Divorce by Mutual Consent, a Faster Way to Turn the page

Jul 25, 2019
The wedding can be a pleasant trip, along the quiet river on which runs a romantic cruise, a life of complicity and sharing. Yes, marriage, in many cases, can be idyllic. But, unfortunately, the cruise may be crossed by pitfalls, shaken by the bad weather and that it is necessary to bail or row. And if solidarity can sometimes overcome the difficulties, it may also be better to consider landing rather than risk a shipwreck. For this reason, our modern society has endowed us with a radical but effective means: divorce.

The separation of the past, and its difficulties
If divorce already existed in Greek and Roman antiquity, Western medieval societies no longer allow it. At a time when this sacrament took on a great religious significance, in principle, and following the philosophy of St. Augustine, no one can dissolve a marriage. Certainly, later, it is possible for men to repudiate their wives, in case of their failure. Or, again, it is possible to break marriage by proving that there are common ancestors between the two spouses over the eight generations of precedents. The woman can not usually get rid of her husband. Hardly can she return to the convent, which will require the husband, in certain customs, to join the monastic life. So it's telling you how difficult it was, then,

Today, separating has become easier and faster
Luckily, our modern society is experiencing divorce again in various ways, more or less complicated. Depending on the situation, many possibilities can be offered to those wishing to separate. But the simplest, most economical and fastest type of divorce is divorce by mutual consent. In this case, where the spouses agree in advance, the procedure becomes simpler with less legal and legal costs. This also allows for greater speed.
No fault divorces don't require mutual consent in my state. It is cheaper if they play along. They just require that one party one out and at least 1 year has passed since separation. 6 months if no kids and a separation agreement.

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