DNC: Ann Romney 'never worked a day in her life'

Every malformed thought in your little pea brain is about your bigotry isn't it, lefty?

Just pointing out that this story is nowhere near as impressive as you all make it out to be.

If that kid wasn't rich and a fellow Latter Day Zombie, you think Romney would have given anyone the day off?

Do you really think your bigoted speculation has any validity, you low-life son of a bitch?

You're just trying to spin reality to fit your vile bigotry. Was the family he helped save from drowning on Lake Winnipesaukee Mormon? I don't know and I'll bet he didn't know when he reacted to help some fellow human beings (something a bigot scumbag like you wouldn't do). Most Americans would have reacted the same way, but hateful shits like YOU would have to make sure the victims weren't of a class you deemed unworthy (a class that includes the vast majority of the population).

I hadn't heard about the drowning incident, but the point is, all the misery the Weird Mormon Robot has inflicted on people more than erases any good.
You are just another lefty hating on women who stay at home to raise their families.

Please point out the hate, man..

I point out tha it would be WONDERFUL if women who wanted to stay home with the kids should be able to do so.

That's what my mom did, at least when I was younger. Of course, that was because my dad brought home a good union salary where she could afford to do that.

The kind of good union salaries Mittens and his sort have been getting rid of for the last 30 years.

Of course, Stepford Ann was supervising the staff. I heard one day they put too much Grey Poupon on the kid's sandwiches.

How are you not a democrat?

How can any party really be FOR the dissolving of the middle class?

You know, Republicans USED to get this. Teddy Roosevelt, Warren Harding, Dwight Eisenhower, even Richard Nixon. I think Reagan, who used to be a union president, even got this a little bit.

They used to understand that a strong middle class was critical to the economy.

So the question is, why did the GOP have a brain tumor for breakfast and think this was a good idea?
Just pointing out that this story is nowhere near as impressive as you all make it out to be.

If that kid wasn't rich and a fellow Latter Day Zombie, you think Romney would have given anyone the day off?

Do you really think your bigoted speculation has any validity, you low-life son of a bitch?

You're just trying to spin reality to fit your vile bigotry. Was the family he helped save from drowning on Lake Winnipesaukee Mormon? I don't know and I'll bet he didn't know when he reacted to help some fellow human beings (something a bigot scumbag like you wouldn't do). Most Americans would have reacted the same way, but hateful shits like YOU would have to make sure the victims weren't of a class you deemed unworthy (a class that includes the vast majority of the population).

I hadn't heard about the drowning incident.

Then shut the fuck up you ignorant, hateful, bigoted son of a bitch.
I hadn't heard about the drowning incident.

Then shut the fuck up you ignorant, hateful, bigoted son of a bitch.

Why? I am sure there are facts about Obama's life you don't know, or things you believe about him that are really incorrect.

Incidently, Romney himself doesn't talk about this incident... I wouldn't even speculate as to why.

Now, if we can get Romney to cure your digital Tourettes, you might be on to something.
Romney himself doesn't talk about this incident....

He doesn't boast about it (a low-life like you couldn't understand that) but it is no secret just because YOU are an ignorant asshole.

Or maybe he doesn't want people to take too close a look at the incident...

Again, he did what anyone would do. It actually becomes less impressive in the details. The people he saved had called 9/11 and they were all wearing life-vests. Their lives were hardly in immediate danger.

The Heroic Romney Rescue That, For Some Reason, The Campaign Doesn't Talk About
Again, if you think WMR is going to hide behind his wife's skirts on this issue, you are deluded.

When people find out more about his history at Bain and all the middle class jobs Romney eliminated, he's going to be in a lot of trouble with women.

Please, Mitt Romney never hid behind anyone's skirt. The man stood up to the Massachusetts Democrat legislature and their deeply entrenched interests while he got skewered daily in the liberal newspapers... The man has real cajones!

So was he standing up when he implemented gay marriage or socialized medicine. You have a funny way of defining standing up. YOu seem to have mistaken it with "Showing up". It's like saying Chamberlain stood up to Hitler.

Try to keep up Joe, there was no "issue" here until some desperate partisan twit tried to pretend Ann Romney's work history has any relevance to our public interest...

