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DNC & Clinton paid out 1.02 million for fairy tale dossier on Trump

Fusion GPS: Team Hillary paid $168,000 for Steele dossier - Hot Air

"as Fusion GPS disclosed in a statement today, Team Hillary paid almost the same amount of money that Russian trolls paid Facebook to Christopher Steele for the infamous “dossier” on Donald Trump.

While none of the principals have denied that the Clinton campaign and DNC funded the dossier through payments to Perkins Coie, everyone involved is claiming they did not know about the project.

No one knew about a project that got funded at this level? Come on, man. No one drops $168,000 on a single project that loops in an ex-spook to dig up dirt from Russian sources on an opponent without some high-level signoffs. Right now, Democrats in Congress are arguing that the election got swayed by Russians spending between $100K-200K on Facebook memes, and are threatening social-media platforms for allowing it to happen. Are we to believe that social-media outlets like Facebook have more control over how money comes into their organizations than how it goes out of a major-party presidential campaign? No one knew? Puh-leeeeze."

Oops - More Than 1 Michael Cohen:

"Hillary paid $168,000 to a firm that never apparently considered the possibility that more than one Michael Cohen might exist. Heckuva job, Steeley."

Hillary Still Denying It:

"Hillary’s still defending the project … after waiting months to acknowledge her campaign’s role in it. However, she’s still not quite admitting to the dossier as an entirely Team Hillary project, choosing to tell Trevor Noah that the dossier was “research started by a Republican donor,” which is a flat-out lie. Fusion GPS got hired by the Washington Free Beacon, but they never had anything to do with Steele or the dossier."

Sowing Divisiveness...

Despite being untruthful about her own culpability in courting Russian intel sources, Hillary insists that Trump “had to know that people were making outreach to Russians … in order to sow this divisiveness.” She ought to know, having paid $168,000 to do so.

Fusion GPS: Team Hillary paid $168,000 for Steele dossier - Hot Air

Not sure how opposition research upsets RWNJs so much. Is that something new that has never been done before? Does the RNC use opposition research?
then what is different about what the little greek was doing? do you even know?

I'm sure your pantis are wet in anticipation of telling me.
so no guesses that the difference is that the entire demoloser platform paid for the dossier? didn't report it? look it up.

fk, they even lied about knowledge of it. if it was merely opposition research why did everyone of them to a man say they never heard of it? funny shit that can't be made up. but sure stay uninformed.
Fusion GPS: Team Hillary paid $168,000 for Steele dossier - Hot Air

"as Fusion GPS disclosed in a statement today, Team Hillary paid almost the same amount of money that Russian trolls paid Facebook to Christopher Steele for the infamous “dossier” on Donald Trump.

While none of the principals have denied that the Clinton campaign and DNC funded the dossier through payments to Perkins Coie, everyone involved is claiming they did not know about the project.

No one knew about a project that got funded at this level? Come on, man. No one drops $168,000 on a single project that loops in an ex-spook to dig up dirt from Russian sources on an opponent without some high-level signoffs. Right now, Democrats in Congress are arguing that the election got swayed by Russians spending between $100K-200K on Facebook memes, and are threatening social-media platforms for allowing it to happen. Are we to believe that social-media outlets like Facebook have more control over how money comes into their organizations than how it goes out of a major-party presidential campaign? No one knew? Puh-leeeeze."

Oops - More Than 1 Michael Cohen:

"Hillary paid $168,000 to a firm that never apparently considered the possibility that more than one Michael Cohen might exist. Heckuva job, Steeley."

Hillary Still Denying It:

"Hillary’s still defending the project … after waiting months to acknowledge her campaign’s role in it. However, she’s still not quite admitting to the dossier as an entirely Team Hillary project, choosing to tell Trevor Noah that the dossier was “research started by a Republican donor,” which is a flat-out lie. Fusion GPS got hired by the Washington Free Beacon, but they never had anything to do with Steele or the dossier."

Sowing Divisiveness...

Despite being untruthful about her own culpability in courting Russian intel sources, Hillary insists that Trump “had to know that people were making outreach to Russians … in order to sow this divisiveness.” She ought to know, having paid $168,000 to do so.

Fusion GPS: Team Hillary paid $168,000 for Steele dossier - Hot Air

Not sure how opposition research upsets RWNJs so much. Is that something new that has never been done before? Does the RNC use opposition research?
then what is different about what the little greek was doing? do you even know?

