DNC Mass Poisonings Continue

So much for caring huh? You would think up dating plumbing would be a great use of public money for the good of the public.

:disbelief: The DNC is now in charge of "plumbing".

Who knew.
Lets see you all blame a Governor for water sources for a city run by democrats. But claim that 50 years of democrats running cities that never once undertook the needed upgrade of water pipes was no ones fault? Which is it? Either the Government fucked up or they didn't you can not HAVE IT BOTH WAYS TO SUIT YOUR SIDE.

Cities are not run by "democrats" [sic]. Cities are not run by "Republicans". Cities are run by mayors and city managers and city councils. Once election day is done, "democrat" [sic] as well as "Democrat", "Republican", "Whig", and any other convenient label....... HAVE NO MEANING. And certainly no function.

That's the soup you tinfoilers are swimming in. It's a partisan hack fallacy, told by idiots like the OP, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. A fallacy. Always was, always will be.

So you think there are no political parties in government. You need to use a LOT LESS bleach next time on your hair.

This is why my brain is normal, I'm a natural Blonde! I KNEW there was a reason why my brain is normal....no Peroxide :smoke:
I have seen and heard some pretty sorry ass excuses in my time. But her "Once you are elected you are no longer a democrat?"
That is one MOUNTAIN of retard heaped on top of stupid.
:disbelief: The DNC is now in charge of "plumbing".

Who knew.

I think if those areas are in control of Democratic councilmen and women, then, yes theorectically DNC is in charge of everything in those areas.

The DNC is the national headquarters of that party. As such they have absolutely nothing to do with how cities run -- which is why, when I challenge the OP to demonstrate it, all he can do is go "humma humma humma".

What's happening in this massive thread-failure is that partisan hacks like the OP, who swoon over a political party and see all this as some sort of football game where "our team" has to outscore "their team", gets so desperate in pursuit of that canard that they actually imagine making big decisions about which day the trash gets picked up is some kind of "left-right" thing. :rofl:

And I mock them for it at every opportunity, but not as much as they mock themselves for coming up with this malarkey.

The reality is virtually ALL cities are run by "Democrats", and that fact has their scoreboard-fantasy so butthurt that they come up with desperation tactics such as "DNC mass poisonings". Which is, when you think about it as a causation, nothing short of hilarious.

The other fact is that for most of our history such local elected officials didn't even HAVE political parties, for good reason --- they're not relevant at that level. All they are is a machine to organize locally. That's it. Some of these guys have spent a bit too much time chewing on their own tinfoil hats.

"when I challenge the OP to demonstrate it, all he can do is go "humma humma humma"."

You mean Huma Huma Huma surely....uh-oh....what would Hillary say? Let's ask Huma.

View attachment 61023

Pogo KNOWS this is funny, but as a Leftist won't be able to admit it, or else Leftist Politburo HQ would send around "The Team"....it's okay Pogo, I understand :itsok::wink:
Their cities are rotting from the inside out. To admit that is to admit they are failures.

The thing is in most nations, the cities that are rotting from inside out, they are pretty much ALL in control of Leftists for decades. So, there is the problem across Western world therefore with how Leftists policies are failing thousands and thousands of cities.
So much for caring huh? You would think up dating plumbing would be a great use of public money for the good of the public.

:disbelief: The DNC is now in charge of "plumbing".

Who knew.
Lets see you all blame a Governor for water sources for a city run by democrats. But claim that 50 years of democrats running cities that never once undertook the needed upgrade of water pipes was no ones fault? Which is it? Either the Government fucked up or they didn't you can not HAVE IT BOTH WAYS TO SUIT YOUR SIDE.

Cities are not run by "democrats" [sic]. Cities are not run by "Republicans". Cities are run by mayors and city managers and city councils. Once election day is done, "democrat" [sic] as well as "Democrat", "Republican", "Whig", and any other convenient label....... HAVE NO MEANING. And certainly no function.

That's the soup you tinfoilers are swimming in. It's a partisan hack fallacy, told by idiots like the OP, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. A fallacy. Always was, always will be.

So you think there are no political parties in government. You need to use a LOT LESS bleach next time on your hair.

You sir, are a world class retard.

At the city level, a political party helps organize. And that's all it does, and it's only the local level of that party anyway. Those labels are for simpletons like you who think it actually means something.

Take Ray Nagin. Please. Lifelong Republican, but when he went to run for mayor, switched to Democrat because no Republican has been elected mayor there since the 19th century. It's bread and circus for those of you in the shallower end of the gene puddle. And that's all it is. Marketing for you deep thinkers who think a political label means something on some grand scale in some massive imaginary video game that you think all of this is.

Ray Nagin was sent to prison I think.
:disbelief: The DNC is now in charge of "plumbing".

