DNC: Ann Romney 'never worked a day in her life'

I do find it interesting with all his visits to colleges. Maybe because it is easier to convince younger voters. But he is not a rockstar or any star for that matter. I do think he had a great opportunity to unite the country, but instead he has divided us.

If he went straight into the economy/jobs instead of into a divisive issue such as Govt run health care he definately could have healed some of the rift the previous administration had left us with....instead he poured salt in those national wounds and tore them more wide open.

  1. You can armchair quarterback now, but if you remember, before a Democrat took the White House, you guys were saying the fundamentals of our economy were strong and Romney said Michigan was in a one state recession.
  2. You guys said anyone who lost their job should stop whining and go back to school and get a better job. That was your jobs solution? :cuckoo:
  3. Yes it fucking was. Now you are gonna sit back and lie about what you would have done, blablabla. Bullshit liar.
  4. Republicans have short memories and hope the rest of us do too. I don't

  1. Actually I had this same position when he TOOK office prior to him having pushed the health care bill and forcing it down the throats of americans without one SINGLE across the aisle vote. So its not armchair quaterbacking when I called it this way from the beginning. The fundamentals of our economy were strong, then obama and his admin changed those fundamentals drastically with tarp and obamacare (which does change the tax code and the relationship of govt/business govt/citizens and has had a huge negative impact)
  2. I never said people who lost their job should go back to school, stop whining, or get a better job....again you keep lying about me in your responses to me and I don't appreciate your dishonest portrayals of my posts and positions.
  3. My position on what I would have done hasn't changed to what it was prior to bush going forward with bailouts, once again your a liar when it comes to talking about my positions.
  4. Obviously you do since you can't remember what I have said about this stuff
Care to adress any of these or the ones above sealyboo?

If he went straight into the economy/jobs instead of into a divisive issue such as Govt run health care he definately could have healed some of the rift the previous administration had left us with....instead he poured salt in those national wounds and tore them more wide open.

  1. That's funny because you immediately attacked Obama for spending any stimulus money because, "we were broke", remember? And then you blamed him later when economists said it wasn't big enough.
  2. And when we tried to get a jobs bill passed, the GOP hated all of our ideas. The only ideas they would go along with were a. More tax breaks for the rich and b. Deregulations.
  3. How short republicans memories are. They forget that because of the pledge they signed to Grover Norquist, they refused to raise any taxes. So zero compromise from the GOP.
  4. And who is this Norquist anyways that the GOP would pledge their allegance to him over the citizens who voted them into office? Fucking treasonist if you ask me

  1. I never actually did that. I attacked bush for the bailouts because I thought they were stupid and I went after obama for continuing what I thought was a moronic bush policy of corporate welfare/bailouts. I also didn't "blame him later when economists said it wasn't big enough" for two reasons, one economists didn't actually say that it wasn't big enough, they said it was handled innefectively and therefore failed and because i've been consistant in my position that the bailouts were just a sham to give tax dollars to political friends from both parties, for example solyndra.
  2. That is a very dishonest lie. The republicans presented many alternative jobs plans to the jobs plans the dems presented. Neither side would do anything the opposite side wanted to do and as a result both sides failed to get anything done. If Obama used his election captial for this, instead of health care, our economy would actually be doing much better today in my opinion.
  3. Again, the lack of compromise is on both sides...the fact that you only see the republican side is evidence that your opinions are skewed by a faith in liberalism. Your blind faith has allowed you to miss seeing reality.
  4. I'm not a supporter of signing pledges to limit ones behavior to absolutes.

Why don't you try actually addressing me with things that relate to my positions instead of some made up crap like you just did?
Correct. 92.3% of the jobs lost since Obama came into office has been women.

How could that not be intentional?

1. You are counting millions of jobs lost that were happening during Obama's first days on the job.

2. Millions of those job cuts are government jobs that were eliminated because of the cuts forced on Obama by Boehner and Ryan in the House. We knew you guys were doing that so you could later blame Obama for the job losses.

Answering a reporter's question about the potential job losses that would come from his spending cuts, the Ohio Republican said, "If some of those jobs are lost in this, so be it," he said. "We're broke. It's time for us to get serious about how we're spending the nation's money."

So you are either one of the stupid voters who has fallen for Boehner's bullshit OR you are not being intellectually honest with us. In other words, you are a liar or dummy.

Still cant help yourself but intentionally lie.
Your grasp of events is a fucking joke.

The government jobs that have been eliminated have come from State side not federal dumbass.

