Divine’ Acoustics Of Hagia Sophia Have Been Recreated By Stanford Researchers


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011

Beatific sound effects reverberating within the deep domed halls – this in a nutshell defines the rapturous acoustics of the Hagia Sophia, the crowning architectural achievement of the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine). The ambit of enthralling sound was recreated (twice) by a group of Stanford scholars and scientists, in collaboration with choral group Cappella Romana. The resultant Icons of Sound project is based on some ingenious methods, like recording of balloon pops inside the actual Hagia Sophia interior space, complemented by a bevy other visual and audio measures that have aided in deducing the possible historical acoustics of the famed domed structure. The compiled data was then used to digitally recreate the ambiance, accompanied by medieval church music that was performed inside the university’s Bing Concert Hall (which replicated the Eastern Roman basilica).
Listen To The Recreation Of Hagia Sophia's Acoustics By Stanford

Ok. The article came out in January of this year but that video came out in 2013. There are another couple of videos in the article too. It's kind of haunting.

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