CDZ Diversity, What's Important?

What type of diversity is most important?

  • Racial

  • Gender

  • Ideological

  • Cultural

  • Wealth

  • Income

  • None, they are all equally important

  • None, diversity is unimportant

  • Other, please explain

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Gold Member
Oct 12, 2015
Diversity seems to be a topic of conversation in many areas, including politics, business, school, ect. So, as a general rule, what would you say is the most important type of diversity? By that I mean, what is the ultimate goal of having a "diverse" group, whether it be a political party, a business, school, working group, work force, governing body, or citizenry at large? Is the goal to have a diverse looking group? Is it to have diversity of background? Diversity of ideas? Diversity of perspective? What is the ultimate goal?

Before anyone gets bogged down in the concept that it depends on the overarching goal of the group (and that is true in many cases), let's just say that's not the point. I am wondering what people think on the topic in general.

Is it better to have people who look different, but think much the same; or is it better to have people who think differently, and come from a variety of backgrounds, regardless of what they look like?

Note: This is intended to be a non-political/non-partisan discussion. Please, if you are unable to leave your partisanship at the door, move on.
Ideological, definitely. We're so badly split into tribes now, and we're seeing the results. Hate and more hate. Closed, narrow thinking. Tribal behaviors.

Collaboration brings innovation, surely we know that.

The other kinds of diversity listed should be considered by any employer, as the business with the greatest breadth of people possible will have a market advantage. But forcing it, lowering standards to make people fit quotas, no. The country is changing organically as it is. Those who don't open up will lose naturally.
To me diversity is a bad word. It means you have to accept the unacceptable.
I was going to ask why the options didn't include diversity of thought, but I suppose ideology could fit that bill.
There is little evidence IMO to support the idea that diversity is important for anything other than expanding an individual's perspective on people different than ones' self. So from an individual growth perspective, yes it is a good thing. But you can have a happy and successful: person, team, neighborhood, town, city, country or company without diversity of any kind so no I do not believe diversity is important.
Diversity seems to be a topic of conversation in many areas, including politics, business, school, ect. So, as a general rule, what would you say is the most important type of diversity? By that I mean, what is the ultimate goal of having a "diverse" group, whether it be a political party, a business, school, working group, work force, governing body, or citizenry at large? Is the goal to have a diverse looking group? Is it to have diversity of background? Diversity of ideas? Diversity of perspective? What is the ultimate goal?

Before anyone gets bogged down in the concept that it depends on the overarching goal of the group (and that is true in many cases), let's just say that's not the point. I am wondering what people think on the topic in general.

Is it better to have people who look different, but think much the same; or is it better to have people who think differently, and come from a variety of backgrounds, regardless of what they look like?

Note: This is intended to be a non-political/non-partisan discussion. Please, if you are unable to leave your partisanship at the door, move on.
"United we stand, divided we fall". This is why the left pushes diversity all the time. Keep the populace against each other, and the political elites get away with murder. I remember back when in Cincinnati we used to have block parties where everyone, black, white , yellow, brown, were all invited to participate, we closed off the street brought out our picnic tables, and each and every family brought a dish to the event. Grills where you had all sorts of meats were cooked, and everyone had a good time. Today, with diversity, how many block parties have you seen in the last year....
I don't think our problems lie in how much diversity we have, instead it's the intolerance for points of view or perspectives other than our own. Too often we look at other individuals or groups and ask why they have more than we do, and so we try to pull them down to our level one way or another. We denigrate them and they return the disfavor, and so the wars continue. Our problem is not that we're different, it's that we do not work harder to uplift our own group(s) instead of attacking the others. Or at least cooperating on policies that help everybody.
Good topic to discuss.

When promoting "diversity" as a concept and a necessity, we need to understand often those who are promoting this as a concept are in reality using it to divide people.

Racial - race is a social construct used primarily to divide people. In a random setting where various races (or skin tones) are represented, the person next to me who shares my race or skin tone will not necessarily share the same ideological as myself, and conversely the person standing on my other side who could be of a different race or skin tone could be my ideological twin. Race is meaningless, except to those who seek to continue to divide us.

Gender - same as race

Ideological - This has more substance. A variety of ideologies, or ideas can improve thought, advancement in societies and technology, etc. Good ideologies. Bad ones of course can have a negative effect if given root. The only thing bad ideologies have is to serve as an example of what not to do. Again, those who often promote "diversity" have shown downright hostility to those of other ideologies, as we have seen on college campuses when somebody of an ideology has to be harassed and met with violence. So much for tolerance and diversity.

