Diversity Is Not A Strength

You've never been attacked by a black person.

The fuck I haven't.

You've never been evicted by a black person

Yes I have.

You've never been denied a job by a black person

Oh yes I have, and was told the man didn't hire whitey.

and you've never heard a black person say, "We're going to eliminate 200 jobs here - have a nice day!"

Every person whose f*cked you over has had a white face attached to it.

So where is all physically and psychological terror that you're under ?

You're full of shit, but racist scum usually are.
So, how many genocide movements didn't involve multiculturalism as a factor?

What is the cultural difference?

Tutsi, Hutu.

Read a book.

Here is a readers digest version....cultures are similar. Ethnic groups in Rwanda - Wikipedia

{The largest ethnic groups in Rwanda are the [Hutus]s (about 85% of the population), the Tutsis (14%), and the Twa (1%).}

Now don't you feel foolish!
....why our generation is blamed for events taking place in the past? ....

What are you being blamed for, precious?

Slavery, the conquest of the Indians, to name two painfully obvious ones...

He is personally being blamed for those things?

Every white person is.

You know this.

I do not know this. No one has blamed me for those things. It would be pretty silly if they did.
But I do split black people into groups. Absolutely. There are many that never break the law, never smoke pot, never vandalize, never cause problems, follow the rules, work really hard, love their families... and actually have families, marry their wives, not just screw every woman that come in contact with...

There are very good black that wonderful people.

And there are others, that are the exact opposite, that march around in the streets after a scum sucking criminal rightly gets shot. That complain when they are arrested for breaking the law. That have broken families and mess up lives, and blame everyone but themselves for their problems.

One group I don't have time for. The other group, I would be willing to die for.

Very different groups of people. Yes, they are not the same group. Skin color doesn't matter to me at all. They are not the same group of people just because they have similar amounts of melanin in their skin. Not even close to being the same.
You notice all these so good white people are never in the courtroom ?

O. Sure. So called good white folks will do some token bullshit, ineffective like marching with black people. Because at 6 0' Clock they get to back to their segregated white neighbourhood and wake up to there white job and black people get to go back to there area of high unemployment

I know how fake most white supremacists are

Do you come out with that speech when your around white mates, white family, white friends when they say sh*t about black people ?


You do realize that no more racism. Could mean no more white people ?

The roots of white racism is white genetic extinction. You put all the people into a pot and mix them up. Out would pop a black person.

So the thought that white people can change this behaviour is a high level expectation. They are playing a white survival game which means they have to control everything on the planet or face possible extinction.

There is a deeper reason as to why they used to chop of black men's penis, why they have white flight, why they are so fearful of immigrants (Especially non white ones) why were ever they go on the planet they cut themselves off.

Because at 6 0' Clock they get to back to their segregated white neighbourhood and wake up to there white job and black people get to go back to there area of high unemployment

You are not going to like my answer, but it is the truth. I personally know people who are racists. I worked with them. And when you listen to their story, you know why.

There was a man who worked here in Columbus as a mechanic. He had a home over on hilltop. That's a suburb of Columbus, just 10 minutes from downtown where he worked at a Cadillac dealership.

He ended up moving to Cardington, which is a 1hour drive out of the city.
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I went out there for dinner with his wife, and we got to talking about why the lived so far away. The answer was simple. The neighborhood where they lived went from being working class, to crap. First stuff started disappearing. Then a man tried to climb in throw the kitchen window. Friends and neighbors sold off and left.

But the end was when she was delivering a meal to an elderly man across the street, and a woman came and started accusing her of all kinds of things. The wife was dumbfounded. She had never seen this woman before in her life, and no idea where she even came from, let alone lived.

Next thing a riot broke out, people stole everything that was on her. A dozen police showed up to disbanded the riot. This man and his wife, never even went back to their home. Asked someone else to go through and collect their keepsakes and high value items. But everything else they left with the house and sold as in. They lived in a hotel, and then a rental, and then got this house an hour away from the city.

Of course you know what I'm going to say, don't you? You knew it half way through this story. The man breaking in through the window, was black. The woman that accused her on the street was black. The people the rioted and stole everything she had, and started beating her, were all black.

And then you say to us "there is racism!"...... yes. Yes there is. And it's your people that are causing it. Stop committing crime. Stop breaking the law. Every single time black people move into a neighborhood, and there ends up being crime... you are creating racists people.

I'm lucky. I have been fortunate to know wonderful, kickass, standing for what is right, black people. Some of my closest friends I have ever had in my whole life, have been black.

But that couple, never met a black person until they were stealing their stuff. Until they were breaking in their home. Until they were attacking his wife.

Yeah, they don't like black people. But like a beaten abused wife, doesn't like men anymore.... a person that has only known criminal black people likely isn't going to be fond of them.


Most black people are killed by other black people. How about you fix that first. Come whining about racism, after you fix your race so people don't hate them.

You know, I have minorities where I live in my condo area. Bunch of Asians here. Bunch of Latinos here. They are just a poor as I am, that's why they live in these condos.

But they are not breaking into homes, or dealing drugs, or anything. They follow the law. That's why we don't hate them. They are good people. How about you do that. Try being good people. Stop with all the gangster rap, and play real music. Stop glorifying evil, and start living right. Put down your pot, and pick up a hammer, start working for a living, and your family.

The Mexican next door to me, is a home builder. Wonderful family. I wish everyone was like them. Other people work. Spend more time doing something of value, and less time smoking pot, stealing stuff, and wondering why everyone hates you.
You are such a fraud. White people celebrate their culture all over the world. Why do you need to lie about this ?

