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DNC & Clinton paid out 1.02 million for fairy tale dossier on Trump

since i'm 99.999% sure even if i prove it you'll deny it, gonna pass. but you let me know what proof you have of russia and trump connections as soon as you find one.

Here you go
Former Trump Adviser Admits To Seeking 'Dirt' On Clinton From Russians, Lying To FBI
Former Trump Adviser Admits To Seeking 'Dirt' On Clinton From Russians, Lying To FBI
and what was hillary doing on Op Research?

uh huh.

fucking god damn asinine hypocrites.

She was the candidate. Others did the research.
what's different?
the amount of hurt his ass goes through depending on the person in question.
reminds me of the George Carlin confession
OFA, Obama’s official campaign arm in 2016, paid nearly $800,000 to Perkins Coie in 2016 alone, according to FEC records. The first 2016 payments to Perkins Coie, classified only as “Legal Services,” were made April 25-26, 2016, and totaled $98,047. A second batch of payments, also classified as “Legal Services,” were disbursed to the law firm on September 29, 2016, and totaled exactly $700,000. Payments from OFA to Perkins Coie in 2017 totaled $174,725 through August 22, 2017.

Federal records show that Hillary Clinton’s official campaign organization, Hillary For America, paid just under $5.1 million to Perkins Coie in 2016. The DNC paid nearly $5.4 million to the law firm in 2016.

Source: Obama Campaign Paid $972,000 To Law Firm That Paid Fusion GPS
Notice what they do, they count any money paid to Perkins Coie in 2016, no matter when it was paid in 2016 and no matter what for, as money paid for the dossier. We know the Free Beacon was paying Fusion GPS till the end of Spring 2016, so any money paid to Perkins Coie before Summer 2016 had nothing to do with the dossier. And I doubt if very much of the money paid after the Summer of 2016 paid for the dossier otherwise the lying scum Right would have itemized it.
How old is the girl filmed peeing on trump? Do we know for sure she was over 18?
Oh and they only pissed on the bed not on Trump. Sorry to destroy your wet dream.
So you were there to see it and verify that they pissed on an empty bed.
Thank you.

I was there as much as you were to claim this fairy tale is true.

I said NOTHING about Tramp's Pee Pee tape.
Try to lie again.
Fusion GPS: Team Hillary paid $168,000 for Steele dossier - Hot Air

"as Fusion GPS disclosed in a statement today, Team Hillary paid almost the same amount of money that Russian trolls paid Facebook to Christopher Steele for the infamous “dossier” on Donald Trump.

While none of the principals have denied that the Clinton campaign and DNC funded the dossier through payments to Perkins Coie, everyone involved is claiming they did not know about the project.

No one knew about a project that got funded at this level? Come on, man. No one drops $168,000 on a single project that loops in an ex-spook to dig up dirt from Russian sources on an opponent without some high-level signoffs. Right now, Democrats in Congress are arguing that the election got swayed by Russians spending between $100K-200K on Facebook memes, and are threatening social-media platforms for allowing it to happen. Are we to believe that social-media outlets like Facebook have more control over how money comes into their organizations than how it goes out of a major-party presidential campaign? No one knew? Puh-leeeeze."

Oops - More Than 1 Michael Cohen:

"Hillary paid $168,000 to a firm that never apparently considered the possibility that more than one Michael Cohen might exist. Heckuva job, Steeley."

Hillary Still Denying It:

"Hillary’s still defending the project … after waiting months to acknowledge her campaign’s role in it. However, she’s still not quite admitting to the dossier as an entirely Team Hillary project, choosing to tell Trevor Noah that the dossier was “research started by a Republican donor,” which is a flat-out lie. Fusion GPS got hired by the Washington Free Beacon, but they never had anything to do with Steele or the dossier."

Sowing Divisiveness...

Despite being untruthful about her own culpability in courting Russian intel sources, Hillary insists that Trump “had to know that people were making outreach to Russians … in order to sow this divisiveness.” She ought to know, having paid $168,000 to do so.

Fusion GPS: Team Hillary paid $168,000 for Steele dossier - Hot Air
If it's true....worth every penny.
that's an expensive fictional story. wow. I think there are better options.
Trump said it was 12 million

Then some of you claimed it was a million

Now its a namby pamby $160K lol.....Ohhhh big stuff

$160k well spent if your trying to undermine the United States. Democrats had their foreign agent actually collude with real Russians in creating a fake document which has become a basis of an investigation intent on bringing down a US president. What more could the Russians ask for but to keep us in this kind of gridlock? Great job Democrat party. They havent changed much since they supported the old USSR, when they were flying over there to undermine president Reagan.

