is an afterlife of some kind. Death is part of life you know. Maybe we live on through other's memories of us along with particular genetic traits in our children and relatives? I don't believe it's going to be like when we are alive in human form, unless, of course there is reincarnation where we are 'born again' without memories of our past life or lives. I don't believe anyone has come back from death but I do find accounts of spirits and ghosts interesting. I do know that those who procreate have offspring with their genetic traits.
So you're scared. Me...I really don't know but I'd like to believe there is an afterlife of some kind. Death is part of life you know. Maybe we live on through other's memories of us along with particular genetic traits in our children and relatives? I don't believe it's going to be like when we are alive in human form, unless, of course there is reincarnation where we are 'born again' without memories of our past life or lives. I don't believe anyone has come back from death but I do find accounts of spirits and ghosts interesting. I do know that those who procreate have offspring with their genetic traits.
Cool. :113:
I think it's sad that you have such a low opinion about teachers. I'm absolutely convinced that the vast majority of teachers chose the profession because they care about children and want nothing but the best for em. It really pisses me off that a whole profession gets smeared as groomers or some sort of perverts because the GOP has finally acknowledged to itself that they don't have an economic agenda for America and decided to run on that dumb culture war issues instead.
That was probably true about 20 years ago. These days it seems most teachers go into that profession to avoid growing up themselves. What other profession can you get that allows you to have blue hair, a nose ring and tell people you’re supposed to be in charge of all about your perverted sexual desires? Teacher and rock star are pretty much it. And when you have no talent then the job choice is obvious. Those that can do, those that can’t teach.
We're already in a cultural civil war, so let's get it on.
I don't see that happening, even if they assassinate Trump, but I think they're concerned about going that far, so seek to assassinate him by non-lethal means.

Neuter him politically.

I mean, how DARE The People choose a candidate not DeepSwamp approved?

2016 really woke up the PermaState, and Covid gave the Democrats cover to align completely with it.
The founders got religion right. Let people have as much religion as they want but keep it out of governing decisions.

In reality, it was that government could not get involved in religion. Something they've managed to do quite well.

The 1st Amendment does not prevent school prayer (and the whole SCOTUS says your wrong schtick does not work.....look at what happened to Roe.....if the current SCOTUS allows it, then you are O.K....). It says government can't get involved in what people want and if they want prayer in school, then that is their business.

Especially given that the federal government has no perview over school districts......but I digress.

You might be interested to know that several states had state supported religions well after ratification of the constitution with the last one being written out of the state constitution around 1830. These were a bad idea. But they were NEVER challenged. And recent SCOTUS dicta indicates support for the proposition of some like that (but again...it's a bad idea).

Just sayin'.

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