Diversity in science

According to Rdean only 6% of scientists are Republicans, so clearly Democrats are misogynist and racist
According to Rdean only 6% of scientists are Republicans, so clearly Democrats are misogynist and racist
According to PEW research.

But according to Republicans, science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy. In fact, scientists don't bring anything go to this country and only live off huge grants while relying on their fancy education to keep them on a the gravy train.
According to Rdean only 6% of scientists are Republicans, so clearly Democrats are misogynist and racist
Guess you didn't bother to read this part, did you dipshit?

In many ways, of course, the climate has become more welcoming to young women who want to study science and math. Female students at the high school I attended in upstate New York no longer need to teach themselves calculus from a book, and the physics classes are taught by a charismatic young woman. When I first returned to Yale in the fall of 2010, everyone kept boasting that 30 to 40 percent of the undergraduates majoring in physics and physics-related fields were women. More remarkable, those young women studied in a department whose chairwoman was the formidable astrophysicist Meg Urry, who earned her Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins, completed a postdoctorate at M.I.T.’s center for space research and served on the faculty of the Hubble space telescope before Yale hired her as a full professor in 2001.
Typical USMB right winger on science and scientists:

elektra: Science, people who make outrageous claims, one after another, never proving their claims yet they make a fat secure living doin so. At beautiful university campuses all across the country. A nice gig. Fooling the fools.
According to Rdean only 6% of scientists are Republicans, so clearly Democrats are misogynist and racist
According to PEW research.

But according to Republicans, science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy. In fact, scientists don't bring anything go to this country and only live off huge grants while relying on their fancy education to keep them on a the gravy train.

Why are non-Republicans misogynist and racist?

Republicans sent in the 82nd Airborne to desegregate Democrat schools, looks like we're going to have to go back and finish the job
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According to Rdean only 6% of scientists are Republicans, so clearly Democrats are misogynist and racist
Guess you didn't bother to read this part, did you dipshit?

In many ways, of course, the climate has become more welcoming to young women who want to study science and math. Female students at the high school I attended in upstate New York no longer need to teach themselves calculus from a book, and the physics classes are taught by a charismatic young woman. When I first returned to Yale in the fall of 2010, everyone kept boasting that 30 to 40 percent of the undergraduates majoring in physics and physics-related fields were women. More remarkable, those young women studied in a department whose chairwoman was the formidable astrophysicist Meg Urry, who earned her Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins, completed a postdoctorate at M.I.T.’s center for space research and served on the faculty of the Hubble space telescope before Yale hired her as a full professor in 2001.
Think Frank will ever admit he didn't read this part of the article?
More left wing bullshit.
Trying to change human nature and assess the distinctions as always being cultural. There are often innate, physiological and anthropological elements that drive the distinctions and ultimately form the culture. Not the other way around.
Left wing denial and insistence that it's all cultural actually defies the science and makes this entire story hypocrisy.
Forcing the diversity will only milk the talent pool and result in bad science and poor performance. Like everything else affirmative action has ruined.
As someone that enjoys reading about the history of tech and science....I can't say the past 30 years of forcing woman into it has done a damn thing. We had far more innovation and advancement when those old white males where 99% of the field during the 50's.

Airplanes, rockets, theories of physics, chemistry, etc. Science within my mind has slown down at the level of theory...Without theory, I don't see how we can create at the rate we once did. Thank you leftist, assholes.

Look up the discoveries by the male pigs you hate during the 17th to mid 20th century.

We want from near the top in education to 22nd in science and math in the past 45 years. This isn't progress.

Stereotyping and labeling limits us in so many ways. Who wants to see a change in the culture? What can be done to get more young women and ethnic minorities interested in science and technology? It is a culture problem with many ethnic minorities afraid of acting white and many males in STEM fields with prejudiced attitudes.

