Diversity Is Not A Strength

If diversity is an asset, Brazil should be one of the wealthiest countries and Iceland one of the poorest.

I was a bit confused by the mention of Brazil. I've seen some documentaries on Brazil, and they seem to be the least racist, and most wealthy and integrated society around.

I don't see their example as being bad.

Brazil has horrible slums, and a high murder rate.

Does the existence of slums indicate racism? Does murder?

There are many countries which have slums, and have murder, and yet are not racists.

And how do you explain the poor whites in the south, which live in slums? Are we racists against whites?

Oh okay racism is worse than murder. Haha.
Now I've heard it all.

I don't think anyone would really say that being teased by racial insults, is even close to being shot, raped, robbed, and so forth.

I've been teased for being of a Polish heritage, and I've been robbed, and raped.

Believe me, nothing even close to comparison.

I don't believe in racial equality, and I don't go around teasing people in person, or even online about that.

So, one can hold racist beliefs, without even doing any harm.

Oh, okay, that's worse than being shot at, raped, and robbed, gotcha.

"Oh okay racism is worse than murder. Haha"

I'm looking for where anyone said that. I don't see it.

Is that how we are discussing things now? We just make up what other people didn't say?

Well, you certainly implied it strongly, by stating that Brazil was a success for no reason except it's lack of racism, even if it has high murder rates, and bad slums.
Because a person from Finland, is just like a person from Portugal.... sure...
Yes they are.

The same dog that would bite me in Finland is the same dog that would bite me in Portugal

The white supremacists in Portugal think like the white supremacists in Finland.

I don't split white people into small groups. Ya know ? The same way you don't split black people up into groups

LOL, as if an African American, a San Bushman, and an Egyptian Copt all are the same due to their roots back to Africa.

Finns, and Portuguese look, act, think, and speak much different.

Historically Portuguese enslaved millions, and Finland enslaved nada.

BTW, Portuguese look like Quadroons in comparison to Finns, having darker coloring, curlier hair, Dolichocephalic skulls etc.
But I do split black people into groups. Absolutely. There are many that never break the law, never smoke pot, never vandalize, never cause problems, follow the rules, work really hard, love their families... and actually have families, marry their wives, not just screw every woman that come in contact with...

There are very good black that wonderful people.

And there are others, that are the exact opposite, that march around in the streets after a scum sucking criminal rightly gets shot. That complain when they are arrested for breaking the law. That have broken families and mess up lives, and blame everyone but themselves for their problems.

One group I don't have time for. The other group, I would be willing to die for.

Very different groups of people. Yes, they are not the same group. Skin color doesn't matter to me at all. They are not the same group of people just because they have similar amounts of melanin in their skin. Not even close to being the same.
You do realize that no more racism. Could mean no more white people ?

The roots of white racism is white genetic extinction. You put all the people into a pot and mix them up. Out would pop a black person.

So the thought that white people can change this behaviour is a high level expectation. They are playing a white survival game which means they have to control everything on the planet or face possible extinction.

There is a deeper reason as to why they used to chop of black men's penis, why they have white flight, why they are so fearful of immigrants (Especially non white ones) why were ever they go on the planet they cut themselves off.

Indeed, some Whites like Unkotare don't know this, or seem to care.

But, how do you figure one who wishes to preserve their heritage is automatically evil?

Besides, you are aware that Mulattoes aren't truly Black either, right?

I mean even your African Americans look quite different than those in Africa.
But, how do you figure one who wishes to preserve their heritage is automatically evil?
How do white nationalists propose to create an all-white homeland in America ?

And how could such a thing be accomplished without mass violence ?

That's the bottom line of all that "preserve our heritage" talk

They never answer this because they know even if they can convince large numbers of whites to agree with some of their basic arguments about so-called reverse discrimination, immigration, or the problems of “political correctness,”

If they started talking about genocide that would immediately sink them. This is why they have to act clownish and like it's a joke.

I say. Man up. And just bring it.

There is nothing preventing white people from fleeing integrated areas and moving to suburbs. If that were all the nationalists wanted they would hardly require a political movement for that.

So again the question: How do white nationalists propose to create an all-white homeland in America ?

One more thing I can assure you and all who think like you, is that blk ppl have been overcoming bigger and badder people than the Richard Spencers and Trumps of this world and for a very long time.

What are the white supremacist gonna do to black people that they have not done already ?

Finns, and Portuguese look, act, think, and speak much different.
Dogs come in all shapes and sizes and colours, but they all bite. I don't particular care what they look like.

Let's take 2 of the most famous Portugese people alive right now C.Ronaldo and J.Mourinho



And look at F1 Finn Driver Kimi Rakoainen


All whites are Caucasian, but not all Caucasians are white.

The original Caucasians originated in the Caucasus mountains as one group, some of them went north and became lighter and evolved different hair and eye colors, some went south developed darkin skin from the stronger sun.