I'm sure your pantis are wet in anticipation of telling me.
so no guesses that the difference is that the entire demoloser platform paid for the dossier? didn't report it? look it up.

fk, they even lied about knowledge of it. if it was merely opposition research why did everyone of them to a man say they never heard of it? funny shit that can't be made up. but sure stay uninformed.

I'm sure very few knew every aspect of the opposition research. They hired a company who in turn hired an investigator. Big deal. Do you know every subcontractor of every store you go to? What about Walmart? You pay them for merchandise they bought from someone else. Do you know who that someone else might be?
Not sure how opposition research upsets RWNJs so much. Is that something new that has never been done before? Does the RNC use opposition research?

You may not have known it, but you just nailed the whole entire hypocritical, hypercritical attacks and BS going back and forth:

Liberals are SCREAMING 'collusion' because Trump / Trump's team supposedly:

1. Reached out to Russians (and other Foreign Nation) Reps during the election...
--- Obama himself said this is nothing special as candidates and their staffs try to get a jump on things prior to winning an election and stepping into the WH...and talking to a Russia is NOT a crime...

2. 'Encouraged' the Russians to dig into Hillary's criminal server / files
-- They call this collusion...and there is no evidence to support these claims

3. Looked for 'dirt' on Hillary
-- This is not illegal, either. If it were Hillary, Comey, Wasserman-Scultz, and Obama would be indicted by now as it has been proven they all paid for the Dossier.

The ONLY real thing criminal hers is that it is illegal to acquire data / 'dirt' on a candidate from a foreign source and USE IT against a candidate in a US election.

The 'Trump Dossier' is a false report containing proven Russian-generated propaganda bought from a foreign agent through a firm known to have worked for the Russians, to have spread Russian propaganda in the past...AND IT WAS USED AGAINST TRUMP DURING THE ELECTION. Again, that is a CRIME.

It is also proposed that if anyone got information / help from the Russians that it was HILLARY, as money went to a foreign agent and a firm 'working for the Russians' by spreading their propaganda ... meaning the only one PROVEN to have 'colluded' with the Russians is Hillary! (Again, there is no evidence to support the claims that Trump did.)

- During a debate, during a heated moment, Trump said he hoped the Russians hacked Hillary's server and revealed all of her 'dirty little secrets'.

The Democrats jumped on this, spinning it to claim he was colluding with the Russians, an idiotic claim.

The Russians NEVER supposedly hacked Hillary's computer. Instead, the Democrats claimed, the Russians hacked the DNC'S SERVER / E-MAILS.

This claim is also STUPID AS HELL if you recall at this point Debbie Wasserman-Schultz had given Pakistani spies access to all DNC e-mails as well as the usernames and passwords. Claiming the Pakistanis 'hacked' the DNC server is even a lie - DWS opened up the damn door and let them walk right in!

How no one has ever publicly wondered if it was not the Pakistanis who had free access to the DNC e-mails that were leaked when they had the usernames and passwords to the accounts the Democrats claimed the Russians hacked is beyond me.

What makes more sense? The Russians hacked into the DNC servers (which I understand was easy to do because Democrats used words like 'password' as their password)OR the Pakistanis who were given access to the DNC's e-mails, their usernames, and passwords accessed the e-mails and leaked the information?

It really doesn't matter because, as Donna Brazile pointed out the only things that got hacked and released were the facts that the DNC had rigged their primaries, had engaged in election fraud, had cheated in debates and released personal DNC e-mails that exposed racism, sexism, homophobic and anti-Semitic comments. Although highly embarrassing, none of it changed any votes, as polls at the time showed.
Fusion GPS: Team Hillary paid $168,000 for Steele dossier - Hot Air

"as Fusion GPS disclosed in a statement today, Team Hillary paid almost the same amount of money that Russian trolls paid Facebook to Christopher Steele for the infamous “dossier” on Donald Trump.

While none of the principals have denied that the Clinton campaign and DNC funded the dossier through payments to Perkins Coie, everyone involved is claiming they did not know about the project.

No one knew about a project that got funded at this level? Come on, man. No one drops $168,000 on a single project that loops in an ex-spook to dig up dirt from Russian sources on an opponent without some high-level signoffs. Right now, Democrats in Congress are arguing that the election got swayed by Russians spending between $100K-200K on Facebook memes, and are threatening social-media platforms for allowing it to happen. Are we to believe that social-media outlets like Facebook have more control over how money comes into their organizations than how it goes out of a major-party presidential campaign? No one knew? Puh-leeeeze."

Oops - More Than 1 Michael Cohen:

"Hillary paid $168,000 to a firm that never apparently considered the possibility that more than one Michael Cohen might exist. Heckuva job, Steeley."

