Distributed Denial of HCQ to COVID-19 Victims

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

Distributed Denial of HCQ to COVID-19 Victims
Leo Goldstein / 8 hours ago May 11, 2020
On March 19, at a White House briefing, President Trump “touted” chloroquine (hydroxychloroquine is chloroquine metabolite) for possible use against COVID-19. The very next day, a media operation was launched to deny this treatment to the public. Several fake news outlets published articles, saying things like this (NYT, March 20):
Trump’s Embrace of Unproven Drugs to Treat Coronavirus Defies Science
Doctors and patients also worry that the president’s rosy outlook for the treatments will exacerbate shortages of old malaria drugs relied on by patients with lupus and other debilitating conditions.
Referring to this as a media operation is appropriate because multiple outlets repeated the same false talking points. At that time
  • The use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 already had scientific support, although not to the level required for FDA approval of a new drug; but HCQ was already approved.
  • The fact that hospitals had already been increasing their supply of HCQ and CQ before President’s briefing was an additional indication that medical professionals believed in the drugs’ usefulness against COVID-19.
  • There were no shortages of HCQ or CQ for lupus & RA patients at that time.
  • Multiple pharma companies announced an increase in HCQ manufacturing and substantial donations of HCQ.
  • Even without these increases, the HCQ amounts required for COVID-19 patients were too small to impact the supply for other users.
This false alarm had all the behavioral characteristics of the Democrat-Socialist operatives: pitting groups of citizens against each other, sowing fear and division, and hoping that the conflict would damage President Trump. In this case, they incited lupus and rheumatoid arthritis patients against current and future COVID-19 victims. Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Microsoft support the fake new media financially, send web traffic to them, and endorse them to some extent. Amplified by Big Tech, the announcement of HCQ shortage caused a vicious spiral: panic buying by lupus patients, which led to actual shortages, which amplified the panic buying and so on. Then the blame was directed at COVID-19 patients and their physicians prescribing HCQ for them.
Consequences of the anti-HCQ Media Operation

lil long read it all at link above ...cause we're all in this tooghehtherrrrrr


Not sure what the point of complaining about this is? The media and Democrats didn't make this shitstorm. Trump did when he stood up and touted it as a miracle cure. I haven't heard him or Fox news mention this drug prominently in weeks. Maybe that's because the drug hasn't shown as much promise as everyone thought initially. And the dosage for COVID-19 is twice what it is for lupus. That's why we have research based, data driven trials for drugs and treatments. So the cure doesn't end up being worse than the disease. Here's a second study affirming the drug isn't as helpful as everyone initially thought.
Hydroxychloroquine shows no benefit against coronavirus in N.Y. study

And yes, shortages were created. That can be attributed directly to Trump. Again, this is why when you're the leader of the free world, what you say matters.
'Medication I can't live without': Lupus patients struggle to get hydroxychloroquine, in demand for COVID-19
I'm saying he started it. Place the blame where the blame lies. Stop directing it to the media. They're just reporting what he says. If there was to be talk about the drug, Dr Fauci or Dr Birx could have addressed it. But that would have required Trump showing an interest in doing his job, not just repeating what he heard on Fox News or from one of his friends. When you're the President, words matter. Even the FDA had to issue a caution.
FDA cautions use of hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine for COVID-19

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