DNC Pays Seatfillers

The OP link is one of the most dishonest lying propaganda sources on the net.

Well would you like another link or source for this story?

Or would you rather play fantasay a
Creating jobs already and she’s not even elected (yet).

Thread fail.
Yes, she is. But with the $2.35 million she illegally got from the Russians in a criminal deal.
NYT: Clintons Failed to Disclose $2.35M Donation from Russian-Owned Uranium Corp - Breitbart

Oh my stars…what will we do????


Just do not expect us to consider you and your political opinions to be anything but worthless.

Yet here you are responding. Worthless=Breitbart dumbfuck.
Yet here you are responding. Worthless=Breitbart dumbfuck.

Good point. Except if you read even a little you would note the entire Breitbart quoted the much longer referenced NY Times article from where it originated. I guess they're full of B.S. too, right?

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