Hillary Still Denying It:

"Hillary’s still defending the project … after waiting months to acknowledge her campaign’s role in it. However, she’s still not quite admitting to the dossier as an entirely Team Hillary project, choosing to tell Trevor Noah that the dossier was “research started by a Republican donor,” which is a flat-out lie. Fusion GPS got hired by the Washington Free Beacon, but they never had anything to do with Steele or the dossier."

Sowing Divisiveness...

Despite being untruthful about her own culpability in courting Russian intel sources, Hillary insists that Trump “had to know that people were making outreach to Russians … in order to sow this divisiveness.” She ought to know, having paid $168,000 to do so.

Fusion GPS: Team Hillary paid $168,000 for Steele dossier - Hot Air
Interesting. Was it private citizen Russian who paid for the FB ads? Sounds like it was all money these 'nice' political types put out for politics and a Russian turn the table on them? Maybe those two comedians that got Maxine and McCain on video were involved....kind of funny when one thinks about it. 'Though the circumstances be thrust into your lap, the outcome is the lord's'.
how about we all agree no more ads for political candidates. I'd fking die for that.
It's a great idea, but a lot of the Russian propaganda has been plain old posts--and bots. Not ads.
as long as it doesn't involve money, I have no issue, I love a good debate, it is what it is supposed to be about. isn't it? do you even know?
Part of the problem is the centralization and a few trying to push the narrative that they desire. I am not a big debater or a public speaker so I realize that is not always going to bring out what kind of person or manager the candidate really is unless non-practiced, non-scripted conversations ensue. That debater chit is why you have so many attorneys in politics as that is one of the major things they learn, (how to talk smoothly even when spouting shit) Had two brief conversations on the local radio years ago during a election cycle. One was with one candidate trying to retain his judicial seat. I asked him a question and he basically told the listening radio audience (a very small local radio station too) what an asshole he was all of his own accord and he let people know he did not believe that parents know what is best for their own children. A friend later told me his phone was ringing off of the hook with people he knew wanting to know if that guy had always been like that and the other big question they had was did he really not believe that people had constitutional rights or the right to determine what was best for them personally.

Taking the money out of it will definitely help get it back to the people but we need to determine how will the people get to know who they are voting for if that is done. Politics has to be more than just for the corporate's who can afford to lobby legislators and the entertainment industry to make a few bucks. These mega industrial complexes want pliable politicians that they can tell what they want and that needs to be stopped too when it damages or goes against the people. How will national candidates get around to speak to the people prior to elections? Who can support and send money to parties? Can people make up their own signs for a candidate they support or want out (I did that once, painted a banner on rolled butcher paper and hung it on my six foot wooden fence that could be seen from the highway). What about political pundits that spew crap and push for agendas. There are a lot of variables when it comes to elections so I would think we need to think it all out before determining who, what, and how to accomplish it all to get the best results without just a few deciding what is best for all.
makes me wonder where the DNC got the $$$. all I hear today is they are broke and in debt millions.
There is a great thread on this talking about how Donna Brazile (exposed how Hillary 'bilked' the DNC) answered this question - short answer is Hillary used DNC money that was supposed to be used on other DNC candidates.
yea, it's going to be a convoluted mess for awhile i suppose.
Fusion GPS: Team Hillary paid $168,000 for Steele dossier - Hot Air

"as Fusion GPS disclosed in a statement today, Team Hillary paid almost the same amount of money that Russian trolls paid Facebook to Christopher Steele for the infamous “dossier” on Donald Trump.

While none of the principals have denied that the Clinton campaign and DNC funded the dossier through payments to Perkins Coie, everyone involved is claiming they did not know about the project.

No one knew about a project that got funded at this level? Come on, man. No one drops $168,000 on a single project that loops in an ex-spook to dig up dirt from Russian sources on an opponent without some high-level signoffs. Right now, Democrats in Congress are arguing that the election got swayed by Russians spending between $100K-200K on Facebook memes, and are threatening social-media platforms for allowing it to happen. Are we to believe that social-media outlets like Facebook have more control over how money comes into their organizations than how it goes out of a major-party presidential campaign? No one knew? Puh-leeeeze."

Oops - More Than 1 Michael Cohen:

"Hillary paid $168,000 to a firm that never apparently considered the possibility that more than one Michael Cohen might exist. Heckuva job, Steeley."

