DNC Mass Poisonings Continue

It seems democrats have been behind this mass poisoning in major cities for some time now. OTHER DNC controlled areas are worse. This widespread and ongoing attack of the population is centered where democrats "house" their Negro voting stock.


Then he starts ticking off locations: “Central Harlem. Bushwick. Roxbury in Boston. Baltimore is probably the worst. New Orleans, another city that has lead paint and poorly maintained housing.”

Baltimore the worst? Seems they had problems there. Can this DNC mass poisoning be tied to criminal behavior?

"Other studies, he says, have shown that the lead levels in the blood of incarcerated youth are higher than those of non-incarcerated youth from the same neighborhoods."

So what are democrats NOT doing that cause this MASS poisoning?

" maintained housing.”

So poorly maintain private AND public infrastucture. Now Gov. Snyder says lead leeched INTO the old pipes FROM the soil. Is that possible?

when lead was finally banned in gasoline, car fumes mixed with soil, remaining toxic for decades."

So Snyder is telling the truth. Democrats FAILED to upgrade their plumbing in major cities all across the United States. Democrats have had since 1986 to fix the problem with NEW higher tech plumbing.

wonder why democrats would wait FORTY YEARS to say or do anything?
Its not like they WANTED to dumb down their voting stock right?
Its not like they WANTED to make them more dependent right?
Its not like they WANTED to disrupt a civilized population with savagery right?
Its not like they WANTED to fill government prisons and programs right?

I wonder....
It’s not just Flint that’s poisoned

Dark Fury....don't you get it......when Republicans do something like this it is because they are big meanies......when the demcorats poison the water of an entire city it is because they meant well..........don't you get it....?
Keeping the peaceful ones dependent and killing off the violent ones while pretending to "care about" all of them.
So much for caring huh? You would think up dating plumbing would be a great use of public money for the good of the public.

:disbelief: The DNC is now in charge of "plumbing".

Who knew.
Lets see you all blame a Governor for water sources for a city run by democrats. But claim that 50 years of democrats running cities that never once undertook the needed upgrade of water pipes was no ones fault? Which is it? Either the Government fucked up or they didn't you can not HAVE IT BOTH WAYS TO SUIT YOUR SIDE.

Cities are not run by "democrats" [sic]. Cities are not run by "Republicans". Cities are run by mayors and city managers and city councils. Once election day is done, "democrat" [sic] as well as "Democrat", "Republican", "Whig", and any other convenient pseudo-political label....... HAVE NO MEANING. And certainly no function.

That's the soup you tinfoilers are swimming in. It's a partisan hack fallacy, told by idiots like the OP, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. A fallacy. Always was, always will be.

So since all democrat city governments are suddenly not democrats after the election I guess we can claim a Governor is NOT a republican after the election RIGHT?

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