Diversity Is Not A Strength

I think i could lay it quite clearly here. I didn't read the last 55 pages: no time for that.

Ethnic, religious and racial diversity is great as long as it's all in support of a similar set of values and morals, which is the real the crux. People who hold the same morals and values (or lack thereof) should be able to get along quite well with each other. That's the real tragedy of the current political climate. If you just look at black vs. white, can you argue that our core moral belief system is different? Nope, not really. So the strife is all superficial bullshit propagated by lunatics on both sides of the racial and political spectrum and we don't have enough people at the forefront smart and sensible enough to say "stop this craziness." There's simply too much money to be made by keeping it up.

Where you run into real conflicts is our Western culture that values science, freedom and equality of opportunity for everyone versus Muslim culture where much of it around the world values the strict religion above all else. If we can't agree that women, half our damn population, should be afforded every single right a man has... or that corporal punishment is very wrong... then we simply can't co-exist in the same social structure.
He made a valid point about liberals, and your racist fantasy did not address it.

All that showed was that you are incredibly racist.

Which is great. Thanks. There are a lot of whites that don't yet agree with me on issues of racial policy, and you are exactly the type of black person I need to convince them.
I've said many times. I'm racist.

You're not outing me. I know I am.

But two things make it different:

First, it goes in the opposite direction. I favour black ppl, not whites

Second, I'm honest about being racist.

But we could never do to white people, what white people do to black people. We could never use them as guinea pigs in black hospitals, the way they use blacks as guinea pigs in white hospitals.

We could redline white areas from credit, the way many banks redline black areas from credit. We could never rip up there CV's and resumes, the same way they rip our CV's and resumes.

We could never poison there water supply, and kill 100's of them for there body organs and kill over 100 thousand whites, as white people did when they started the earthquake in Haiti.

God just did not make black people that way. He just did not give us that heart.

Plus, if you notice
  • I don't make fun of how white people talk or dress or look.
  • I don't make fun of the food they eat or the names they give their children.
  • I don't hold up their poorest and most criminal elements as “what white people are like”.
  • I don't excuse violence against them saying that whites kill each other all the time..
  • I don't make racist jokes about them.
  • I don't claim that white people are less smart
  • I don't claim white people to be genetically inferior
  • I don't call them racial slurs or compare them to animals.
  • I don't call for their genocide or ethnic cleansing.
Whenever I say bad things about white people it's pretty much always to do with their racism

Fact is -The past and present and future of black people concern me the most and in that history, white people are the main evil.

Your collection of grievances, real and imagined does not justify your racism against people that have nothing to do with them and often have fought strongly against such injustices.

That is just you being a bad person.
Re: "I would also say that most whites have never been robbed, assaulted or rioted against by black ppl"
Those white people are called Liberals
Liberal or Lefties = N*GGER LOVERS

Stop talking in code.
This is true - [most] whites have not been conditioned to be race mongers such as yourself
When black people begin lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bombing, segregating, red-lining, unemploying, building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating SUN-DOWN towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back and controlling white people in every imaginable way while HATING WHITE PEOPLE en mass via de jure and de facto racism for HUNDREDS of years, then and only then can calling me or any black person a race monger will make sense.
White liberals = cuckolds or uncle toms

Only a self hating white person could ever listen to the shit you say without putting your face into the concrete after the first 10 seconds.

:lmao: another wannabe tough boy! :lol:

You crave black dick or something? Why suck up to the arrogant racist nignog?

Where do you see 'sucking up,' you dimwitted buffoon? He's every bit the racist clown that you fools are. He's just a little smarter than you and your fellow assholes on the other side of the coin.

:fu:To all you fucking clowns. You and he and the others are all the problem.
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I've said many times. I'm racist.

You're not outing me. I know I am.

But two things make it different:

First, it goes in the opposite direction. I favour black ppl, not whites

Second, I'm honest about being racist.