'"Well, you know, my wife tells me that what women really care about are economic issues."

"I've been on the campaign trail for one year, and guess what women are talking about," Mrs. Romney said on Thursday... Guess what they're all taking about? They're talking about jobs and they're talking about the legacy of debt that we're leaving our children. That's what I'm hearing."

Stepford Ann got caught on tape yesterday admitting this was a lot of faux outrage...

And, really, yeah, it is relevent. If she going to pass herself off as an expert on working women, it would be nice if she actually earned a paycheck and had to balance work and home like the rest of us (men and women) do.

Is that what you want to pretend today, Joe...that Ann Romney is "trying to pass herself off as an EXPERT on working women", really...? :bs1:
Romney himself doesn't talk about this incident....

He doesn't boast about it (a low-life like you couldn't understand that) but it is no secret just because YOU are an ignorant asshole.

Or maybe he doesn't want people to take too close a look at the incident...

Again, he did what anyone would do. It actually becomes less impressive in the details. The people he saved had called 9/11 and they were all wearing life-vests. Their lives were hardly in immediate danger.

Yeah, and other boats also came to help and they weren't all that far from shore, if that makes you feel better. Do you even realize what you are doing, you hateful fucking loser?
Again, he did what anyone would do.

I don't believe for a second that a fucking piece of shit like you would.

Actually, I have.

I even do nice things for people who have wronged me in the past, like the lady who screwed me over on the last job, but I still helped her get an interview with someone after she got fired.
Yeah, and other boats also came to help and they weren't all that far from shore, if that makes you feel better. Do you even realize what you are doing, you hateful fucking loser?

Pointing out this act of "heroism" is about as impressive as Romney letting someone borrow the lawnmower?

There you go, you bitter, hateful, little fucking loser. That's why you are a nobody who will be forgotten before the body gets cold.

Is that what you want to pretend today, Joe...that Ann Romney is "trying to pass herself off as an EXPERT on working women", really...? :bs1:

Hey, Willard says she "reports" to him on the issue. I would say that's claiming to be an expert.

Of course you would, Joe... You'd say anything... :eusa_liar:

Ann Romney went out and LISTENED to the concerns of women voters across the country and when she returned home she reported to Mitt on their feedback...

Nothing more, nothing less.

You dishonest twits who want to insist on making it all ABOUT Ann Romney only demonstrate your own stupidity... Stupid or dishonest, which is it with you Joe?


The gender gap in the polls and the dishonest desperation to taint Ann Romney...

Wa wa wa, what does she know, she never worked a day in her life...WELL, duh what she knows, and ALL she ever claimed to know is what she was TOLD by women across the country, which is ALL she is reporting back on...

Claiming to be an expert my ass... :bs1:
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Is that what you want to pretend today, Joe...that Ann Romney is "trying to pass herself off as an EXPERT on working women", really...? :bs1:

Hey, Willard says she "reports" to him on the issue. I would say that's claiming to be an expert.

Of course you would, Joe... You'd say anything... :eusa_liar:

Ann Romney went out and LISTENED to the concerns of women voters across the country and when she returned home she reported to Mitt on their feedback...

Nothing more, nothing less.

You dishonest twits who want to insist on making it all ABOUT Ann Romney only demonstrate your own stupidity... Stupid or dishonest, which is it with you Joe?

The gender gap in the polls and the dishonest desperation to taint Ann Romney...

Wa wa wa, what does she know, she never worked a day in her life...WELL, duh what she knows, and ALL she ever claimed to know is what she was TOLD by women across the country, which is ALL she is reporting back on...

Claiming to be an expert my ass... :bs1:

You can try to spin this any way you want, but he put her out as an "expert".

You jokers got into this mess by trying to side with the religious nutbags against women, and you are paying for it now, even though Romney wasn't even the worst offender.

But the thing is, unlike Bush-43 in 1999 distancing himself from the more extreme characters in Congress, Romney really can't say boo to them. He doesn't have the stature or the trust to actually lead his own party.

So instead of saying, "Stop talking about birth control and sticking ultrasound wands up a woman's hoochie" he's got to put his wife out there to show what a great guy he is and he understands women.

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