Hillary Still Denying It:

"Hillary’s still defending the project … after waiting months to acknowledge her campaign’s role in it. However, she’s still not quite admitting to the dossier as an entirely Team Hillary project, choosing to tell Trevor Noah that the dossier was “research started by a Republican donor,” which is a flat-out lie. Fusion GPS got hired by the Washington Free Beacon, but they never had anything to do with Steele or the dossier."

Sowing Divisiveness...

Despite being untruthful about her own culpability in courting Russian intel sources, Hillary insists that Trump “had to know that people were making outreach to Russians … in order to sow this divisiveness.” She ought to know, having paid $168,000 to do so.

Fusion GPS: Team Hillary paid $168,000 for Steele dossier - Hot Air

Not sure how opposition research upsets RWNJs so much. Is that something new that has never been done before? Does the RNC use opposition research?
then what is different about what the little greek was doing? do you even know?

I'm sure your pantis are wet in anticipation of telling me.
so no guesses that the difference is that the entire demoloser platform paid for the dossier? didn't report it? look it up.

fk, they even lied about knowledge of it. if it was merely opposition research why did everyone of them to a man say they never heard of it? funny shit that can't be made up. but sure stay uninformed.

I'm sure very few knew every aspect of the opposition research. They hired a company who in turn hired an investigator. Big deal. Do you know every subcontractor of every store you go to? What about Walmart? You pay them for merchandise they bought from someone else. Do you know who that someone else might be?

now this being the case, if it were trump in this situation, would you still allow such...allowances?
Not sure how opposition research upsets RWNJs so much. Is that something new that has never been done before? Does the RNC use opposition research?

You may not have known it, but you just nailed the whole entire hypocritical, hypercritical attacks and BS going back and forth:

Liberals are SCREAMING 'collusion' because Trump / Trump's team supposedly:

1. Reached out to Russians (and other Foreign Nation) Reps during the election...
--- Obama himself said this is nothing special as candidates and their staffs try to get a jump on things prior to winning an election and stepping into the WH...and talking to a Russia is NOT a crime...

2. 'Encouraged' the Russians to dig into Hillary's criminal server / files
-- They call this collusion...and there is no evidence to support these claims

3. Looked for 'dirt' on Hillary
-- This is not illegal, either. If it were Hillary, Comey, Wasserman-Scultz, and Obama would be indicted by now as it has been proven they all paid for the Dossier.

The ONLY real thing criminal hers is that it is illegal to acquire data / 'dirt' on a candidate from a foreign source and USE IT against a candidate in a US election.

The 'Trump Dossier' is a false report containing proven Russian-generated propaganda bought from a foreign agent through a firm known to have worked for the Russians, to have spread Russian propaganda in the past...AND IT WAS USED AGAINST TRUMP DURING THE ELECTION. Again, that is a CRIME.

It is also proposed that if anyone got information / help from the Russians that it was HILLARY, as money went to a foreign agent and a firm 'working for the Russians' by spreading their propaganda ... meaning the only one PROVEN to have 'colluded' with the Russians is Hillary! (Again, there is no evidence to support the claims that Trump did.)

- During a debate, during a heated moment, Trump said he hoped the Russians hacked Hillary's server and revealed all of her 'dirty little secrets'.

The Democrats jumped on this, spinning it to claim he was colluding with the Russians, an idiotic claim.

The Russians NEVER supposedly hacked Hillary's computer. Instead, the Democrats claimed, the Russians hacked the DNC'S SERVER / E-MAILS.

This claim is also STUPID AS HELL if you recall at this point Debbie Wasserman-Schultz had given Pakistani spies access to all DNC e-mails as well as the usernames and passwords. Claiming the Pakistanis 'hacked' the DNC server is even a lie - DWS opened up the damn door and let them walk right in!

How no one has ever publicly wondered if it was not the Pakistanis who had free access to the DNC e-mails that were leaked when they had the usernames and passwords to the accounts the Democrats claimed the Russians hacked is beyond me.

What makes more sense? The Russians hacked into the DNC servers (which I understand was easy to do because Democrats used words like 'password' as their password)OR the Pakistanis who were given access to the DNC's e-mails, their usernames, and passwords accessed the e-mails and leaked the information?

It really doesn't matter because, as Donna Brazile pointed out the only things that got hacked and released were the facts that the DNC had rigged their primaries, had engaged in election fraud, had cheated in debates and released personal DNC e-mails that exposed racism, sexism, homophobic and anti-Semitic comments. Although highly embarrassing, none of it changed any votes, as polls at the time showed.
Fusion GPS: Team Hillary paid $168,000 for Steele dossier - Hot Air

"as Fusion GPS disclosed in a statement today, Team Hillary paid almost the same amount of money that Russian trolls paid Facebook to Christopher Steele for the infamous “dossier” on Donald Trump.

