DNC changing super delegates rule

They are going to forbid superdelegates from casting votes on the first ballot at the convention unless the nominee has already been decided.

This would not have meant a thing for Sanders
The dems keep tinkering with the electoral process and tossing out wild accusations like Russian collusion....they will never admit that they are just not that popular anymore...that their ideas are old and tired and proven to be bad for the nation....
DNC chair Tom Perez says superdelegate rule change will "return power" to grassroots - CBS News

Too little too late for Sanders and his communist revolution lol....Eh he got a new vacation home out of it all though!

This is an early Christmas present for the GOP. What they want to do will ultimately pave the way for their loony far-left base to select the most wacky candidates they have to offer, thereby further alienating your average Joe or Jane Democrat.

Keep shooting yourselves in the foot, Dems. :lmao:
DNC chair Tom Perez says superdelegate rule change will "return power" to grassroots - CBS News

Too little too late for Sanders and his communist revolution lol....Eh he got a new vacation home out of it all though!
Sanders wouldn’t have won anyway

He lost the popular vote
He lost the most states
Hillary had more delegates
Hillary had more super delegates

The general consensus is that Sanders didn't appeal to the minority vote. His followers were mostly young white millennials whereas Hillary intended her presidency to be a continuation of Obama's presidency.
DNC chair Tom Perez says superdelegate rule change will "return power" to grassroots - CBS News

Too little too late for Sanders and his communist revolution lol....Eh he got a new vacation home out of it all though!
Sanders wouldn’t have won anyway

He lost the popular vote
He lost the most states
Hillary had more delegates
Hillary had more super delegates

Those facts are correct. But, there is an intangible. Because of the super delegates, a lot of people believed Sanders couldn't win. Look at those Dem debate process. Clinton didn't have to take any chances and was able reduce her exposure to just a few head to head debates. That's said, Sanders never went after her hard, which leads me to believe he didn't think he could or actually wanted to win.
You just have to love a millionaire socialist. God Bless that grifter who was exiled from a commune for being too lazy to work. He has made a mint off the ignorance of his minions.
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You just have to love a millionaire socialist. God Bless that grifter who was exiled from a commune for being too lazy to work. He has made a mint of the ignorance of his minions.

He actually made out like a bandit, as there was suspicion that he took a payoff from Hillary.

Isn't is suspicious that after dropping out of the race, he bought a $600,000 mansion?
You just have to love a millionaire socialist. God Bless that grifter who was exiled from a commune for being too lazy to work. He has made a mint of the ignorance of his minions.

He actually made out like a bandit, as there was suspicion that he took a payoff from Hillary.

Isn't is suspicious that after dropping out of the race, he bought a $600,000 mansion?

It’s not very socialist, that’s for sure.

Actually, it’s very socialist, for the socialist leaders.

Leaders in Venezuela are millionaires and billionaires and the people are eating rats.
DNC chair Tom Perez says superdelegate rule change will "return power" to grassroots - CBS News

Too little too late for Sanders and his communist revolution lol....Eh he got a new vacation home out of it all though!

This is an early Christmas present for the GOP. What they want to do will ultimately pave the way for their loony far-left base to select the most wacky candidates they have to offer, thereby further alienating your average Joe or Jane Democrat.

Keep shooting yourselves in the foot, Dems. :lmao:
I was just thinking that same thing! Its awesome LOL.
DNC chair Tom Perez says superdelegate rule change will "return power" to grassroots - CBS News

Too little too late for Sanders and his communist revolution lol....Eh he got a new vacation home out of it all though!
Sanders wouldn’t have won anyway

He lost the popular vote
He lost the most states
Hillary had more delegates
Hillary had more super delegates

The general consensus is that Sanders didn't appeal to the minority vote. His followers were mostly young white millennials whereas Hillary intended her presidency to be a continuation of Obama's presidency.

Sanders had populist appeal but was not realistic
DNC chair Tom Perez says superdelegate rule change will "return power" to grassroots - CBS News

Too little too late for Sanders and his communist revolution lol....Eh he got a new vacation home out of it all though!
Sanders wouldn’t have won anyway

He lost the popular vote
He lost the most states
Hillary had more delegates
Hillary had more super delegates

The general consensus is that Sanders didn't appeal to the minority vote. His followers were mostly young white millennials whereas Hillary intended her presidency to be a continuation of Obama's presidency.

Sanders had populist appeal but was not realistic

Neither is the socialist ideology he was pushing. Yet someone keeps picking up the red banner when it falls to the ground, as is the left's newest sweetheart, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Why do liberals give Bernie a pass for being a millionaire and owning multiple houses?

Just curious.

Probably because they're ignorant and uninformed of what socialism really is. Most of them weren't even born until after the fall of the Berlin Wall. They don't have a clue that socialism, communism, and all of its various incarnations have been responsible for the murder of over 100 million people during the 20th century.
Sanders wouldn’t have won anyway

He lost the popular vote
He lost the most states
Hillary had more delegates
Hillary had more super delegates

And yet you Dims are offering up Bernie Sanders v2 as your best hope in 2020.......

You could always run Hillary again......lmao
Being that ALL she cares about is grabbing power anyway, I 100% expect her to eventually slide Ocasio out of the way and jump onto the Socialist wagon as if it was all her idea. ANYTHING to get votes. Literally.

Mark my words, within 12 months, Ocasio will be endorsing Hillary as the socialist democrat candidate....Ocasio (or Sanders) will be offered VP

And they'll ALL go down in flames, like the Hindenberg
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Sanders wouldn’t have won anyway

He lost the popular vote
He lost the most states
Hillary had more delegates
Hillary had more super delegates

And yet you Dims are offering up Bernie Sanders v2 as your best hope in 2020.......

You could always run Hillary again......lmao
Being that ALL she cares about is grabbing power anyway, I 100% expect her to eventually slide Ocasio out of the way and jump onto the Socialist wagon as if it was all her idea. ANYTHING to get votes. Literally.

Mark my words, within 12 months, Ocasio will be endorsing Hillary as the socialist democrat candidate....Ocasio (or Sanders) will be offered VP

And they'll ALL go down in flames, like the Hindenberg

Ocasio even banned the media from one of her events and the media was largely indifferent to it.

I guess the media pick and choose their outrage based on ideology.
Bernie the cult leader has gotten very wealthy off of his cult followers.

Way to go, guys...be careful if he tells you to cut off your genitals and wear nike warm up suits and shoes and sleep in bunk beds.

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