This explains why you are wrong. State cuts have been made because they aren't getting as much federal aid. So the teachers, firefighters and police that got laid off in your hick town can thank John Boehner and Paul Ryan. Are you stupid and you really don't understand this or are you trying to lie to police and teachers to get their votes?

The story of women’s job losses in the public sector is a tale of states and cities, faced with declining revenues and diminishing federal aid, tightening their belts.

You were correct that those job losses are because of state austerity cuts but you are being dishonest or ignorant if you don't know that those cuts are coming because the feds are sending them a lot less, rather than raise taxes on the rich.

And when Boehner was asked about these job losses he said, "so be it, we're broke".

Now you want to forget that?
So you are either one of the stupid voters who has fallen for Boehner's bullshit OR you are not being intellectually honest with us. In other words, you are a liar or dummy.

There's a typical lefty attitude for ya.
How do you suppose the Obamanation will fair with women when they find out that 92% of the jobs he has killed since '09 have been working women?

I think they'll realize that was a horseshit figure that Romney pulled out of his ass because he was desperate. That number has beeen pretty thoroughly debunked.

The number is fact.

Why doe Obama hate working women? Is he planning to change if we re-elect him?

Nope. Number has been totally debunked. Not even sure why you are still trying to claim it's true.
Again, if you think WMR is going to hide behind his wife's skirts on this issue, you are deluded.

When people find out more about his history at Bain and all the middle class jobs Romney eliminated, he's going to be in a lot of trouble with women.

When people find out that he closed down the WHOLE company so the employees could look for a lost child WITH PAY, women are absolutely going to hate him.

Ummm, nope. No one is going to be terribly impressed that he shut down the whole company to look for some rich Mormon kid who stayed too long at a rave.
Again, if you think WMR is going to hide behind his wife's skirts on this issue, you are deluded.

When people find out more about his history at Bain and all the middle class jobs Romney eliminated, he's going to be in a lot of trouble with women.

Please, Mitt Romney never hid behind anyone's skirt. The man stood up to the Massachusetts Democrat legislature and their deeply entrenched interests while he got skewered daily in the liberal newspapers... The man has real cajones!

So was he standing up when he implemented gay marriage or socialized medicine. You have a funny way of defining standing up. YOu seem to have mistaken it with "Showing up". It's like saying Chamberlain stood up to Hitler.

Try to keep up Joe, there was no "issue" here until some desperate partisan twit tried to pretend Ann Romney's work history has any relevance to our public interest...

'"Well, you know, my wife tells me that what women really care about are economic issues."

"I've been on the campaign trail for one year, and guess what women are talking about," Mrs. Romney said on Thursday... Guess what they're all taking about? They're talking about jobs and they're talking about the legacy of debt that we're leaving our children. That's what I'm hearing."

Stepford Ann got caught on tape yesterday admitting this was a lot of faux outrage...

And, really, yeah, it is relevent. If she going to pass herself off as an expert on working women, it would be nice if she actually earned a paycheck and had to balance work and home like the rest of us (men and women) do.
Again, if you think WMR is going to hide behind his wife's skirts on this issue, you are deluded.

When people find out more about his history at Bain and all the middle class jobs Romney eliminated, he's going to be in a lot of trouble with women.

When people find out that he closed down the WHOLE company so the employees could look for a lost child WITH PAY, women are absolutely going to hate him.

Ummm, nope. No one is going to be terribly impressed that he shut down the whole company to look for some rich Mormon kid who stayed too long at a rave.

Every malformed thought in your little pea brain is about your bigotry isn't it, lefty?
If she going to pass herself off as an expert on working women, it would be nice if she actually earned a paycheck and had to balance work and home like the rest of us (men and women) do.

You are just another lefty hating on women who stay at home to raise their families.
When people find out that he closed down the WHOLE company so the employees could look for a lost child WITH PAY, women are absolutely going to hate him.

Ummm, nope. No one is going to be terribly impressed that he shut down the whole company to look for some rich Mormon kid who stayed too long at a rave.

Every malformed thought in your little pea brain is about your bigotry isn't it, lefty?

Just pointing out that this story is nowhere near as impressive as you all make it out to be.

If that kid wasn't rich and a fellow Latter Day Zombie, you think Romney would have given anyone the day off?
Again, if you think WMR is going to hide behind his wife's skirts on this issue, you are deluded.

When people find out more about his history at Bain and all the middle class jobs Romney eliminated, he's going to be in a lot of trouble with women.