But we could never do to white people, what white people do to black people. We could never use them as guinea pigs in black hospitals, the way they use blacks as guinea pigs in white hospitals.

We could redline white areas from credit, the way many banks redline black areas from credit. We could never rip up there CV's and resumes, the same way they rip our CV's and resumes.

We could never poison the water supply in white areas, the way whites poison the water supply in black areas like Flint

God just didn't make black people that way. He just didn't give us that heart.

Plus, if you notice
  • I don't make fun of how white people talk or dress or look.
  • I don't make fun of the food they eat or the names they give their children.
  • I don't hold up their poorest and most criminal elements as “what white people are like”.
  • I don't excuse violence against them saying that whites kill each other all the time..
  • I don't make racist jokes about them.
  • I don't claim that white people are less smart
  • I don't claim white people to be genetically inferior
  • I don't call them racial slurs or compare them to animals.
  • I don't call for their genocide or ethnic cleansing.
Whenever I say bad things about white people it's pretty much always to do with their racism

Fact is -The past and present and future of black people concern me the most and in that history, white people are the main evil.

Cool, you've got a checklist of things not to say so you can claim the moral high ground. Doesn't mean you don't believe in them. It just means you're two faced and duplicitous, like a politician. All the stuff about white people sabotaging black hospitals, credit, resumes and water supplies is sheer unadulterated bullshit. That thing about black people being inherently incapable of doing evil things is also bullshit. You're a liar and a fraud. You're probably not even black.
Are you hearing voices in your head? Who is "we"? What are YOU being blamed for?

You and he and the others are all the problem.

You're a classic example of a message board sycophant. You're so desperate to fit in with the in-crowd, it's pathetic, really... Were you picked on and excluded in high school? I bet you were... You still carry that emotional baggage around decades later and now fancy yourself as a member of the cool kids club. But just like Ringel, your weakness is apparent to everyone.
He made a valid point about liberals, and your racist fantasy did not address it.

All that showed was that you are incredibly racist.

Which is great. Thanks. There are a lot of whites that don't yet agree with me on issues of racial policy, and you are exactly the type of black person I need to convince them.
I've said many times. I'm racist.

You're not outing me. I know I am.

But two things make it different:

First, it goes in the opposite direction. I favour black ppl, not whites

Second, I'm honest about being racist.

But we could never do to white people, what white people do to black people. We could never use them as guinea pigs in black hospitals, the way they use blacks as guinea pigs in white hospitals.

We could redline white areas from credit, the way many banks redline black areas from credit. We could never rip up there CV's and resumes, the same way they rip our CV's and resumes.

We could never poison the water supply in white areas, the way whites poison the water supply in black areas like Flint

God just didn't make black people that way. He just didn't give us that heart.

Plus, if you notice
  • I don't make fun of how white people talk or dress or look.
  • I don't make fun of the food they eat or the names they give their children.
  • I don't hold up their poorest and most criminal elements as “what white people are like”.
  • I don't excuse violence against them saying that whites kill each other all the time..
  • I don't make racist jokes about them.
  • I don't claim that white people are less smart
  • I don't claim white people to be genetically inferior
  • I don't call them racial slurs or compare them to animals.
  • I don't call for their genocide or ethnic cleansing.
Whenever I say bad things about white people it's pretty much always to do with their racism

Fact is -The past and present and future of black people concern me the most and in that history, white people are the main evil.
Does the existence of white racists justify your racism? For a moral standpoint, no. If racism is bad, then racism is bad, no matter what form it might take. I think MLK and other great political figures like Gandhi realized that you don't combat racism/bigotry with more of it. You show people that the racism is unjustified by your own actions and let an enlightened society shame the current racists and breed out the thoughts in the following generations.

