DNC: Ann Romney 'never worked a day in her life'

Here is the GOP's problem. Reagan was smooth but Dukakis and Carter were not. Clinton was smooth but Bush 1 and Dole were not. Bush 2 was smooth but Gore and Kerry were not.

Obama is smooth but McCain and Romney are not. See the pattern? Only sniperfire and his kind are going to be buying the lies coming from the right. But be prepared. After Citizens United, they have a lot of money and are going to be running a campaign of misinformation. And no one will even know who's paying for those lies/commercials.

But it doesn't matter. Obama is a rockstar. Just go to any college he speaks at and see. Romney's a joke.

I do find it interesting with all his visits to colleges. Maybe because it is easier to convince younger voters. But he is not a rockstar or any star for that matter. I do think he had a great opportunity to unite the country, but instead he has divided us.

If he went straight into the economy/jobs instead of into a divisive issue such as Govt run health care he definately could have healed some of the rift the previous administration had left us with....instead he poured salt in those national wounds and tore them more wide open.

That's funny because you immediately attacked Obama for spending any stimulus money because, "we were broke", remember? And then you blamed him later when economists said it wasn't big enough.

And when we tried to get a jobs bill passed, the GOP hated all of our ideas. The only ideas they would go along with were a. More tax breaks for the rich and b. Deregulations.

How short republicans memories are. They forget that because of the pledge they signed to Grover Norquist, they refused to raise any taxes. So zero compromise from the GOP.

And who is this Norquist anyways that the GOP would pledge their allegance to him over the citizens who voted them into office? Fucking treasonist if you ask me.
Here is the GOP's problem. Reagan was smooth but Dukakis and Carter were not. Clinton was smooth but Bush 1 and Dole were not. Bush 2 was smooth but Gore and Kerry were not.

Obama is smooth but McCain and Romney are not. See the pattern? Only sniperfire and his kind are going to be buying the lies coming from the right. But be prepared. After Citizens United, they have a lot of money and are going to be running a campaign of misinformation. And no one will even know who's paying for those lies/commercials.

But it doesn't matter. Obama is a rockstar. Just go to any college he speaks at and see. Romney's a joke.

I do find it interesting with all his visits to colleges. Maybe because it is easier to convince younger voters. But he is not a rockstar or any star for that matter. I do think he had a great opportunity to unite the country, but instead he has divided us.

If he went straight into the economy/jobs instead of into a divisive issue such as Govt run health care he definately could have healed some of the rift the previous administration had left us with....instead he poured salt in those national wounds and tore them more wide open.

You can armchair quarterback now, but if you remember, before a Democrat took the White House, you guys were saying the fundamentals of our economy were strong and Romney said Michigan was in a one state recession.

You guys said anyone who lost their job should stop whining and go back to school and get a better job. That was your jobs solution? :cuckoo:

Yes it fucking was. Now you are gonna sit back and lie about what you would have done, blablabla. Bullshit liar.

Republicans have short memories and hope the rest of us do too. I don't.
Here is the GOP's problem. Reagan was smooth but Dukakis and Carter were not. Clinton was smooth but Bush 1 and Dole were not. Bush 2 was smooth but Gore and Kerry were not.

Obama is smooth but McCain and Romney are not. See the pattern? Only sniperfire and his kind are going to be buying the lies coming from the right. But be prepared. After Citizens United, they have a lot of money and are going to be running a campaign of misinformation. And no one will even know who's paying for those lies/commercials.

But it doesn't matter. Obama is a rockstar. Just go to any college he speaks at and see. Romney's a joke.

I do find it interesting with all his visits to colleges. Maybe because it is easier to convince younger voters. But he is not a rockstar or any star for that matter. I do think he had a great opportunity to unite the country, but instead he has divided us.

There is no uniting with you cons. Its your way or no way at all. I find it so fucking funny that the reason Dems didn't show up for the midterms in 2010 is because Obama seemed weak because for 2 fuckiing years he tried to work with the GOP and they shit on him everytime, but you don't remember it that way. :cuckoo:

You are brainwashed. Might as well not reply to me because I think I'm talking to a retard little girl who doesn't have a clue what she is talking about. Either that or you are a liar.