Not in Western Europe or America, it is forbidden to celebrate or fail to show shame for being white.
You are really thick. There are many white cultures that are celebrated every year and I have given you an example.
As there is no overarching "white culture" there are no celebrations of "being white".
I doubt that one would be banned but I also doubt that anyone normal would attend if there was one. They would certainly struggle to find sponsors.
Being white isnt an achievement you thick fucker. Its an accident of birth.
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You are not going to like my answer, but it is the truth. I personally know people who are racists. I worked with them.
OK. Let's stop right here.

This is a common tactic that whites supremacist try 2 do. The try 2 paint themselves as the voice of reason. The neutral one. The objective one.
And when you listen to their story, you know why.
Let me guess ? I've not read below but it's probably some "I was beaten, robbed by a black person" story.

Right ?
There was a man who worked here in Columbus as a mechanic. He had a home over on hilltop. That's a suburb of Columbus, just 10 minutes from downtown where he worked at a Cadillac dealership.
And why did he have a Cadillac dealership ? Because the system of white supremacy and why was he living in burbs because of the system of white supremacy. And why did he get a job as mechanic because whites have a huge advantage in the employment market.

He ended up moving to Cardington, which is a 1hour drive out of the city.
View attachment 149993
And why was he able to move so easily ?

Because of the system of racism white supremacy. With the help of mortgage discrimination, redlining, zoning laws and so-called “market forces” pricing many blacks out of the better housing markets (even though whites only got into those markets because of government subsidies and preferences, both private and public.

I went out there for dinner with his wife, and we got to talking about why the lived so far away. The answer was simple. The neighborhood where they lived went from being working class, to crap. First stuff started disappearing. Then a man tried to climb in throw the kitchen window. Friends and neighbors sold off and left.

But the end was when she was delivering a meal to an elderly man across the street, and a woman came and started accusing her of all kinds of things. The wife was dumbfounded. She had never seen this woman before in her life, and no idea where she even came from, let alone lived.

Next thing a riot broke out, people stole everything that was on her. A dozen police showed up to disbanded the riot. This man and his wife, never even went back to their home. Asked someone else to go through and collect their keepsakes and high value items. But everything else they left with the house and sold as in. They lived in a hotel, and then a rental, and then got this house an hour away from the city.

Of course you know what I'm going to say, don't you? You knew it half way through this story. The man breaking in through the window, was black. The woman that accused her on the street was black. The people the rioted and stole everything she had, and started beating her, were all black.
Well first off. There are two sides to every story. I'm only getting your white supremacist version.

First ppl like you or your friend who rationalize their racism on the basis of their personal experiences with members of the group they dislike, are always being highly selective when it comes to the experiences from which you think you should draw conclusions.

After all, if you're negative experiences with blacks prove that blacks are bad people, then by definition, anyone who had had good experiences with black people would be able to say that all blacks are good people. Right ?

An argument every bit as silly, but just as logical, given you're original line of reasoning.

I mean. If you wanted to go down the road of personal experiences, then black people have WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY more negative experiences with whites, than whites have with blacks.

There are 36 million in the USA black folks. Even if you or your friend had encountered dozens of blk folks who had rubbed you the wrong way, this would be such a small and obviously unrepresentative sample.

Secondly how many bad experiences with other whites are you or your friend forgetting, which didn’t lead you to generalize about white folks as a group ?

Studies show ppl remember stereotype-confirming behavior in those who are considered different, while ignoring the many times members of their own group did the same things. So when a black person robs, to you and your friend that triggers pre-existing set of beliefs, that can be applied to explain the behavior.

So white people can do ( and do do) all the same things as blacks, but you'll viewed as individuals, while blacks who do anything negative are viewed through a racial group lens.

How many white folks who claim their dislike of blacks is justified because of a handful of negative experiences with African Americans, have had years of bad experiences with other whites, but in none of those cases drew an inference about whites as a group?

And then you say to us "there is racism!"...... yes. Yes there is. And it's your people that are causing it.
So black people are the cause of the research indicating that job applicants with white sounding names have a 50 percent better chance of being called back then black-sounding names, even when all qualifications are the same?

So black people are the cause of the study that found white job applicants with criminal records have a better chance of being called back for an interview than black applicants without one, even when all the qualifications are the same?

So black people are the cause of the massive nationwide study that estimated at least 1 million cases of blatant job discrimination against blacks?

So black people are the cause of the fact that black males with college degrees are almost twice as likely as whites to be out of work?

So black people are the cause of the evidence suggesting millions of cases of race-based housing discrimination against blk people each yr

So black people are the cause the reports of blatant racism practiced by Wells Fargo, which was deliberately roping black borrowers (to whom they referred as “mud people”) into high-cost loans, targeting them for these instruments, and even falsifying credit histories to make black applicants look like greater risks than they were, so as to justify the scam?

So black people are the cause of the way whites in the New Orleans area conspired after the flooding of the city to keep blacks from returning and being able to find housing on equitable terms, if at all?

So black people are the cause of the data from the Justice Department, to the effect that blacks are far more likely than whites to have their cars and persons searched after a traffic stop, even though whites, when searched, are more than four times as likely to have drugs or other illegal contraband on them?

So black people are the cause of the fact that millions of black men who are ex-felons and have paid their debt to society are permanently blocked from voting ?

So black people are the cause of the research that shows black students being suspended and expelled from school at far higher rates than white students, even though there are no significant differences in the rates at which students of different races violate serious school rules?

