DNC: Ann Romney 'never worked a day in her life'

It's a little bit sad that the Romneys have to keep their religious lives out of the discourse.

I wouldn't have favored Romney if he were the kind to talk about his religion much, but there are things I know about Mormons. And one thing is that in the course of Mitt being a bishop and a stake president and Ann being a relief society president, they would have worked with people facing all kinds of challenges. They don't have the personal experience of wondering if they can pay all their bills but I'm sure they've seen poverty up close and tried to help people overcome it.

But they mostly have to keep that side of their lives under wraps so most of the nation won't learn about it.

Oh the drama, you from TBS?

His religion and beliefs interest me as much as Obama's. It means nothing when governing unless you are a religious bigot.

It's best that it stay out of the picture so that people will be confident that he won't let it affect his governing.

But insofar as people want to cling to the theme that the Romneys have no experience with the typical challenges of average people ... well, that's a convenient falsehood that people will get away with perpetuating in part because the Romney's can't talk about the people whose hard times they have shared.

Not that they could suddenly talk about it even if it was suddenly okay to mix politics and religion. They still have an obligation to keep most of their work confidential.

But bottom line: the Romneys, both the affable Ann and the sometimes awkward Mitt, have a whole lot more experience with a wide range of humanity than most will ever know about.
My mother was a typical stay-at-home mom up until I was around 14.

Then she took a job and really threw me out-of-kilter

(was sort of embarrassed to tell the truth...)
My mother was a typical stay-at-home mom up until I was around 14.

Then she took a job and really threw me out-of-kilter

(was sort of embarrassed to tell the truth...)

My parents split up when I was 13... mom left, and my dad raised us till I moved out.

Talk about out of kilter

My wife on other hand has had to work from the beginning, and we raised 3 great girls.
Some moms get it right....
Im sure she has worked many days in her life. Do they think stay at home moms sit around all day doing nothing?

i don't think there is a job more important than raising children whether you are a stay at home mom or a mom who works with children. I have a lot of respect for anyone who would stay home with children, as there is NOTHING easy about it especially when it's 5 boys you are staying home with. Good grief, Ann is a saint.
What was wrong was Mitt going on about her being his "expert" on women. He should leave her out of politics if he doesn't want her merits challenged. It's like Sarah Palin going on about her "sacred child" and then acting outraged when people pointed out she cut funding for the disabled.

And---- I suppose you are an expert on women??? :badgrin::badgrin:
That was an attack on all women, really.

And Rosen's remarks were an attack on all mothers who stay home to care for their families, right?

No, just fat Mormon Stepford wives who have the servants do the hard work.

I hear she had a real crisis when the hired help put too much Grey Poupon on the boys sandwiches...

Nothing but bigotry in that tiny far-left pea brain of yours, huh?
So you think the Romney kids were raised by Ann or by the Romney household staff?

Somehow, I don't picture Mrs. Romney on her knees scrubbing a floor.
Well, you're a sexist. Sexists rarely have the ability to think rationality when it comes to women.

It isn't a matter of "sexism", you dumb twit.

Ann Romney is rich. Trying to conflate her with stay at home moms who make economic sacrifices to stay home with the kids is disingenuous. ( A choice fewer women can make because people like Mitt have destroyed the middle class.)

The real "mom" work was done by someone named "Maria" or something like that.

"I can't have illegals working here. I'm running for office, for Pete's Sake" - Mitt Romney.

People like Mitt have destroyed the middle class??? How was that??? Would you care to explain that statement??? If you can.

Mitt never took any money from you or the middle class he helped create thousands of jobs for the middle class, but he never took a dime from you, your benevolent government did, but not Mitt or people like him, they created jobs.
Well, you're a sexist. Sexists rarely have the ability to think rationality when it comes to women.

It isn't a matter of "sexism", you dumb twit.

Ann Romney is rich. Trying to conflate her with stay at home moms who make economic sacrifices to stay home with the kids is disingenuous. ( A choice fewer women can make because people like Mitt have destroyed the middle class.)

The real "mom" work was done by someone named "Maria" or something like that.

"I can't have illegals working here. I'm running for office, for Pete's Sake" - Mitt Romney.

People like Mitt have destroyed the middle class??? How was that??? Would you care to explain that statement??? If you can.

Mitt never took any money from you or the middle class he helped create thousands of jobs for the middle class, but he never took a dime from you, your benevolent government did, but not Mitt or people like him, they created jobs.