You too must be lacking some manners. Or maybe you are a result of the failing public school system. Just because I don't agree with you, does not give you the right to insult others..You don't know what you are talking about either:)
Here is the GOP's problem. Reagan was smooth but Dukakis and Carter were not. Clinton was smooth but Bush 1 and Dole were not. Bush 2 was smooth but Gore and Kerry were not.

Obama is smooth but McCain and Romney are not. See the pattern? Only sniperfire and his kind are going to be buying the lies coming from the right. But be prepared. After Citizens United, they have a lot of money and are going to be running a campaign of misinformation. And no one will even know who's paying for those lies/commercials.

But it doesn't matter. Obama is a rockstar. Just go to any college he speaks at and see. Romney's a joke.

I do find it interesting with all his visits to colleges. Maybe because it is easier to convince younger voters. But he is not a rockstar or any star for that matter. I do think he had a great opportunity to unite the country, but instead he has divided us.

If he went straight into the economy/jobs instead of into a divisive issue such as Govt run health care he definately could have healed some of the rift the previous administration had left us with....instead he poured salt in those national wounds and tore them more wide open.

He can never win if the country is united, that is why the division. And sadly to some degree it worked. If it is not a war on women, then it is a war on seniors, or a war on students, or a war on immigrants...long list.......at least I feel good because I never even considered voting for him in 2008..not for a second....:)
Again, if you think WMR is going to hide behind his wife's skirts on this issue, you are deluded.

When people find out more about his history at Bain and all the middle class jobs Romney eliminated, he's going to be in a lot of trouble with women.

How do you suppose the Obamanation will fair with women when they find out that 92% of the jobs he has killed since '09 have been working women?

They already know, recognized it for the lie that it was, and continued to give him his gender gap over Romney.
I do find it interesting with all his visits to colleges. Maybe because it is easier to convince younger voters. But he is not a rockstar or any star for that matter. I do think he had a great opportunity to unite the country, but instead he has divided us.

If he went straight into the economy/jobs instead of into a divisive issue such as Govt run health care he definately could have healed some of the rift the previous administration had left us with....instead he poured salt in those national wounds and tore them more wide open.

That's funny because you immediately attacked Obama for spending any stimulus money because, "we were broke", remember? And then you blamed him later when economists said it wasn't big enough.

And when we tried to get a jobs bill passed, the GOP hated all of our ideas. The only ideas they would go along with were a. More tax breaks for the rich and b. Deregulations.

How short republicans memories are. They forget that because of the pledge they signed to Grover Norquist, they refused to raise any taxes. So zero compromise from the GOP.

And who is this Norquist anyways that the GOP would pledge their allegance to him over the citizens who voted them into office? Fucking treasonist if you ask me.

Hey stupid the jobs bill you attempted was a mini stimulus that failed because it wasnt big enough, so you halfed it for half the failure rate?

You just suck ass across the board.
Again, if you think WMR is going to hide behind his wife's skirts on this issue, you are deluded.

When people find out more about his history at Bain and all the middle class jobs Romney eliminated, he's going to be in a lot of trouble with women.

How do you suppose the Obamanation will fair with women when they find out that 92% of the jobs he has killed since '09 have been working women?

They already know, recognized it for the lie that it was, and continued to give him his gender gap over Romney.

But as has been demonstrated, it is not a lie.
Sniper. Post up your "fact".

Sure. 92.3 percent of all the jobs lost during the Obama years have been lost by women.


Dick Cheney is a heartless bastard, or was until some idiot gave up theirs to keep him alive.


............... yeah, it looks just as stupid when I do it as when you did.

Your fact is everyone elses fiction.

Damn learn the difference..................
Sniper. Post up your "fact".

Sure. 92.3 percent of all the jobs lost during the Obama years have been lost by women.


Dick Cheney is a heartless bastard, or was until some idiot gave up theirs to keep him alive.


............... yeah, it looks just as stupid when I do it as when you did.

Wrong. Let me help you.