Who knew.
Lets see you all blame a Governor for water sources for a city run by democrats. But claim that 50 years of democrats running cities that never once undertook the needed upgrade of water pipes was no ones fault? Which is it? Either the Government fucked up or they didn't you can not HAVE IT BOTH WAYS TO SUIT YOUR SIDE.

Cities are not run by "democrats" [sic]. Cities are not run by "Republicans". Cities are run by mayors and city managers and city councils. Once election day is done, "democrat" [sic] as well as "Democrat", "Republican", "Whig", and any other convenient label....... HAVE NO MEANING. And certainly no function.

That's the soup you tinfoilers are swimming in. It's a partisan hack fallacy, told by idiots like the OP, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. A fallacy. Always was, always will be.

So you think there are no political parties in government. You need to use a LOT LESS bleach next time on your hair.

You sir, are a world class retard.

At the city level, a political party helps organize. And that's all it does, and it's only the local level of that party anyway. Those labels are for simpletons like you who think it actually means something.

Take Ray Nagin. Please. Lifelong Republican, but when he went to run for mayor, switched to Democrat because no Republican has been elected mayor there since the 19th century. It's bread and circus for those of you in the shallower end of the gene puddle. And that's all it is. Marketing for you deep thinkers who think a political label means something on some grand scale in some massive imaginary video game that you think all of this is.

Ray Nagin was sent to prison I think.

Indeed he was, and he lives there now. And good riddance.
So much for caring huh? You would think up dating plumbing would be a great use of public money for the good of the public.

:disbelief: The DNC is now in charge of "plumbing".

Who knew.
Lets see you all blame a Governor for water sources for a city run by democrats. But claim that 50 years of democrats running cities that never once undertook the needed upgrade of water pipes was no ones fault? Which is it? Either the Government fucked up or they didn't you can not HAVE IT BOTH WAYS TO SUIT YOUR SIDE.

Cities are not run by "democrats" [sic]. Cities are not run by "Republicans". Cities are run by mayors and city managers and city councils. Once election day is done, "democrat" [sic] as well as "Democrat", "Republican", "Whig", and any other convenient label....... HAVE NO MEANING. And certainly no function.

That's the soup you tinfoilers are swimming in. It's a partisan hack fallacy, told by idiots like the OP, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. A fallacy. Always was, always will be.

So you think there are no political parties in government. You need to use a LOT LESS bleach next time on your hair.

You sir, are a world class retard.

At the city level, a political party helps organize. And that's all it does, and it's only the local level of that party anyway. Those labels are for simpletons like you who think it actually means something.

Take Ray Nagin. Please. Lifelong Republican, but when he went to run for mayor, switched to Democrat because no Republican has been elected mayor there since the 19th century. It's bread and circus for those of you in the shallower end of the gene puddle. And that's all it is. Marketing for you deep thinkers who think a political label means something on some grand scale in some massive imaginary video game that you think all of this is.
And the person with the FINAL say was named Dillon a democrat state auditor. HARDLY local. AND stupid city officials ARE in charge of city services.
:disbelief: The DNC is now in charge of "plumbing".

Who knew.
Lets see you all blame a Governor for water sources for a city run by democrats. But claim that 50 years of democrats running cities that never once undertook the needed upgrade of water pipes was no ones fault? Which is it? Either the Government fucked up or they didn't you can not HAVE IT BOTH WAYS TO SUIT YOUR SIDE.

Cities are not run by "democrats" [sic]. Cities are not run by "Republicans". Cities are run by mayors and city managers and city councils. Once election day is done, "democrat" [sic] as well as "Democrat", "Republican", "Whig", and any other convenient label....... HAVE NO MEANING. And certainly no function.

That's the soup you tinfoilers are swimming in. It's a partisan hack fallacy, told by idiots like the OP, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. A fallacy. Always was, always will be.

So you think there are no political parties in government. You need to use a LOT LESS bleach next time on your hair.

This is why my brain is normal, I'm a natural Blonde! I KNEW there was a reason why my brain is normal....no Peroxide :smoke:
I have seen and heard some pretty sorry ass excuses in my time. But her "Once you are elected you are no longer a democrat?"
That is one MOUNTAIN of retard heaped on top of stupid.

Waaaaaaaaaaaay back on page one I asked you for some link, some documentation, some kind of any evidence at all, that the DNC has something --- anything-- to do with running cities.

We're still waiting on that, Pinky.
:disbelief: The DNC is now in charge of "plumbing".

Who knew.
Lets see you all blame a Governor for water sources for a city run by democrats. But claim that 50 years of democrats running cities that never once undertook the needed upgrade of water pipes was no ones fault? Which is it? Either the Government fucked up or they didn't you can not HAVE IT BOTH WAYS TO SUIT YOUR SIDE.