A Bipartisan Dossier of Collusion

"And how’s this for Clintonian flair: During Senate Intelligence Committee testimony last month, Clinton campaign manager John Podesta insisted that he was unaware of any funding connection between the campaign, Fusion GPS, and the dossier. At that moment, sitting in silence next to Podesta was his lawyer, Marc Elias. If that name rings a bell, it is because Elias just happens to be the Perkins Coie lawyer who got the dossier rolling by hiring Fusion GPS in April 2016."


Read more at: A Bipartisan Dossier of Collusion
DNC hack of WHAT?

The DNC's Computer? So 6 Russians were hacking the DNC's e-mails at the same time Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was giving her Pakistani pals access to the DNC e-mails as well as giving them the usernames and passwords (proven already)

So how do you tell who leaked the information - the Russians or Pakistanis?

You'll have to ask the FBI how they determined that.
You mean the FBI that covered up the Russian scandal in 2009, kept it from the Committe that approved the sale of Uranium One in 2010, and that protected Hillary from indictment lasy year?


Copy all...
How old is the girl filmed peeing on trump? Do we know for sure she was over 18?
Oh and they only pissed on the bed not on Trump. Sorry to destroy your wet dream.
So you were there to see it and verify that they pissed on an empty bed.
Thank you.

I was there as much as you were to claim this fairy tale is true.

I haven't made any claims. I asked questions. You were the one who claimed the pee pee girls pee peed on the bed as fact. You are the only one claiming there is factual content to the reported film or video of a prostitute, peeing, and trump.
Who cares what name he used to buy his cell phone? Furthermore, I don't know you can use a fake name to get a cell phone plan in the U.S. They require a driver's license to get one.
The fact that the FBI found his cell phone with his fake name shows he used fake names no matter what name his passports were in. The fact remains Manafort used fake names.
So what? It's not illegal to use a fake name, especially in a foriegn country.
Great. Now all you have to do is prove Hillary met with Russian spies, and was aware of it. Good luck with that.
since i'm 99.999% sure even if i prove it you'll deny it, gonna pass. but you let me know what proof you have of russia and trump connections as soon as you find one.

Here you go
Former Trump Adviser Admits To Seeking 'Dirt' On Clinton From Russians, Lying To FBI
Former Trump Adviser Admits To Seeking 'Dirt' On Clinton From Russians, Lying To FBI
and what was hillary doing on Op Research?

uh huh.

fucking god damn asinine hypocrites.

She was the candidate. Others did the research.
what's different?

She didn't work with Russian spies who hacked our elections.
DNC hack of WHAT?

The DNC's Computer? So 6 Russians were hacking the DNC's e-mails at the same time Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was giving her Pakistani pals access to the DNC e-mails as well as giving them the usernames and passwords (proven already)

So how do you tell who leaked the information - the Russians or Pakistanis?

You'll have to ask the FBI how they determined that.
You mean the FBI that covered up the Russian scandal in 2009, kept it from the Committe that approved the sale of Uranium One in 2010, and that protected Hillary from indictment lasy year?


Copy all...

You're just another conspiracy nut who doesn't trust or FBI. Big deal.
How old is the girl filmed peeing on trump? Do we know for sure she was over 18?
When you decide to lie you don't hold anything back... You have physical evidence you want to share or is criminal defamation part of your act?
Last edited:
The collusion of Russia with the Crooked Hillary campaign is so obvious. So pathetic mindless retards are witch hunting The Donald's people. Tucker just interviewed Jack Abramoff, a Washington lobbyist who served time for the FBI's favorite charge when all else fails, "tax evasion" and said what Manafort did was what most lobbyists in Washington DC do.

Crooked Hillary gave Russia 20% (or more) of US uranium for $150,000,000 to the Crooked Hillary slush fund and over $500,000 for Slick Willie's prostitute fund.
Uranium which they can't sell outside of North America, super dupe. Already all investigated and nothing...

Not true. Yellowcake uranium WAS exported to Canada, then to Europe. Final destination unknown.

Uranium One deal led to some exports to Europe, memos show

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