DNC: Ann Romney 'never worked a day in her life'

Nothing is out of context.

You guys decided to be low life and was immediately called on it.

Now you are just whining like the little bitches you are.............

I'm not a Democrat nor a liberal but it doesn't take rocket science to see that words were taken out of context and if you believe the Fox News take on those words you are official a citizen of Retardedstan.

I dont care how you define yourself.

You have been punked, because even the leadership has back peddled.

Now worm, prove it was taken out of context.

Lets rehash everything that has happened.

House Republicans are pursuing the most comprehensive and radical assault on women’s health and reproductive freedom in our lifetime. Over just the last year, Republicans in Congress have voted repeatedly to limit women’s access to health care and reproductive services.

They voted to redefine rape in order to limit women’s access to health care. They held a panel on denying access to birth control coverage with five men and no women. They voted to give corporations the power to deny women access to contraception. And last year, they nearly shut down the government in an attempt to defund Planned Parenthood.

As you know, Planned Parenthood is a critical provider of preventive services to millions of women in need of health care, including cancer screening, breast exams and HIV testing. Mitt Romney has already said, “Planned Parenthood, we're gonna get rid of that.”

On the state level, numerous Republican governors have already forced through radical anti-women legislation.

Then some obscure Democratic woman we've never heard of before says Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life and you say we are attacking women? :cuckoo:

Oh and I forgot about Scott Walker in Wisconsin shooting down a bill that would allow women to sue for discrimination at work.
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No it is not taken out of context, I heard what Hilary Rosen said and it was very condescending, as if she is an expert on how people should live their lives..:)

It was out of context you partisan-brained retarded moron, I heard exactly what she said too, before and after she made that statement.

It was not taken out of context....now go and learn some manners....:)
This thread is prof f how the right wing retard media takes someones words out of context and distorts them, you retards all know what the true meaning of her words were, stay at home mothers with rich husbands have don't know what's its like to be a working class mother, that's the context of those words.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_BRWBUVhyc]Obama advisor Hilary Rosen gets down in the mud with the Romneys: "He doesn't see us as equals" - YouTube[/ame]

Is there anything wrong with reaching out to women on the economy? Was the questions

Her answer was that "........my wife tells me what women really care about are economic issues.....guess what his wife has never actually worked a day in her life, she has never had to deal with the issues......."

Its right there, with its context, and a video. She siad Anne Romney is not capable of giving good advice because she is a stay at home mom, with a wealthy husband, who never worked a day in her life.
I'm not a Democrat nor a liberal but it doesn't take rocket science to see that words were taken out of context and if you believe the Fox News take on those words you are official a citizen of Retardedstan.

I dont care how you define yourself.

You have been punked, because even the leadership has back peddled.

Now worm, prove it was taken out of context.

Lets rehash everything that has happened.

House Republicans are pursuing the most comprehensive and radical assault on women’s health and reproductive freedom in our lifetime. Over just the last year, Republicans in Congress have voted repeatedly to limit women’s access to health care and reproductive services.
They voted to redefine rape in order to limit women’s access to health care. They held a panel on denying access to birth control coverage with five men and no women. They voted to give corporations the power to deny women access to contraception. And last year, they nearly shut down the government in an attempt to defund Planned Parenthood.

As you know, Planned Parenthood is a critical provider of preventive services to millions of women in need of health care, including cancer screening, breast exams and HIV testing. Mitt Romney has already said, “Planned Parenthood, we're gonna get rid of that.”

On the state level, numerous Republican governors have already forced through radical anti-women legislation.

Then some obscure Democratic woman we've never heard of before says Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life and you say we are attacking women? :cuckoo:

Oh and I forgot about Scott Walker in Wisconsin shooting down a bill that would allow women to sue for discrimination at work.

Got one example of how Republicans are infringing upon a woman's ability or right to reproduce?
I'm not a Democrat nor a liberal but it doesn't take rocket science to see that words were taken out of context and if you believe the Fox News take on those words you are official a citizen of Retardedstan.

I dont care how you define yourself.

You have been punked, because even the leadership has back peddled.

Now worm, prove it was taken out of context.

Lets rehash everything that has happened.

House Republicans are pursuing the most comprehensive and radical assault on women’s health and reproductive freedom in our lifetime. Over just the last year, Republicans in Congress have voted repeatedly to limit women’s access to health care and reproductive services.

They voted to redefine rape in order to limit women’s access to health care. They held a panel on denying access to birth control coverage with five men and no women. They voted to give corporations the power to deny women access to contraception. And last year, they nearly shut down the government in an attempt to defund Planned Parenthood.

As you know, Planned Parenthood is a critical provider of preventive services to millions of women in need of health care, including cancer screening, breast exams and HIV testing. Mitt Romney has already said, “Planned Parenthood, we're gonna get rid of that.”

On the state level, numerous Republican governors have already forced through radical anti-women legislation.

