Diversity Is Not A Strength

I don't care whether whites want to self-segregate.
So long as they keep footing the bill for your ignorance ... is that what you mean ?

Re: "I would also say that most whites have never been robbed, assaulted or rioted against by black ppl"
Those white people are called Liberals

re: "Whites do so when your teams lose the big game or win the big game; or because of something called Pumpkin Festival; or because veggie burritos cost $10 at Woodstock ’99 and there weren’t enough Porta-Potties by the time of the Limp Bizkit set; or because folks couldn’t get enough beer at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake; or because surfers or St. Patty’s Day in Albany; or because Penn State fired Joe Paterno; or because it’s a Sunday afternoon in Ames, Iowa; and u do it over and over and over again."

This is true - [most] whites have not been conditioned to be race mongers such as yourself
The so-called ghetto was created. It was designed (by the white supremacist) as a a concentration camp. It was created by generations of housing discrimination, which limited where its residents could live. It was created by decade after decade of white riots against black people whenever we would move into white neighborhoods.

Who wants a tribe of ignorant violent race mongers living on their block. The real tragedy of this was that decent black people, unlike yourself, were trapped via stereotyping to live amongst the vile primitive pigs like you. I experienced this first hand as a youngster - my dad, a dark skinned native american was at times insulted with the "N" word. He was a hard working family man but he cracked a few heads in his day. My mother a white anglo saxon was once called a n-gger lover by a neighbor - I recall my uncle having to put up my fathers bail in the aftermath.
You are not going to like my answer, but it is the truth. I personally know people who are racists. I worked with them.
OK. Let's stop right here.

This is a common tactic that whites supremacist try 2 do. The try 2 paint themselves as the voice of reason. The neutral one. The objective one.
And when you listen to their story, you know why.
Let me guess ? I've not read below but it's probably some "I was beaten, robbed by a black person" story.

Right ?
There was a man who worked here in Columbus as a mechanic. He had a home over on hilltop. That's a suburb of Columbus, just 10 minutes from downtown where he worked at a Cadillac dealership.
And why did he have a Cadillac dealership ? Because the system of white supremacy and why was he living in burbs because of the system of white supremacy. And why did he get a job as mechanic because whites have a huge advantage in the employment market.
He ended up moving to Cardington, which is a 1hour drive out of the city.
View attachment 149993
And why was he able to move so easily ?

Because of the system of racism white supremacy. With the help of mortgage discrimination, redlining, zoning laws and so-called “market forces” pricing many blacks out of the better housing markets (even though whites only got into those markets because of government subsidies and preferences, both private and public.
Turkish Babas are exclusive white.

So, now Turks are exclusively White?

But, the other day you called Greeks as non-White.

Turks are less White than Greeks, not only do they have more Middle-Eastern mixture, from mixing with Kurds, Arabs, and Iranians here, and there.
They also have some Turkic mixture from Central-Asia, culturally they are Muslim, and Turkish speakers, alien to Europeans
Turks are part of the Indo-European race .... for all intensive they're white although I am certain there is some African genes floating around ... like Sicilians
America is, and always has been a melting pot.
WAS a melting pot ... WAS not IS. The 'melting' facet of that cliche implies that cultures melt together. The current libtard agenda puts forth a 'mosaic' theory framed as "diversity' where each group resists assimilation and has no allegiance to the larger group as a whole - no allegiance to American society. In fact they are conditioned to despise America and American Values. America is portrayed as the Oppressor and all their personal failures, short comings and struggles are laid at the feet of the white man
Which is where the rise of the term "people of color" came to prominence. It wasn't acceptable to say red, yellow, brown, black, and white anymore. Because the conquest of white culture wasn't progressing under those terms. It instead came to be replaced with the "people of color", vs whites dichotomy; whose loose conferederation allowed for overwhelming numbers when packed into a loose confederation; that could not be achieved individually. The only constant has been the end goal of supplanting white culture, and dominance.
But I do split black people into groups. Absolutely. There are many that never break the law, never smoke pot, never vandalize, never cause problems, follow the rules, work really hard, love their families... and actually have families, marry their wives, not just screw every woman that come in contact with...