The entire premise if false. Science is the ultimate meritocracy. Either one is a competent scientist or one isn't. There's no wiggle room. You can't equivocate on a science test when there's only correct and incorrect. There's no room to BS like on an essay or term paper in a history test.

We can look at the sociological conditions that makes girls and minorities turn away from the STEM fields, but at the end of the day nobody is denied those majors. If anything, the sciences want female and minority students. However, STEM majors are really hard and take time and demand an outcome that isn't tied to guilt or persecution or some other complex. Anyone can get a phys ed degree, a history degree, or a gender studies degree, but it takes real time and labor and commitment to even get through a biology or pre-med degree, to say nothing of a physics or engineering degree.

We don't make enough STEM graduates because society doesn't value them. We make actors by the bushel because we've put entertainment above engineering and sports above science. If we want to get more people, not just women and minorities, into the STEM fields, we need to stop treating people in those fields as nerd and geeks and stop putting entertainers and athletes as the top of the success totem pole.

Stereotyping and labeling limits us in so many ways. Who wants to see a change in the culture? What can be done to get more young women and ethnic minorities interested in science and technology? It is a culture problem with many ethnic minorities afraid of acting white and many males in STEM fields with prejudiced attitudes.

The entire premise if false. Science is the ultimate meritocracy. Either one is a competent scientist or one isn't. There's no wiggle room. You can't equivocate on a science test when there's only correct and incorrect. There's no room to BS like on an essay or term paper in a history test.

We can look at the sociological conditions that makes girls and minorities turn away from the STEM fields, but at the end of the day nobody is denied those majors. If anything, the sciences want female and minority students. However, STEM majors are really hard and take time and demand an outcome that isn't tied to guilt or persecution or some other complex. Anyone can get a phys ed degree, a history degree, or a gender studies degree, but it takes real time and labor and commitment to even get through a biology or pre-med degree, to say nothing of a physics or engineering degree.

We don't make enough STEM graduates because society doesn't value them. We make actors by the bushel because we've put entertainment above engineering and sports above science. If we want to get more people, not just women and minorities, into the STEM fields, we need to stop treating people in those fields as nerd and geeks and stop putting entertainers and athletes as the top of the success totem pole.

Your assessment is correct but its application is shot in the foot by the propagation of global warming 'science'.
That's more of an issue of the politicization of science as opposed to a flaw in science.

Stereotyping and labeling limits us in so many ways. Who wants to see a change in the culture? What can be done to get more young women and ethnic minorities interested in science and technology? It is a culture problem with many ethnic minorities afraid of acting white and many males in STEM fields with prejudiced attitudes.

The entire premise if false. Science is the ultimate meritocracy. Either one is a competent scientist or one isn't. There's no wiggle room. You can't equivocate on a science test when there's only correct and incorrect. There's no room to BS like on an essay or term paper in a history test.

We can look at the sociological conditions that makes girls and minorities turn away from the STEM fields, but at the end of the day nobody is denied those majors. If anything, the sciences want female and minority students. However, STEM majors are really hard and take time and demand an outcome that isn't tied to guilt or persecution or some other complex. Anyone can get a phys ed degree, a history degree, or a gender studies degree, but it takes real time and labor and commitment to even get through a biology or pre-med degree, to say nothing of a physics or engineering degree.

We don't make enough STEM graduates because society doesn't value them. We make actors by the bushel because we've put entertainment above engineering and sports above science. If we want to get more people, not just women and minorities, into the STEM fields, we need to stop treating people in those fields as nerd and geeks and stop putting entertainers and athletes as the top of the success totem pole.

The cold hard truth that the liberals don't want to hear. They can't rig science to force women and blacks into it, but I fear what they're doing is discouraging males all around so they can have what looks to be what they wish for. Of course, as they're doing this we have dropped from near the best educational system in the world to 22nd in science.

America needs foreign students to fill our science programs to even be respected at all.
Why don't we value all human life? Why do we have to limit our potential with stupid labels? Who wants to be called a geek or dumb brute?

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