So black people are the cause the story about how National Review columnist John Derbyshire told Harvard law students that black achievement lags behind white achievement because blacks are biologically inferior to whites?

And black ppl are the cause of that. Right ?

Stop committing crime. Stop breaking the law. Every single time black people move into a neighborhood, and there ends up being crime... you are creating racists people.
Really. So racism is black people's fault now ?

So if black people had zero crime everything would be fine and dandy ?

Is that what you're seriously saying ?

Black don't commit any more crimes than whites. What happens is that black people are punished more for any crimes where as white people are let opff because we live in a system of white supremacy/.

For example.

Michael A. Wood Jr was a retired White American police sergeant he noted what he saw while serving on the Baltimore police force from 2003 to 2014

He confirmed much of what many Black Americans in Baltimore have long known.

The Police :
  • Racially profile.·
  • Lie.
  • Do not see Black and poor people as real human being.
  • Are an occupying force in Black ghettos.
  • See the people there as the enemy, not as citizens to protect and serve.
  • Use unspoken arrest quota.
  • Each officer is expected to make so many arrests a month.
  • Do not care much about the US Constitution.
  • Are badly trained.
  • Fear Black males.
He found that arrests and crime bear little relationship to each other.

When he was put on patrol in a well-to-do White neighbourhood he would go to a nearby Black neighbourhood to make his arrest quota.

Not because there was more crime there but because he could get away with arresting blacks for little things, like throwing a cigarette on the floor or playing basketball in the street. The police were told not to enforce drug laws against white people

He did not see himself as racist but took part in a racist institution by following orders. And these orders came from top. Who were supported by politicians who represented not the people but moneyed interests – like the prison-industrial complex that need 90% occupancy.

Or read about white cop Adrian Schoolcraft he logged how the NYPD used to manipulate crime stats. He recorded everything that was said with a small tape recorder while he was on duty.

Police officers were told how many people to stop and search. How many tickets to write. How many arrests to make every month. Meanwhile serious crime was not taken seriously. .

When he had a solid case he went to InternalAffairs. So the police arrived at his door with a dozen policemen. They tore his place apart. They threw him to the ground, beat him up and handcuffed him.

After six days missing his dad found his son at last in a mental ward in Queens NY, where the police had put him.

His father gets him out. After that Schoolcraft went to live at his father’s house hundreds of miles away. Despite the distance, New York police officers have appeared at his door ten times so far.

That's only touching the surface the police plant evidence on suspects to frame them, as with the Ramparts division scandal or they protect drug runners.

The police deal in drugs themselves. Ever heard about New York’s infamous 75th precinct ?

I could go on.

But if you want to act like a 10 naive year kid and swallow everything the police tell you about crime stats, that's on you.

I'm lucky. I have been fortunate to know wonderful, kickass, standing for what is right, black people. Some of my closest friends I have ever had in my whole life, have been black.
I said you was a white supremacist.

I didn't say you hated black people. Although I think you do.

White supremacy has little to with emotion and feelings.

Racism is not about not liking someone of another group. Racism is a systematic way of harming people of another group and that requires power and systems and the collective agreement by that group to support and participate in the mistreatment of people outside that group

The only people on the planet who systematically exhibit these kind of behaviours toward people just because they look different (no matter where they go) from North America to Africa to New Zealand and Australia, etc are white people

A white supremacist can like a black person, sleep with black women, marry a black women, listen to black music, adopt a black child. They can do all that stuff but still be team white supremacy.

Your argument about your "kickass" black friends is like a wife beater saying “but I’m married to a woman!” every time he beats his wife of girlfriend and claiming so he can’t have no sexism in him.

There were many whites who supported slavery and Jim Crow segregation as social systems, and yet, managed to conjure personal kindness for individual black people.

Ever watched Django Unchained and his relationship with Stephen ?

But that couple, never met a black person until they were stealing their stuff. Until they were breaking in their home. Until they were attacking his wife.

Yeah, they don't like black people. But like a beaten abused wife, doesn't like men anymore.... a person that has only known criminal black people likely isn't going to be fond of them.
Because it's about white people's feelings. Right ? We should only care when white people suffer.

And I'm because white have a system to back them. I can bet that the person who you say broke into her home and attacked his wife will spend a long time in Shawshank.

So what's your point ?

Unlike the many cops who kill black people and walk.

And why don't you white people stop committing crime ?

Most of the distributes and suppliers of the drugs aren’t black. That is where the real money is. The black criminals are nothing but bullet fodder and a source of income for those who gain jobs in the prisons.

The distributors live in communities divorced from the street level dealers. They are almost never caught. If a black dealer, goes down, there is always another to take their place.

For every white drug dealer they apprehend, 99% get away. Plus they are not stopped as much. Hence it would appear to the people that it is mostly blacks who are committing these crimes.

For every black criminal who is incarcerated, there is many more white ones walking free, or in rehab, as the notion here is that they don’t want to ‘destroy’ a promising young person’s life.

Because of the socioeconomic deprivations of these black criminals, they will be hard pressed to find good legal representation. And in most cases we are not even talking about the hard stuff, like heroin, crack or cocaine, but marijuana – weed.

And even after they do their time they do not get to start over clean.

1) Almost no one will hire you.
2) Most professional licences are out of the question too.
3) For the first five years you cannot get public housing – just when you need it most.
4) You will never again get food stamps. And on and on.

Your life is messed up forever. So what becomes of them ? We already know : Within three years there is a 70% chance you will be back in prison.