There are very good black that wonderful people.

And there are others, that are the exact opposite, that march around in the streets after a scum sucking criminal rightly gets shot. That complain when they are arrested for breaking the law. That have broken families and mess up lives, and blame everyone but themselves for their problems.

One group I don't have time for. The other group, I would be willing to die for.

Very different groups of people. Yes, they are not the same group. Skin color doesn't matter to me at all. They are not the same group of people just because they have similar amounts of melanin in their skin. Not even close to being the same.
You notice all these so good white people are never in the courtroom ?

O. Sure. So called good white folks will do some token bullshit, ineffective like marching with black people. Because at 6 0' Clock they get to back to their segregated white neighbourhood and wake up to there white job and black people get to go back to there area of high unemployment

I know how fake most white supremacists are

Do you come out with that speech when your around white mates, white family, white friends when they say sh*t about black people ?


You do realize that no more racism. Could mean no more white people ?

The roots of white racism is white genetic extinction. You put all the people into a pot and mix them up. Out would pop a black person.

So the thought that white people can change this behaviour is a high level expectation. They are playing a white survival game which means they have to control everything on the planet or face possible extinction.

There is a deeper reason as to why they used to chop of black men's penis, why they have white flight, why they are so fearful of immigrants (Especially non white ones) why were ever they go on the planet they cut themselves off.

Because at 6 0' Clock they get to back to their segregated white neighbourhood and wake up to there white job and black people get to go back to there area of high unemployment

You are not going to like my answer, but it is the truth. I personally know people who are racists. I worked with them. And when you listen to their story, you know why.

There was a man who worked here in Columbus as a mechanic. He had a home over on hilltop. That's a suburb of Columbus, just 10 minutes from downtown where he worked at a Cadillac dealership.

He ended up moving to Cardington, which is a 1hour drive out of the city.
View attachment 149993

I went out there for dinner with his wife, and we got to talking about why the lived so far away. The answer was simple. The neighborhood where they lived went from being working class, to crap. First stuff started disappearing. Then a man tried to climb in throw the kitchen window. Friends and neighbors sold off and left.

But the end was when she was delivering a meal to an elderly man across the street, and a woman came and started accusing her of all kinds of things. The wife was dumbfounded. She had never seen this woman before in her life, and no idea where she even came from, let alone lived.

Next thing a riot broke out, people stole everything that was on her. A dozen police showed up to disbanded the riot. This man and his wife, never even went back to their home. Asked someone else to go through and collect their keepsakes and high value items. But everything else they left with the house and sold as in. They lived in a hotel, and then a rental, and then got this house an hour away from the city.

Of course you know what I'm going to say, don't you? You knew it half way through this story. The man breaking in through the window, was black. The woman that accused her on the street was black. The people the rioted and stole everything she had, and started beating her, were all black.

And then you say to us "there is racism!"...... yes. Yes there is. And it's your people that are causing it. Stop committing crime. Stop breaking the law. Every single time black people move into a neighborhood, and there ends up being crime... you are creating racists people.

I'm lucky. I have been fortunate to know wonderful, kickass, standing for what is right, black people. Some of my closest friends I have ever had in my whole life, have been black.

But that couple, never met a black person until they were stealing their stuff. Until they were breaking in their home. Until they were attacking his wife.

Yeah, they don't like black people. But like a beaten abused wife, doesn't like men anymore.... a person that has only known criminal black people likely isn't going to be fond of them.


Most black people are killed by other black people. How about you fix that first. Come whining about racism, after you fix your race so people don't hate them.

You know, I have minorities where I live in my condo area. Bunch of Asians here. Bunch of Latinos here. They are just a poor as I am, that's why they live in these condos.

