Division of State and Church?

So now you're not only a deviant, but also a communist and fool to boot, oh my.Woe to be you.
If you don't want to talk about religion, why are you here?

Why come and derail this thread? Do you need attention?

Ok. Let's talk about religion.

There is No God and never has been. You have no evidence whatsoever and you know it. Faith does not equate to fact.
You believe in immaculate conception and virgin births etc add a resurrection and dead men walking and you expect me to believe that as if It is a given?
Don't insult my intelligence again.
Ok. Let's talk about religion.

There is No God and never has been. You have no evidence whatsoever and you know it. Faith does not equate to fact.
You believe in immaculate conception and virgin births etc add a resurrection and dead men walking and you expect me to believe that as if It is a given?
Don't insult my intelligence again.
Wow, defensive much?

If you're going to equate religious faith with unintelligence.. well, you'd have to call a lot of very smart people throughout history stupid.

Is that what you're doing?
There is No God and never has been. You have no evidence whatsoever and ...
Don't insult my intelligence again.
Perhaps you're dismissing one or more major religions. But rejecting a religion does not disprove a god.

To the contrary, I can prove god exists. You can't prove god doesn't.

By you having guzzled the religionist kool-aid, you've fallen for the bait-&-switch swindle. Too bad.
"The fact that somebody over-sells an idea doesn't make it a bad idea. It makes them a bad salesman." Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA ret)
Look before you leap Cn. There's more to the omniverse than what the pin-heads say.
Wow, defensive much?

If you're going to equate religious faith with unintelligence.. well, you'd have to call a lot of very smart people throughout history stupid.

Is that what you're doing?

Yes. That's it exactly.
Them being smart and still believing a god exists are two separate items.
But since you started, name them and irrefutable evidence and I'll sort it out for you.
How's those immaculate conceptions going? Do you have an excuse as to how it happened when pathenogenisis is impossible in humans?

Be careful with your silly religious replies. You playing into my hands now.
Yes. That's it exactly.
Them being smart and still believing a god exists are two separate items.
But since you started, name them and irrefutable evidence and I'll sort it out for you.
How's those immaculate conceptions going? Do you have an excuse as to how it happened when pathenogenisis is impossible in humans?

Be careful with your silly religious replies. You playing into my hands now.
Ummmm I think you're a bit mistaken. As a Christian, I know it's a miracle that occurred, something that defies the laws of the body as we know them. You're attempt at condescension is merely entertaining, and quite revealing of insecurity. I'm not seeking the angry ragefests you appear to be setting up here. They're simply boring and uncompelling. Perhaps you'd like to rephrase your question without insults?
Ummmm I think you're a bit mistaken. As a Christian, I know it's a miracle that occurred, something that defies the laws of the body as we know them. You're attempt at condescension is merely entertaining, and quite revealing of insecurity. I'm not seeking the angry ragefests you appear to be setting up here. They're simply boring and uncompelling. Perhaps you'd like to rephrase your question without insults?

Perhaps you might like to provide any evidence you have that can prove somehow there is a god. Cut you crap. I know you can't and so do you.

It's always the same. When get challenged to prove it, out come the diversions, personal insults, questions of intellectual capacity blah blah.
Anything you like but the evidence.

People you are like taking wheat from blind chickens. You don't research anything but run on blind faith.

Now do you still find it boring?
You have nothing and never will.
I really can't see Colin surviving around here.

And that's really, really, really, really, really, really, really saying something.

That cat's a straight-up virus. A gosh darned social disease. Very bad element...
Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. John 18:36

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

So if His Kingdom is not of this world, and Christians are to seek it first, from whence the idea His Kingdom will be found in a voting booth? Will, as is prayed, Thy Will Be Done happen when every elected office in America is held by Bible Thumping Republicans?
Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. John 18:36

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

So if His Kingdom is not of this world, and Christians are to seek it first, from whence the idea His Kingdom will be found in a voting booth? Will, as is prayed, Thy Will Be Done happen when every elected office in America is held by Bible Thumping Republicans?

So because you found some verses Christians should instead vote for baby killing, sociopathic economic policies, legalizing pedophilia, giving heroin and hormone therapy to 6 year olds, you know, stuff? Like, laws never stopped murder, so why not legalize that, too? Empty those prisons!
So because you found some verses Christians should instead vote for baby killing, sociopathic economic policies, legalizing pedophilia, giving heroin and hormone therapy to 6 year olds, you know, stuff? Like, laws never stopped murder, so why not legalize that, too? Empty those prisons!
No, it's why should Christians vote at all? God has His Master Plan, is your vote going to further His Plan, will my vote hinder It? ( Oh, wait, I don't vote. I cast a ballot and scribble something in the write in section. For president in 2020 I wrote in "None of these idiots". It was very cathartic. )

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