And all this is explained away by guys like you that blacks are just low IQ savages who can't do no good, and then endless stats about 'black crime' is churned out to people who already have preconceived ideas about black people.

Which further encourages the police to target black men, lock up black men and even kill black men and cycle continues, year after year after year

Secondly The main criminals are white

You should focus your attentions on your fellow white brothers around Europe and the USA who cause far more damage have a far bigger impact than any black street criminal. Those white Russian mafia gangs and the powerful vory v zakone brotherhood are almost exclusively white, though some Uzbeks and other ethnic minorities are presented among their ranks. Italian crime is exclusive: Neapolitan camorra. European crime is white and forms a underworld web that beats black street gangs easily in power, prestige and money. Turkish Babas are exclusive white.

In France there are strong Algerian immigrant gangs and organizations but the upper echelon of French organizations are white. Very few black criminals have risen to the top there or in Britain despite numerous black criminals in those countries.

Now how this effects on people in the Europe and USA and their safety ?

These real crime groups are responsible for the flow of drugs into Europe and the USA but they are white. Then, there are the stockbroker jugglers, into bonds and securities who are also organized criminals and who are the main reason why the average whites are in the deep S**T, lose their homes, insurances, get laid off from work. They affect the real security of white brits many times more than any black street mugger or dope smoking gang-banger.

They are also serious players in the financial fraud scene. They smuggle weapons and supply the street criminals with weapons and drugs. And of course, they are the ones who operate together with corrupt officials and politicians. This has been documented for decades by now. They smuggle illegal DVDS, tobacco, are involved in the sex trade, identity fraud, benefit fraud. You name they are in it. You don’t know anything. You don’t know the economics of the real big crime scene.

I wish you would stop popping up with these theories and me, having to smack you down again. It's lilke Whack-A-Mole with guys. You most likely think you are not racist because you see racism as requiring hatred and false beliefs. Therefore as long as you stick to contempt and “science” your think your safe.

The reality is that racism by blacks against whites is extremely minor compared to white racism against blacks. The media, the justice system, the prison industrial complex, businesses and corporations as far as hiring practices and personnel treatment, the school system, the healthcare system, politics, etc. all play enormous parts in some way or another against the black community.

Most black people are killed by other black people. How about you fix that first. Come whining about racism, after you fix your race so people don't hate them.
Now you move to the old black on black crime argument ?


Are more black people killed by black people than by the Police.

True. But guess what ?

That would have been true 100 years ago.

But would the black on black crime argument been a good reason to excuse for the KKK hangings of black men ?

No. So why is it now ?

The black on black crime figure will always be higher that white on black. Why ? Because those are the people you live around. Your argument is like telling Breast Cancer Support Groups not to bother with that cancer and focus on Lung Cancer because that is the biggest cancer killer.

When ISIS killed whites in Paris or 9-11 Twin Towers you did not hear people say "Well, more white people kill white people, than muslims""

But that would have been just as true.

The police are held to a higher standard. That's why police killings of black people cause the commotion that they do. Because if you have the power to kill me, then you better believe I'm gonna hold you to a higher standard.

It's the same way a teacher can't be late often for their class and then turn around and say "Well some of you are late too"

With great power comes greater responsibility, themz the rules.

But they are not breaking into homes, or dealing drugs, or anything. They follow the law. That's why we don't hate them. They are good people. How about you do that. Try being good people. Stop glorifying evil, and start living right. Put down your pot, and pick up a hammer, start working for a living, and your family.

The Mexican next door to me, is a home builder. Wonderful family. I wish everyone was like them. Other people work. Spend more time doing something of value, and less time smoking pot, stealing stuff, and wondering why everyone hates you.
At last. Anytime I chat to a white person eventually their racism will always show.
Yup and if those Mexican's started robbing or doing bad stuff all of sudden that would trigger the white supremacist in you.

Stop with all the gangster rap, and play real music
Most rap music purchases and downloads are made by whites. If white folks were interested in buying CDs by rap artists who sang about radical social transformation, racism and community uplift– and yes there are many, many such artists out there– then that’s the music that would be churned out in larger numbers.

But white people aren’t looking to buy songs about overthrowing the system from which you benefit.

It's white buyers who make that kind of rap profitable, but instead of asking for any responsibility from them, you blame the artists for doing what they’re supposed to do in a capitalist system, which is respond to market demand, no matter the social consequences.

It's whites that have made the thug image has been marketable, and thus created a financial incentive for black artists to play image.

By the way, whites believed black men were thugs long before 50 Cent and Rick Ross[/QUOTE]

So, when is the last time some one had to move out of their neighbor because whites moved in and started robbing, assaulting and rioting?
So, when is the last time some one had to move out of their neighbor because whites moved in and started robbing, assaulting and rioting?
To be honest. I don't care whether whites want to self-segregate.

I would also say that most whites have never been robbed, assaulted or rioted against by black ppl because white ppl have system that punishes ppl (Especially black ppl) should they be harmed.

It always strikes me as precious the way so many white people insist (like you) that “we don’t burn down our own neighborhoods when we get angry.”

On the one hand, it simply isn’t true. Whites do burn their own communities, whites do riot, and for far less valid reasons than any for which black people have ever hoisted a brick

Whites do so when your teams lose the big game or win the big game; or because of something called Pumpkin Festival; or because veggie burritos cost $10 at Woodstock ’99 and there weren’t enough Porta-Potties by the time of the Limp Bizkit set; or because folks couldn’t get enough beer at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake; or because surfers or St. Patty’s Day in Albany; or because Penn State fired Joe Paterno; or because it’s a Sunday afternoon in Ames, Iowa; and u do it over and over and over again.