But they are not breaking into homes, or dealing drugs, or anything. They follow the law. That's why we don't hate them. They are good people. How about you do that. Try being good people. Stop with all the gangster rap, and play real music. Stop glorifying evil, and start living right. Put down your pot, and pick up a hammer, start working for a living, and your family.

The Mexican next door to me, is a home builder. Wonderful family. I wish everyone was like them. Other people work. Spend more time doing something of value, and less time smoking pot, stealing stuff, and wondering why everyone hates you.
Would we have the same problems, if Persons could simply apply for unemployment compensation if they don't have a job in our at-will employment States?
America is, and always has been a melting pot.
WAS a melting pot ... WAS not IS. The 'melting' facet of that cliche implies that cultures melt together. The current libtard agenda puts forth a 'mosaic' theory framed as "diversity' where each group resists assimilation and has no allegiance to the larger group as a whole - no allegiance to American society. In fact they are conditioned to despise America and American Values. America is portrayed as the Oppressor and all their personal failures, short comings and struggles are laid at the feet of the white man

America is still a melting pot.
That was a lot of writing to avoid the fact that the scenario that Andy described is common and the reverse never happens, at least in this country. THis is a fact that we need to admit if we are ever going to fix it. Pretending that it is not so, as we have been doing for the last couple of generations has certainly not worked. YOur anti-white racism might be helping you cope with the shitty situation your people are in, but would you not rather actually improve it?
A few things.

Andylusion just clumsily tried to shift the blame on to black people. Now that might work when he's around his white family and friends. But when he comes to a black man like me who debates logically and can knock all silly white supremacist bullsh*t talking points (That I've heard a million times) out the park, it's a different story.

I always say he should just man up and say

"STFU’ and stop complaining, you ave no bearing on my reality and I could care less about what you think’ know your place !! You're of no consequence and should consider yourself lucky to live here !"

I'd have more respect towards those that actually said these thing than those who speak in code and use these counter-argument tactics to divert the topic at hand.

This happens a lot when talking about subjects such as racism. They will throw out retorts like "Africans sold slaves" or "crime statistics" .

He (Andylusion) tried to talk about his story of his friend and wife who he said were attacked by black people

That right there. Made me suspicious

Just this week alone

A white security officer shoots himself in the arm in Ohio and scared that he'd lose his job. What does he do ? Blames a fictional black man

White man shoots his girlfriend. What does he do ? Blames a fictional black man

Once again. This is just this week


So white people lie on black people like it's nothing. Even the white supremacist police are getting of sick it because white people are wasting their time with their non stop 24-7 calls about black people.
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Re: "I would also say that most whites have never been robbed, assaulted or rioted against by black ppl"
Those white people are called Liberals
Liberal or Lefties = N*GGER LOVERS

Stop talking in code.
This is true - [most] whites have not been conditioned to be race mongers such as yourself
When black people begin lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bombing, segregating, red-lining, unemploying, building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating SUN-DOWN towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back and controlling white people in every imaginable way while HATING WHITE PEOPLE en mass via de jure and de facto racism for HUNDREDS of years, then and only then can calling me or any black person a race monger will make sense.
So, when is the last time some one had to move out of their neighbor because whites moved in and started robbing, assaulting and rioting?

And this silly idea that white people are racist because of what black people do is easily debunked by the fact that even in places where there are hardly no black people. Places like Russia, Serbia, Poland or Croatia. Places where they're not even around black people, barely speak to black people. They'll come forward with the exactly the same stereotypes as you and others. There is major far right movement over there.
20 years ago you would be saying the same thing about countries like Germany, Austria, Sweden, Spain, Italy etc. Save you black supremacist bullshit for the mentally inferior white liberals. White people are NEVER left alone, even in our ancestoral homelands, that is why the EU is constantly attacking Poland, The Czech Republic and Hungary.

Learn about the anti-white movement in Europe or shut the fuck up.
A woman was robbed and went to the police station to report the crime. They sent her to the police sketch artist where she described her attacker as 'six foot tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, white man'.

