Diversity Is Not A Strength

I know exactly what it means, and I know exactly how it is actually used.

You were obviously lied to about the practice of "diversity", which is why every major "diversity" seminar sounds like the one in that video.
You are dealing with a professional troll. He honed his skills in the FZ for years. You are being trolled.
No, youre just butthurt that Im always proven smarter than you are.

Defcon isnt mad that Nazis are brought up, everybody.

No, defcon is an actual denier of the holocaust altogether.

So, uh.....fair warning there. Do what ya want with it.
Hahaha.. you are triggered again aren't you? Please provide a link to the above statement. You cannot, hahaha...you are a liar as you lie most of the times to "be smarter"
You lost it again. I told you before many times, keep your composure. Now, link the quotes what you based your statement.
I dont care what the voices in your head tell you, defcon. And Im not your errand boy. For YEARS, there have been two holocaust deniers on this board and its documented and you know that it is. Im not fishing years old links to prove to you what you already know....cool try though.

Its also no mistake that the holocaust denier of the board flocks to the anti diversity thread.

some folks were born yesterday. im sorry it crushes your manboy feelings that im not one of them.
You are melting down again. I understand it since you are way out of your league on this thread. You reverted to the un-English language what is a sure indication of your meltdown. You are slinging shit what you cannot back up and wearing your way out with "I am not your errand boy".... You want to win with lies. You are desperate again, calm down. BTW nice meltdown....hahaha...
Same old defcon song and dance. :itsok:
Life would be boring without diversity.

But lefties want to eliminate actual diversity...
Precisely. The end result of the ideology they promote results in only one possible outcome, in the long term. The elimination of diversity. Those who promote this dangerous ideology actually harbor a deep seeded hatred for diversity and blame it for the majority of the worlds woes. Thus they promote the mixing of all races, and cultures in an effort to make generic the human species, based on the unfounded hope that this will usher in a kumbaya era in humanities history. Every single one of these self proclaimed lovers of diversity are flat out frauds. And in a twist of sweet irony; the seperatists, or so called "racists" are the only ones actively pursuing the preservation of that, which the frauds claim to love, cherish, and respect.
dont rant at me cuz of your ignorance...

you didnt even know what the actual word diversity meant.

sheesh, ethel

View attachment 149705
If you're insecure, sure.

Fucking. Lol. People like you champion your notion of "diversity" because you're INSECURE.
They despise the notion of a truly diverse world, where eventual competition inevitably results in both winners, and losers. They are insecure as to which camp they, or their progeny will end up...
^^ wants a diverse world
hates diversity.

Apparently you need to be told twice...
The end result of the ideology the diversity cult promotes, results in only one possible outcome, in the long term. The elimination of diversity. Those who promote this dangerous ideology actually harbor a deep seeded hatred for diversity and blame it for the majority of the worlds woes. Thus they promote the mixing of all races, and cultures in an effort to make generic the human species, based on the unfounded hope that this will usher in a kumbaya era in humanities history. Every single one of you self proclaimed lovers of diversity are flat out frauds. And in a twist of sweet irony; the seperatists, or so called "racists" are the only ones actively pursuing the preservation of that, which the frauds claim to love, cherish, and respect.

And there is a huge difference between the "world", and ones nation, homeland, community, or household. One can respect global diversity, while desiring a homogenous homeland. And we both know, that you Damn well know it.

Oops! Look at that... All out of troll food... Back to the FZ with ya!
Life would be boring without diversity.

But lefties want to eliminate actual diversity...
Precisely. The end result of the ideology they promote results in only one possible outcome, in the long term. The elimination of diversity. Those who promote this dangerous ideology actually harbor a deep seeded hatred for diversity and blame it for the majority of the worlds woes. Thus they promote the mixing of all races, and cultures in an effort to make generic the human species, based on the unfounded hope that this will usher in a kumbaya era in humanities history. Every single one of these self proclaimed lovers of diversity are flat out frauds. And in a twist of sweet irony; the seperatists, or so called "racists" are the only ones actively pursuing the preservation of that, which the frauds claim to love, cherish, and respect.