The so-called ghetto was created. It was designed (by the white supremacist) as a a concentration camp. It was created by generations of housing discrimination, which limited where its residents could live. It was created by decade after decade of white riots against black people whenever we would move into white neighborhoods.
Remember because you live in a system of white supremacy that supports you don't need 2 throw a Molotov cocktail through a window when u can knock down the building using a bulldozer or crane operated with public money.

You don't need not loot a store when you can loot the residents of the community as happened in Ferguson giving out tickets to black folks for minor infractions so as to rack up huge fines and fees, thereby funding city government on the backs of the poor. Zoning laws, eminent domain, redlining, predatory lending, stop-and-frisk: all of these are forms of violence, however much you fails to understand that.

Guess what ?

Violence works. Rioting works.

We are, after all, here, are we not? Living proof that violence works and quite well at that, thank you very much.

And this silly idea that white people are racist because of what black people do is easily debunked by the fact that even in places where there are hardly no black people. Places like Russia, Serbia, Poland or Croatia. Places where they're not even around black people, barely speak to black people. They'll come forward with the exactly the same stereotypes as you and others. There is major far right movement over there.
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You are not going to like my answer, but it is the truth. I personally know people who are racists. I worked with them.
OK. Let's stop right here.

This is a common tactic that whites supremacist try 2 do. The try 2 paint themselves as the voice of reason. The neutral one. The objective one.
And when you listen to their story, you know why.
Let me guess ? I've not read below but it's probably some "I was beaten, robbed by a black person" story.

Right ?
There was a man who worked here in Columbus as a mechanic. He had a home over on hilltop. That's a suburb of Columbus, just 10 minutes from downtown where he worked at a Cadillac dealership.
And why did he have a Cadillac dealership ? Because the system of white supremacy and why was he living in burbs because of the system of white supremacy. And why did he get a job as mechanic because whites have a huge advantage in the employment market.
He ended up moving to Cardington, which is a 1hour drive out of the city.
View attachment 149993
And why was he able to move so easily ?

Because of the system of racism white supremacy. With the help of mortgage discrimination, redlining, zoning laws and so-called “market forces” pricing many blacks out of the better housing markets (even though whites only got into those markets because of government subsidies and preferences, both private and public.
I went out there for dinner with his wife, and we got to talking about why the lived so far away. The answer was simple. The neighborhood where they lived went from being working class, to crap. First stuff started disappearing. Then a man tried to climb in throw the kitchen window. Friends and neighbors sold off and left.

But the end was when she was delivering a meal to an elderly man across the street, and a woman came and started accusing her of all kinds of things. The wife was dumbfounded. She had never seen this woman before in her life, and no idea where she even came from, let alone lived.

Next thing a riot broke out, people stole everything that was on her. A dozen police showed up to disbanded the riot. This man and his wife, never even went back to their home. Asked someone else to go through and collect their keepsakes and high value items. But everything else they left with the house and sold as in. They lived in a hotel, and then a rental, and then got this house an hour away from the city.

Of course you know what I'm going to say, don't you? You knew it half way through this story. The man breaking in through the window, was black. The woman that accused her on the street was black. The people the rioted and stole everything she had, and started beating her, were all black.
Well first off. There are 2 sides 2 every story. I'm only getting ur white supremacist version.

First ppl like u or ur friend who rationalize their racism on the basis of their personal experiences with members of the group they dislike, r always being highly selective when it comes 2 the experiences from which u think u should draw conclusions.

After all, if ur and ur friend negative experiences with blacks prove that blacks are bad people, then by definition, anyone who had had good experiences with black people would be able to say that all blacks are good people. Right ?

An argument every bit as silly, but just as logical, given ur original line of reasoning.

I mean. If you wanted to go down the road of personal experiences, then black people have WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY more negative experiences with whites, than whites have with blacks.

There are 36 million black ppl in the USA. Even if you or your friend had encountered dozens of blk folks who had rubbed you the wrong way, this would be such a small and obviously unrepresentative sample.

Secondly how many bad experiences with other whites are you or your friend forgetting, which didn’t lead you to generalize about white folks as a group ?

Studies show ppl remember stereotype-confirming behavior in those who are considered different, while ignoring the many times members of their own group did the same things.

So when a black person robs, to you and your friend that triggers pre-existing set of beliefs, that can be applied to explain the behavior.

So white ppl can do (and do do) all the same things as blacks, but ull viewed them as individuals, while blacks who do anything negative are viewed through a racial group lens.
And then you say to us "there is racism!"...... yes. Yes there is. And it's your people that are causing it.
So black people are the cause of the research indicating that job applicants with white sounding names have a 50 percent better chance of being called back then black-sounding names, even when all qualifications are the same?

So black people are the cause of the study that found white job applicants with criminal records have a better chance of being called back for an interview than black applicants without one, even when all the qualifications are the same?

So black people are the cause of the massive nationwide study that estimated at least 1 million cases of blatant job discrimination against blacks?

So black people are the cause of the fact that black males with college degrees are almost twice as likely as whites to be out of work?

So black people are the cause of the evidence suggesting millions of cases of race-based housing discrimination against blk people each yr

So black people are the cause the reports of blatant racism practiced by Wells Fargo, which was deliberately roping black borrowers (to whom they referred as “mud people”) into high-cost loans, targeting them for these instruments, and even falsifying credit histories to make black applicants look like greater risks than they were, so as to justify the scam?