So in the Caucasian supergroup, where do “white” end ? And where does “non-white” begin ?

Caucasians being less white as they move closer to the equator. So that you get tanned white people like Ronaldo in the south and pale finnish white people like Kimi Räikkönen in the North .

As you move toward the Mediterranean and eastward, that diversity gradually becomes less prominent until it disappears altogether. So are Dravidians dark caucasian ?.

How many whites exist or “who is white” is just a matter of where they decide to make the cutoff point somewhere between Nordic and Dravidian.

And what race is this women ?



In Brazil she would be considered mixed, in South Africa, Coloured. But in America everyone would regard her as black.

So where is the universal cutoff ?
Black supremacists loved Obama, dipshit.
Including Obama's black supremacist pastor.
President Obama was'nt free to do anything to sh*t on white people (even were he so inclined), given his own need to attract white support in order to win election or pass any of his policy agenda.

There are no institutional structures in the U.S. in which black people exercise final and controlling authority: not in the school systems, labor market, justice system, housing markets, financial markets, or media.

As such, the ability of black folks to oppress white people simply does not exist.
Even a black person who hates people and wants white people dead. He is in a position to kill no one, and if he were to try he would go to jail. Forever.

That’s not racism. Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives.

And there are virtually no black folks who can do any of that. But there are white folks in positions to do those things, and who do them regularly.

A) wrong

B) you don't get to define racism to fit your agenda any more than anyone else does
The "One drop rule" applies. One drop of non white blood takes 8 generations to biologically cleanse. Personally , again , avoid the groid.

As latrino nation forms in the west ; displaced negroids gravitate to the deep south , offended Whites go to the "Red" States. Organic balkanization leading to a White Nation. Buy your own social services.
The "One drop rule" applies. One drop of non white blood takes 8 generations to biologically cleanse. Personally , again , avoid the groid.

As latrino nation forms in the west ; displaced negroids gravitate to the deep south , offended Whites go to the "Red" States. Organic balkanization leading to a White Nation. Buy your own social services.
You have an inferiority complex about black men.
Because a person from Finland, is just like a person from Portugal.... sure...
Yes they are.

The same dog that would bite me in Finland is the same dog that would bite me in Portugal

The white supremacists in Portugal think like the white supremacists in Finland.

I don't split white people into small groups. Ya know ? The same way you don't split black people up into groups

But I do split black people into groups. Absolutely. There are many that never break the law, never smoke pot, never vandalize, never cause problems, follow the rules, work really hard, love their families... and actually have families, marry their wives, not just screw every woman that come in contact with...

There are very good black that wonderful people.

And there are others, that are the exact opposite, that march around in the streets after a scum sucking criminal rightly gets shot. That complain when they are arrested for breaking the law. That have broken families and mess up lives, and blame everyone but themselves for their problems.

One group I don't have time for. The other group, I would be willing to die for.

Very different groups of people. Yes, they are not the same group. Skin color doesn't matter to me at all. They are not the same group of people just because they have similar amounts of melanin in their skin. Not even close to being the same.

How widespread do you think Paul's racism is in the black community?
I agree. Whites are the devil. I'm a blu eyed devil myself. It's high time non whites elevated and left us by the Aryan way side. Aufweidersehn shcwarze
But, how do you figure one who wishes to preserve their heritage is automatically evil?
How do white nationalists propose to create an all-white homeland in America ?

And how could such a thing be accomplished without mass violence ?

That's the bottom line of all that "preserve our heritage" talk

They never answer this because they know even if they can convince large numbers of whites to agree with some of their basic arguments about so-called reverse discrimination, immigration, or the problems of “political correctness,”

If they started talking about genocide that would immediately sink them. This is why they have to act clownish and like it's a joke.

I say. Man up. And just bring it.

There is nothing preventing white people from fleeing integrated areas and moving to suburbs. If that were all the nationalists wanted they would hardly require a political movement for that.

So again the question: How do white nationalists propose to create an all-white homeland in America ?

One more thing I can assure you and all who think like you, is that blk ppl have been overcoming bigger and badder people than the Richard Spencers and Trumps of this world and for a very long time.

What are the white supremacist gonna do to black people that they have not done already ?

Finns, and Portuguese look, act, think, and speak much different.
Dogs come in all shapes and sizes and colours, but they all bite. I don't particular care what they look like.

Let's take 2 of the most famous Portugese people alive right now C.Ronaldo and J.Mourinho



And look at F1 Finn Driver Kimi Rakoainen


All whites are Caucasian, but not all Caucasians are white.

The original Caucasians originated in the Caucasus mountains as one group, some of them went north and became lighter and evolved different hair and eye colors, some went south developed darkin skin from the stronger sun.

So in the Caucasian supergroup, where do “white” end ? And where does “non-white” begin ?