Of course, having to EARN what you get, is probably not a concept that you would understand, you are of the ilk that someone else owes you what they EARNED.
My mother was a typical stay-at-home mom up until I was around 14.

Then she took a job and really threw me out-of-kilter

(was sort of embarrassed to tell the truth...)

My parents split up when I was 13... mom left, and my dad raised us till I moved out.

Talk about out of kilter

My wife on other hand has had to work from the beginning, and we raised 3 great girls.
Some moms get it right....

When I was growing up in the 50s and 60s -stay at home moms were the norm.

If a mother went to work - it was because the Dad wasn't making enough money.

In my case - that was not the situation - my mom continued working just because she enjoyed it.
You know you cannot explain the difference and you think that your response, above, will effectively hide that fact.

So... what's the difference?

Who cares. Moving on....
I accept your concession of the point and applaud your embracement of the idea that, following the democrat line of reasoning, a black man cannot govern a nation that's majority white because he cannot relate to the issues white people face and is out of touch with the concerns of white people.


No because poor and middle class white people are going through the same things as poor and middle class blacks.

In other words, Herman Cain, Condi Rice, Colon Powell, Allen West and Ken Blackwell are just as bad as Bush, Mitt or Newt.

But Obama is better than any of them for the middle class. If you believe what you are saying you are dumber than I thought. But I know you are just playing the fool because facts and truth would expose your stupidity, bias, envy, brainwashing, racism or whatever has you voting for the super rich. You think it benefits you. :lol:
Who cares. Moving on....
I accept your concession of the point and applaud your embracement of the idea that, following the democrat line of reasoning, a black man cannot govern a nation that's majority white because he cannot relate to the issues white people face and is out of touch with the concerns of white people.


No because poor and middle class white people are going through the same things as poor and middle class blacks.

In other words, Herman Cain, Condi Rice, Colon Powell, Allen West and Ken Blackwell are just as bad as Bush, Mitt or Newt.

But Obama is better than any of them for the middle class. If you believe what you are saying you are dumber than I thought. But I know you are just playing the fool because facts and truth would expose your stupidity, bias, envy, brainwashing, racism or whatever has you voting for the super rich. You think it benefits you. :lol:

How is Obama and the vacationing Michelle better for the middle class?
I accept your concession of the point and applaud your embracement of the idea that, following the democrat line of reasoning, a black man cannot govern a nation that's majority white because he cannot relate to the issues white people face and is out of touch with the concerns of white people.


No because poor and middle class white people are going through the same things as poor and middle class blacks.

In other words, Herman Cain, Condi Rice, Colon Powell, Allen West and Ken Blackwell are just as bad as Bush, Mitt or Newt.

But Obama is better than any of them for the middle class. If you believe what you are saying you are dumber than I thought. But I know you are just playing the fool because facts and truth would expose your stupidity, bias, envy, brainwashing, racism or whatever has you voting for the super rich. You think it benefits you. :lol:

How is Obama and the vacationing Michelle better for the middle class?

Ask a union member. Ask a Police officer, firefighter or teacher in a union. Ask an auto union worker. They're all voting for Obama and not because their union bosses are telling them to. They are telling them to, but they don't always do what they are told. Remember Reagan Democrats? You aren't winning any of them over.

The only reason you won in 2010 is because no one shows up to midterms. You guys do, but the masses only show up every 4 years. This is why polls don't mean squat. They don't account for the massive turnout. And the Wallstreet 99%ers are going to vote Democratic.

Don't poo poo them. They are a lot bigger than the tea party was. They got Obama elected in 2008. They just didn't show up in 2010. But the tea party did. Don't count on the 99ers not showing up in November or them voting for Romney.
No because poor and middle class white people are going through the same things as poor and middle class blacks.

In other words, Herman Cain, Condi Rice, Colon Powell, Allen West and Ken Blackwell are just as bad as Bush, Mitt or Newt.

But Obama is better than any of them for the middle class. If you believe what you are saying you are dumber than I thought. But I know you are just playing the fool because facts and truth would expose your stupidity, bias, envy, brainwashing, racism or whatever has you voting for the super rich. You think it benefits you. :lol:

How is Obama and the vacationing Michelle better for the middle class?

Ask a union member. Ask a Police officer, firefighter or teacher in a union. Ask an auto union worker. They're all voting for Obama and not because their union bosses are telling them to. They are telling them to, but they don't always do what they are told. Remember Reagan Democrats? You aren't winning any of them over.

