Disorder Breaks Out as Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Up Sexually Explicit Photos of Hunter Biden During IRS Whistleblower Hearing (VIDEO)

Shows the motive behind these hearings

What do those pictures have to do with Hunters IRS issues?
He was literally writing off the payments he made to those prostitutes on his taxes as a business expense.

“So some of the items that he deducted were personal no-show employees. He deducted payments that were made to who he called his West Coast assistant, but she was essentially a prostitute,”

Another whistleblower, IRS supervisory agent Gary Shapley, told the committee on May 26 that he found several instances of Hunter improperly expensing flights for prostitutes.

What a whore. We don't even allow the members here to post sexually explicit photos on this internet discussion board, and she's dragging them into Congress, the people's house. I could understand (not support) on TV if the broadcasters let it go unedited, but in Congress, that is just some low class trailer trash crap.

You look at what a so-called president's son is actually doing, and you're shrugging your shoulders and wondering what the fuss is about, but Ms Taylor Greene is a whore.

Rich with irony.


She completely tarnished the Biden's today on national and international TV. MTG brought the receipts and democrats had a complete meltdown. It shows how far democrats will go to protect them and their degeneracy. One comment stands out in the comments section.

{Why in the world did the dems get upset with those pics??? They're fighting tooth-and-nail to make sure America's public school kids can view stuff like this in their school libraries. Now they're upset to have the same sort of stuff shown to adults in Congress???}

Click for the democrat meltdown.
The degenerate here is Marjorie Taylor Green.
MTG is a real ball buster. There are no depths that she willnot go, but it makes for some hilarious moments!

Can you imagine how god damn embarrassing this is for Hunter? Please do yourself a favor and watch the entire thing to the end. The finale is AMAZING. Its crazy how much evidence they have on just this single crime. Plane records, pictures of her, pictures of them in the illegal act, dates, times... i mean dear lord! :laugh:

Funniest moment in Congressional history...

She's turned Congress into a joke. It's supposed to govern, not go after private citizens. She's a disgrace and anyone that supports her is a disgrace. She is the poster child of a low end white. Whites like me laugh at her.
They've been all over the internet for several years now. Here, if you feel brave...

Not my bag, I will leave dick picks to Marjory Taylor Green and whore/whore mongering supporters of the far Right GOP. Hopefully in the future they can resist bringing them in to congress to flash, but what do you expect from trailer trash that was supposedly fking two guys at the gym she worked with, while married, although not married anymore. Yet she is the toast of the far right. I suppose, like trump, even supported by the Christian right, more right than Christian anymore, as Christians used to look down on that sort of thing.

She completely tarnished the Biden's today on national and international TV. MTG brought the receipts and democrats had a complete meltdown. It shows how far democrats will go to protect them and their degeneracy. One comment stands out in the comments section.

{Why in the world did the dems get upset with those pics??? They're fighting tooth-and-nail to make sure America's public school kids can view stuff like this in their school libraries. Now they're upset to have the same sort of stuff shown to adults in Congress???}

Click for the democrat meltdown.

So MTG showed sexually explicit images of blowjobs and sex tapes on national television?

And who are the groomers again?
What a whore. We don't even allow the members here to post sexually explicit photos on this internet discussion board, and she's dragging them into Congress, the people's house. I could understand (not support) on TV if the broadcasters let it go unedited, but in Congress, that is just some low class trailer trash crap.
No mention of the immorality or possible illegality of his actions---no no no, we need to disparage the messenger that brings it to your attention. SMH.

You look at what a so-called president's son is actually doing, and you're shrugging your shoulders and wondering what the fuss is about, but Ms Taylor Greene is a whore.

Rich with irony.

If Hunter starts flashing dick picks and pussy pics on the floor of Congress, I will publicly disapprove also. I have already stated my disdain for Hunter on this board before, so that isn't the point. I have also voiced my disdain for the whoremonger, Donald trump, who is known to have been fking multiple women while married to multiple women, true to his nature, never taking a oath before God or anybody else, he could be trusted not to break on a whim or a hard dick. She is just another example of Far Right Wing women of the GOP, and the GOP's support for the breakdown of American morals, and American families, as they support people who set the example for that kind of thing, while going after the immorality of the LGBTQ people, as if the moral position of the GOP had any legs left to stand on. There is no new morality, just the same old immorality and the people that support it, while wagging their fingers across aisle.

She completely tarnished the Biden's today on national and international TV. MTG brought the receipts and democrats had a complete meltdown. It shows how far democrats will go to protect them and their degeneracy. One comment stands out in the comments section.

{Why in the world did the dems get upset with those pics??? They're fighting tooth-and-nail to make sure America's public school kids can view stuff like this in their school libraries. Now they're upset to have the same sort of stuff shown to adults in Congress???}

Click for the democrat meltdown.
Greene is scum – like most others on the right.
If Hunter starts flashing dick picks and pussy pics on the floor of Congress, I will publicly disapprove also. I have already stated my disdain for Hunter on this board before, so that isn't the point. I have also voiced my disdain for the whoremonger, Donald trump, who is known to have been fking multiple women while married to multiple women, true to his nature, never taking a oath before God or anybody else, he could be trusted not to break on a whim or a hard dick. She is just another example of Far Right Wing women of the GOP, and the GOP's support for the breakdown of American morals, and American families, as they support people who set the example for that kind of thing, while going after the immorality of the LGBTQ people, as if the moral position of the GOP had any legs left to stand on. There is no new morality, just the same old immorality and the people that support it, while wagging their fingers across aisle.

Sure thing.



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