But if that doesn't convince you, i'd offer this. One thing i've seen that racists of all sorts can share together: unhappiness. If someone does you wrong purely on racial terms then bring them to court because you have both an entire media machine plus the majority of the American public behind you and a set of laws that punishes that type of behavior. Otherwise, my advice would be to stop worrying about race and worry about yourself. Lift yourself up as high as you want to and enjoy life while you've still got it cause it can tend to breeze by quickly. America, unlike many other countries, gives you that option.
Does the existence of white racists justify your racism? For a moral standpoint, no. If racism is bad, then racism is bad, no matter what form it might take. I think MLK and other great political figures like Gandhi realized that you don't combat racism/bigotry with more of it.
FK Gandhi

He hated black people

As for MLK ? He preached peace and love and non violence and what did you do ? Killed him.

But if that doesn't convince you, i'd offer this. One thing i've seen that racists of all sorts can share together: unhappiness. If someone does you wrong purely on racial terms then bring them to court because you have both an entire media machine plus the majority of the American public behind you and a set of laws that punishes that type of behavior. Otherwise, my advice would be to stop worrying about race and worry about yourself. Lift yourself up as high as you want to and enjoy life while you've still got it cause it can tend to breeze by quickly. America, unlike many other countries, gives you that option.
Nice words. But we are living in a global system of white supremacy

Everywhere black people go on the planet in any significant numbers. We told the same thing

We don't want you to live here
We don't want you to work here
We don't want you to date her
We don't want you to study here
We don't want you to come here

I think you get the gist.

That's the reality. That's the truth. Racism-White supremacy dominates E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. The Economics. The Politics. The Labour. The Laws

And I am 100% dominated by that system. That's does not mean white people are better. But it does mean that there idea of white supremacy is the most dominant on planet earth.

White people (And some foolish non whites) as a collective have allowed the white supremacists to have the most power.

Now I don't think all white ppl r Adolf Hitler but I DO think ALL white people have little bit of Hitler in them, and many more than let on.

So downplaying racism will backfire. If a person is led to believe that there are no obstacles in their way, and that their hard work and intelligence are all that'll matter, they might slack up. They may overestimate the extent to which whites will recognize their effort and hard work and that's when white supremacy will hit you FULL FORCE.

To tell my nephew that he can be anything he wants to be if he tries hard enough is nice, but unless I warn him about the obstacles in his path. I'm ill-suiting him for the real world but rather him up for a terrible fall.

On the other hand, by discussing racism, black people who are the targets of unjust treatment can steel themselves against the headwinds in our way
Are you hearing voices in your head? Who is "we"? What are YOU being blamed for?

You and he and the others are all the problem.

You're a classic example of a message board sycophant. You're so desperate to fit in with the in-crowd, it's pathetic, really... Were you picked on and excluded in high school? I bet you were... You still carry that emotional baggage around decades later and now fancy yourself as a member of the cool kids club. But just like Ringel, your weakness is apparent to everyone.

What crowd? What club? Almost everyone here hates me, you idiot.

Maybe you should ask yourself why that is. Surely it's their fault, r-right?
Are you hearing voices in your head? Who is "we"? What are YOU being blamed for?

You and he and the others are all the problem.

You're a classic example of a message board sycophant. You're so desperate to fit in with the in-crowd, it's pathetic, really... Were you picked on and excluded in high school? I bet you were... You still carry that emotional baggage around decades later and now fancy yourself as a member of the cool kids club. But just like Ringel, your weakness is apparent to everyone.

What crowd? What club? Almost everyone here hates me, you idiot.

Maybe you should ask yourself why that is. Surely it's their fault, r-right?

Don't care
Does the existence of white racists justify your racism? For a moral standpoint, no. If racism is bad, then racism is bad, no matter what form it might take. I think MLK and other great political figures like Gandhi realized that you don't combat racism/bigotry with more of it.
FK Gandhi

He hated black people

As for MLK ? He preached peace and love and non violence and what did you do ? Killed him.
....iscussing racism

, black people who are the targets of unjust treatment can steel themselves against the headwinds in our way

someguy did not kill MLK.