Cities are not run by "democrats" [sic]. Cities are not run by "Republicans". Cities are run by mayors and city managers and city councils. Once election day is done, "democrat" [sic] as well as "Democrat", "Republican", "Whig", and any other convenient label....... HAVE NO MEANING. And certainly no function.

That's the soup you tinfoilers are swimming in. It's a partisan hack fallacy, told by idiots like the OP, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. A fallacy. Always was, always will be.

So you think there are no political parties in government. You need to use a LOT LESS bleach next time on your hair.

You sir, are a world class retard.

At the city level, a political party helps organize. And that's all it does, and it's only the local level of that party anyway. Those labels are for simpletons like you who think it actually means something.

Take Ray Nagin. Please. Lifelong Republican, but when he went to run for mayor, switched to Democrat because no Republican has been elected mayor there since the 19th century. It's bread and circus for those of you in the shallower end of the gene puddle. And that's all it is. Marketing for you deep thinkers who think a political label means something on some grand scale in some massive imaginary video game that you think all of this is.
And the person with the FINAL say was named Dillon a democrat state auditor. HARDLY local. AND stupid city officials ARE in charge of city services.

Who in the fuck is "Dillon"?


It's all over now, baby pink.
Ray Nagin was sent to prison I think

ahh yes. Mr. "Chocolate city" himself. HE was knee deep in Katrina bungling, but passed blame.

"Chocolate city", NOLA make chocolate? I thought that was the Hershey people in Pennsylvania? :confused-84:

But yes, Ray Nagin corrupt and the other one former Congressman William Jefferson also in prison. Louisiana I read has track record of politicians being sent to prison.
Lets see you all blame a Governor for water sources for a city run by democrats. But claim that 50 years of democrats running cities that never once undertook the needed upgrade of water pipes was no ones fault? Which is it? Either the Government fucked up or they didn't you can not HAVE IT BOTH WAYS TO SUIT YOUR SIDE.

Cities are not run by "democrats" [sic]. Cities are not run by "Republicans". Cities are run by mayors and city managers and city councils. Once election day is done, "democrat" [sic] as well as "Democrat", "Republican", "Whig", and any other convenient label....... HAVE NO MEANING. And certainly no function.

That's the soup you tinfoilers are swimming in. It's a partisan hack fallacy, told by idiots like the OP, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. A fallacy. Always was, always will be.

So you think there are no political parties in government. You need to use a LOT LESS bleach next time on your hair.

You sir, are a world class retard.

At the city level, a political party helps organize. And that's all it does, and it's only the local level of that party anyway. Those labels are for simpletons like you who think it actually means something.

Take Ray Nagin. Please. Lifelong Republican, but when he went to run for mayor, switched to Democrat because no Republican has been elected mayor there since the 19th century. It's bread and circus for those of you in the shallower end of the gene puddle. And that's all it is. Marketing for you deep thinkers who think a political label means something on some grand scale in some massive imaginary video game that you think all of this is.
And the person with the FINAL say was named Dillon a democrat state auditor. HARDLY local. AND stupid city officials ARE in charge of city services.

Who in the fuck is "Dillon"?


It's all over now, baby pink.


That's Dylan and it's spelled Zimmerman!
Ray Nagin was sent to prison I think

ahh yes. Mr. "Chocolate city" himself. HE was knee deep in Katrina bungling, but passed blame.

"Chocolate city", NOLA make chocolate? I thought that was the Hershey people in Pennsylvania? :confused-84:

But yes, Ray Nagin corrupt and the other one former Congressman William Jefferson also in prison. Louisiana I read has track record of politicians being sent to prison.

That's why we call it "Sleaziana".
Lets see you all blame a Governor for water sources for a city run by democrats. But claim that 50 years of democrats running cities that never once undertook the needed upgrade of water pipes was no ones fault? Which is it? Either the Government fucked up or they didn't you can not HAVE IT BOTH WAYS TO SUIT YOUR SIDE.

Cities are not run by "democrats" [sic]. Cities are not run by "Republicans". Cities are run by mayors and city managers and city councils. Once election day is done, "democrat" [sic] as well as "Democrat", "Republican", "Whig", and any other convenient label....... HAVE NO MEANING. And certainly no function.

That's the soup you tinfoilers are swimming in. It's a partisan hack fallacy, told by idiots like the OP, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. A fallacy. Always was, always will be.

So you think there are no political parties in government. You need to use a LOT LESS bleach next time on your hair.

This is why my brain is normal, I'm a natural Blonde! I KNEW there was a reason why my brain is normal....no Peroxide :smoke:
I have seen and heard some pretty sorry ass excuses in my time. But her "Once you are elected you are no longer a democrat?"
That is one MOUNTAIN of retard heaped on top of stupid.

