Diversity Is Not A Strength

dont rant at me cuz of your ignorance...

you didnt even know what the actual word diversity meant.

sheesh, ethel

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If you're insecure, sure.

Fucking. Lol. People like you champion your notion of "diversity" because you're INSECURE.
They despise the notion of a truly diverse world, where eventual competition inevitably results in both winners, and losers. They are insecure as to which camp they, or their progeny will end up...
^^ wants a diverse world
hates diversity.

You are the one who hates real diversity.

Fucking. Lol. People like you champion your notion of "diversity" because you're INSECURE.
They despise the notion of a truly diverse world, where eventual competition inevitably results in both winners, and losers. They are insecure as to which camp they, or their progeny will end up...
^^ wants a diverse world
hates diversity.

You are the one who hates real diversity.
quote me saying that

thats just loony
If you're insecure, sure.

Fucking. Lol. People like you champion your notion of "diversity" because you're INSECURE.
They despise the notion of a truly diverse world, where eventual competition inevitably results in both winners, and losers. They are insecure as to which camp they, or their progeny will end up...
^^ wants a diverse world
hates diversity.

You are the one who hates real diversity.
quote me saying that

thats just loony
You seek to "diversify" the west.

Which means you wish to destroy diversity on a national and global level.
So the thread topic is??

Whites only in a country they invaded and took from non-whites, although white is not a race...
Races do not exist in a scientific sense because there are no clear boundaries between them, but they exist if people say they exist and use them to discriminate against others.

And anyways, the goals of Russia's campaign against the US were pretty clear: cause chaos, have people fighting against each other, mass unrest, and so on. That is diversity.
So the thread topic is??

Whites only in a country they invaded and took from non-whites, although white is not a race...
Races do not exist in a scientific sense because there are no clear boundaries between them, but they exist if people say they exist and use them to discriminate against others.

And anyways, the goals of Russia's campaign against the US were pretty clear: cause chaos, have people fighting against each other, mass unrest, and so on. That is diversity.
Then diversity has always been in the US since after the country was founded there was still rebellion to the new control factor...If diversity is so bad they should not have been importing slaves into the new colony and then a nation...They sowed the seeds of you po' white bois deeestruction..
..... around the turn of the last century were immensely proud of becoming Americans. They took great pride in learning English and being a part of the community.......

That IS the case today. Immigrants today are learning English and assimilating if anything faster than those who came before them. Go to a naturalization ceremony and see how immensely proud today's new Americans are.
How many of them will vote for the party that most closely resembles the Constitution? How many will vote for a more pro-amnesty Congress?

That would depend on the individuals involved.
......Thus they promote the mixing of all races, and cultures in an effort to make generic the human species,.......

There it is again, the dimwitted segregationist trying to play semantics and pretend his toothless agenda isn't completely transparent.
Only the dimwitted oppose separatism.

America isn't about that. A real American would know that.
America was formed on the basis of separation from Monarchs in Europe......

America was formed on the basis of principles that you clearly do not understand and that do NOT include craven racist hatred.
Time to get back on topic, ya'll!

There are many definitions of the subject (diversity). You could have 5 people debating what it means and each one could be right depending on their view of it.

  1. the state of being diverse; variety.
    "there was considerable diversity in the style of the reports"
    • a range of different things.
      plural noun: diversities
      "newspapers were obliged to allow a diversity of views to be printed"
      synonyms: variety, miscellany, assortment, mixture, mix, mélange, range, array, multiplicity

What is diversity? definition and meaning
1. HR: Feature of a mixed workforce that provides a wide range of abilities, experience, knowledge, and strengths due to its heterogeneity in age, background, ethnicity, physical abilities, political and religious beliefs, sex, and other attributes.
2. Accounting: Situation where different batch sizes, distribution channels, product mixes, etc., place different demands on resources due to uneven assignment of costs.

Bottom line: America is, always has been, and always will be 'diverse' however you want to define it. Anyone looking for racial, social, or economic homogeneity had been look elsewhere because we just don't do that here. Good thing too.