James Earl Ray killed MLK.

Blaming all white people for it is pure racism on your part.
Are you hearing voices in your head? Who is "we"? What are YOU being blamed for?

You and he and the others are all the problem.

You're a classic example of a message board sycophant. You're so desperate to fit in with the in-crowd, it's pathetic, really... Were you picked on and excluded in high school? I bet you were... You still carry that emotional baggage around decades later and now fancy yourself as a member of the cool kids club. But just like Ringel, your weakness is apparent to everyone.

What crowd? What club? Almost everyone here hates me, you idiot.

Maybe you should ask yourself why that is. Surely it's their fault, r-right?

Don't care

What is the cultural difference?

Tutsi, Hutu.

Read a book.

Here is a readers digest version....cultures are similar. Ethnic groups in Rwanda - Wikipedia

{The largest ethnic groups in Rwanda are the [Hutus]s (about 85% of the population), the Tutsis (14%), and the Twa (1%).}

Now don't you feel foolish!
Tell me about the difference in their cultures (remember, you are insisting cultural diversity is at issue.) how are their cultures different?
Does the existence of white racists justify your racism? For a moral standpoint, no. If racism is bad, then racism is bad, no matter what form it might take. I think MLK and other great political figures like Gandhi realized that you don't combat racism/bigotry with more of it.
FK Gandhi

He hated black people

As for MLK ? He preached peace and love and non violence and what did you do ? Killed him.

But if that doesn't convince you, i'd offer this. One thing i've seen that racists of all sorts can share together: unhappiness. If someone does you wrong purely on racial terms then bring them to court because you have both an entire media machine plus the majority of the American public behind you and a set of laws that punishes that type of behavior. Otherwise, my advice would be to stop worrying about race and worry about yourself. Lift yourself up as high as you want to and enjoy life while you've still got it cause it can tend to breeze by quickly. America, unlike many other countries, gives you that option.
Nice words. But we are living in a global system of white supremacy

Everywhere black people go on the planet in any significant numbers. We told the same thing

We don't want you to live here
We don't want you to work here
We don't want you to date her
We don't want you to study here
We don't want you to come here

I think you get the gist.

That's the reality. That's the truth. Racism-White supremacy dominates E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. The Economics. The Politics. The Labour. The Laws

And I am 100% dominated by that system. That's does not mean white people are better. But it does mean that there idea of white supremacy is the most dominant on planet earth.

White people (And some foolish non whites) as a collective have allowed the white supremacists to have the most power.

Now I don't think all white ppl r Adolf Hitler but I DO think ALL white people have little bit of Hitler in them, and many more than let on.

So downplaying racism will backfire. If a person is led to believe that there are no obstacles in their way, and that their hard work and intelligence are all that'll matter, they might slack up. They may overestimate the extent to which whites will recognize their effort and hard work and that's when white supremacy will hit you FULL FORCE.

To tell my nephew that he can be anything he wants to be if he tries hard enough is nice, but unless I warn him about the obstacles in his path. I'm ill-suiting him for the real world but rather him up for a terrible fall.

On the other hand, by discussing racism, black people who are the targets of unjust treatment can steel themselves against the headwinds in our way

LOL, yeah how White supremacist of the U.S. to have affirmative action, jobs going to immigrants in mass, the Minority business development agency, Black History Month, jobs outsourced to China, Mexico, Vietnam, India etc. in mass too.
Re: "I would also say that most whites have never been robbed, assaulted or rioted against by black ppl"
Those white people are called Liberals
Liberal or Lefties = N*GGER LOVERS

Stop talking in code.
This is true - [most] whites have not been conditioned to be race mongers such as yourself
When black people begin lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bombing, segregating, red-lining, unemploying, building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating SUN-DOWN towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back and controlling white people in every imaginable way while HATING WHITE PEOPLE en mass via de jure and de facto racism for HUNDREDS of years, then and only then can calling me or any black person a race monger will make sense.
White liberals = cuckolds or uncle toms

Only a self hating white person could ever listen to the shit you say without putting your face into the concrete after the first 10 seconds.