The police sketch artist drew a Black man and the woman replied, 'That's him, officer!'
Re: "I would also say that most whites have never been robbed, assaulted or rioted against by black ppl"
Those white people are called Liberals
Liberal or Lefties = N*GGER LOVERS

Stop talking in code.
This is true - [most] whites have not been conditioned to be race mongers such as yourself
When black people begin lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bombing, segregating, red-lining, unemploying, building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating SUN-DOWN towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back and controlling white people in every imaginable way while HATING WHITE PEOPLE en mass via de jure and de facto racism for HUNDREDS of years, then and only then can calling me or any black person a race monger will make sense.
White liberals = cuckolds or uncle toms

Only a self hating white person could ever listen to the shit you say without putting your face into the concrete after the first 10 seconds.
So, when is the last time some one had to move out of their neighbor because whites moved in and started robbing, assaulting and rioting?

And this silly idea that white people are racist because of what black people do is easily debunked by the fact that even in places where there are hardly no black people. Places like Russia, Serbia, Poland or Croatia. Places where they're not even around black people, barely speak to black people. They'll come forward with the exactly the same stereotypes as you and others. There is major far right movement over there.
20 years ago you would be saying the same thing about countries like Germany, Austria, Sweden, Spain, Italy etc. Save you black supremacist bullshit for the mentally inferior white liberals. White people are NEVER left alone, even in our ancestoral homelands, that is why the EU is constantly attacking Poland, The Czech Republic and Hungary.

Learn about the anti-white movement in Europe or shut the fuck up.
Don't dismiss out of hand, so casually the underlying truth in his statement... That at the first opportunity to makes such things so... That opportunity will be jumped on, like a starving dog on a meat wagon...
That was a lot of writing to avoid the fact that the scenario that Andy described is common and the reverse never happens, at least in this country. THis is a fact that we need to admit if we are ever going to fix it. Pretending that it is not so, as we have been doing for the last couple of generations has certainly not worked. YOur anti-white racism might be helping you cope with the shitty situation your people are in, but would you not rather actually improve it?
A few things.

Andylusion just clumsily tried to shift the blame on to black people. Now that might work when he's around his white family and friends. But when he comes to a black man like me who debates logically and can knock all silly white supremacist bullsh*t talking points (That I've heard a million times) out the park, it's a different story.

I always say he should just man up and say

"STFU’ and stop complaining, you ave no bearing on my reality and I could care less about what you think’ know your place !! You're of no consequence and should consider yourself lucky to live here !"

I'd have more respect towards those that actually said these thing than those who speak in code and use these counter-argument tactics to divert the topic at hand.

This happens a lot when talking about subjects such as racism. They will throw out retorts like "Africans sold slaves" or "crime statistics" .

He (Andylusion) tried to talk about his story of his friend and wife who he said were attacked by black people

That right there. Made me suspicious

Just this week alone

A white security officer shoots himself in the arm in Ohio and scared that he'd lose his job. What does he do ? Blames a fictional black man

White man shoots his girlfriend. What does he do ? Blames a fictional black man

Once again. This is just this week


So white people lie on black people like it's nothing. Even the white supremacist police are getting of sick it because white people are wasting their time with their non stop 24-7 calls about black people.

20 years ago you would be saying the same thing about countries like Germany, Austria, Sweden, Spain, Italy etc. Save you black supremacist bullshit for the mentally inferior white liberals. White people are NEVER left alone, even in our ancestoral homelands, that is why the EU is constantly attacking Poland, The Czech Republic and Hungary.

Learn about the anti-white movement in Europe or shut the fuck up.
And how are the black people getting on in Germany, Austria, Sweden, Spain, Italy ?

Yeah exactly.

They're getting sh*t on over there. So what's your problem ? Black ppl getting treated exactly the way you like. You should be happy. Right ?

