DNC Video: "The Government is the Only Thing We All Belong To"

I give the Soviets full credit for their seamless takeover and transition of the Democrat Party to an appendage of Moscow and Marxism. The Rank and file Democrats are all part of the Collective and they have not been told to admit their subservience to the state -- not yet. Hence the silence.

Do they agree and admit their membership in the Collective? Do they stand against Fearless Leader?

Reagan promised to defeat the USSR and the USSR promised to take over one of our political parties. After Reagan won he left the Soviets no choice but to make good on their promise.

well if that what you think, but then again since cops are socialists i don't know what to say.
We all belong to the government in the same sense that slaves belong to their owners. So do pets.
That we belong to the government?


we don't belong to the govt. ?The man was saying we are all part of the government.And we are. if it weren't for the people, their would be no govt. such as we have.


Here's what he actually said, “The point is … that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.”


Context is everything

and you disagree with that statement ?and think it's somehow related to collectivism?
"The government is the only thing we all belong to."

He didn't mean what he said there. He meant we're all part of the government. Except he said we belong to the government. You LOLberals will bend, shift and flex in amazing ways to not take that fuckign log jam out of your minds eye.

not any worse than your inane ability to perverse what people say and how the context is used. get a grip and take another pill.
Ah, yes...What good lolberal misdirection and coverup strategy would be complete without the old "out of context" gambit.

So predictable it's beginning to be boresome.

same shit you all are playing.
not any worse than your inane ability to perverse what people say and how the context is used. get a grip and take another pill.
Ah, yes...What good lolberal misdirection and coverup strategy would be complete without the old "out of context" gambit.

So predictable it's beginning to be boresome.

same shit you all are playing.

Seriously boresome.


This whole thing is frankly difficult to understand.

I'm a part of my neighborhood, my city, my state, my country. But when I think of my neighborhood, city, state and country, I think of the people, not the federal bureaucracy. It's just strange to me that so many so quickly identify with the government, like it's some kind of comforting security blanket. I look at the government as a required entity, but I certainly don't have warm feelings for it.

I don't get it. Just me.

Right, he didn't say what he meant. You have to read into it. You've already lobbed this "he didn't say what he meant" retort.

"The government is the only thing we all belong to."
I give the Soviets full credit for their seamless takeover and transition of the Democrat Party to an appendage of Moscow and Marxism. The Rank and file Democrats are all part of the Collective and they have not been told to admit their subservience to the state -- not yet. Hence the silence.

Do they agree and admit their membership in the Collective? Do they stand against Fearless Leader?

Reagan promised to defeat the USSR and the USSR promised to take over one of our political parties. After Reagan won he left the Soviets no choice but to make good on their promise.

well if that what you think, but then again since cops are socialists i don't know what to say.

Cops are government.

Saying your only goal is to increase government jobs is the same as saying spending increases are on the way.

You're just too dumb to function.
I give the Soviets full credit for their seamless takeover and transition of the Democrat Party to an appendage of Moscow and Marxism. The Rank and file Democrats are all part of the Collective and they have not been told to admit their subservience to the state -- not yet. Hence the silence.

Do they agree and admit their membership in the Collective? Do they stand against Fearless Leader?

Reagan promised to defeat the USSR and the USSR promised to take over one of our political parties. After Reagan won he left the Soviets no choice but to make good on their promise.

well if that what you think, but then again since cops are socialists i don't know what to say.

Cops are government.

Saying your only goal is to increase government jobs is the same as saying spending increases are on the way.

You're just too dumb to function.

since u have no idea who or what i was referencing to, then that makes you an idiot.
I find it rather ironic that cops, that are payed with tax dollars and in a socialistic entity would be talking bad about socialism, you see frank is or was a cop. Feel better? Have another cup of joe and try to attack anyone in your vicinity with that 'tude and see how far you get.
So you people do not belong to any government? Are you sure cause many of you belong to the republican party, but I quess they are not a real governing group. But the repubs belong to the US govt., just like dems and indies. I havn't seen any real good repubs since the '90's. and the Contract with America era.
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No, I do not belong to the government. Well, actually, yes i do. Because i'm a cattle to the human farmers. But that is not how this was intended.

The idea of our government is that it belongs to the people, not the other way around. It is a civics tool we the people use for the protection of our inalienable rights. Mostly, from the government itself. Which is why having a small limited government is the most necessary thing to secure liberty and our rights.

When I hear something like "The government is the only thing we all belong to." my immediate reaction is the wretch. The idea that I belong to anything other than myself and the forces of nature is repulsive. And should have Liberalsim survived the 1960s, instead of becoming something entirely different and ultimately detrimental to the principles of this nation, you might see that too.
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"The Govt is the only thing we belong to?"

WOW what a load of horseshit that is. Hope all the voters were watching whatever asshat had that in their speech.
read the
republican social contract if you think this is a dem phenomina.

The term social contract describes a broad class of philosophical theories whose subjects are implied agreements by which people form nations and maintain a social order. Such social contract implies that the people give up some rights to a government and/or other authority in order to receive or jointly preserve social order.

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Moonie, you can't walk back your take on this. The people are the government, not the other way around. I don't belong to government, it belongs to me.

You should be thanking those that still feel this way and are willing to fight for it, the alternative is rather scary.
The issue then becomes: where (and how) should the line between the free market and government intervention be drawn? Who should be taxed? How much? What benefits should the government provide? To whom should they be provided? What should the government provide to individuals --- and what should individuals provide for themselves?

The fact that few Republicans have attempted to address this in a forthright manner (DeMint notwithstanding), should be an embarrassment to the party. Republicans at all levels should openly be discussion the role of government in society --- not at the reactionary level of many hack Republicans (any government = bad government), but rather in terms of what government should provide for people --- and what we, as the governed, have a right to expect of our fellow citizens in exchange for contributing our tax dollars.

Republican Social Contract

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