:lmao: another wannabe tough boy! :lol:

You crave black dick or something? Why suck up to the arrogant racist nignog?

Where do you see 'sucking up,' you dimwitted buffoon? He's every bit the racist clown that you fools are. He's just a little smarter than you and your fellow assholes on the other side of the coin.

:fu:To all you fucking clowns. You and he and the others are all the problem.

Yeah, Paul's so smart, huh?
He thinks Black Africa invented metal smelting, and that there's some magical World White supremacy system, even in spite of the things I just listed above like affirmative action, or jobs going to foreigners saying otherwise.
Are you hearing voices in your head? Who is "we"? What are YOU being blamed for?

You and he and the others are all the problem.

You're a classic example of a message board sycophant. You're so desperate to fit in with the in-crowd, it's pathetic, really... Were you picked on and excluded in high school? I bet you were... You still carry that emotional baggage around decades later and now fancy yourself as a member of the cool kids club. But just like Ringel, your weakness is apparent to everyone.

What crowd? What club? Almost everyone here hates me, you idiot.

Maybe you should ask yourself why that is. Surely it's their fault, r-right?

Don't care

I think Paul's probably smarter than you, at least he fights for his own people, and writes more than nitwit mouthing off tidbits.
You are not going to like my answer, but it is the truth. I personally know people who are racists. I worked with them.
OK. Let's stop right here.

This is a common tactic that whites supremacist try 2 do. The try 2 paint themselves as the voice of reason. The neutral one. The objective one.
And when you listen to their story, you know why.
Let me guess ? I've not read below but it's probably some "I was beaten, robbed by a black person" story.

Right ?
There was a man who worked here in Columbus as a mechanic. He had a home over on hilltop. That's a suburb of Columbus, just 10 minutes from downtown where he worked at a Cadillac dealership.
And why did he have a Cadillac dealership ? Because the system of white supremacy and why was he living in burbs because of the system of white supremacy. And why did he get a job as mechanic because whites have a huge advantage in the employment market.
He ended up moving to Cardington, which is a 1hour drive out of the city.
View attachment 149993
And why was he able to move so easily ?

Because of the system of racism white supremacy. With the help of mortgage discrimination, redlining, zoning laws and so-called “market forces” pricing many blacks out of the better housing markets (even though whites only got into those markets because of government subsidies and preferences, both private and public.
Turkish Babas are exclusive white.

So, now Turks are exclusively White?

But, the other day you called Greeks as non-White.

Turks are less White than Greeks, not only do they have more Middle-Eastern mixture, from mixing with Kurds, Arabs, and Iranians here, and there.
They also have some Turkic mixture from Central-Asia, culturally they are Muslim, and Turkish speakers, alien to Europeans
Turks are part of the Indo-European race .... for all intensive they're white although I am certain there is some African genes floating around ... like Sicilians

Hitites, Byzantines, and Galatians maybe examples of Indo-European speakers in Anatolia.

Turks in Anatolia however, are not Indo-European speakers.

While, it's true that Turks do have bits of Indo-European genes, they aren't dominant.

The dominant genes in Turkey are in fact Middle-Eastern genes, like in well the Middle-East, North-Africa, and well Southern Europe too.
20 years ago you would be saying the same thing about countries like Germany, Austria, Sweden, Spain, Italy etc. Save you black supremacist bullshit for the mentally inferior white liberals. White people are NEVER left alone, even in our ancestoral homelands, that is why the EU is constantly attacking Poland, The Czech Republic and Hungary.

Learn about the anti-white movement in Europe or shut the fuck up.
And how are the black people getting on in Germany, Austria, Sweden, Spain, Italy ?