Also black people are the low IQ savages. Right ?

And you have all that white male high IQ superior intellect in u right ?

So what's this idea that white people in those countries can’t hang on when they are around 90% of the population.

I mean. What's gonna happen ? Are black men gonna come into Germany, Austria, Sweden, Spain and impregnate all the white women there ?

How is this white genocide gonna play out ?

Because we can't out smart you. Right ? We are the low IQ savages who ain't did sh*t in history and you're the superior race with all the intelligence

Hey - I'm just using the white supremacist dictionary.

So the idea that whites can’t maintain their influence in those countries (Germany, Austria, Sweden, Spain, Italy) at over 90% of the population and were they run everything

I mean, you must think white people in those countries (Germany, Austria, Sweden, Spain, Italy ) are an incredibly weak-willed or genetically defective or culturally retarded group of people if they can’t maintain their own influence at over 90% of the population, that just seems preposterous.
That was a lot of writing to avoid the fact that the scenario that Andy described is common and the reverse never happens, at least in this country. THis is a fact that we need to admit if we are ever going to fix it. Pretending that it is not so, as we have been doing for the last couple of generations has certainly not worked. YOur anti-white racism might be helping you cope with the shitty situation your people are in, but would you not rather actually improve it?
A few things.

Andylusion just clumsily tried to shift the blame on to black people. Now that might work when he's around his white family and friends. But when he comes to a black man like me who debates logically and can knock all silly white supremacist bullsh*t talking points (That I've heard a million times) out the park, it's a different story.

Andy's story is completely credible, and calling him a white supremacist is not a rebuttal.

Thinking it is not logical.

I always say he should just man up and say

"STFU’ and stop complaining, you ave no bearing on my reality and I could care less about what you think’ know your place !! You're of no consequence and should consider yourself lucky to live here !"

I'd have more respect towards those that actually said these thing than those who speak in code and use these counter-argument tactics to divert the topic at hand.

NOne of us white people are responsible for the voices in your head.

This happens a lot when talking about subjects such as racism. They will throw out retorts like "Africans sold slaves" or "crime statistics" .

If some lib tries to pretend that whites were the only people that did slavery, and pointing out that that is a vile lie is the right thing to do.

And crime stats show a real story of a problem within the black community.

He (Andylusion) tried to talk about his story of his friend and wife who he said were attacked by black people

That right there. Made me suspicious

Just this week alone

A white security officer shoots himself in the arm in Ohio and scared that he'd lose his job. What does he do ? Blames a fictional black man

White man shoots his girlfriend. What does he do ? Blames a fictional black man

Once again. This is just this week


So white people lie on black people like it's nothing. Even the white supremacist police are getting of sick it because white people are wasting their time with their non stop 24-7 calls about black people.

That's funny. THe "White supremacist police" are the ones you cite to show that some white people unfairly blamed black people for something, yet you can't give them any credit for doing their job because you "know" that they are "white supremacists".

The reason that liars use that lie, is because it is so believable based on crime stats, and you know that.
Re: "I would also say that most whites have never been robbed, assaulted or rioted against by black ppl"
Those white people are called Liberals
Liberal or Lefties = N*GGER LOVERS

Stop talking in code.
This is true - [most] whites have not been conditioned to be race mongers such as yourself
When black people begin lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bombing, segregating, red-lining, unemploying, building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating SUN-DOWN towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back and controlling white people in every imaginable way while HATING WHITE PEOPLE en mass via de jure and de facto racism for HUNDREDS of years, then and only then can calling me or any black person a race monger will make sense.
White liberals = cuckolds or uncle toms

Only a self hating white person could ever listen to the shit you say without putting your face into the concrete after the first 10 seconds.

:lmao: another wannabe tough boy! :lol:
Re: "I would also say that most whites have never been robbed, assaulted or rioted against by black ppl"
Those white people are called Liberals
Liberal or Lefties = N*GGER LOVERS

Stop talking in code.