Caucasians being less white as they move closer to the equator. So that you get tanned white people like Ronaldo in the south and pale finnish white people like Kimi Räikkönen in the North .

As you move toward the Mediterranean and eastward, that diversity gradually becomes less prominent until it disappears altogether. So are Dravidians dark caucasian ?.

How many whites exist or “who is white” is just a matter of where they decide to make the cutoff point somewhere between Nordic and Dravidian.

And what race is this women ?



In Brazil she would be considered mixed, in South Africa, Coloured. But in America everyone would regard her as black.

So where is the universal cutoff ?

I'd personally propose a Black homeland in part of the U.S South, to support much needed separation between Whites, and Blacks.

Portuguese aren't the same as Finns, for example most non-Caucasoid DNA IN Portuguese is African, while most non-Caucasoid DNA in Finns is Asiatic.

Furthermore the type of Caucasoid DNA in Portugal is much different than in Finland, with Finns having more of the Cro Magnon (WHG), or Ancient North Eurasian (ANE), as opposed to Portuguese who have more Mediterranean (ENF) DNA types.
White Supremacists are real messed up.

White security officer shoots himself in the arm in Ohio and scared that he'd lose his job. What does he do ? Blames a fictional black man

White man shoots his girlfriend. What does he do ? Blames a fictional black man


And this is just this week.

I fail to see how blaming a fictional Black man automatically means they're White Supremacists?

I just learned that one of the most sociable, and loving cousins of mine, harbors at least some racist beliefs, having pulled her daughter out of California public schools, because "If she wanted a Hispanic boyfriend, she'd keep her in public school"

Oh, and she's very wealthy, she works for Intel in a pretty high position.

Honestly I think a lot of stereotypes of racists being violent, idiotic, poor White trash, are often bogus.

Not that I deny that there's an underclass of racists, most whom learned to be racist from dealing with Blacks in prison, or in the ghetto streets.

However, I think this is just a fringe racist culture, I think most racists are pretty normal.
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I agree. Whites are the devil. I'm a blu eyed devil myself. It's high time non whites elevated and left us by the Aryan way side. Aufweidersehn shcwarze

I disagree strongly, I think it's not Northern Europeans who are evil, quite the opposite I think Northern Europeans are the most benevolent of the World.

However, the most evil of the World, are Mediterranean's, who blend deep into Europe (Unfortunately)
Even as far North as England, and Germany have a good deal of Mediterranean DNA.

Yes, I find Northern Europeans are the most generous, they tip better, furthermore they tend to be more friendly, and more likely to support animal rights, and protections.
What follows is a rather simple explaination, as to why the perpetuated lie that "diversity is our strength"; is not a strength at all. But rather a liability.

You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.
Marcus Aurelius

Even if diversity is not a strength, assimilation is theft. That's worse.

Assimilation is not 'theft'. Assimilation is what allows people groups to co-exist and work together.

Coexist and work together? With assimilation it is like you coexist and work together with the Maffia that has killed one of your children, so now you are eager to assimilate some more and work with them so that they don't kill the other one too.

When the Japanese come here, they learn how to be American, while at the same time keeping true to aspects of their culture.

Have you been to their homes? I have. Many of the customs they keep, while being American.

Now the alternative is, you have people that never succeed in life. Live as a permanent under-class of their own choosing.

Which one of those two options is better for the minority? Which is better for all of society?

Look at Asians. They have a higher standard of living, than born white Americans.

This is the realty. They don't seem to find living a better life, with a higher average income, to be like working with the "Maffia that has killed one of your children".

Now if someone chooses to live a lower class life, for the sake of their culture, that's their choice. And the results are their choice too. You can't blame other people for the natural results of your bad choices.

No, because your argument is applicable only to immigrants. Most of the time diversity is not about immigration. Higher numbers are the American Indians and Mexicans that the USA pushed out of their lands. Although on the global scale, the USA is the mildest violator of people's self identities.
Because we are being physically and psychologically threatened every day of our lives

If you are white yourself, then you are literally nothing but a slave when you seek to try to ignore a system actively oppressing you.

He's a self admitted Jew, probably thinks wiping out Whitey is grand, well until Jews go the same fate....

Aren't most, as in 99%, of Jews white?
Usually the racists tend to favor "diversity"....
Which makes no sense whatsoever.
"Diversity" directly benefits everyone who hates white people.

"Diversity" is always used in an anti-white context.
i suppose that works if you dont have the first fuck of a clue how to use a dictionary
Tell that to Fortune 500 companies and their "diversity" consultants, dumbass.
I work for a fortune 120.

And diversity is celebrated as part of our "corporate culture" and i can clue you in in case youre confused: it doesnt mean anti white in my corporation

im sorry you feel so threatened by new ideas that it makes you wish you had a safe space

Fortune 120?

Is that a new scale for those who didn't make the 100?

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