The only reason you won in 2010 is because no one shows up to midterms. You guys do, but the masses only show up every 4 years. This is why polls don't mean squat. They don't account for the massive turnout. And the Wallstreet 99%ers are going to vote Democratic.

Don't poo poo them. They are a lot bigger than the tea party was. They got Obama elected in 2008. They just didn't show up in 2010. But the tea party did. Don't count on the 99ers not showing up in November or them voting for Romney.

I never ran for anything in 2010, so how did i win? I know several people that belong to unions, my wife and her friends are not voting Obama, I know several police officers, most will vote other than Obama.

You also side stepped the my whole question with nonsense. Can you ever stay to task or are you just flighty.
Peel back the layer on a Liberal and find amazing hypocrisy.

Suppose the Left likes 'em barefoot and pregnant.

Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube
"Hypocrisy" would appear to be the operative word - our conservative "friends" take exception for comments made about Ann Romney being a "stay-at-home mother"


when Michelle Obama attempts to focus public attention on the problem of childhood obesity in America, which of the GOP presidential candidates is first in line to heap "self-serving" criticism and ridicule on her initiatives - Mitt Romney!

Conservatives heap criticism on Michelle Obama's campaign against childhood obesity
February 27, 2011

WASHINGTON -- Former first ladies Barbara and Laura Bush worked to end illiteracy. Nancy Reagan famously took on teenage drug use. Lady Bird Johnson planted flowers. But none of them have been seared for something as seemingly benign as calling for kids to eat more vegetables, as Michelle Obama has.

Just about everyone will agree that the nation's children are getting fatter and that obesity is a serious health problem. But the first lady's push for healthier meals and more exercise, which marked its first anniversary this month, has provoked a backlash from the right, who complain that the only thing here that's supersized is Big Brother.

..... And in January, some conservatives even suggested that Obama was endangering people, blaming an increase in pedestrian deaths on the first lady's campaign by saying that Americans were putting themselves at risk by walking more.

..... Earlier this month, Mitt Romney, addressing the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, peppered his remarks with digs at the first lady and her husband.

Ridiculing President Obama's purported move toward the political center, Romney joked that the president's rhetoric had shifted so radically that "he sounded like he was going to dig up the first lady's organic garden to put in a Bob's Big Boy," Romney said.

Later, while equating Obama's economic policies to Marie Antoinette's purported line about the French peasantry -- "Let them eat cake" -- Romney corrected himself.

"I'm sorry," he crowed. "Organic cake."

Conservatives dig into Michelle Obama's anti-obesity campaign - Los Angeles Times
Last edited:
It's a little bit sad that the Romneys have to keep their religious lives out of the discourse.

I wouldn't have favored Romney if he were the kind to talk about his religion much, but there are things I know about Mormons. And one thing is that in the course of Mitt being a bishop and a stake president and Ann being a relief society president, they would have worked with people facing all kinds of challenges. They don't have the personal experience of wondering if they can pay all their bills but I'm sure they've seen poverty up close and tried to help people overcome it.

But they mostly have to keep that side of their lives under wraps so most of the nation won't learn about it.

well, they could talk about the time Mitt as a bishop told a young single mother she should give up her baby because she was embarrassing the congregation.

Bishop Romney Pressured Single Mother To Give Up Baby, Book Says

While serving as bishop of a Mormon congregation near Boston in the early 80’s, Romney once threatened to excommunicate a young single mother if she did not give her soon-to-be-born son up for adoption, according to a passage from a forthcoming book, “The Real Romney.” excerpted this week in Vanity Fair.

Peggie Hayes had converted to Mormonism as a teenage along with her family, and told the book’s authors, Boston Globe reporters Michael Kranish and Scott Helman, that for a long time she found comfort in the faith’s teachings. After returning to the congregation as a 23-year-old divorced single mother, she soon got pregnant with a second child. Knowing she was in need of financial assistance, the Romneys arranged for her to do odd jobs for members of the congregation.

“Mitt was really good to us,” Hayes told the authors. “He did a lot for us.”

But while Hayes considered Romney a friend, he was also her bishop—which meant it was his job to pass along sometimes-harsh church counsel. The tension between the two relationships came to the forefront one day when he came over to her apartment, and encouraged her to turn her son over to the church’s adoption agency when he was born. (The church’s position is that if a happy marriage between parents of a newborn seems unlikely, adoption is preferable to single parenting.)

Hayes was offended by the suggestion, and told Romney she would never give up her son. But, according to Hayes, Romney told her, “Well, this is what the church wants you to do, and if you don’t, then you could be excommunicated for failing to follow the leadership of the church.”