Then some obscure Democratic woman we've never heard of before says Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life and you say we are attacking women? :cuckoo:

Oh and I forgot about Scott Walker in Wisconsin shooting down a bill that would allow women to sue for discrimination at work.

When you need to lie in the first sentence there is no need for a discussion.
This thread is prof f how the right wing retard media takes someones words out of context and distorts them, you retards all know what the true meaning of her words were, stay at home mothers with rich husbands have don't know what's its like to be a working class mother, that's the context of those words.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_BRWBUVhyc]Obama advisor Hilary Rosen gets down in the mud with the Romneys: "He doesn't see us as equals" - YouTube[/ame]

Is there anything wrong with reaching out to women on the economy? Was the questions

Her answer was that "........my wife tells me what women really care about are economic issues.....guess what his wife has never actually worked a day in her life, she has never had to deal with the issues......."

Its right there, with its context, and a video. She siad Anne Romney is not capable of giving good advice because she is a stay at home mom, with a wealthy husband, who never worked a day in her life.

Being a stay at home mom is not what was said. That phrase is a meda creation. She has never had to work and deal with the issues of a person who has to. It was never said that raising children is not a hard thing to do.
Damn straight, they are!

Taken from Jan 2009..

Correct. 92.3% of the jobs lost since Obama came into office has been women.

How could that not be intentional?

1. You are counting millions of jobs lost that were happening during Obama's first days on the job.

2. Millions of those job cuts are government jobs that were eliminated because of the cuts forced on Obama by Boehner and Ryan in the House. We knew you guys were doing that so you could later blame Obama for the job losses.

Answering a reporter's question about the potential job losses that would come from his spending cuts, the Ohio Republican said, "If some of those jobs are lost in this, so be it," he said. "We're broke. It's time for us to get serious about how we're spending the nation's money."

So you are either one of the stupid voters who has fallen for Boehner's bullshit OR you are not being intellectually honest with us. In other words, you are a liar or dummy.
Taken from Jan 2009..

Correct. 92.3% of the jobs lost since Obama came into office has been women.

How could that not be intentional?

1. You are counting millions of jobs lost that were happening during Obama's first days on the job.

2. Millions of those job cuts are government jobs that were eliminated because of the cuts forced on Obama by Boehner and Ryan in the House. We knew you guys were doing that so you could later blame Obama for the job losses.

Answering a reporter's question about the potential job losses that would come from his spending cuts, the Ohio Republican said, "If some of those jobs are lost in this, so be it," he said. "We're broke. It's time for us to get serious about how we're spending the nation's money."

So you are either one of the stupid voters who has fallen for Boehner's bullshit OR you are not being intellectually honest with us. In other words, you are a liar or dummy.

Still cant help yourself but intentionally lie.
Your grasp of events is a fucking joke.

The government jobs that have been eliminated have come from State side not federal dumbass.
Taken from Jan 2009..

Correct. 92.3% of the jobs lost since Obama came into office has been women.

How could that not be intentional?

like you intentionally cutting off my post in your reply? How dishonest can you get. No serious ecomomist will back that false claim against the president.

Here is the GOP's problem. Reagan was smooth but Dukakis and Carter were not. Clinton was smooth but Bush 1 and Dole were not. Bush 2 was smooth but Gore and Kerry were not.

Obama is smooth but McCain and Romney are not. See the pattern? Only sniperfire and his kind are going to be buying the lies coming from the right. But be prepared. After Citizens United, they have a lot of money and are going to be running a campaign of misinformation. And no one will even know who's paying for those lies/commercials.

But it doesn't matter. Obama is a rockstar. Just go to any college he speaks at and see. Romney's a joke.
Correct. 92.3% of the jobs lost since Obama came into office has been women.

How could that not be intentional?

1. You are counting millions of jobs lost that were happening during Obama's first days on the job.

2. Millions of those job cuts are government jobs that were eliminated because of the cuts forced on Obama by Boehner and Ryan in the House. We knew you guys were doing that so you could later blame Obama for the job losses.

Answering a reporter's question about the potential job losses that would come from his spending cuts, the Ohio Republican said, "If some of those jobs are lost in this, so be it," he said. "We're broke. It's time for us to get serious about how we're spending the nation's money."

So you are either one of the stupid voters who has fallen for Boehner's bullshit OR you are not being intellectually honest with us. In other words, you are a liar or dummy.

Still cant help yourself but intentionally lie.
Your grasp of events is a fucking joke.

The government jobs that have been eliminated have come from State side not federal dumbass.

I can't stand talking to people like you because I have to explain in great detail just how stupid/wrong you are everytime and its tiring.

Boehner's spending cuts led to job cuts on the federal, state and local levels. Those federal cuts hurt the states and forced them to make cuts themselves. And Obama is being blamed for all job losses, not just federal.

And when asked about the jobs that might be lost because of his cuts, Boehner said "so be it, we're broke."