We are the best in the world because we draw or produce the world's best people. Always have.We also draw or produce some shitty people. Good outweighs the bad.

As for who wants to date/love/marry/reproduce with whom, it surely can't be anyone else's business but those involved.
As an addendum to the Constitution ; the Immigration and Naturalization Bill was passed ; providing entry to the US to Whites and their Slaves. This clearly was the intent of the Founders. Rampant , misguided weaponization of non white immigration began in 1965 with the introduction of Hart/Celler Immigration laws. Needless to say , the usual "suspects" surface as Emmanual Celler , Frank Lautenberg , and Jacob Javitz author anti White immigrant weaponization legislation. Until then , however Whites were over 90% of the NATION. Today sadly , the global kabal has reduced the Constitutiona directive of the Founders to less than 50% pure Caucasian.
There is no such thing as "pure Caucasian," or "pure" anything else. It is the fantasy of the weak.
Usually pure Aryan lineage can be traced to about the 12th Century. We credit this to Luther and the printing press. Eastern Europeans can record to that time as well. We credit this to Jan Huse. Iceland for example boasts of public records at libraries going back as far as the Aryan Tribe of Benjamin. You see , immiggration to Iceland was not permitted untl recently. The joys of racial integrity. Carry on and sell us on mongrelizing , Unkotare. Please.
The philosophical beliefs of the Age of Enlightenment that underpin our entire society and government, for one important example,

that is very much under attack by the left.
Stop trying to act like you're deep

"Age of Enlightenment"

Get the fk out my face.

You have Donald Trump running the government. When former KKK imperial Wizard David Duke embraced a president, that says something significant about Trump.

It's significant that white supremacists (like you) are excited about the president. It's significant because Trump did something to win all that approval.

When white supremacists in general are like “whoa, this Trump guy is our dream come true and doing things we never thought we’d see from a president,” that signifies something about Donald Trump.

You have a white man in charge who is going to favour white people at every turn, in every area of life

And you still complain.

Your insane delusions about Trump being KKK, or me being a White Supremacists is noted and dismissed. Also, Fuck you.

My point about the principles of the Age of Enlightenment stands.

You may address it or fuck off as you see fit.
You are playing the role what Globalists assigned for you in the theater of life. You are duped by them perpetuating racial discord while they are doing their dirty deeds because we are to busy to fight each other instead of keeping an eye on them. Wake up to their machinations.
I don't split white people up into groups

It's all white supremacy

i love the way you just dissed all the white liberals out there who have spent their lives wallowing in guilt and bending over for you fuckers.

YOu just told them that all their efforts at making up for the past, and trying to make a better world,

was a fucking stupid waste of time.

Thanks! LOL!!!
YOU haven't conquered anyone, loser, nor could YOU ever. Skin tone gives you NO connection to the accomplishments (good or evil) of others.

But white people have to forever be reminded of slavery and the holocaust...?

"Reminded"? Now remembering something is too traumatic, snowflake? And people of other colors aren't expected to remember anything, snowflake? Just poor little you?

Traumatic? No. Boring, annoying, yes.

When used to justify anti-white discrimination or policies?

YOU haven't conquered anyone, loser, nor could YOU ever. Skin tone gives you NO connection to the accomplishments (good or evil) of others.

But white people have to forever be reminded of slavery and the holocaust...?

"Reminded"? Now remembering something is too traumatic, snowflake? And people of other colors aren't expected to remember anything, snowflake? Just poor little you?

Traumatic? No. Boring, annoying, yes.

When used to justify anti-white discrimination or policies?


YOU haven't conquered anyone, loser, nor could YOU ever. Skin tone gives you NO connection to the accomplishments (good or evil) of others.

But white people have to forever be reminded of slavery and the holocaust...?

"Reminded"? Now remembering something is too traumatic, snowflake? And people of other colors aren't expected to remember anything, snowflake? Just poor little you?

Traumatic? No. Boring, annoying, yes.

When used to justify anti-white discrimination or policies?



Not sure what point you thought you were making there.

But this seems like a good response to anything you might have meant.


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