Yours is an opinion on Cheney. That 92.3% of the jobs lost under Owebama have been women is a FACT put out by Owebama's own Labor Department.
LMAO. Fact? Whose fact? Yours? Funny shit.

It is fact.

That Leftists are spinning the fact does not 'debunk' the fact.

We can only conclude Obama hates working women.

It is a completely misleading figure. And only a moroonie could conclude that.

One can only conclude that Mittens is in deep trouble that they have to resort to chopping ecomonic figures up to produce a propaganda figure so early in the campaign.

Mitt's motto appears to be "Lie early, lie often."

'Flip-flopping' is just the polite term that's been assigned to his behavior.
Sure. 92.3 percent of all the jobs lost during the Obama years have been lost by women.


Dick Cheney is a heartless bastard, or was until some idiot gave up theirs to keep him alive.


............... yeah, it looks just as stupid when I do it as when you did.

Wrong. Let me help you.

Yours is an opinion on Cheney. That 92.3% of the jobs lost under Owebama have been women is a FACT put out by Owebama's own Labor Department.

And yours is cherry-picking in the extreme.

Romney’s claim also does not reflect that job loss for women began in March 2008, almost a full year before Obama took office. At that point, women held a total of 67.3 million non-farm payroll jobs, the highest level of female employment of the Bush administration. From that high point, the number of women with non-farm payroll jobs fell for 23 consecutive months, spanning from the final 10 months of the Bush administration and first 13 months of the Obama administration. Since February 2010, women have actually gained 863,000 jobs.

Romney’s claim on female jobs loss: Missing context – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
Dick Cheney is a heartless bastard, or was until some idiot gave up theirs to keep him alive.


............... yeah, it looks just as stupid when I do it as when you did.

Wrong. Let me help you.

Yours is an opinion on Cheney. That 92.3% of the jobs lost under Owebama have been women is a FACT put out by Owebama's own Labor Department.

And yours is cherry-picking in the extreme.

Romney’s claim also does not reflect that job loss for women began in March 2008, almost a full year before Obama took office. At that point, women held a total of 67.3 million non-farm payroll jobs, the highest level of female employment of the Bush administration. From that high point, the number of women with non-farm payroll jobs fell for 23 consecutive months, spanning from the final 10 months of the Bush administration and first 13 months of the Obama administration. Since February 2010, women have actually gained 863,000 jobs.

Romney’s claim on female jobs loss: Missing context – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Cherry picking? It is only cherry picking if you want to hide the fact that Obama's War on Women is working just fine.
Here is the GOP's problem. Reagan was smooth but Dukakis and Carter were not. Clinton was smooth but Bush 1 and Dole were not. Bush 2 was smooth but Gore and Kerry were not.

Obama is smooth but McCain and Romney are not. See the pattern? Only sniperfire and his kind are going to be buying the lies coming from the right. But be prepared. After Citizens United, they have a lot of money and are going to be running a campaign of misinformation. And no one will even know who's paying for those lies/commercials.

But it doesn't matter. Obama is a rockstar. Just go to any college he speaks at and see. Romney's a joke.

I do find it interesting with all his visits to colleges. Maybe because it is easier to convince younger voters. But he is not a rockstar or any star for that matter. I do think he had a great opportunity to unite the country, but instead he has divided us.

If he went straight into the economy/jobs instead of into a divisive issue such as Govt run health care he definately could have healed some of the rift the previous administration had left us with....instead he poured salt in those national wounds and tore them more wide open.

Oh bull.

Health care is part and parcel with righting the economy.

Conservatives have this insane notion that the only thing need be done is cutting taxes and regulations.
I do find it interesting with all his visits to colleges. Maybe because it is easier to convince younger voters. But he is not a rockstar or any star for that matter. I do think he had a great opportunity to unite the country, but instead he has divided us.

If he went straight into the economy/jobs instead of into a divisive issue such as Govt run health care he definately could have healed some of the rift the previous administration had left us with....instead he poured salt in those national wounds and tore them more wide open.