Yeah, I think Romney should totally talk about that aspect of his faith. Should be amusing.
Well, you're a sexist. Sexists rarely have the ability to think rationality when it comes to women.

It isn't a matter of "sexism", you dumb twit.

Ann Romney is rich. Trying to conflate her with stay at home moms who make economic sacrifices to stay home with the kids is disingenuous. ( A choice fewer women can make because people like Mitt have destroyed the middle class.)

The real "mom" work was done by someone named "Maria" or something like that.

"I can't have illegals working here. I'm running for office, for Pete's Sake" - Mitt Romney.

People like Mitt have destroyed the middle class??? How was that??? Would you care to explain that statement??? If you can.

Mitt never took any money from you or the middle class he helped create thousands of jobs for the middle class, but he never took a dime from you, your benevolent government did, but not Mitt or people like him, they created jobs.

He and people like him were the ones who busted up unions and sent good paying manufacturing jobs overseas. Read about AmPad, GS Steel, or DDi Instruments, amongst others, companies that paid good salaries that did serious downsizing once Bain got into the picture.

The fact that he invested in companies like Staples and Dominos that created crappy "McJobs" without benefits doesn't make up for it.
I accept your concession of the point and applaud your embracement of the idea that, following the democrat line of reasoning, a black man cannot govern a nation that's majority white because he cannot relate to the issues white people face and is out of touch with the concerns of white people.


No because poor and middle class white people are going through the same things as poor and middle class blacks.

In other words, Herman Cain, Condi Rice, Colon Powell, Allen West and Ken Blackwell are just as bad as Bush, Mitt or Newt.

But Obama is better than any of them for the middle class. If you believe what you are saying you are dumber than I thought. But I know you are just playing the fool because facts and truth would expose your stupidity, bias, envy, brainwashing, racism or whatever has you voting for the super rich. You think it benefits you. :lol:

How is Obama and the vacationing Michelle better for the middle class?

Guess you missed that middle class tax cut, Lilly Ledbetter law and the extention in unemployment benefits.
It isn't a matter of "sexism", you dumb twit.

Ann Romney is rich. Trying to conflate her with stay at home moms who make economic sacrifices to stay home with the kids is disingenuous. ( A choice fewer women can make because people like Mitt have destroyed the middle class.)

The real "mom" work was done by someone named "Maria" or something like that.

"I can't have illegals working here. I'm running for office, for Pete's Sake" - Mitt Romney.

People like Mitt have destroyed the middle class??? How was that??? Would you care to explain that statement??? If you can.

Mitt never took any money from you or the middle class he helped create thousands of jobs for the middle class, but he never took a dime from you, your benevolent government did, but not Mitt or people like him, they created jobs.

He and people like him were the ones who busted up unions and sent good paying manufacturing jobs overseas. Read about AmPad, GS Steel, or DDi Instruments, amongst others, companies that paid good salaries that did serious downsizing once Bain got into the picture.

The fact that he invested in companies like Staples and Dominos that created crappy "McJobs" without benefits doesn't make up for it.

Nobody ever has a good answer for this..

It's amazing..they either don't talk about it..or have some kind of fantasy that dismisses it like it never happened.
No because poor and middle class white people are going through the same things as poor and middle class blacks.

In other words, Herman Cain, Condi Rice, Colon Powell, Allen West and Ken Blackwell are just as bad as Bush, Mitt or Newt.

But Obama is better than any of them for the middle class. If you believe what you are saying you are dumber than I thought. But I know you are just playing the fool because facts and truth would expose your stupidity, bias, envy, brainwashing, racism or whatever has you voting for the super rich. You think it benefits you. :lol:

How is Obama and the vacationing Michelle better for the middle class?

Ask a union member. Ask a Police officer, firefighter or teacher in a union. Ask an auto union worker. They're all voting for Obama and not because their union bosses are telling them to. They are telling them to, but they don't always do what they are told. Remember Reagan Democrats? You aren't winning any of them over.

The only reason you won in 2010 is because no one shows up to midterms. You guys do, but the masses only show up every 4 years. This is why polls don't mean squat. They don't account for the massive turnout. And the Wallstreet 99%ers are going to vote Democratic.

Don't poo poo them. They are a lot bigger than the tea party was. They got Obama elected in 2008. They just didn't show up in 2010. But the tea party did. Don't count on the 99ers not showing up in November or them voting for Romney.

Most of the OWS will be too high to remember to vote.

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