Cultural - There is some overlap with ideology, but with that covered, it can be good to see how other cultures have been adapted by other peoples. Cultures can be good things, bad things, neutral things. Diversity in the arts, music, sports, etc. are fine and dandy. Cultures in which civil rights are attacked are not such good places to hang around. But overall, diversity in regards to culture doesn't mean a whole lot. If my workplace doesn't include a gentleman who does a Hungarian folk dance, my workplace probably isn't affected one iota.

Wealth / Income - I'll group these two together. My own wealth creation will most likely be improved by somebody who has wealth, or more wealth than I, than somebody who makes little to none. I'm not in the business of wealth envy. But as far as "diversity" goes, I don't think this is much of a factor. But those who try to put classes (and classes are against social constructs) against each other for personal gain, those people should be shunned.

Overall, I believe diversity is largely unimportant. Good ideas are good ideas no matter what "diverse" background somebody has. And those who push for false constructs of "diversity," they must be met with high skepticism at the very least.
Diversity as applied in this time is essentially an intentional dodging of logic and common sense in order to implement nonsensical social justice programs.

Permit the cream to rise to the top.

Swiss cheese on a Philly Cheesesteak is invariably disappointing.
Diversity seems to be a topic of conversation in many areas, including politics, business, school, ect. So, as a general rule, what would you say is the most important type of diversity? By that I mean, what is the ultimate goal of having a "diverse" group, whether it be a political party, a business, school, working group, work force, governing body, or citizenry at large? Is the goal to have a diverse looking group? Is it to have diversity of background? Diversity of ideas? Diversity of perspective? What is the ultimate goal?

Before anyone gets bogged down in the concept that it depends on the overarching goal of the group (and that is true in many cases), let's just say that's not the point. I am wondering what people think on the topic in general.

Is it better to have people who look different, but think much the same; or is it better to have people who think differently, and come from a variety of backgrounds, regardless of what they look like?

Note: This is intended to be a non-political/non-partisan discussion. Please, if you are unable to leave your partisanship at the door, move on.

The Left tells us that Diversity is vitally important.
The more minorities we have the more the diverse we will be.
And, the fewer whites we have the more diverse we will be.
They sound like genocidal crackpots.
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Integration is more important than diversity.

Having pasta and marinara sauce on your plate is great. That is a diversity of food. Having them mixed together is much better. That is integration and it’s delicious!

Integration of races, cultures, religions, sexes, social classes, etc…. is important if, for no other reason, to break down stereotypes and destroy assumptions. For example, those who have never been up close to someone battling addiction are really quick to criticize those addicted to eating, drugs, alcohol, etc… What those who do not battle addiction do not understand is that folks who do battle addiction don’t have the “off” switch that others do who manage their desires. I have the opportunity, nay honor, of knowing some people who are highly accomplished in some walks of life but are addicted to various activities/things in other parts of their lives.

I’m better for knowing people who think differently than I do.
Integration is more important than diversity.

Having pasta and marinara sauce on your plate is great. That is a diversity of food. Having them mixed together is much better. That is integration and it’s delicious!

Integration of races, cultures, religions, sexes, social classes, etc…. is important if, for no other reason, to break down stereotypes and destroy assumptions. For example, those who have never been up close to someone battling addiction are really quick to criticize those addicted to eating, drugs, alcohol, etc… What those who do not battle addiction do not understand is that folks who do battle addiction don’t have the “off” switch that others do who manage their desires. I have the opportunity, nay honor, of knowing some people who are highly accomplished in some walks of life but are addicted to various activities/things in other parts of their lives.

I’m better for knowing people who think differently than I do.

What nonsense.

Integration has been a huge failure. One has to be very naive and have little real life experience not to mention well indoctrinated to believe in integration.

We have wasted billions and continue to waste billions trying to make it work.

It never worked and it never will work. Yet....the myth of it is still promoted and probably will be until we achieve 3rd world status which may not be that far down the road.

February 2008 - American Renaissance

The Legacy of the 1965 Immigration Act

A Requiem for Multiculturalism

Rich N.Y. City Liberals do not want their kids to integrate..............