  1. That's funny because you immediately attacked Obama for spending any stimulus money because, "we were broke", remember? And then you blamed him later when economists said it wasn't big enough.
  2. And when we tried to get a jobs bill passed, the GOP hated all of our ideas. The only ideas they would go along with were a. More tax breaks for the rich and b. Deregulations.
  3. How short republicans memories are. They forget that because of the pledge they signed to Grover Norquist, they refused to raise any taxes. So zero compromise from the GOP.
  4. And who is this Norquist anyways that the GOP would pledge their allegance to him over the citizens who voted them into office? Fucking treasonist if you ask me

  1. I never actually did that. I attacked bush for the bailouts because I thought they were stupid and I went after obama for continuing what I thought was a moronic bush policy of corporate welfare/bailouts. I also didn't "blame him later when economists said it wasn't big enough" for two reasons, one economists didn't actually say that it wasn't big enough, they said it was handled innefectively and therefore failed and because i've been consistant in my position that the bailouts were just a sham to give tax dollars to political friends from both parties, for example solyndra.
  2. That is a very dishonest lie. The republicans presented many alternative jobs plans to the jobs plans the dems presented. Neither side would do anything the opposite side wanted to do and as a result both sides failed to get anything done. If Obama used his election captial for this, instead of health care, our economy would actually be doing much better today in my opinion.
  3. Again, the lack of compromise is on both sides...the fact that you only see the republican side is evidence that your opinions are skewed by a faith in liberalism. Your blind faith has allowed you to miss seeing reality.
  4. I'm not a supporter of signing pledges to limit ones behavior to absolutes.

Why don't you try actually addressing me with things that relate to my positions instead of some made up crap like you just did?
I do find it interesting with all his visits to colleges. Maybe because it is easier to convince younger voters. But he is not a rockstar or any star for that matter. I do think he had a great opportunity to unite the country, but instead he has divided us.

If he went straight into the economy/jobs instead of into a divisive issue such as Govt run health care he definately could have healed some of the rift the previous administration had left us with....instead he poured salt in those national wounds and tore them more wide open.

Oh bull.

Health care is part and parcel with righting the economy.

Conservatives have this insane notion that the only thing need be done is cutting taxes and regulations.

We fundamentally disagree. I think the change of the relationship between citizen consumers and government along with the changes to actual businesses operating expenses and procedures, along with the vast amounts of uncertainty Obamacare has created for businesses and citizens has a lot to do with our poor economy for the last 2+ years.

I didn't say anything about taxes, I just said if obama used his political capital to push for jobs/economic bills instead of spending it all on a partisan health care bill the economy (and his approval numbers) would be far better off today.
Correct. 92.3% of the jobs lost since Obama came into office has been women.

How could that not be intentional?

No serious ecomomist will back that false claim against the president.

It is a fact, not a false claim.

It is a seriously misleading claim based on a narrowly defined set of dates that does not reflect the reality of the situation.

But keep on running with it and we'll keep pointing out reality.
like you intentionally cutting off my post in your reply? How dishonest can you get. No serious ecomomist will back that false claim against the president.

Here is the GOP's problem. Reagan was smooth but Dukakis and Carter were not. Clinton was smooth but Bush 1 and Dole were not. Bush 2 was smooth but Gore and Kerry were not.

Obama is smooth but McCain and Romney are not. See the pattern? Only sniperfire and his kind are going to be buying the lies coming from the right. But be prepared. After Citizens United, they have a lot of money and are going to be running a campaign of misinformation. And no one will even know who's paying for those lies/commercials.

But it doesn't matter. Obama is a rockstar. Just go to any college he speaks at and see. Romney's a joke.

I do find it interesting with all his visits to colleges. Maybe because it is easier to convince younger voters. But he is not a rockstar or any star for that matter. I do think he had a great opportunity to unite the country, but instead he has divided us.

The Bush administration had already fractured the nation. Next, the obstructionist continue that trend.
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The Bush administration had already fractured the nation. Next, the obstructionist continue that trend.

It's impossible to obstruct when one party has complete control of the entire government.

Bull. All it took was 41 senators. Party afilliation didn't matter.

If the Democrats had it in them to march in lock step like the Republicans often do they could have force their agenda. However in reality the Republicans only needed to turn one Blue dog.

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