DNC: Ann Romney 'never worked a day in her life'

Again, if you think WMR is going to hide behind his wife's skirts on this issue, you are deluded.

When people find out more about his history at Bain and all the middle class jobs Romney eliminated, he's going to be in a lot of trouble with women.

How do you suppose the Obamanation will fair with women when they find out that 92% of the jobs he has killed since '09 have been working women?

Wait 'til JoeBlow realizes that the relatively small number of weeping AMPAD workers will be drowned in a sea of NASA workers tears... :eusa_shhh:
Again, if you think WMR is going to hide behind his wife's skirts on this issue, you are deluded.

When people find out more about his history at Bain and all the middle class jobs Romney eliminated, he's going to be in a lot of trouble with women.

How do you suppose the Obamanation will fair with women when they find out that 92% of the jobs he has killed since '09 have been working women?

I think they'll realize that was a horseshit figure that Romney pulled out of his ass because he was desperate. That number has beeen pretty thoroughly debunked.

In fact, if anyone has suffered in this recession (that started on Bush's watch), it's men. That's why they called it the "Man-cession". Because men make more than women do, they were more cost-effective to fire, and less likely to sue over it.

The 'man-cession': Good for women workers? - The Week
Again, if you think WMR is going to hide behind his wife's skirts on this issue, you are deluded.

When people find out more about his history at Bain and all the middle class jobs Romney eliminated, he's going to be in a lot of trouble with women.

How do you suppose the Obamanation will fair with women when they find out that 92% of the jobs he has killed since '09 have been working women?

Wait 'til JoeBlow realizes that the relatively small number of weeping AMPAD workers will be drowned in a sea of NASA workers tears... :eusa_shhh:

Given that NASA was never really a popular program, not really.

We've been trimming down NASA for decades, and no one really cares that much.

The Ryan Budget that Romney has embraced calls for more cuts to NASA, so this isn't even really an issue.

But I know you have to try soooooooo hard to pretend that AmPad isn't going to bite Romney in the ass again.
Mitt Romney: Mothers Should Be Required To Work Outside Home Or Lose Benefits

Apparently she's telling him that single mothers on welfare don't have enough to do because he's telling these women that they need to put in an additional 30 hours a week in order to receive their welfare checks. :clap2:

Well, in my state, if you work outside the home at all you lose your benefits. If he's proposing something else, that'd be wonderful.

YOu don't get paid for those 30 hours. In other words, work for your welfare. If you can't find a real job you can volunteer somewhere. But you don't get to keep the extra money. The 30 hours a week you work is in exchange for your welfare check.

Your article says nothing like that.
Again, if you think WMR is going to hide behind his wife's skirts on this issue, you are deluded.

When people find out more about his history at Bain and all the middle class jobs Romney eliminated, he's going to be in a lot of trouble with women.

How do you suppose the Obamanation will fair with women when they find out that 92% of the jobs he has killed since '09 have been working women?

I think they'll realize that was a horseshit figure that Romney pulled out of his ass because he was desperate. That number has beeen pretty thoroughly debunked.

The number is fact.

Why doe Obama hate working women? Is he planning to change if we re-elect him?
"I wanted to increase the work requirement," said Romney. "I said, for instance, that even if you have a child 2 years of age, you need to go to work. And people said, 'Well that's heartless.' And I said, 'No, no, I'm willing to spend more giving day care to allow those parents to go back to work. It'll cost the state more providing that daycare, but I want the individuals to have the dignity of work.'"
Mitt Romney: Mothers Should Be Required To Work Outside Home Or Lose Benefits

Mitt Romney for President | Mitt Romney for President of the United States of America in 2012
Again, if you think WMR is going to hide behind his wife's skirts on this issue, you are deluded.

When people find out more about his history at Bain and all the middle class jobs Romney eliminated, he's going to be in a lot of trouble with women.

When people find out that he closed down the WHOLE company so the employees could look for a lost child WITH PAY, women are absolutely going to hate him.
These welfare queens SHOULD be required to work for welfare benefits. Some of them have been raised on welfare and they never worked a day in their lives either. They are quite proud of having gone from mom's welfare to their own.
The number is fact.

LMAO. Fact? Whose fact? Yours? Funny shit. Been debunked already. By those that view the truth as facts. Not some bullshit like you all want to call "facts".

I read that, for a fact, that all the job losses that occurred during the time Bush was President, those job losses were, in fact, Obama's fault. True dat. Isn't that amazing? Howd he do it?
These welfare queens SHOULD be required to work for welfare benefits. Some of them have been raised on welfare and they never worked a day in their lives either.

Kinda of like Anne. You know, just taking care of the kids. Why, some of the women like Anne Rommney married millioniares. And didn't work a day in their life either.

Who would of thunk that welfare queens and millioniares wives have so much in common.
These welfare queens SHOULD be required to work for welfare benefits. Some of them have been raised on welfare and they never worked a day in their lives either.

Kinda of like Anne. You know, just taking care of the kids. Why, some of the women like Anne Rommney married millioniares. And didn't work a day in their life either.

Who would of thunk that welfare queens and millioniares wives have so much in common.

And all women are really whores. It doesn't matter whether they fuck for cash or upkeep, right? I've been hearing that one since Betty Friedan.

I have never given Ann Romeny a dime to stay home. She gets no public benefits and never has.
Sniper. Post up your "fact".

I watched the campaign manager of Mittens pull this shit on FOX. Even Chris Wallace tore this guy a new asshole for putting such BS out there.

But go ahead. Post up your "facts". Should be good.
And all women are really whores.

WOW. Does your mother/sister/wife know that you feel this way?

Hey, and you do give to Anne. Everytime her rich husband figures out how to pay taxes at, what, 14% rate, people like you and I have to make up the difference. So yea, we been supporting Anne with our tax dollars. So her hubby can pay lower taxes than I did.

Amazing how much a stay at home welfare lady and a millioniares wife have in common.

Hell they even breed with the same numbers. The more kids the merrier.

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