5 Harmful Ways Integration Policies Destroyed Black America

September-October 1993 - American Renaissance...Who still believes in integration?

The end of multiculturalism
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Diversity seems to be a topic of conversation in many areas, including politics, business, school, ect. So, as a general rule, what would you say is the most important type of diversity? By that I mean, what is the ultimate goal of having a "diverse" group, whether it be a political party, a business, school, working group, work force, governing body, or citizenry at large? Is the goal to have a diverse looking group? Is it to have diversity of background? Diversity of ideas? Diversity of perspective? What is the ultimate goal?

Before anyone gets bogged down in the concept that it depends on the overarching goal of the group (and that is true in many cases), let's just say that's not the point. I am wondering what people think on the topic in general.

Is it better to have people who look different, but think much the same; or is it better to have people who think differently, and come from a variety of backgrounds, regardless of what they look like?

Note: This is intended to be a non-political/non-partisan discussion. Please, if you are unable to leave your partisanship at the door, move on.

Intellectual diversity is the only kind of diversity that makes any kind of difference and the one kind that should be jealously guarded. All other manner of diversity is most successful when it happens naturally and without fanfare.

Each successful society will set its own standards for public conduct, what laws and regulation are appropriate and useful, and enjoy shared values that strengthen and sustain it.

But unless all points of view are allowed, even invited, any society becomes narrow minded, intolerant, and and intellectually suffocated aka incapable of critical thinking. And that sets the stage for tyranny or all manner of injustice, even evil.
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I see nothing positive about 'embracing' failed cultures; most of that 'Diversity' rubbish is just whining losers sniveling about getting by passed by progress and far better cultural practices. Only total morons think we need to treat Aztec or Congo or Pakistani 'cultures' as something to 'admire' and encourage, just to name three; 'Diversity' is just a dog whistle word for black and brown racists and their infantile jealousies and bigotry.
I see nothing positive about 'embracing' failed cultures; most of that 'Diversity' rubbish is just whining losers sniveling about getting by passed by progress and far better cultural practices. Only total morons think we need to treat Aztec or Congo or Pakistani 'cultures' as something to 'admire' and encourage, just to name three; 'Diversity' is just a dog whistle word for black and brown racists and their infantile jealousies and bigotry.

Yes......diversity, multi-culturalism, integration and also such bullshite has been crammed down the throats of generations of innocent kids who being kids absorbed the nonsense and then in turn promoted it themselves.

How did it all get started in the first place? Who initially promoted it. Who gained by it? Why is it still the 'law' of the land when it has all obviously failed?
Note: This is intended to be a non-political/non-partisan discussion.

"Diversity" has become a political term, so why are you trying to disguise it as something else? Otherwise, your OP is meaningless:

Another word for diversity | Synonyms for diversity
True, "diversity" has, indeed, become a largely political term. However, If one were able to put the present context aside, and look at what the word actually means, I believe one would find this discussion quite meaningful, and useful. Of course, sense we are a diverse group, you may well see it differently.
Integration is more important than diversity.

Having pasta and marinara sauce on your plate is great. That is a diversity of food. Having them mixed together is much better. That is integration and it’s delicious!

Integration of races, cultures, religions, sexes, social classes, etc…. is important if, for no other reason, to break down stereotypes and destroy assumptions. For example, those who have never been up close to someone battling addiction are really quick to criticize those addicted to eating, drugs, alcohol, etc… What those who do not battle addiction do not understand is that folks who do battle addiction don’t have the “off” switch that others do who manage their desires. I have the opportunity, nay honor, of knowing some people who are highly accomplished in some walks of life but are addicted to various activities/things in other parts of their lives.

I’m better for knowing people who think differently than I do.
I could not agree more. The topic of integration is for another thread though, one which I debated starting with. I thought it prudent to start here, with diversity, first, so I could get a general feel for how people view the topic, and hopefully come to some sort of consensus on it's merit in general.
Note: This is intended to be a non-political/non-partisan discussion.

"Diversity" has become a political term, so why are you trying to disguise it as something else? Otherwise, your OP is meaningless:

Another word for diversity | Synonyms for diversity
True, "diversity" has, indeed, become a largely political term. However, If one were able to put the present context aside, and look at what the word actually means, I believe one would find this discussion quite meaningful, and useful. Of course, sense we are a diverse group, you may well see it differently.

Diversity is a not a normative term, so why does you poll presuppose its importance?

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