Please, Mitt Romney never hid behind anyone's skirt. The man stood up to the Massachusetts Democrat legislature and their deeply entrenched interests while he got skewered daily in the liberal newspapers... The man has real cajones!

So was he standing up when he implemented gay marriage or socialized medicine.

Once again you demonstrate your ignorance. Have you ever even set foot in Massachusetts, bigot?
If she going to pass herself off as an expert on working women, it would be nice if she actually earned a paycheck and had to balance work and home like the rest of us (men and women) do.

You are just another lefty hating on women who stay at home to raise their families.

Please point out the hate, man..

I point out tha it would be WONDERFUL if women who wanted to stay home with the kids should be able to do so.

That's what my mom did, at least when I was younger. Of course, that was because my dad brought home a good union salary where she could afford to do that.

The kind of good union salaries Mittens and his sort have been getting rid of for the last 30 years.

Of course, Stepford Ann was supervising the staff. I heard one day they put too much Grey Poupon on the kid's sandwiches.
Please, Mitt Romney never hid behind anyone's skirt. The man stood up to the Massachusetts Democrat legislature and their deeply entrenched interests while he got skewered daily in the liberal newspapers... The man has real cajones!

So was he standing up when he implemented gay marriage or socialized medicine.

Once again you demonstrate your ignorance. Have you ever even set foot in Massachusetts, bigot?

So, um, what does that have to do with my point?
Ummm, nope. No one is going to be terribly impressed that he shut down the whole company to look for some rich Mormon kid who stayed too long at a rave.

Every malformed thought in your little pea brain is about your bigotry isn't it, lefty?

Just pointing out that this story is nowhere near as impressive as you all make it out to be.

If that kid wasn't rich and a fellow Latter Day Zombie, you think Romney would have given anyone the day off?

Do you really think your bigoted speculation has any validity, you low-life son of a bitch?

You're just trying to spin reality to fit your vile bigotry. Was the family he helped save from drowning on Lake Winnipesaukee Mormon? I don't know and I'll bet he didn't know when he reacted to help some fellow human beings (something a bigot scumbag like you wouldn't do). Most Americans would have reacted the same way, but hateful shits like YOU would have to make sure the victims weren't of a class you deemed unworthy (a class that includes the vast majority of the population).
So was he standing up when he implemented gay marriage or socialized medicine.

Once again you demonstrate your ignorance. Have you ever even set foot in Massachusetts, bigot?

So, um, what does that have to do with my point?

The point is you have shown you have no fucking idea what was happening in Massachusetts at the time. Now answer the fucking question, asshole.
If she going to pass herself off as an expert on working women, it would be nice if she actually earned a paycheck and had to balance work and home like the rest of us (men and women) do.

You are just another lefty hating on women who stay at home to raise their families.

Please point out the hate, man..

I point out tha it would be WONDERFUL if women who wanted to stay home with the kids should be able to do so.

That's what my mom did, at least when I was younger. Of course, that was because my dad brought home a good union salary where she could afford to do that.

The kind of good union salaries Mittens and his sort have been getting rid of for the last 30 years.

Of course, Stepford Ann was supervising the staff. I heard one day they put too much Grey Poupon on the kid's sandwiches.

Are you planning on trying the "I'm a Republican" bit again after all this, you fucking fraud?
If she going to pass herself off as an expert on working women, it would be nice if she actually earned a paycheck and had to balance work and home like the rest of us (men and women) do.

You are just another lefty hating on women who stay at home to raise their families.

Please point out the hate, man..

I point out tha it would be WONDERFUL if women who wanted to stay home with the kids should be able to do so.

That's what my mom did, at least when I was younger. Of course, that was because my dad brought home a good union salary where she could afford to do that.

The kind of good union salaries Mittens and his sort have been getting rid of for the last 30 years.

Of course, Stepford Ann was supervising the staff. I heard one day they put too much Grey Poupon on the kid's sandwiches.

How are you not a democrat?
You are just another lefty hating on women who stay at home to raise their families.

Please point out the hate, man..

I point out tha it would be WONDERFUL if women who wanted to stay home with the kids should be able to do so.

That's what my mom did, at least when I was younger. Of course, that was because my dad brought home a good union salary where she could afford to do that.

The kind of good union salaries Mittens and his sort have been getting rid of for the last 30 years.

Of course, Stepford Ann was supervising the staff. I heard one day they put too much Grey Poupon on the kid's sandwiches.

How are you not a democrat?

He is - of course.

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