Fucking. Lol. People like you champion your notion of "diversity" because you're INSECURE.
They despise the notion of a truly diverse world, where eventual competition inevitably results in both winners, and losers. They are insecure as to which camp they, or their progeny will end up...
^^ wants a diverse world
hates diversity.

Apparently you need to be told twice...
The end result of the ideology the diversity cult promotes, results in only one possible outcome, in the long term. The elimination of diversity. Those who promote this dangerous ideology actually harbor a deep seeded hatred for diversity and blame it for the majority of the worlds woes. Thus they promote the mixing of all races, and cultures in an effort to make generic the human species, based on the unfounded hope that this will usher in a kumbaya era in humanities history. Every single one of you self proclaimed lovers of diversity are flat out frauds. And in a twist of sweet irony; the seperatists, or so called "racists" are the only ones actively pursuing the preservation of that, which the frauds claim to love, cherish, and respect.

And there is a huge difference between the "world", and ones nation, homeland, community, or household. One can respect global diversity, while desiring a homogenous homeland. And we both know, that you Damn well know it.

Oops! Look at that... All out of troll food... Back to the FZ with ya!
If you want a homogenous homeland, go to one weirdo. This soil was first cultivated by indians and spanish speaking mexicans.

Then millions of immigrants flocked here to make her what she is today.

If you dont like that, its a free roaming globe for non terrorists, and non criminals, Im pretty sure with few exceptions.
dont rant at me cuz of your ignorance...

you didnt even know what the actual word diversity meant.

sheesh, ethel

View attachment 149705
If you're insecure, sure.

Fucking. Lol. People like you champion your notion of "diversity" because you're INSECURE.
They despise the notion of a truly diverse world, where eventual competition inevitably results in both winners, and losers. They are insecure as to which camp they, or their progeny will end up...

They're socialists that believe in FORCED equality meaning equal results. If someone builds a better mouse trap and gets rich, that person is obligated to share the fruits of his efforts with his neighbors. In effect, they destroy innovation because they remove the rewards of innovation.
Life would be boring without diversity.

But lefties want to eliminate actual diversity...
Precisely. The end result of the ideology they promote results in only one possible outcome, in the long term. The elimination of diversity. Those who promote this dangerous ideology actually harbor a deep seeded hatred for diversity and blame it for the majority of the worlds woes. Thus they promote the mixing of all races, and cultures in an effort to make generic the human species, based on the unfounded hope that this will usher in a kumbaya era in humanities history. Every single one of these self proclaimed lovers of diversity are flat out frauds. And in a twist of sweet irony; the seperatists, or so called "racists" are the only ones actively pursuing the preservation of that, which the frauds claim to love, cherish, and respect.

Fucking. Lol. People like you champion your notion of "diversity" because you're INSECURE.
They despise the notion of a truly diverse world, where eventual competition inevitably results in both winners, and losers. They are insecure as to which camp they, or their progeny will end up...
^^ wants a diverse world
hates diversity.

Apparently you need to be told twice...
The end result of the ideology the diversity cult promotes, results in only one possible outcome, in the long term. The elimination of diversity. Those who promote this dangerous ideology actually harbor a deep seeded hatred for diversity and blame it for the majority of the worlds woes. Thus they promote the mixing of all races, and cultures in an effort to make generic the human species, based on the unfounded hope that this will usher in a kumbaya era in humanities history. Every single one of you self proclaimed lovers of diversity are flat out frauds. And in a twist of sweet irony; the seperatists, or so called "racists" are the only ones actively pursuing the preservation of that, which the frauds claim to love, cherish, and respect.

And there is a huge difference between the "world", and ones nation, homeland, community, or household. One can respect global diversity, while desiring a homogenous homeland. And we both know, that you Damn well know it.

