DJ Trump Denounces Racism and Antisemitism

When the fantasy confederates and goosesteppers think you are one of their leaders you are probably not doing nearly enough to denounce racism.
Hillary was annointed president in 2016 and Trump beat her. One of the most disgusting people on the planet beat her and became president. That is something that sticks in your craw forever, infecting you with lifelong TDS. Unlike Covid where there are vaccines and treatments and possibly natural immunity, TDS has no vaccines or treatments. Once you have contracted TDS you are a long hauler with Long TDS. There is no cure.
I would like him to go away and never come back but there are plenty of others eager to follow the same path.
I'd like the same for Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Talib, Cortez, Booker, McConnell, etc. but wishes don't always come true unfortunately.
I would like him to go away and never come back but there are plenty of others eager to follow the same path.
great. i would like you to do the same. go away and stop demanding the world lives according to your terms.

now what?
great. i would like you to do the same. go away and stop demanding the world lives according to your terms.

now what?
Now what? What do you usually do when you get disappointed? I hear screaming into a pillow is therapeutic for some.
Honestly I never heard him say anything that was racist or whatnot. Sure he made some off color remarks occasionally, but nothing I ever personally saw or heard that was racist. Im only going by what I actually saw and heard which was not everything he said.

Only foreigners he didnt like here illegal ones and encouraged immigration by going through the system to become legal citizens. His border policy wasnt to keep out everyone, just illegals.

He seemed to like south american people when he visited florida and they seemed to like him.

Only blacks he ever spoke negatively about were like BLM and antifa that were breaking laws and causing problems.

Yeah he was a bit crazy, a loose canon, an asshole on occasion but hell thats most of the population. He was also self serving and greedy. But I also think deep down at the end of the day he did care about america and a large portion of the choices he made were to the benefit of america. There is no such thing as a perfect president, and he certainly wasnt the best one, but I still think he did more good than harm.
Honestly I never heard him say anything that was racist or whatnot. Sure he made some off color remarks occasionally, but nothing I ever personally saw or heard that was racist. Im only going by what I actually saw and heard which was not everything he said.

Only foreigners he didnt like here illegal ones and encouraged immigration by going through the system to become legal citizens. His border policy wasnt to keep out everyone, just illegals.

He seemed to like south american people when he visited florida and they seemed to like him.

Only blacks he ever spoke negatively about were like BLM and antifa that were breaking laws and causing problems.

Yeah he was a bit crazy, a loose canon, an asshole on occasion but hell thats most of the population. He was also self serving and greedy. But I also think deep down at the end of the day he did care about america and a large portion of the choices he made were to the benefit of america. There is no such thing as a perfect president, and he certainly wasnt the best one, but I still think he did more good than harm.
At any point an American president should be glad to step to a microphone and tell the white supremacists that he does not want their support in a way that leaves no room for doubt. The right has a real problem if their politicians think doing this would cost them enough votes to matter.

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