While none of the principals have denied that the Clinton campaign and DNC funded the dossier through payments to Perkins Coie, everyone involved is claiming they did not know about the project.

No one knew about a project that got funded at this level? Come on, man. No one drops $168,000 on a single project that loops in an ex-spook to dig up dirt from Russian sources on an opponent without some high-level signoffs. Right now, Democrats in Congress are arguing that the election got swayed by Russians spending between $100K-200K on Facebook memes, and are threatening social-media platforms for allowing it to happen. Are we to believe that social-media outlets like Facebook have more control over how money comes into their organizations than how it goes out of a major-party presidential campaign? No one knew? Puh-leeeeze."

Oops - More Than 1 Michael Cohen:

"Hillary paid $168,000 to a firm that never apparently considered the possibility that more than one Michael Cohen might exist. Heckuva job, Steeley."

Hillary Still Denying It:

"Hillary’s still defending the project … after waiting months to acknowledge her campaign’s role in it. However, she’s still not quite admitting to the dossier as an entirely Team Hillary project, choosing to tell Trevor Noah that the dossier was “research started by a Republican donor,” which is a flat-out lie. Fusion GPS got hired by the Washington Free Beacon, but they never had anything to do with Steele or the dossier."

Sowing Divisiveness...

Despite being untruthful about her own culpability in courting Russian intel sources, Hillary insists that Trump “had to know that people were making outreach to Russians … in order to sow this divisiveness.” She ought to know, having paid $168,000 to do so.

Fusion GPS: Team Hillary paid $168,000 for Steele dossier - Hot Air

Not sure how opposition research upsets RWNJs so much. Is that something new that has never been done before? Does the RNC use opposition research?
you fucking kidding? this is what trumps entire case against him is about.

he went to get dirt on hillary. or his 'camp' did - which makes the dems foam at the mouth. and now that it looks like they made up all this and paid the russians to do it, it's suddenly "opposition research".

i'd even go with that if it was research and not political fiction.

man alive the left is fucking nuts.
Not sure how opposition research upsets RWNJs so much. Is that something new that has never been done before? Does the RNC use opposition research?

You may not have known it, but you just nailed the whole entire hypocritical, hypercritical attacks and BS going back and forth:

Liberals are SCREAMING 'collusion' because Trump / Trump's team supposedly:

1. Reached out to Russians (and other Foreign Nation) Reps during the election...
--- Obama himself said this is nothing special as candidates and their staffs try to get a jump on things prior to winning an election and stepping into the WH...and talking to a Russia is NOT a crime...

2. 'Encouraged' the Russians to dig into Hillary's criminal server / files
-- They call this collusion...and there is no evidence to support these claims

3. Looked for 'dirt' on Hillary
-- This is not illegal, either. If it were Hillary, Comey, Wasserman-Scultz, and Obama would be indicted by now as it has been proven they all paid for the Dossier.

The ONLY real thing criminal hers is that it is illegal to acquire data / 'dirt' on a candidate from a foreign source and USE IT against a candidate in a US election.

The 'Trump Dossier' is a false report containing proven Russian-generated propaganda bought from a foreign agent through a firm known to have worked for the Russians, to have spread Russian propaganda in the past...AND IT WAS USED AGAINST TRUMP DURING THE ELECTION. Again, that is a CRIME.

It is also proposed that if anyone got information / help from the Russians that it was HILLARY, as money went to a foreign agent and a firm 'working for the Russians' by spreading their propaganda ... meaning the only one PROVEN to have 'colluded' with the Russians is Hillary! (Again, there is no evidence to support the claims that Trump did.)

- During a debate, during a heated moment, Trump said he hoped the Russians hacked Hillary's server and revealed all of her 'dirty little secrets'.

The Democrats jumped on this, spinning it to claim he was colluding with the Russians, an idiotic claim.

The Russians NEVER supposedly hacked Hillary's computer. Instead, the Democrats claimed, the Russians hacked the DNC'S SERVER / E-MAILS.

This claim is also STUPID AS HELL if you recall at this point Debbie Wasserman-Schultz had given Pakistani spies access to all DNC e-mails as well as the usernames and passwords. Claiming the Pakistanis 'hacked' the DNC server is even a lie - DWS opened up the damn door and let them walk right in!

How no one has ever publicly wondered if it was not the Pakistanis who had free access to the DNC e-mails that were leaked when they had the usernames and passwords to the accounts the Democrats claimed the Russians hacked is beyond me.