Oops! Look at that... All out of troll food... Back to the FZ with ya!

What is white american culture anyway? Is it just borrowed cultures from europe plunged into the american melting pot?
You are dealing with a professional troll. He honed his skills in the FZ for years. You are being trolled.
No, youre just butthurt that Im always proven smarter than you are.

Defcon isnt mad that Nazis are brought up, everybody.

No, defcon is an actual denier of the holocaust altogether.

So, uh.....fair warning there. Do what ya want with it.
Hahaha.. you are triggered again aren't you? Please provide a link to the above statement. You cannot, hahaha...you are a liar as you lie most of the times to "be smarter"
You lost it again. I told you before many times, keep your composure. Now, link the quotes what you based your statement.
I dont care what the voices in your head tell you, defcon. And Im not your errand boy. For YEARS, there have been two holocaust deniers on this board and its documented and you know that it is. Im not fishing years old links to prove to you what you already know....cool try though.

Its also no mistake that the holocaust denier of the board flocks to the anti diversity thread.

some folks were born yesterday. im sorry it crushes your manboy feelings that im not one of them.
You are melting down again. I understand it since you are way out of your league on this thread. You reverted to the un-English language what is a sure indication of your meltdown. You are slinging shit what you cannot back up and wearing your way out with "I am not your errand boy".... You want to win with lies. You are desperate again, calm down. BTW nice meltdown....hahaha...
Same old defcon song and dance. :itsok:
Of course liar, now provide links to your statement. Ah.. you cannot. you just did the whole statement because of your meltdown. Run along little boy you are already a laughing stock with your spectacular meltdown and proven to be a liar.....hahaha...
The first few minutes are nothing but an actual "diversity" seminar with some of the biggest companies in the world. What you think "diversity" means obviously doesn't matter to these massive media companies that distribute real propaganda to nearly a billion people.

There is more propaganda in your football games than there is in this video, idiot.
:rolleyes:yeah ok dude.
Great comeback, moron.

You can't argue with the facts presented in the video(as clearly spoken by "diversity" associates of massive companies)so you call it "propaganda" that "brainwashed" me.

Anyone on a "diversity" board is clearly the one who has been brainwashed.
dont rant at me cuz of your ignorance...

you didnt even know what the actual word diversity meant.

sheesh, ethel
I know exactly what it means, and I know exactly how it is actually used.

You were obviously lied to about the practice of "diversity", which is why every major "diversity" seminar sounds like the one in that video.
You are dealing with a professional troll. He honed his skills in the FZ for years. You are being trolled.

That's part of the reason I started the thread about how liberals are incapable of honest discussion. You're right. They troll and spew all sorts of rhetoric and, when confronted with reason and logic and asked a simple question, they run and hide like the dishonest, lying, k*nts that they are.
No, youre just butthurt that Im always proven smarter than you are.

Defcon isnt mad that Nazis are brought up, everybody.

No, defcon is an actual denier of the holocaust altogether.

So, uh.....fair warning there. Do what ya want with it.
Hahaha.. you are triggered again aren't you? Please provide a link to the above statement. You cannot, hahaha...you are a liar as you lie most of the times to "be smarter"
You lost it again. I told you before many times, keep your composure. Now, link the quotes what you based your statement.
I dont care what the voices in your head tell you, defcon. And Im not your errand boy. For YEARS, there have been two holocaust deniers on this board and its documented and you know that it is. Im not fishing years old links to prove to you what you already know....cool try though.

Its also no mistake that the holocaust denier of the board flocks to the anti diversity thread.

some folks were born yesterday. im sorry it crushes your manboy feelings that im not one of them.
You are melting down again. I understand it since you are way out of your league on this thread. You reverted to the un-English language what is a sure indication of your meltdown. You are slinging shit what you cannot back up and wearing your way out with "I am not your errand boy".... You want to win with lies. You are desperate again, calm down. BTW nice meltdown....hahaha...
Same old defcon song and dance. :itsok:
Of course liar, now provide links to your statement. Ah.. you cannot. you just did the whole statement because of your meltdown. Run along little boy you are already a laughing stock with your spectacular meltdown and proven to be a liar.....hahaha...
are you stuck on repeat, defcon? i always make you so insecure and repetative....its kinda cringe worthy
If you want a homogenous homeland, go to one weirdo. This soil was first cultivated by indians and spanish speaking mexicans.