So black people are the cause of the way whites in the New Orleans area conspired after the flooding of the city to keep blacks from returning and being able to find housing on equitable terms, if at all?

So black people are the cause of the data from the Justice Department, to the effect that blacks are far more likely than whites to have their cars and persons searched after a traffic stop, even though whites, when searched, are more than four times as likely to have drugs or other illegal contraband on them?

So black people are the cause of the fact that millions of black men who are ex-felons and have paid their debt to society are permanently blocked from voting ?

So black people are the cause of the research that shows black students being suspended and expelled from school at far higher rates than white students, even though there are no significant differences in the rates at which students of different races violate serious school rules?

So black people are the cause the story about how National Review columnist John Derbyshire told Harvard law students that black achievement lags behind white achievement because blacks are biologically inferior to whites?

And black ppl are the cause of that. Right ?
Stop committing crime. Stop breaking the law. Every single time black people move into a neighborhood, and there ends up being crime... you are creating racists people.
Really. So racism is black people's fault now ?

So if black people had zero crime everything would be fine and dandy ?

Is that what you're seriously saying ?

Black don't commit any more crimes than whites. What happens is that black people are punished more for any crimes where as white people are let off because we live in a system of white supremacy/.

For example.

Michael A. Wood Jr was a retired White American police sergeant he noted what he saw while serving on the Baltimore police force from 2003 to 2014

He confirmed much of what many Black Americans in Baltimore have long known.

The Police :
  • Racially profile.·
  • Lie.
  • Do not see Black and poor people as real human being.
  • Are an occupying force in Black ghettos.
  • See the people there as the enemy, not as citizens to protect and serve.
  • Use unspoken arrest quota.
  • Each officer is expected to make so many arrests a month.
  • Do not care much about the US Constitution.
  • Are badly trained.
  • Fear Black males.
He found that arrests and crime bear little relationship to each other.

When he was put on patrol in a well-to-do White neighbourhood he would go to a nearby Black neighbourhood to make his arrest quota.

Not because there was more crime there but because he could get away with arresting blacks for little things, like throwing a cigarette on the floor or playing basketball in the street. The police were told not to enforce drug laws against white people

He did not see himself as racist but took part in a racist institution by following orders. And these orders came from top. Who were supported by politicians who represented not the people but moneyed interests – like the prison-industrial complex that need 90% occupancy.

Or read about white cop Adrian Schoolcraft he logged how the NYPD used to manipulate crime stats. He recorded everything that was said with a small tape recorder while he was on duty.

Police officers were told how many people to stop and search. How many tickets to write. How many arrests to make every month. Meanwhile serious crime was not taken seriously. .

When he had a solid case he went to InternalAffairs. So the police arrived at his door with a dozen policemen. They tore his place apart. They threw him to the ground, beat him up and handcuffed him.

After six days missing his dad found his son at last in a mental ward in Queens NY, where the police had put him.

His father gets him out. After that Schoolcraft went to live at his father’s house hundreds of miles away. Despite the distance, New York police officers have appeared at his door ten times so far.

That's only touching the surface the police plant evidence on suspects to frame them, as with the Ramparts division scandal or they protect drug runners.

The police deal in drugs themselves. Ever heard about New York’s infamous 75th precinct ?

I could go on.

But if you want to act like a 10 naive year kid and swallow everything the police tell you about crime stats, that's on you.
I'm lucky. I have been fortunate to know wonderful, kickass, standing for what is right, black people. Some of my closest friends I have ever had in my whole life, have been black.
I said you was a white supremacist.

I didn't say you hated black people. Although I think you do.

White supremacy has little to with emotion and feelings.

Racism is not about not liking someone of another group. Racism is a systematic way of harming people of another group and that requires power and systems and the collective agreement by that group to support and participate in the mistreatment of people outside that group

The only people on the planet who systematically exhibit these kind of behaviours toward people just because they look different (no matter where they go) from North America to Africa to New Zealand and Australia, etc are white people

A white supremacist can like a black person, sleep with black women, marry a black women, listen to black music, adopt a black child. They can do all that stuff but still be team white supremacy.

Your argument about your "kickass" black friends is like a wife beater saying “but I’m married to a woman!” every time he beats his wife of girlfriend and claiming so he can’t have no sexism in him.

There were many whites who supported slavery and Jim Crow segregation as social systems, and yet, managed to conjure personal kindness for individual black people.

Ever watched Django Unchained and his relationship with Stephen ?
But that couple, never met a black person until they were stealing their stuff. Until they were breaking in their home. Until they were attacking his wife.

Yeah, they don't like black people. But like a beaten abused wife, doesn't like men anymore.... a person that has only known criminal black people likely isn't going to be fond of them.
Because it's about white people's feelings. Right ? We should only care when white people suffer.

And because white people have a system to back them. I can bet that the person who you say broke into her home and attacked his wife will spend a long time in Shawshank.

So what's your point ?

Unlike the many cops who kill black people and walk.
And why don't you white people stop committing crime ?

Most of the distributes and suppliers of the drugs aren’t black.

That is where the real money is. The black criminals are nothing but bullet fodder and a source of income for those who gain jobs in the prisons.

The distributors live in communities divorced from the street level dealers. They're almost never caught. If a black dealer, goes down, there is always another to take their place.

