DNC: Ann Romney 'never worked a day in her life'

And all women are really whores.

WOW. Does your mother/sister/wife know that you feel this way?

Hey, and you do give to Anne. Everytime her rich husband figures out how to pay taxes at, what, 14% rate, people like you and I have to make up the difference. So yea, we been supporting Anne with our tax dollars. So her hubby can pay lower taxes than I did.

Hey, good job on being so fucking stupid and ill-informed! Way to go!
Apparently she's telling him that single mothers on welfare don't have enough to do because he's telling these women that they need to put in an additional 30 hours a week in order to receive their welfare checks. :clap2:

Where are you reading that at?

Sorry I couldn't find anything on Rush, Drudge or Fox.

Mitt Romney: Mothers Should Be Required To Work Outside Home Or Lose Benefits

And its not just Romney. Romney isn't even an elected politician. He's been running for president for 12 years. But check the GOP's most recent welfare reform. It says parents receiving benefits must work, on average, 30 hours a week. Some states its more and some it is less, but the average is 30 hours.

The law lists 12 things that are considered "work", and raising children is NOT one of them. This law shows the GOP don't respect how hard stay at home moms work.

This is the same article you already posted, just from a different Web site, and it doesn't support your claim. So again I'll ask where are you reading that Mitt Romney is telling these women that they need to put in an additional 30 hours a week in order to receive their welfare checks?
How do you suppose the Obamanation will fair with women when they find out that 92% of the jobs he has killed since '09 have been working women?

I think they'll realize that was a horseshit figure that Romney pulled out of his ass because he was desperate. That number has beeen pretty thoroughly debunked.

The number is fact.

Why doe Obama hate working women? Is he planning to change if we re-elect him?

If it's a fact you should have no problem linking to the data.
And all women are really whores.

WOW. Does your mother/sister/wife know that you feel this way?

Hey, and you do give to Anne. Everytime her rich husband figures out how to pay taxes at, what, 14% rate, people like you and I have to make up the difference. So yea, we been supporting Anne with our tax dollars. So her hubby can pay lower taxes than I did.

Amazing how much a stay at home welfare lady and a millioniares wife have in common.

Hell they even breed with the same numbers. The more kids the merrier.

I know that this was a message from the feminist left since the beginning of the women's movement. I don't have a wife because I am not a lesbian. Not all women are lesbians.
These welfare queens SHOULD be required to work for welfare benefits. Some of them have been raised on welfare and they never worked a day in their lives either.

Kinda of like Anne. You know, just taking care of the kids. Why, some of the women like Anne Romney married millionaires. And didn't work a day in their life either.

Which is relevant how?
He would like to keep all the bitches in their place.

Hey, good job on being so fucking stupid and ill-informed! Way to go!

Damn, you all write my comments for me. Cool.

But I was not the stupid mfer that said "and all women are really whores" You said that. I think you may have issues with women. To bad for you. Seek help.
Again, if you think WMR is going to hide behind his wife's skirts on this issue, you are deluded.

When people find out more about his history at Bain and all the middle class jobs Romney eliminated, he's going to be in a lot of trouble with women.

Please, Mitt Romney never hid behind anyone's skirt. The man stood up to the Massachusetts Democrat legislature and their deeply entrenched interests while he got skewered daily in the liberal newspapers... The man has real cajones!

Try to keep up Joe, there was no "issue" here until some desperate partisan twit tried to pretend Ann Romney's work history has any relevance to our public interest...

'"Well, you know, my wife tells me that what women really care about are economic issues."

"I've been on the campaign trail for one year, and guess what women are talking about," Mrs. Romney said on Thursday... Guess what they're all taking about? They're talking about jobs and they're talking about the legacy of debt that we're leaving our children. That's what I'm hearing."
Again, if you think WMR is going to hide behind his wife's skirts on this issue, you are deluded.

When people find out more about his history at Bain and all the middle class jobs Romney eliminated, he's going to be in a lot of trouble with women.

How do you suppose the Obamanation will fair with women when they find out that 92% of the jobs he has killed since '09 have been working women?

Depends on if the women believe Obama's claim during this election cycle, he will claim its Bush's fault and he has tried everything to help, but he is helpless.
I think they'll realize that was a horseshit figure that Romney pulled out of his ass because he was desperate. That number has beeen pretty thoroughly debunked.

The number is fact.

Why doe Obama hate working women? Is he planning to change if we re-elect him?

If it's a fact you should have no problem linking to the data.

The 92.3% figure was batted back and forth to jab Obama in the latest skirmish in the war over women... the number is correct, when including non-farm-employed women from January 2009'

Parties continue to skirmish over the female vote - CNN.com

Hope that helps. Now you will of course add your spin, but the facts is the facts.

Why is Obama hatin' on women?
Intact families where a husband can provide for the family BAD BAD

Single mothers on welfare, GOOD GOOD.
Peel back the layer on a Liberal and find amazing hypocrisy.

Suppose the Left likes 'em barefoot and pregnant.

Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube

Well the DNC nor Obama never said that..

But Mitt Romney essentially did!

Will Romney's views on welfare moms haunt him? - The Week

The partisan battle over working moms continues. Mitt Romney and his supporters last week pounced on Democratic consultant Hilary Rosen for saying Romney's wife, Ann, didn't understand economic issues facing American women because she "never worked a day in her life." Team Romney said the acid remark, for which Rosen apologized, showed that Democrats had declared "war on moms" by suggesting that raising children isn't work. But MSNBC's Chris Hayes dug up video of the GOP presidential candidate saying in January that he wanted to require women who receive welfare to get a job — even if they have toddlers in the home — so they'll know the "dignity of work." Does this effectively kill Romney's argument that he's the one standing up for stay-at-home moms?


The gift that keeps on giving.
Peel back the layer on a Liberal and find amazing hypocrisy.

Suppose the Left likes 'em barefoot and pregnant.

Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube

Well the DNC nor Obama never said that..

But Mitt Romney essentially did!

Will Romney's views on welfare moms haunt him? - The Week

The partisan battle over working moms continues. Mitt Romney and his supporters last week pounced on Democratic consultant Hilary Rosen for saying Romney's wife, Ann, didn't understand economic issues facing American women because she "never worked a day in her life." Team Romney said the acid remark, for which Rosen apologized, showed that Democrats had declared "war on moms" by suggesting that raising children isn't work. But MSNBC's Chris Hayes dug up video of the GOP presidential candidate saying in January that he wanted to require women who receive welfare to get a job — even if they have toddlers in the home — so they'll know the "dignity of work." Does this effectively kill Romney's argument that he's the one standing up for stay-at-home moms?


The gift that keeps on giving.

Been kind of dry lately so make sure you don't get that strawman close to any open flames...

Just an important safety tip...:thup:

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