Then millions of immigrants flocked here to make her what she is today.

So you're saying that mexicans were speaking Spanish BEFORE the european settlers arrived?
If you want a homogenous homeland, go to one weirdo. This soil was first cultivated by indians and spanish speaking mexicans.

Then millions of immigrants flocked here to make her what she is today.

So you're saying that mexicans were speaking Spanish BEFORE the european settlers arrived?
Europe itself isnt homogenous.

But no...I was not saying that Mexico wasnt settled by Euros - I was saying it preceded 1776.

America isnt a Country that "belongs to"

it doesnt "belong to" a certain culture. it was literally built on the backs of diversity
Hahaha.. you are triggered again aren't you? Please provide a link to the above statement. You cannot, hahaha...you are a liar as you lie most of the times to "be smarter"
You lost it again. I told you before many times, keep your composure. Now, link the quotes what you based your statement.
I dont care what the voices in your head tell you, defcon. And Im not your errand boy. For YEARS, there have been two holocaust deniers on this board and its documented and you know that it is. Im not fishing years old links to prove to you what you already know....cool try though.

Its also no mistake that the holocaust denier of the board flocks to the anti diversity thread.

some folks were born yesterday. im sorry it crushes your manboy feelings that im not one of them.
You are melting down again. I understand it since you are way out of your league on this thread. You reverted to the un-English language what is a sure indication of your meltdown. You are slinging shit what you cannot back up and wearing your way out with "I am not your errand boy".... You want to win with lies. You are desperate again, calm down. BTW nice meltdown....hahaha...
Same old defcon song and dance. :itsok:
Of course liar, now provide links to your statement. Ah.. you cannot. you just did the whole statement because of your meltdown. Run along little boy you are already a laughing stock with your spectacular meltdown and proven to be a liar.....hahaha...
are you stuck on repeat, defcon? i always make you so insecure and repetative....its kinda cringe worthy
Of course it is cringe worthy since you cannot provide evidence and your lies were exposed. Liar, provide the links. Your meltdown was spectacular when you started to stutter your un-English psycho bubble. I guess I am out of troll food also just like the gentleman said above. Calm down, take an ice bath...chill.
Last edited:
If you want a homogenous homeland, go to one weirdo. This soil was first cultivated by indians and spanish speaking mexicans.

Then millions of immigrants flocked here to make her what she is today.

So you're saying that mexicans were speaking Spanish BEFORE the european settlers arrived?
Europe itself isnt homogenous.

But no...I was not saying that Mexico wasnt settled by Euros - I was saying it preceded 1776.

America isnt a Country that "belongs to"

it doesnt "belong to" a certain culture. it was literally built on the backs of diversity
and whiskey..
I dont care what the voices in your head tell you, defcon. And Im not your errand boy. For YEARS, there have been two holocaust deniers on this board and its documented and you know that it is. Im not fishing years old links to prove to you what you already know....cool try though.

Its also no mistake that the holocaust denier of the board flocks to the anti diversity thread.

some folks were born yesterday. im sorry it crushes your manboy feelings that im not one of them.
You are melting down again. I understand it since you are way out of your league on this thread. You reverted to the un-English language what is a sure indication of your meltdown. You are slinging shit what you cannot back up and wearing your way out with "I am not your errand boy".... You want to win with lies. You are desperate again, calm down. BTW nice meltdown....hahaha...
Same old defcon song and dance. :itsok:
Of course liar, now provide links to your statement. Ah.. you cannot. you just did the whole statement because of your meltdown. Run along little boy you are already a laughing stock with your spectacular meltdown and proven to be a liar.....hahaha...
are you stuck on repeat, defcon? i always make you so insecure and repetative....its kinda cringe worthy
Of course it is cringe worthy since you cannot prove evidence and your lies were exposed. Liar, provide the links. Your meltdown was spectacular when you started to stutter your un-English psycho bubble. I guess I am out of troll food also just like the gentleman said above. Calm down, take an ice bath...chill.
^ embarrassing.
If you want a homogenous homeland, go to one weirdo. This soil was first cultivated by indians and spanish speaking mexicans.

