Division of State and Church?

Never a good idea to call someone dumb while misspelling the word "you're." :10:

View attachment 523805

Opposition. I'm pleased you mentioned grammar because to me, it doesn't matter much. If I was in favour of a god you would not have mentioned would you?

The problem is my post irritated you and the urge to retaliate was too much. Why can't you dispute what I've said? Because you have nothing and never will.

Now who is looking dumb.
Additionally, America's traditional philosophy of governance is specifically religious in nature.

It is also uniquely American.

"All men are created...endowed by their creator...."

It's a bit of a deep discussion, really.
Opposition. I'm pleased you mentioned grammar because to me, it doesn't matter much. If I was in favour of a god you would not have mentioned would you?

The problem is my post irritated you and the urge to retaliate was too much. Why can't you dispute what I've said? Because you have nothing and never will.

Now who is looking dumb.

Nope, I didn't think much about your post either way. :dunno: If anything I agreed with you, of course not all atheists are communists.
Additionally, America's traditional philosophy of governance is religious in nature.

It is also uniquely American.

"All men are created...endowed by their creator...."

Wrong again. The country is governed by a democracy and religion plays no part whatsoever.

Are you naive enough to think religion doesn't play a part in other countries, like Afghanistan etc?
America never discovered religion.

People might like to integrate religion as if It gives them morals etc but it never enters the equation. You know that. Why the silly statement.
Opposition. I'm pleased you mentioned grammar because to me, it doesn't matter much. If I was in favour of a god you would not have mentioned would you?

The problem is my post irritated you and the urge to retaliate was too much. Why can't you dispute what I've said? Because you have nothing and never will.

Now who is looking dumb.

Dude, you're like school in the summer time.

No class....
Wrong again. The country is governed by a democracy and religion plays no part whatsoever.

Are you naive enough to think religion doesn't play a part in other countries, like Afghanistan etc?
America never discovered religion.

People might like to integrate religion as if It gives them morals etc but it never enters the equation. You know that. Why the silly statement.

Listen. You have no idea what you're talking about. Clearly.

You're not even American.

How about you let Americans define Athe merican form government? Umkay?

First thing you should do is learn the difference between democracy itself and "a Democracy" in relation to form of government.

Democracy is a function of a Republican form of government. Furthermore, "a Republic'' is antithetical to "a Democracy"

Anyway. As I said, it's late and I need my beauty sleep.

Maybe tomorrow I'll kick you around for a while.

Boy did you pick the wrong one this time. Heh heeeee.....
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Listen. You have no idea what you're talking about. Clearly.

You're not even American.

How about you let Americans talk about American governance? Umkay?

First thing you should do is learn the difference between democracy itself and "a Democracy" in relation to form of government.

Democracy is a function of a Republican form of government. Furthermore, "a Republic'' is antithetical to "a Democracy"

Anyway. As I said, it's late and I need my beauty sleep.

Maybe tomorrow I'll kick you around for a while.

Boy did you pick the wrong one this time. Heh heeeee.....

Ok. You go for me and see how good you are. I'll take you on about any subject you like in this thread.

As for a beauty sleep, spend your time getting phsycological advice.
Wrong again. The country is governed by a democracy....
Actually, here...

You can learn from the afternoon lesson I gave earlier today while I'm counting muh sheep. That was some cat from New Zealand who also thought he knew American government better than Americans.

Matter of fact, you don't have to click the link to that thread, I'll just snip what I said earlier when that one tried to pawn off that "America is "a Democracy'' nonsense, so that you're crystal clear on how things work in America in terms of governance and then we can throw you in the closet and get back onto Mort's topic.

Here you go....

Yeah, no, you'd be be better off concerning yourself with how they do things in New Zealand. Heh heh.

Democracy itself is a function of a Republican form of government.

"A Democracy'' is a completely antithetical form of government to that of a Republican form of government. America is "a Republic". A ''compound Republic'', to be clear. See Federalist #51.

To repeat: The chief characteristic and distinguishing feature of ''a Democracy'' is: Rule by Omnipotent Majority.

In ''a Democracy'', The Individual, and any group of Individuals composing any Minority, have no protection against the unlimited power of The Majority.

And again, this is true whether it be ''a Direct Democracy'', or ''a Representative Democracy.''

For comparison sake...

''A Republic'' has a very different purpose and an entirely different form, or system, of government than "a Democracy''. Though democracy itself is a key aspect of a Republican form of government.

Its purpose is to control The Majority strictly, as well as all others among the people, primarily to protect The Individual’s God-given, unalienable rights and therefore for the protection of the rights of The Minority, of all minorities, and the liberties of people in general.

The definition of ''a Republic'' is: a constitutionally limited government of the representative type, created by a written Constitution, adopted by the people and changeable (from its original meaning) by them only by its amendment, with its powers divided between three separate Branches: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. Here the term "the people" means, of course, the electorate.

And this ain't Plato's Republic, so you know. Umkay?

There is a very sharp and clear contrast between (a) The Majority Unlimited, in ''a Democracy'', lacking any legal safeguard of the rights of The Individual and The Minority, and (b) The Majority Limited, in ''a Republic'' under a written Constitution safeguarding the rights of The Individual and The Minority

You fucking donut. lol.
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I generally agree with the division of state and church, the church will get corrupted if it involves itself as institution too much into politics. BUT individual christians can and should work to do the will of God and if they are politicians, they can and should do the will of God also in politics.