For every white drug dealer they apprehend, 99% get away. Plus they're not stopped as much. Hence it would appear to the people that it is mostly blacks who are committing these crimes.

For every black criminal who is incarcerated, there is many more white ones walking free, or in rehab, as the notion here is that they don’t want to ‘destroy’ a promising young person’s life.

Because of the socioeconomic deprivations of these black criminals, they will b hard pressed 2 find good legal representation. And in most cases were not even talking about the hard stuff, like heroin, crack or cocaine, but marijuana – weed.

And even after they do their time they don't get 2 start clean.

1) Almost no one will hire u.
2) Most professional licences r out of the question.
3) For the first 5 years u can't get public housing (just when u need it most)
4) You will never again get food stamps. And on and on.

Your life is messed up forever. So what becomes of them ? We already know : Within three years there is a 70% chance you will be back in prison.

And all this is explained away by guys like you that blacks are just low IQ savages who can't do no good, and then endless stats about 'black crime' is churned out to people who already have preconceived ideas about black people.

Which further encourages the police to target black men, lock up black men and even kill black men and cycle continues, year after year after year

And the worst thing about your argument is this.

The main criminals are white

You should focus your attentions on your fellow white brothers around Europe and the USA who cause FAR more damage have a far bigger impact than any black street criminal. Those white Russian mafia gangs and the Vory V Zakone brotherhood are almost exclusively white, though some Uzbeks and other ethnic minorities are presented among their ranks.

Italian crime is exclusive: Neapolitan camorra. European crime is white and forms a underworld web that beats black street gangs easily in power, prestige and money. Turkish Babas are exclusive white.

In France there are strong Algerian immigrant gangs and organizations but the upper echelon of French organizations are white. Very few black criminals have risen to the top there or in Britain despite numerous black criminals in those countries.

Now how this effects on people in the Europe and USA and their safety ?

These real crime groups are responsible for the flow of drugs into Europe and the USA. Then, there are the stockbroker jugglers, into bonds and securities who are also criminals and who are the main reason why the average whites are in the deep S**T, lose their homes, insurances, get laid off from work. They affect the real security of white people many times more than any black street mugger or dope smoking gang-banger.

They are also serious players in the financial fraud scene. They smuggle weapons and supply the street criminals with weapons and drugs. And of course, they are the ones who operate together with corrupt officials and politicians.

This has been documented for decades by now. They smuggle illegal DVDS, tobacco, are involved in the sex trade, identity fraud, benefit fraud. You name they are in it. You don’t know anything.

You don’t know the economics of the real big crime scene.

I wish you would stop popping up with these theories and me having to smack you down again.

It's lilke Whack-A-Mole with you. You most likely think you are not racist because you see racism as requiring hatred and false beliefs. Therefore as long as you stick to contempt and “science” your think your safe.

Racism by blacks against whites is extremely minor compared to white racism against blacks.
  • The Media
  • The Criminal justice system
  • The Prison industrial complex
  • The Businesses
  • The Corporations as far as hiring practices and personnel treatment
  • The School system
  • The Healthcare system
  • The Politics
All play enormous parts in some way or another against the black community.
Most black people are killed by other black people. How about you fix that first. Come whining about racism, after you fix your race so people don't hate them.
Now you move to the old black on black crime argument ?


Are more black people killed by black people than by the Police.

True. But guess what ?

That would have been true 100 years ago.

But would the black on black crime argument been a good reason to excuse for the KKK hangings of black men ?

No. So why is it now ?

The black on black crime figure will always be higher that white on black. Why ? Because those are the people you live around. Your argument is like telling Breast Cancer Support Groups not to bother with that cancer and focus on Lung Cancer because that is the biggest cancer killer.

When ISIS killed whites in Paris or 9-11 Twin Towers you did not hear people say "Well, more white people kill white people, than muslims""

But that would have been just as true.

The police are held to a higher standard. That's why police killings of black people cause the commotion that they do. Because if you have the power to kill me, then you better believe I'm gonna hold you to a higher standard.

It's the same way a teacher can't be late often for their class and then turn around and say "Well some of you are late too"

With great power comes greater responsibility, themz the rules.
But they are not breaking into homes, or dealing drugs, or anything. They follow the law. That's why we don't hate them. They are good people. How about you do that. Try being good people. Stop glorifying evil, and start living right. Put down your pot, and pick up a hammer, start working for a living, and your family.

The Mexican next door to me, is a home builder. Wonderful family. I wish everyone was like them. Other people work. Spend more time doing something of value, and less time smoking pot, stealing stuff, and wondering why everyone hates you.
Yup and if those Mexican's started robbing or doing bad stuff all of sudden that would trigger the white supremacist in you.
Stop with all the gangster rap, and play real music
What's real music ?

Because I hate to tell you this but most rap music purchases and downloads are made by your people. That is; white people.

If white folks were interested in buying CDs by rap artists who sang about radical social transformation, racism and community uplift (n yeah there r many artists out there) then that’s the music that wud b churned out in larger numbers.

But white ppl aren’t looking 2 buy songs about overthrowing the system from which u benefit.

It's whites that have made the thug image has been marketable, and thus created a financial incentive for black artists to play image but instead of asking for any responsibility from them, you blame the artists for doing what they’re supposed to do in a capitalist system, which is respond to market demand, no matter the social consequences.

By the way, whites believed black men were thugs long before 50 Cent and Rick Ross

Did it take you hours to write, and research for this gargantuan comment?
You are not going to like my answer, but it is the truth. I personally know people who are racists. I worked with them.
OK. Let's stop right here.