Then millions of immigrants flocked here to make her what she is today.

So you're saying that mexicans were speaking Spanish BEFORE the european settlers arrived?
Europe itself isnt homogenous.

But no...I was not saying that Mexico wasnt settled by Euros - I was saying it preceded 1776.

America isnt a Country that "belongs to"

it doesnt "belong to" a certain culture. it was literally built on the backs of diversity
and whiskey..
Im a dick for forgetting whiskey :oops:
If you want a homogenous homeland, go to one weirdo. This soil was first cultivated by indians and spanish speaking mexicans.

Then millions of immigrants flocked here to make her what she is today.

So you're saying that mexicans were speaking Spanish BEFORE the european settlers arrived?
Europe itself isnt homogenous.

But no...I was not saying that Mexico wasnt settled by Euros - I was saying it preceded 1776.

America isnt a Country that "belongs to"

it doesnt "belong to" a certain culture. it was literally built on the backs of diversity
and whiskey..
Im a dick for forgetting whiskey :oops:
Probably not Irish enough...
If you want a homogenous homeland, go to one weirdo. This soil was first cultivated by indians and spanish speaking mexicans.

Then millions of immigrants flocked here to make her what she is today.

So you're saying that mexicans were speaking Spanish BEFORE the european settlers arrived?
Europe itself isnt homogenous.

But no...I was not saying that Mexico wasnt settled by Euros - I was saying it preceded 1776.

America isnt a Country that "belongs to"

it doesnt "belong to" a certain culture. it was literally built on the backs of diversity
It was built on the ideology, conceptualized by a diverse group of free members of nations that comprised western civilization. The rest were tools that served a purpose, or parasites that came along for the ride.
If you want a homogenous homeland, go to one weirdo. This soil was first cultivated by indians and spanish speaking mexicans.

Then millions of immigrants flocked here to make her what she is today.

So you're saying that mexicans were speaking Spanish BEFORE the european settlers arrived?
Europe itself isnt homogenous.

But no...I was not saying that Mexico wasnt settled by Euros - I was saying it preceded 1776.

America isnt a Country that "belongs to"

it doesnt "belong to" a certain culture. it was literally built on the backs of diversity
It was built on the ideology, conceptualized by a diverse group of free members of nations that comprised western civilization. The rest were tools that served a purpose, or parasites that came along for the ride.
Im sure. Whatever mitigates your anger, dude.
So the thread topic is??

Whites only in a country they invaded and took from non-whites, although white is not a race...
If you want a homogenous homeland, go to one weirdo. This soil was first cultivated by indians and spanish speaking mexicans.

Then millions of immigrants flocked here to make her what she is today.

So you're saying that mexicans were speaking Spanish BEFORE the european settlers arrived?
Europe itself isnt homogenous.

But no...I was not saying that Mexico wasnt settled by Euros - I was saying it preceded 1776.

America isnt a Country that "belongs to"

it doesnt "belong to" a certain culture. it was literally built on the backs of diversity
It was built on the ideology, conceptualized by a diverse group of free members of nations that comprised western civilization. The rest were tools that served a purpose, or parasites that came along for the ride.
Russia wasn't a free nation, there was no Germany, or Poland, Balkans were occupied by the Turks...No Baltic states...Just Great Britian, France, there was no Italy..Austro-Hungarian empire, yeah, so free it had Jews wearing yellow stars of David..

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