What makes more sense? The Russians hacked into the DNC servers (which I understand was easy to do because Democrats used words like 'password' as their password)OR the Pakistanis who were given access to the DNC's e-mails, their usernames, and passwords accessed the e-mails and leaked the information?

It really doesn't matter because, as Donna Brazile pointed out the only things that got hacked and released were the facts that the DNC had rigged their primaries, had engaged in election fraud, had cheated in debates and released personal DNC e-mails that exposed racism, sexism, homophobic and anti-Semitic comments. Although highly embarrassing, none of it changed any votes, as polls at the time showed.

All your silly claims are falling away.
U.S. authorities identify six Russian officials in DNC hack: WSJ
Not sure how opposition research upsets RWNJs so much. Is that something new that has never been done before? Does the RNC use opposition research?
then what is different about what the little greek was doing? do you even know?

I'm sure your pantis are wet in anticipation of telling me.
so no guesses that the difference is that the entire demoloser platform paid for the dossier? didn't report it? look it up.

fk, they even lied about knowledge of it. if it was merely opposition research why did everyone of them to a man say they never heard of it? funny shit that can't be made up. but sure stay uninformed.

I'm sure very few knew every aspect of the opposition research. They hired a company who in turn hired an investigator. Big deal. Do you know every subcontractor of every store you go to? What about Walmart? You pay them for merchandise they bought from someone else. Do you know who that someone else might be?

now this being the case, if it were trump in this situation, would you still allow such...allowances?

Sure, but it's been proven that Russian agents did meet with Trump's campaign, and Trump was aware of it.
then what is different about what the little greek was doing? do you even know?

I'm sure your pantis are wet in anticipation of telling me.
so no guesses that the difference is that the entire demoloser platform paid for the dossier? didn't report it? look it up.

fk, they even lied about knowledge of it. if it was merely opposition research why did everyone of them to a man say they never heard of it? funny shit that can't be made up. but sure stay uninformed.

I'm sure very few knew every aspect of the opposition research. They hired a company who in turn hired an investigator. Big deal. Do you know every subcontractor of every store you go to? What about Walmart? You pay them for merchandise they bought from someone else. Do you know who that someone else might be?

now this being the case, if it were trump in this situation, would you still allow such...allowances?

Sure, but it's been proven that Russian agents did meet with Trump's campaign, and Trump was aware of it.
great. but then i'm pretty sure if hillary is paying russians for "opposition research" she met with them, paid them, and was aware of it.

yet you don't care in that regard. you ignore physical evidence you don't like and chase phantoms essential to your dreams.

Fusion GPS: Team Hillary paid $168,000 for Steele dossier - Hot Air

"as Fusion GPS disclosed in a statement today, Team Hillary paid almost the same amount of money that Russian trolls paid Facebook to Christopher Steele for the infamous “dossier” on Donald Trump.

While none of the principals have denied that the Clinton campaign and DNC funded the dossier through payments to Perkins Coie, everyone involved is claiming they did not know about the project.

No one knew about a project that got funded at this level? Come on, man. No one drops $168,000 on a single project that loops in an ex-spook to dig up dirt from Russian sources on an opponent without some high-level signoffs. Right now, Democrats in Congress are arguing that the election got swayed by Russians spending between $100K-200K on Facebook memes, and are threatening social-media platforms for allowing it to happen. Are we to believe that social-media outlets like Facebook have more control over how money comes into their organizations than how it goes out of a major-party presidential campaign? No one knew? Puh-leeeeze."

Oops - More Than 1 Michael Cohen:

"Hillary paid $168,000 to a firm that never apparently considered the possibility that more than one Michael Cohen might exist. Heckuva job, Steeley."

Hillary Still Denying It:

"Hillary’s still defending the project … after waiting months to acknowledge her campaign’s role in it. However, she’s still not quite admitting to the dossier as an entirely Team Hillary project, choosing to tell Trevor Noah that the dossier was “research started by a Republican donor,” which is a flat-out lie. Fusion GPS got hired by the Washington Free Beacon, but they never had anything to do with Steele or the dossier."

Sowing Divisiveness...

Despite being untruthful about her own culpability in courting Russian intel sources, Hillary insists that Trump “had to know that people were making outreach to Russians … in order to sow this divisiveness.” She ought to know, having paid $168,000 to do so.