This is a common tactic that whites supremacist try 2 do. The try 2 paint themselves as the voice of reason. The neutral one. The objective one.
And when you listen to their story, you know why.

The main criminals are white

You should focus your attentions on your fellow white brothers around Europe and the USA who cause FAR more damage have a far bigger impact than any black street criminal. Those white Russian mafia gangs and the Vory V Zakone brotherhood are almost exclusively white, though some Uzbeks and other ethnic minorities are presented among their ranks.

Italian crime is exclusive: Neapolitan camorra. European crime is white and forms a underworld web that beats black street gangs easily in power, prestige and money. Turkish Babas are exclusive white.

The Russian Mafia is strongly Jewish.

The Italian Mafia is strongly Sicilian.

But, I thought you said that Greeks aren't White?

Now Jews, and Sicilians are White, when they're so similar to Greeks by genotype, and phenotype?
America is, and always has been a melting pot.
WAS a melting pot ... WAS not IS. The 'melting' facet of that cliche implies that cultures melt together. The current libtard agenda puts forth a 'mosaic' theory framed as "diversity' where each group resists assimilation and has no allegiance to the larger group as a whole - no allegiance to American society. In fact they are conditioned to despise America and American Values. America is portrayed as the Oppressor and all their personal failures, short comings and struggles are laid at the feet of the white man
I see beauty in diversity...

Beautiful Family portrait - An American man and woman and their offspring. That's not the diversity I had in mind.... I was referring to differing cultures both are from the same culture although diff. sub cultures. Not a good analogy
You are not going to like my answer, but it is the truth. I personally know people who are racists. I worked with them.
OK. Let's stop right here.

This is a common tactic that whites supremacist try 2 do. The try 2 paint themselves as the voice of reason. The neutral one. The objective one.
And when you listen to their story, you know why.
Let me guess ? I've not read below but it's probably some "I was beaten, robbed by a black person" story.

Right ?
There was a man who worked here in Columbus as a mechanic. He had a home over on hilltop. That's a suburb of Columbus, just 10 minutes from downtown where he worked at a Cadillac dealership.
And why did he have a Cadillac dealership ? Because the system of white supremacy and why was he living in burbs because of the system of white supremacy. And why did he get a job as mechanic because whites have a huge advantage in the employment market.
He ended up moving to Cardington, which is a 1hour drive out of the city.
View attachment 149993
And why was he able to move so easily ?

Because of the system of racism white supremacy. With the help of mortgage discrimination, redlining, zoning laws and so-called “market forces” pricing many blacks out of the better housing markets (even though whites only got into those markets because of government subsidies and preferences, both private and public.
Turkish Babas are exclusive white.

So, now Turks are exclusively White?

But, the other day you called Greeks as non-White.

Turks are less White than Greeks, not only do they have more Middle-Eastern mixture, from mixing with Kurds, Arabs, and Iranians here, and there.
They also have some Turkic mixture from Central-Asia, culturally they are Muslim, and Turkish speakers, alien to Europeans
So, when is the last time some one had to move out of their neighbor because whites moved in and started robbing, assaulting and rioting?
To be honest. I don't care whether whites want to self-segregate.

I would also say that most whites have never been robbed, assaulted or rioted against by black ppl because white ppl have system that punishes ppl (Especially black ppl) should they be harmed.

It always strikes me as precious the way so many white people insist (like you) that “we don’t burn down our own neighborhoods when we get angry.”

On the one hand, it simply isn’t true. Whites do burn their own communities, whites do riot, and for far less valid reasons than any for which black people have ever hoisted a brick

Whites do so when your teams lose the big game or win the big game; or because of something called Pumpkin Festival; or because veggie burritos cost $10 at Woodstock ’99 and there weren’t enough Porta-Potties by the time of the Limp Bizkit set; or because folks couldn’t get enough beer at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake; or because surfers or St. Patty’s Day in Albany; or because Penn State fired Joe Paterno; or because it’s a Sunday afternoon in Ames, Iowa; and u do it over and over and over again.

The so-called ghetto was created. It was designed (by the white supremacist) as a a concentration camp. It was created by generations of housing discrimination, which limited where its residents could live. It was created by decade after decade of white riots against black people whenever we would move into white neighborhoods.
Remember because you live in a system of white supremacy that supports you don't need 2 throw a Molotov cocktail through a window when u can knock down the building using a bulldozer or crane operated with public money.

You don't need not loot a store when you can loot the residents of the community as happened in Ferguson giving out tickets to black folks for minor infractions so as to rack up huge fines and fees, thereby funding city government on the backs of the poor. Zoning laws, eminent domain, redlining, predatory lending, stop-and-frisk: all of these are forms of violence, however much you fails to understand that.

Guess what ?

Violence works. Rioting works.

We are, after all, here, are we not? Living proof that violence works and quite well at that, thank you very much.

And this silly idea that white people are racist because of what black people do is easily debunked by the fact that even in places where there are hardly no black people. Places like Russia, Serbia, Poland or Croatia. Places where they're not even around black people, barely speak to black people. They'll come forward with the exactly the same stereotypes as you and others. There is major far right movement over there.

That was a lot of writing to avoid the fact that the scenario that Andy described is common and the reverse never happens, at least in this country.

THis is a fact that we need to admit if we are ever going to fix it.

Pretending that it is not so, as we have been doing for the last couple of generations has certainly not worked.

YOur anti-white racism might be helping you cope with the shitty situation your people are in, but would you not rather actually improve it?

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