DJT stock price below $20.00

Wouldn't this be good for the short-sellers? ...
In this case, it's not that simple.

In order to sell short, there has to be someone committed to sell when the term is up. You'll have to pay a small fee to have someone hold the stock. Normally, that's not a problem, since the fee will be insignificant.

Not so with stocks that everyone expects to fall. Anyone holding the stock for you will charge an arm and leg to do so. Say, 20% a week.

That means you can short, and if the stocks only drops 15% over the week, you still lose big.

And, in this case, you have no idea what big money behind the scenes might be propping the stock up.

As someone once said about shorting, the market can remain irrational far longer than you can remain solvent.
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Dipped below $18.00 today!

Gee, you'd better sell now, because you'll be holding the bag when Trump dumps his shares on the 20th.
Oops. doesn't look good for people who spent their money investing in Orange Jesus.

The stock drifted to a new post-merger low Tuesday, closing at $20.99. In the last 30 trading days, it has lost more than 40% of its value.

And it's below $20.00 today.

I read the lardo's share is still over 2 billion. lol

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