Dispelling the Big Government Myth

That's why a "system" is needed to ensure FREE MARKET capitalism.
What "system" ensures free market capitalism? How does it work?

Any system that ensures a free society will also ensure a free market. As long as government isn't interfering with trade.
So free markets are secured by the will of the people?

No. Freedom should never be subject to a vote.
Our system of government, the system that ensures our free society, was voted into law. Granted by the will of the people.

Yes. And it was the will of the people to strictly limit the power of the majority to trample the rights of everyone else. They did a pretty good on that front, but it's been a long time, and a lot of people are eager to do some trampling.

I will ask again. What system ensures free markets? Any isn't really an answer.

I answered you. If you don't like the answer, say why. Or ask someone else.
Bush and Trump prove the GOP knows as much about running a country as this women does changing the oil.

The market IS the people. It's not "subject to the will" unless there is freedom of the individual. The market in China or North Korea is subject to the will of the state or tyrant ruler.
The market is not people. It is the place where people go to buy and sell goods and services. And yes, even in America it is subject to the will of the state. Theoretically the state represents the will of the people, therefore the market is subject to the will of the people. This is all basic stuff. I'm shocked that you are having such difficulty with it. And yes I find it a bit humorous.

No, the place people go to try and sell goods and services is called the "marketplace". The market is the individuals who participate in the marketplace. In a Socialist/Marxist system, these people have no freedom... it's not a free market. These markets are controlled by the state authority, and no... the state is NOT the people in a non-democratic society.

I'm shocked you're finding this humorous because you're not even getting the basic stuff right. You keep on conflating things and changing your arguments when you realize you misspoke. You try to dance around and make some irrelevant point and pretend like you're Charlie Sheen...#winning.

I get bored yah-yahing with idiots so I think we're done here

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