Disorder Breaks Out as Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Up Sexually Explicit Photos of Hunter Biden During IRS Whistleblower Hearing (VIDEO)

I think the average Leftists would give their daughter to him, just like mothers gave their daughters to David Karesh or Jim Jones.
Trump said his own daughter was a "piece of ass". All good with that, jackass?
This is the same party where Matt Gaetz tried to convince us that he thought the teen prostitute that he and his buddy paid for and double teamed in a hotel room was 18.

So consider the source. For these fucking MAGA groomers, sexually explicit images of blowjobs and sex tapes thrown up on national TV where any kid could see them is just a Wednesday.
That's true. Personally I'm not that finicky. I watch porn once in a while. It hasn't harmed me any. But waving dick pictures at an unsuspecting audience, that's original Marge Taylor Greene. And she's their problem. Thank God
What else would one expect from Gym Jordan's committee. They're a bunch of perverts.

characture that had to be drawn, where hunters are an actual photo
Get real

As usual, the trailer trash Bidens show us precisely how tacky they can be and then their porn cult start getting all triggered over someone who wants the world to see what swine they are.

Gawd, you vermin are cute.

Keep it up. Bring more of your stupidity to the screen and parade it.

It's entertaining.

You must mean white trash like Margie diaplaying porn at a congressional hearing, dipshit?

Assholes like you aren't too worried about Trump sleeping around on his wife as she was home taking care of their infant son you fucking hypocrite.

The same Trump who is now shitting green as he's on indictment watch.
Apples and oranges, you confused, mixed up poor little man
You were the one moments ago who said you weren't "finicky". I believe you. If I were an over-weight unattractive shitbag, I reckon my prospects bottom tier as well.

Thank God I have standards.
You must mean white trash like Margie diaplaying porn at a congressional hearing, dipshit?

Assholes like you aren't too worried about Trump sleeping around on his wife as she was home taking care of their infant son you fucking hypocrite.

The same Trump who is now shitting green as he's on indictment watch.
They are investigating Hunter Biden. I wasn't aware that legal proceedings were subject to partisan morality police. If these "reps" are so focused on prohibiting evidence of a crime--maybe they shouldn't be there to begin with.

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