Agree or Disagree?

Matthew 6,33
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
I generally agree with the division of state and church, the church will get corrupted if it involves itself as institution too much into politics. BUT individual christians can and should work to do the will of God and if they are politicians, they can and should do the will of God also in politics.

Agree or Disagree?

Matthew 6,33
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
I agree but not for the same reasons. Iran would be the best example, it would be one of the great countries of the world if it were democracy; but it is not, it is a theocracy and the supreme ruler has absolute power over every aspect of the peoples lives. The early Christian Church, the Catholic Church had the same power. No one, even Kings, had control of their own lives. That is why separation of church and state is so important to our nation. Religion poses a real threat to that future. We are a free nation, that would be lost if we became a theocracy. Right now religious-minded members of Congress are proposing legislation that restricts other people's rights.That would all be multiplied a thousand-fold in a theocracy. We are going in the right direction when we chose ethics for the basis of our laws and not morals. Ethics do not change, morals do.
A history lesson young people in the Peanut Gallery were never taught in school re the establishment clause: it comes directly from one of the founders of an evangelical Christian sect, Thomas Helwys, of which along with others, like the Methodists and Presbyterians, were responsible for The Great Awakening and the elections of Thomas Jefferson to the Vice Presidency and Presidency.

Thomas Helwys formulated a distinctively Baptist request that the church and the state be kept separate in matters of law, so that individuals might have freedom of religion. Helwys died in prison as a consequence of the religious conflict with English dissenters under James I. In 1638, Roger Williams established the first Baptist congregation in the North American colonies. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the First and Second Great Awakening increased church membership in the United States.[5] Baptist missionaries have spread their faith to every continent.[3]

And now some can better understand why Jefferson was anxious to stay on their good side, especially those in New England like the Danbury Baptists.

Massachusetts was the last state to dis-establish its state supported Congregationist sect, in 1834. They were gradually dis-established due to demographic changes, not Federal government demands or Supreme Court decisions.
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A history lesson young people in the Peanut Gallery were never taught in school re the establishment clause: it comes directly from one of the founders of an evangelical Christian sect, Thomas Helwys, of which along with others, like the Methodists and Presbyterians, were responsible for The Great Awakening and the elections of Thomas Jefferson to the Vice Presidency and Presidency.

Thomas Helwys formulated a distinctively Baptist request that the church and the state be kept separate in matters of law, so that individuals might have freedom of religion. Helwys died in prison as a consequence of the religious conflict with English dissenters under James I. In 1638, Roger Williams established the first Baptist congregation in the North American colonies. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the First and Second Great Awakening increased church membership in the United States.[5] Baptist missionaries have spread their faith to every continent.[3]

And now some can better understand why Jefferson was anxious to stay on their good side, especially those in New England like the Danbury Baptists.

Massachusetts was the last state to dis-establish its state supported Congregationist sect, in 1834. They were gradually dis-established due to demographic changes, not Federal government demands or Supreme Court decisions.
Didn't know that, good to know. Thanks again, Stan.
Actually, here...

You can learn from the afternoon lesson I gave earlier today while I'm counting muh sheep. That was some cat from New Zealand who also thought he knew American government better than Americans.

Matter of fact, you don't have to click the link to that thread, I'll just snip what I said earlier when that one tried to pawn off that "America is "a Democracy'' nonsense, so that you're crystal clear on how things work in America in terms of governance and then we can throw you in the closet and get back onto Mort's topic.

Here you go....

Here's where you make your first mistake.

Its purpose is to control The Majority strictly, as well as all others among the people, primarily to protect The Individual’s God-given, unalienable rights and therefore for the protection of the rights of The Minority, of all minorities, and the liberties of people in general.

There are no given rights to anyone. That's complete rubbish. They were achieved through democracy and no filthy God was involved and you know it.

Democracy is any system where the people elect who they want. All that other crap is just that. Call it what you want but it's still a democracy.
Here's where you make your first mistake.

Its purpose is to control The Majority strictly, as well as all others among the people, primarily to protect The Individual’s God-given, unalienable rights and therefore for the protection of the rights of The Minority, of all minorities, and the liberties of people in general.

There are no given rights to anyone. That's complete rubbish. They were achieved through democracy and no filthy God was involved and you know it.

Democracy is any system where the people elect who they want. All that other crap is just that. Call it what you want but it's still a democracy.

lol a triggered deviant; they're always hilarious, completely lacking in any education or context.
As before, when you have no repudiation of my point, out come the personal insults as defence.
Yet irs you who belched about MY education. Don't make me vomit. You have nothing.

lol what 'point' commie? The one on top of your head? The one you got told to repeat from some loon site for deviants?
lol what 'point' commie? The one on top of your head? The one you got told to repeat from some loon site for deviants?

There it is again. Now I'm a communist.
How do you establish that from the vast reservoir of knowledge.

Youve been beaten now . Go away you fool.
There it is again. Now I'm a communist.
How do you establish that from the vast reservoir of knowledge.

Youve been beaten now . Go away you fool.

Lol another legend in its own mind. You get shot down in literally every thread you babble that left wing rubbish in, which is all of them.
Lol another legend in its own mind. You get shot down in literally every thread you babble that left wing rubbish in, which is all of them.

Yeah sure I do. Thats why you are still here with your childish jibes expecting to land a blow. You as ignorant as a row of cats watching tv.

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