DNC: Ann Romney 'never worked a day in her life'

So, the Democrats are still waging War on Mothers.


Only war I see being waged is the one that continues to downsize working mothers so rich douchebags can make more profits.

And we all know which side of that fight the Romneys are on.
The GOP loves you. Keep up the good work. :thup:

I'm probably the last sane guy in the Republican Party.

Incidently, most of the party people here in IL are horrified by the current state of affairs. They know Romney's going down and taking a few congressmen with him.
Only war I see being waged is the one that continues to downsize working mothers so rich douchebags can make more profits.

And we all know which side of that fight the Romneys are on.
The GOP loves you. Keep up the good work. :thup:

I'm probably the last sane guy in the Republican Party.

Incidently, most of the party people here in IL are horrified by the current state of affairs. They know Romney's going down and taking a few congressmen with him.
Still going with the "I'm a Republican" story?

The GOP loves you. Keep up the good work. :thup:

I'm probably the last sane guy in the Republican Party.

Incidently, most of the party people here in IL are horrified by the current state of affairs. They know Romney's going down and taking a few congressmen with him.
Still going with the "I'm a Republican" story?


Add that kind of transparent dishonesty to his oft-repeated bigotry and you get an idea of what kind of low-life scum he really is.
The GOP loves you. Keep up the good work. :thup:

I'm probably the last sane guy in the Republican Party.

Incidently, most of the party people here in IL are horrified by the current state of affairs. They know Romney's going down and taking a few congressmen with him.
Still going with the "I'm a Republican" story?


Yup. Still have a Bush/Cheney poster in my closet.

The fact that there are moderate republicans who realize that the inmates have taken over the asylum bothers you, why, exactly?
I'm probably the last sane guy in the Republican Party.

Incidently, most of the party people here in IL are horrified by the current state of affairs. They know Romney's going down and taking a few congressmen with him.
Still going with the "I'm a Republican" story?


Yup. Still have a Bush/Cheney poster in my closet.

The fact that there are moderate republicans who realize that the inmates have taken over the asylum bothers you, why, exactly?
Is that where you keep the baseball bat for beating employers who won't employ you, too?
Yup. Still have a Bush/Cheney poster in my closet.

The fact that there are moderate republicans who realize that the inmates have taken over the asylum bothers you, why, exactly?
Is that where you keep the baseball bat for beating employers who won't employ you, too?

:lmao: He has a "poster in his closet"!
Somehow I'm thinking of this movie scene, now:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQb2m6VJ-eo]Best performance - Ted Levine - YouTube[/ame]
So, the Democrats are still waging War on Mothers.


No only on Republican mothers, you know those evil conservatives can't possibly understand womens issue because...well....they are just too evil

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEPpwQlRu5M]Funny - Austin Powers - The Movie - Dr. Evil - How About No - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGrYlNj8aDI]I Remember-Coolio - YouTube[/ame]
Peel back the layer on a Liberal and find amazing hypocrisy.

DNC: Ann Romney 'never worked a day in her life'

Pray tell, when did Rosen ever word for or advise the DNC? Her only connection with the DNC is that she is a CNN employee who happens to be a Democrat.

The Many Careers of Hilary Rosen - Yahoo! News

There's some dispute over whether Rosen currently advises the Democratic National Committee. Romney's campaign (of course) says yes. The DNC and the Obama campaign say no. But in February, Rosen was noted for giving media training to DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz. The Wall Street Journal's Monica Langley reported that Rosen -- along with Anita Dunn, who works at the same P.R. firm as Rosen and whom the DNC admits to working with -- told Wasserman Schultz to "tone it down" and "back off a smidgen." The congresswoman said of the advice, "I'm glad to get constructive criticism."
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