Fusion GPS: Team Hillary paid $168,000 for Steele dossier - Hot Air

Not sure how opposition research upsets RWNJs so much. Is that something new that has never been done before? Does the RNC use opposition research?
you fucking kidding? this is what trumps entire case against him is about.

he went to get dirt on hillary. or his 'camp' did - which makes the dems foam at the mouth. and now that it looks like they made up all this and paid the russians to do it, it's suddenly "opposition research".

i'd even go with that if it was research and not political fiction.

man alive the left is fucking nuts.

I'm sure it does look that way to you, since you believe Alex Jones and Hannity. The facts don't back it up though.
Fusion GPS: Team Hillary paid $168,000 for Steele dossier - Hot Air

"as Fusion GPS disclosed in a statement today, Team Hillary paid almost the same amount of money that Russian trolls paid Facebook to Christopher Steele for the infamous “dossier” on Donald Trump.

While none of the principals have denied that the Clinton campaign and DNC funded the dossier through payments to Perkins Coie, everyone involved is claiming they did not know about the project.

No one knew about a project that got funded at this level? Come on, man. No one drops $168,000 on a single project that loops in an ex-spook to dig up dirt from Russian sources on an opponent without some high-level signoffs. Right now, Democrats in Congress are arguing that the election got swayed by Russians spending between $100K-200K on Facebook memes, and are threatening social-media platforms for allowing it to happen. Are we to believe that social-media outlets like Facebook have more control over how money comes into their organizations than how it goes out of a major-party presidential campaign? No one knew? Puh-leeeeze."

Oops - More Than 1 Michael Cohen:

"Hillary paid $168,000 to a firm that never apparently considered the possibility that more than one Michael Cohen might exist. Heckuva job, Steeley."

Hillary Still Denying It:

"Hillary’s still defending the project … after waiting months to acknowledge her campaign’s role in it. However, she’s still not quite admitting to the dossier as an entirely Team Hillary project, choosing to tell Trevor Noah that the dossier was “research started by a Republican donor,” which is a flat-out lie. Fusion GPS got hired by the Washington Free Beacon, but they never had anything to do with Steele or the dossier."

Sowing Divisiveness...

Despite being untruthful about her own culpability in courting Russian intel sources, Hillary insists that Trump “had to know that people were making outreach to Russians … in order to sow this divisiveness.” She ought to know, having paid $168,000 to do so.

Fusion GPS: Team Hillary paid $168,000 for Steele dossier - Hot Air

Not sure how opposition research upsets RWNJs so much. Is that something new that has never been done before? Does the RNC use opposition research?
you fucking kidding? this is what trumps entire case against him is about.

he went to get dirt on hillary. or his 'camp' did - which makes the dems foam at the mouth. and now that it looks like they made up all this and paid the russians to do it, it's suddenly "opposition research".

i'd even go with that if it was research and not political fiction.

man alive the left is fucking nuts.

I'm sure it does look that way to you, since you believe Alex Jones and Hannity. The facts don't back it up though.
since i follow neither of those people, swing and a miss on your part.

"facts" is just another word liberals have changed the meaning of.
I'm sure your pantis are wet in anticipation of telling me.
so no guesses that the difference is that the entire demoloser platform paid for the dossier? didn't report it? look it up.

fk, they even lied about knowledge of it. if it was merely opposition research why did everyone of them to a man say they never heard of it? funny shit that can't be made up. but sure stay uninformed.

I'm sure very few knew every aspect of the opposition research. They hired a company who in turn hired an investigator. Big deal. Do you know every subcontractor of every store you go to? What about Walmart? You pay them for merchandise they bought from someone else. Do you know who that someone else might be?

now this being the case, if it were trump in this situation, would you still allow such...allowances?

Sure, but it's been proven that Russian agents did meet with Trump's campaign, and Trump was aware of it.
great. but then i'm pretty sure if hillary is paying russians for "opposition research" she met with them, paid them, and was aware of it.

yet you don't care in that regard. you ignore physical evidence you don't like and chase phantoms essential to your dreams.


Great. Now all you have to do is prove Hillary met with Russian spies, and was aware of it. Good luck with that.
Who has said the dossier is a fairy tale?

Christopher Steel has admitted he used only raw intelligence and that the information is unverified right in his defense statement to the courts. Two mega civil liable and defamation suits are currently ongoing against him, his company, Buzzfeed AND Fusion GPS.
so no guesses that the difference is that the entire demoloser platform paid for the dossier? didn't report it? look it up.

fk, they even lied about knowledge of it. if it was merely opposition research why did everyone of them to a man say they never heard of it? funny shit that can't be made up. but sure stay uninformed.

