DNC: Ann Romney 'never worked a day in her life'

I agree editec. Too close to call. A lot of people may stay home. I've heard that foul weather hurts Dems on election day. Our president may be chosen by Mother Nature.
This latest democrat attack has been seen as exactly what it was, a blatant attempt to create class and gender warfare. It backfired. It failed like a North Korean satellite launch and took about the same amount of time.

In order to continue to claim that Ann Romney couldn't possibly have any idea of what concrerns working women a whole list of lies has to be accepted. Romney was born into wealth, he wasn't, Ann Romney was born into wealth, she wasn't. The Romneys were rich when they got married, they weren't. This is a backhard against not only Ann Romney, but against anyone who works and achieves in their lifetime. It is known for exactly what it is. It can't stand up to the truth. But, the left will say the same things over and over again hoping these lies will be believed someday.
She may be unemployed right now, but she's made millions. She won't starve.

But it is kinda sad how her "closest friends" have shunned her - ex. Greta and Dana at Fox News.
So.....who does Rosen work for again?

Let me clarify for you The Many Careers of Hilary Rosen - Yahoo! News

Hilary Rosen has had a lot of jobs: a Napster-killing lobbyist (she made MULTIPLE MILLIONS doing this), the Huffington Post's political director, and a Democratic talking head on CNN.

In February, Rosen was noted for giving media training to DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz. The Wall Street Journal's Monica Langley reported that Rosen -- along with Anita Dunn, who works at the same P.R. firm as Rosen and whom the DNC admits to working with -- told Wasserman Schultz to "tone it down" and "back off a smidgen."

So yeah she talks with the whitehouse frequently, advises the DNC, and worked on CNN.....and she is a multi-millionaire herself making her unqualified to comment just like Anne Romney ;)
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Women who choose to stay home are very different from women who don't have that choice.

Hell, many families don't even choose to have more than 1 or 2 kids because they don't believe they can afford it, or manage it with both spouses working.

What is many?

Considering half of all US births are to a single parent.

And what's the Ann Romney plan for making life better for single mothers? Now that she is Mitt's

Women's Economics Concerns Czar...
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Women who choose to stay home are very different from women who don't have that choice.

Hell, many families don't even choose to have more than 1 or 2 kids because they don't believe they can afford it, or manage it with both spouses working.

What is many?

Considering half of all US births are to a single parent.

And what's the Ann Romney plan for making life better for single mothers? Now that she is Mitt's

Women's Economics Concerns Czar...

Mitt Romney: Mothers Should Be Required To Work Outside Home Or Lose Benefits

Apparently she's telling him that single mothers on welfare don't have enough to do because he's telling these women that they need to put in an additional 30 hours a week in order to receive their welfare checks. :clap2:
And what's the Ann Romney plan for making life better for single mothers? Now that she is Mitt's

Women's Economics Concerns Czar...

Why is it up to her to make their lives better? Shouldn't they be taking responsibility for their own actions?
Apparently she's telling him that single mothers on welfare don't have enough to do because he's telling these women that they need to put in an additional 30 hours a week in order to receive their welfare checks. :clap2:

Where are you reading that at?
Apparently she's telling him that single mothers on welfare don't have enough to do because he's telling these women that they need to put in an additional 30 hours a week in order to receive their welfare checks. :clap2:

Where are you reading that at?

Sorry I couldn't find anything on Rush, Drudge or Fox.

Mitt Romney: Mothers Should Be Required To Work Outside Home Or Lose Benefits

And its not just Romney. Romney isn't even an elected politician. He's been running for president for 12 years. But check the GOP's most recent welfare reform. It says parents receiving benefits must work, on average, 30 hours a week. Some states its more and some it is less, but the average is 30 hours.

The law lists 12 things that are considered "work", and raising children is NOT one of them. This law shows the GOP don't respect how hard stay at home moms work.
What is many?

Considering half of all US births are to a single parent.

And what's the Ann Romney plan for making life better for single mothers? Now that she is Mitt's

Women's Economics Concerns Czar...

Mitt Romney: Mothers Should Be Required To Work Outside Home Or Lose Benefits

Apparently she's telling him that single mothers on welfare don't have enough to do because he's telling these women that they need to put in an additional 30 hours a week in order to receive their welfare checks. :clap2:

Well, in my state, if you work outside the home at all you lose your benefits. If he's proposing something else, that'd be wonderful.
And what's the Ann Romney plan for making life better for single mothers? Now that she is Mitt's

Women's Economics Concerns Czar...

Mitt Romney: Mothers Should Be Required To Work Outside Home Or Lose Benefits

Apparently she's telling him that single mothers on welfare don't have enough to do because he's telling these women that they need to put in an additional 30 hours a week in order to receive their welfare checks. :clap2:

Well, in my state, if you work outside the home at all you lose your benefits. If he's proposing something else, that'd be wonderful.

YOu don't get paid for those 30 hours. In other words, work for your welfare. If you can't find a real job you can volunteer somewhere. But you don't get to keep the extra money. The 30 hours a week you work is in exchange for your welfare check.

Staying at home and raising your kids is not work. Ann Romney and many of us may disagree but that is what the Federal Government says and what they say goes. And the GOP are the ones who defined what is work and raising kids is not on the list.
Yeeah, so I guess Ann Romney doesn't have ears to hear what women are talking about or the ability to grasp any concepts beyond her own personal experience...???

Riiiiight....... :doubt:

"I've been on the campaign trail for one year, and guess what women are talking about," Mrs. Romney said on Thursday. "And I don't care if they're stay-at-home moms, or they're working mothers or they're grandmothers. Guess what they're all taking about? They're talking about jobs and they're talking about the legacy of debt that we're leaving our children. That's what I'm hearing."

Mrs. Romney said her career choice was to be a mother: "Other women make other choices -- to have a career and raise a family...I respect that, that's wonderful," she said. "We have to respect women in all those choices that they make."

Ann Romney: Women Are Talking About Jobs and 'the Legacy of Debt' | CNSNews.com

What kind of dishonest twit responds to THAT ^ with a partisan whine...? :cuckoo:

Hilary Rosentwit: "What you have is Mitt Romney running around the country, saying, 'Well, you know, my wife tells me that what women really care about are economic issues. And when I listen to my wife, that's what I'm hearing.' Guess what?" Rosen said. "His wife has actually never worked a day in her life. She's never really dealt with the kinds of economic issues that a majority of the women in this country are facing in terms of how do we feed our kids, how do we send them to school, and why do we worry about their future."

On Thursday, Mrs. Romney said the women she meets as she travels across the country are talking about the security of their own jobs, their husbands' jobs and their children’s' futures.
Again, if you think WMR is going to hide behind his wife's skirts on this issue, you are deluded.

When people find out more about his history at Bain and all the middle class jobs Romney eliminated, he's going to be in a lot of trouble with women.
Again, if you think WMR is going to hide behind his wife's skirts on this issue, you are deluded.

When people find out more about his history at Bain and all the middle class jobs Romney eliminated, he's going to be in a lot of trouble with women.

How do you suppose the Obamanation will fair with women when they find out that 92% of the jobs he has killed since '09 have been working women?

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