Do all who reject the Bible end up in Hell? What if they've never had one?

If they never had a Bible, or had never heard of Christ, then God judges their heart.
Abraham was righteous because he believed God.
David, because he took refuge in Him.
yeh, there were not Bibles in those days

Scripture was not available to all, just the rabbis (OT only)
yeh, there were not Bibles in those days

Scripture was not available to all, just the rabbis (OT only)
No, not just the OT Jews only...
The reason the Catholic church started with the statues and stations of the cross was because the parishioners would sit in the pews and not understand one word of Latin out of the priest's mouth. No one had Bibles back in the day. It wasn't until the advent of the printing press that Bibles were available to the general public.
No, not just the OT Jews only...
The reason the Catholic church started with the statues and stations of the cross was because the parishioners would sit in the pews and not understand one word of Latin out of the priest's mouth. No one had Bibles back in the day. It wasn't until the advent of the printing press that Bibles were available to the general public.
what day? what people?
In the past, Rose. The illiterate, Rose. If I handed you a Latin document from the Catholic Church explaining baptism, you wouldn't understand one word. Neither did those sitting in church listening to a language they didn't understand either.
So the C. Church used symbols of important events. And would indicate to their flocks when to observe events, e.g. covering the altars with a different colored veils to indicate what season they were entering, such as Lent.

So how you doing old woman? Haven't debated with you for awhile. You planning anything fun for summer? I'm just kind of glad it's here...
No, not just the OT Jews only...
The reason the Catholic church started with the statues and stations of the cross was because the parishioners would sit in the pews and not understand one word of Latin out of the priest's mouth. No one had Bibles back in the day. It wasn't until the advent of the printing press that Bibles were available to the general public.

ho hum

bored... so typical of antiCatholics to say such

ho hum

bored... so typical of antiCatholics to say such
Stop being so judgemental. As I have said before, I am surrounded by Catholics and can't think of one I don't love. I am anti-dogma. I don't care which denomination it is. The Catholic Church is not immune...
The following is from Acts 17:22 (and thereabouts) and I wanted to focus on the highlighted parts because I have always wondered what happens to the souls of people who do not have access to a Bible (although that is rare in today's information age...) or maybe they were taught by parents or whomever to not even bother reading it...

Well, this psg seems to answer my question... have read it before but... you know how it goes: One day you overlook something in the Word and another time, depending on your mood or circumstances or what have you, you pay better attention the 2nd or 3rd time you read it..

But Paul standing in the midst of the Areopagus, said: Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things you are too superstitious. 23For passing by, and seeing your idols, I found an altar also, on which was written: To the unknown God. What therefore you worship, without knowing it, that I preach to you: 24God, who made the world, and all things therein; he, being Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; 25Neither is he served with men's hands, as though he needed any thing; seeing it is he who giveth to all life, and breath, and all things: 26And hath made of one, all mankind, to dwell upon the whole face of the earth, determining appointed times, and the limits of their habitation. 27That they should seek God, if happily they may feel after him or find him, although he be not far from every one of us: 28For in him we live, and move, and are; as some also of your own poets said: For we are also his offspring. 29Being therefore the offspring of God, we must not suppose the divinity to be like unto gold, or silver, or stone, the graving of art, and device of man. 30And God indeed having [overlooked] at... times this ignorance, now declareth unto men, that all should every where do penance. 31Because he hath appointed a day wherein he will judge the world in equity, by the man whom he hath appointed; giving faith to all, by raising him up from the dead.

32And when they had heard of the resurrection of the dead, some indeed mocked, but others said: We will hear thee again concerning this matter. 33So Paul went out from among them. 34But certain men adhering to him, did believe; among whom was also Dionysius, the Areopagite, and a woman named Damaris, and others with them.
nobody will have an excuse;

Romans 1:20-21
King James Version

20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
Read full chapter

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