I'm sure very few knew every aspect of the opposition research. They hired a company who in turn hired an investigator. Big deal. Do you know every subcontractor of every store you go to? What about Walmart? You pay them for merchandise they bought from someone else. Do you know who that someone else might be?

now this being the case, if it were trump in this situation, would you still allow such...allowances?

Sure, but it's been proven that Russian agents did meet with Trump's campaign, and Trump was aware of it.
great. but then i'm pretty sure if hillary is paying russians for "opposition research" she met with them, paid them, and was aware of it.

yet you don't care in that regard. you ignore physical evidence you don't like and chase phantoms essential to your dreams.


Great. Now all you have to do is prove Hillary met with Russian spies, and was aware of it. Good luck with that.
since i'm 99.999% sure even if i prove it you'll deny it, gonna pass. but you let me know what proof you have of russia and trump connections as soon as you find one.
Hell's bells the dossier claimed Trump's lawyer was in Prague actually passing money along to some sort of Russian spy. One problem. Steel got the wrong Michael Cohen. His informants were really shitty.
Not necessarily, when the FBI invaded Manafort's house they found 3 passports and several fake identities. I wonder how many passports Cohen has???
They did not find any fake identities, you fucking dumbass. The passports were all in his name. It's not clear to me that it's even illegal to have more than one passport.
Manafort used a fake name as he traveled through several foreign countries. His phone was found to be registered in his fake name.

  1. That sounds like a smart policy considering the parts of the world where he traveled where fighting a war at the time.
  2. He didn't have fake passports, so he obviously didn't use a fake identity there.
Notice the Right-wing "logic" even though Manafort's phone was found to be registered in his fake name, Manafort didn't use a fake name because his passports were in his real name. His passports cause his phone to cease to exist!!! :cuckoo:

Prove his passports were in different names. Go for it.
Has the woman who got paid for pissing on trump been identified yet? When will she go on the talk show circuit?

She doesn't exist. Neither does the other hooker. Oh and they only pissed on the bed not on Trump. Sorry to destroy your wet dream.

Fusion GPS: Team Hillary paid $168,000 for Steele dossier - Hot Air

"as Fusion GPS disclosed in a statement today, Team Hillary paid almost the same amount of money that Russian trolls paid Facebook to Christopher Steele for the infamous “dossier” on Donald Trump.

While none of the principals have denied that the Clinton campaign and DNC funded the dossier through payments to Perkins Coie, everyone involved is claiming they did not know about the project.

No one knew about a project that got funded at this level? Come on, man. No one drops $168,000 on a single project that loops in an ex-spook to dig up dirt from Russian sources on an opponent without some high-level signoffs. Right now, Democrats in Congress are arguing that the election got swayed by Russians spending between $100K-200K on Facebook memes, and are threatening social-media platforms for allowing it to happen. Are we to believe that social-media outlets like Facebook have more control over how money comes into their organizations than how it goes out of a major-party presidential campaign? No one knew? Puh-leeeeze."

Oops - More Than 1 Michael Cohen:

"Hillary paid $168,000 to a firm that never apparently considered the possibility that more than one Michael Cohen might exist. Heckuva job, Steeley."

Hillary Still Denying It:

"Hillary’s still defending the project … after waiting months to acknowledge her campaign’s role in it. However, she’s still not quite admitting to the dossier as an entirely Team Hillary project, choosing to tell Trevor Noah that the dossier was “research started by a Republican donor,” which is a flat-out lie. Fusion GPS got hired by the Washington Free Beacon, but they never had anything to do with Steele or the dossier."

Sowing Divisiveness...

Despite being untruthful about her own culpability in courting Russian intel sources, Hillary insists that Trump “had to know that people were making outreach to Russians … in order to sow this divisiveness.” She ought to know, having paid $168,000 to do so.

Fusion GPS: Team Hillary paid $168,000 for Steele dossier - Hot Air

Not sure how opposition research upsets RWNJs so much. Is that something new that has never been done before? Does the RNC use opposition research?
you fucking kidding? this is what trumps entire case against him is about.

he went to get dirt on hillary. or his 'camp' did - which makes the dems foam at the mouth. and now that it looks like they made up all this and paid the russians to do it, it's suddenly "opposition research".

i'd even go with that if it was research and not political fiction.

man alive the left is fucking nuts.

I'm sure it does look that way to you, since you believe Alex Jones and Hannity. The facts don't back it up though.
since i follow neither of those people, swing and a miss on your part.

"facts" is just another word liberals have changed the meaning of.

No. A fact is still the same as always. The right came up with the "alternative fact" meme, but those aren't really facts. Facts don't care if you agree with them.

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