He made a valid point about liberals, and your racist fantasy did not address it.

All that showed was that you are incredibly racist.

Which is great. Thanks. There are a lot of whites that don't yet agree with me on issues of racial policy, and you are exactly the type of black person I need to convince them.
Re: "I would also say that most whites have never been robbed, assaulted or rioted against by black ppl"
Those white people are called Liberals
Liberal or Lefties = N*GGER LOVERS

Stop talking in code.
This is true - [most] whites have not been conditioned to be race mongers such as yourself
When black people begin lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bombing, segregating, red-lining, unemploying, building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating SUN-DOWN towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back and controlling white people in every imaginable way while HATING WHITE PEOPLE en mass via de jure and de facto racism for HUNDREDS of years, then and only then can calling me or any black person a race monger will make sense.
You're a Race Monger who has mastered the art of Parroting. You suffer from a engineered delusion known as Oppression complex or oppression mentality.

"The central belief of every moron is that he is the victim of a mysterious conspiracy against his common rights and true deserts. He ascribes all his failure to get on in the world, all of his congenital incapacity and damfoolishness, to the machinations of werewolves assembled in Wall Street, or some other such den of infamy." ..H.L. Mencken

In recent years Feminazis, Gay activists, Black Lies hypocrites and assorted mechanization of the sociofascist machine have been capitalizing on the sociological phenomena of oppression psychology to rally their forces. Instilling and reinforcing a sense of victimization in their followers is vital. Creating a stigmatism of shame in any opposition via Jamming, a form of psychological terrorism intended to silence expression of or support for a dissenting opinion

Oppression Mentality
Re: "I would also say that most whites have never been robbed, assaulted or rioted against by black ppl"
Those white people are called Liberals
Liberal or Lefties = N*GGER LOVERS

Stop talking in code.
This is true - [most] whites have not been conditioned to be race mongers such as yourself
When black people begin lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bombing, segregating, red-lining, unemploying, building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating SUN-DOWN towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back and controlling white people in every imaginable way while HATING WHITE PEOPLE en mass via de jure and de facto racism for HUNDREDS of years, then and only then can calling me or any black person a race monger will make sense.
White liberals = cuckolds or uncle toms

Only a self hating white person could ever listen to the shit you say without putting your face into the concrete after the first 10 seconds.

:lmao: another wannabe tough boy! :lol:

You crave black dick or something? Why suck up to the arrogant racist nignog?
He made a valid point about liberals, and your racist fantasy did not address it.

All that showed was that you are incredibly racist.

Which is great. Thanks. There are a lot of whites that don't yet agree with me on issues of racial policy, and you are exactly the type of black person I need to convince them.
I've said many times. I'm racist.

You're not outing me. I know I am.

But two things make it different:

First, it goes in the opposite direction. I favour black ppl, not whites

Second, I'm honest about being racist.

But we could never do to white people, what white people do to black people. We could never use them as guinea pigs in black hospitals, the way they use blacks as guinea pigs in white hospitals.

We could redline white areas from credit, the way many banks redline black areas from credit. We could never rip up there CV's and resumes, the same way they rip our CV's and resumes.

We could never poison the water supply in white areas, the way whites poison the water supply in black areas like Flint

God just didn't make black people that way. He just didn't give us that heart.

Plus, if you notice
  • I don't make fun of how white people talk or dress or look.
  • I don't make fun of the food they eat or the names they give their children.
  • I don't hold up their poorest and most criminal elements as “what white people are like”.
  • I don't excuse violence against them saying that whites kill each other all the time..
  • I don't make racist jokes about them.
  • I don't claim that white people are less smart
  • I don't claim white people to be genetically inferior
  • I don't call them racial slurs or compare them to animals.
  • I don't call for their genocide or ethnic cleansing.
Whenever I say bad things about white people it's pretty much always to do with their racism

Fact is -The past and present and future of black people concern me the most and in that history, white people are the main evil.
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