Obama has added roughly 300,000 a month since he started. Bush bled 7 million jobs. Obama would be adding 600,000 a month if it weren't for Boehner and the Tea Baggers in the House. Facts stupid. Now go talk to someone who might just swallow your lies without question. Stupid bitch.
Correct. 92.3% of the jobs lost since Obama came into office has been women.

How could that not be intentional?

like you intentionally cutting off my post in your reply? How dishonest can you get. No serious ecomomist will back that false claim against the president.

Here is the GOP's problem. Reagan was smooth but Dukakis and Carter were not. Clinton was smooth but Bush 1 and Dole were not. Bush 2 was smooth but Gore and Kerry were not.

Obama is smooth but McCain and Romney are not. See the pattern? Only sniperfire and his kind are going to be buying the lies coming from the right. But be prepared. After Citizens United, they have a lot of money and are going to be running a campaign of misinformation. And no one will even know who's paying for those lies/commercials.

But it doesn't matter. Obama is a rockstar. Just go to any college he speaks at and see. Romney's a joke.

I do find it interesting with all his visits to colleges. Maybe because it is easier to convince younger voters. But he is not a rockstar or any star for that matter. I do think he had a great opportunity to unite the country, but instead he has divided us.
like you intentionally cutting off my post in your reply? How dishonest can you get. No serious ecomomist will back that false claim against the president.

Here is the GOP's problem. Reagan was smooth but Dukakis and Carter were not. Clinton was smooth but Bush 1 and Dole were not. Bush 2 was smooth but Gore and Kerry were not.

Obama is smooth but McCain and Romney are not. See the pattern? Only sniperfire and his kind are going to be buying the lies coming from the right. But be prepared. After Citizens United, they have a lot of money and are going to be running a campaign of misinformation. And no one will even know who's paying for those lies/commercials.

But it doesn't matter. Obama is a rockstar. Just go to any college he speaks at and see. Romney's a joke.

I do find it interesting with all his visits to colleges. Maybe because it is easier to convince younger voters. But he is not a rockstar or any star for that matter. I do think he had a great opportunity to unite the country, but instead he has divided us.

If he went straight into the economy/jobs instead of into a divisive issue such as Govt run health care he definately could have healed some of the rift the previous administration had left us with....instead he poured salt in those national wounds and tore them more wide open.
1. You are counting millions of jobs lost that were happening during Obama's first days on the job.

2. Millions of those job cuts are government jobs that were eliminated because of the cuts forced on Obama by Boehner and Ryan in the House. We knew you guys were doing that so you could later blame Obama for the job losses.

Answering a reporter's question about the potential job losses that would come from his spending cuts, the Ohio Republican said, "If some of those jobs are lost in this, so be it," he said. "We're broke. It's time for us to get serious about how we're spending the nation's money."

So you are either one of the stupid voters who has fallen for Boehner's bullshit OR you are not being intellectually honest with us. In other words, you are a liar or dummy.

Still cant help yourself but intentionally lie.
Your grasp of events is a fucking joke.

The government jobs that have been eliminated have come from State side not federal dumbass.

I can't stand talking to people like you because I have to explain in great detail just how stupid/wrong you are everytime and its tiring.

Boehner's spending cuts led to job cuts on the federal, state and local levels. Those federal cuts hurt the states and forced them to make cuts themselves. And Obama is being blamed for all job losses, not just federal.

And when asked about the jobs that might be lost because of his cuts, Boehner said "so be it, we're broke."

Obama has added roughly 300,000 a month since he started. Bush bled 7 million jobs. Obama would be adding 600,000 a month if it weren't for Boehner and the Tea Baggers in the House. Facts stupid. Now go talk to someone who might just swallow your lies without question. Stupid bitch.

You lied from the onset.

Move along low life.
like you intentionally cutting off my post in your reply? How dishonest can you get. No serious ecomomist will back that false claim against the president.

Here is the GOP's problem. Reagan was smooth but Dukakis and Carter were not. Clinton was smooth but Bush 1 and Dole were not. Bush 2 was smooth but Gore and Kerry were not.

Obama is smooth but McCain and Romney are not. See the pattern? Only sniperfire and his kind are going to be buying the lies coming from the right. But be prepared. After Citizens United, they have a lot of money and are going to be running a campaign of misinformation. And no one will even know who's paying for those lies/commercials.

But it doesn't matter. Obama is a rockstar. Just go to any college he speaks at and see. Romney's a joke.

I do find it interesting with all his visits to colleges. Maybe because it is easier to convince younger voters. But he is not a rockstar or any star for that matter. I do think he had a great opportunity to unite the country, but instead he has divided us.

There is no uniting with you cons. Its your way or no way at all. I find it so fucking funny that the reason Dems didn't show up for the midterms in 2010 is because Obama seemed weak because for 2 fuckiing years he tried to work with the GOP and they shit on him everytime, but you don't remember it that way. :cuckoo:

You are brainwashed. Might as well not reply to me because I think I'm talking to a retard little girl who doesn't have a clue what she is talking about. Either that or you are a liar.

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