Yeah exactly.

They're getting sh*t on over there. So what's your problem ? Black ppl getting treated exactly the way you like. You should be happy. Right ?

Oh, the horror Whites treat Blacks so bad in White countries.

So, why do Blacks stay in White countries, then?

Oh, and might I point out, in recent years South Africa, and Zimbabwe, haven't treated Whites, or immigrants particularly well, either.
So, when is the last time some one had to move out of their neighbor because whites moved in and started robbing, assaulting and rioting?

And this silly idea that white people are racist because of what black people do is easily debunked by the fact that even in places where there are hardly no black people. Places like Russia, Serbia, Poland or Croatia. Places where they're not even around black people, barely speak to black people. They'll come forward with the exactly the same stereotypes as you and others. There is major far right movement over there.
20 years ago you would be saying the same thing about countries like Germany, Austria, Sweden, Spain, Italy etc. Save you black supremacist bullshit for the mentally inferior white liberals. White people are NEVER left alone, even in our ancestoral homelands, that is why the EU is constantly attacking Poland, The Czech Republic and Hungary.

Learn about the anti-white movement in Europe or shut the fuck up.

What the EU is doing to Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary is truly deplorable, going so far as to threaten sanctions on these nations just for not taking in Islamic refugees.

Coming from a Polish background, I'm totally pissed off, and I might be part Hungarian too, one of our Polish surnames Baj (Pronounced Bay) is in fact a Hungarian surname.

Besides that, Hungarians, and Czechs are some of Poland's favorite people, if not most favorite people besides well Poles themselves.
So the idea that whites can’t maintain their influence in those countries (Germany, Austria, Sweden, Spain, Italy) at over 90% of the population and were they run everything

I mean, you must think white people in those countries (Germany, Austria, Sweden, Spain, Italy ) are an incredibly weak-willed or genetically defective or culturally retarded group of people if they can’t maintain their own influence at over 90% of the population, that just seems preposterous.


Well, the elites certainly don't seem to think in terms of race much, they think only in greed, and power.

Multiculturalism cheap labor gives them their greed fix, and tightens their power over countries as a fix to the issues of multiculturalism.

Yes, the elites are usually vermin, as are the lower classes.

Fascists generally are the only people who get that right.
So, it's not wonder why the elites try, so hard to hate Fascists.
20 years ago you would be saying the same thing about countries like Germany, Austria, Sweden, Spain, Italy etc. Save you black supremacist bullshit for the mentally inferior white liberals. White people are NEVER left alone, even in our ancestoral homelands, that is why the EU is constantly attacking Poland, The Czech Republic and Hungary.

Learn about the anti-white movement in Europe or shut the fuck up.
And how are the black people getting on in Germany, Austria, Sweden, Spain, Italy ?

Yeah exactly.

They're getting sh*t on over there. So what's your problem ? Black ppl getting treated exactly the way you like. You should be happy. Right ?

Also black people are the low IQ savages. Right ?

And you have all that white male high IQ superior intellect in u right ?

So what's this idea that white people in those countries can’t hang on when they are around 90% of the population.

I mean. What's gonna happen ? Are black men gonna come into Germany, Austria, Sweden, Spain and impregnate all the white women there ?

How is this white genocide gonna play out ?

Because we can't out smart you. Right ? We are the low IQ savages who ain't did sh*t in history and you're the superior race with all the intelligence

Hey - I'm just using the white supremacist dictionary.

So the idea that whites can’t maintain their influence in those countries (Germany, Austria, Sweden, Spain, Italy) at over 90% of the population and were they run everything

I mean, you must think white people in those countries (Germany, Austria, Sweden, Spain, Italy ) are an incredibly weak-willed or genetically defective or culturally retarded group of people if they can’t maintain their own influence at over 90% of the population, that just seems preposterous.
Let's ask a black person who has lived in Germany about what is going on there, shall we?


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