Waaaaaaaaaaaay back on page one I asked you for some link, some documentation, some kind of any evidence at all, that the DNC has something --- anything-- to do with running cities.

We're still waiting on that, Pinky.
Flint has relatively high levels of lead in its drinking water, a cause for legitimate concern. This is a result not so much of the source of its drinking water, the Flint River, as of the city’s failure to treat the water, which, without the proper additives, leaches lead and other contaminants from pipes. Prior to and separate from the current water crisis, Flint was in a state of financial ruination. In one of the most liberal cities in the United States, Flint’s Democrat-dominated government did what Democrat-monopoly governments do in practically every city they control: It spent money as quickly as it could while at the same time carpet-bombing the tax base with inept municipal services, onerous regulations, high taxes, and the like. As a result of this, a bankrupt Flint entered into a state of receivership, meaning that an emergency manager — or emergency financial manager, depending upon Michigan’s fluctuating fiscal-emergency law — was appointed by state authorities and given power to supersede local elected officials in some matters, especially financial ones. The contamination happened while Flint was under the authority of an emergency manager who, though a Democrat, had been appointed to the post by Michigan’s Republican governor, Rick Snyder. He was, in fact, the most recent in a long line of emergency managers, Flint having failed for years to emerge from its state of fiscal emergency."

Read more at: Flint Is Not a Republican Scandal
So much for caring huh? You would think up dating plumbing would be a great use of public money for the good of the public.

:disbelief: The DNC is now in charge of "plumbing".

Who knew.
Lets see you all blame a Governor for water sources for a city run by democrats. But claim that 50 years of democrats running cities that never once undertook the needed upgrade of water pipes was no ones fault? Which is it? Either the Government fucked up or they didn't you can not HAVE IT BOTH WAYS TO SUIT YOUR SIDE.

Cities are not run by "democrats" [sic]. Cities are not run by "Republicans". Cities are run by mayors and city managers and city councils. Once election day is done, "democrat" [sic] as well as "Democrat", "Republican", "Whig", and any other convenient label....... HAVE NO MEANING. And certainly no function.

That's the soup you tinfoilers are swimming in. It's a partisan hack fallacy, told by idiots like the OP, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. A fallacy. Always was, always will be.

So you think there are no political parties in government. You need to use a LOT LESS bleach next time on your hair.

This is why my brain is normal, I'm a natural Blonde! I KNEW there was a reason why my brain is normal....no Peroxide :smoke:
ahhh, a California Girl.... a natural blonde... as our beloved Beach Boys would say, a West Coast girl! :)
Since the OP is a fail in that no one has at any time any where in any universe shown that the DNC or RNC runs cities, let's close the thread.
State Rep. Sheldon Neeley, who as a city councilman was barred by a Snyder-appointed emergency manager from filing suit over the water, said he reached out to the governor Jan. 29, 2015, because residents were upset about “boiled water advisories, and things were not going on in an appropriate fashion." His letter asked for an executive order to forgive water fund loan balances totaling $20 million so Flint could rebuild the city's infrastructure, fix the water and "minimize the potential for litigation against" the city and state.
On the telephone Thursday, the governor's spokesman, David Murray, chuckled about the letter.
"Oh, I remember seeing that," he said. He said he didn't want to embarrass Neeley by pointing out that the letter -- which was titled "Letter of Appeal for Flint" and was cc'ed to then Lt. Gov. Dick Posthumus, chief of staff Dennis Muchmore, Clyde Edwards and Kiersha Speech -- went to the wrong address.
You see, Neeley sent the letter to [email protected], an e-mail address for constituents -- regular people -- that gets, Murray said, "thousands and thousands of letters" from, well constituents -- the people who pay taxes, the people who include some who may have helped elect the governor, people with concerns.
Neeley's complaint to the governor came three months before a March 2015 consultant's report that recommended spending $50,000 to add corrosion control chemicals to Flint's drinking water because iron was leaching from the pipes and turning the water brown.
We chuckle at Disir's chuckle of the supposed chuckle by the administrator. There is documented incompetence but none of chuckling.
The kicker is............didn't want to spend money and NOW the odds are that not only is there financial problem here but later on down the line when the children of Flint are low functioning adults.........they or WE can spend MORE money. That's the shit that matters folks.
Ray Nagin was sent to prison I think

ahh yes. Mr. "Chocolate city" himself. HE was knee deep in Katrina bungling, but passed blame.

"Chocolate city", NOLA make chocolate? I thought that was the Hershey people in Pennsylvania? :confused-84:

But yes, Ray Nagin corrupt and the other one former Congressman William Jefferson also in prison. Louisiana I read has track record of politicians being sent to prison.

That's why we call it "Sleaziana".
Are you saying the governor switched the water? Hmmmmmmm

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